Characteristics of Bio-Plastic Composites From The Modified Cassava Starch and Konjac Glucomannan
Characteristics of Bio-Plastic Composites From The Modified Cassava Starch and Konjac Glucomannan
Characteristics of Bio-Plastic Composites From The Modified Cassava Starch and Konjac Glucomannan
The production of bio-plastics from modified cassava starch and konjac glucomannan had been widely and dependently developed but
still demonstrated characteristics that do not meet international quality standards. Therefore the key question for further exploration was
to improve the protocol so as to develop a composite bio-plastic using the aforementioned materials. This study aimed to determine
the ratio of modified cassava starch and konjac glucomannan and the concentration of acetic acid solution required to produce bio-
plastic composites with the best characteristics. This study followed a Factorial Randomized Block Design with two factors. Factor I
was the ratio of the modified cassava starch and konjac glucomannan, and consisted of 5 levels namely 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and
0: 100. The factor II was the concentration of acetic acid which consisted of 5 levels, viz., 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 %. Each treatment
combination was grouped into 4 blocks based on the processing time of making bio-plastic composites, resulting in an altogether
100 experimental units. The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance followed by Duncan’s multiple comparison tests.
The results showed that the ratio of the modified cassava starch and konjac glucomannan, the concentration of acetic acid and its
interaction had a very significant effect on the tensile strength, elongation at break, Young’s modulus, swelling and the degradation
time of bio-plastic composites. The ratio of the modified cassava starch:konjac glucomannan :: 75:25 with supplemented with 1 %
acetic acid produced the best bio-plastic composites with the desired characteristics viz., tensile strength of 1997.40 MPa, elongation
at break of 8.90 %, Young’s modulus of 22442.70 MPa, swelling of 10.40 % and the degradation time of 6.33 days. The surface profile
of bio-plastic composites in longitudinal appearance displayed presence of regular waveforms along with air cavities or regular pores.
Bio-plastic composite profile in transverse appearance revealed arrangement of fibers in the form of regular nets and smooth cross
links. These bio-plastic composites contained -OH, -CH, -C-C, -C=C, -NH and -C=O functional groups.
Key words: Bio-plastic composites, modified cassava starch, konjac glucomannan, acetic acid concentration
sorbitol had a tensile strength of 49.2 MPa, elongation at break modified cassava starch and konjac glucomannan with a ratio
of 8.9 %, Young’s modulus of 1095 MPa and swelling of 35, according to treatment, then added 93 g of acetic acid solution
49 %. Ariska and Suyatno (2015) showed that bio-plastic with a concentration according to treatment and stirred for 10
composites from banana hump starch and carrageenan in a 1:2 minutes with a spatula in glass beaker , then added plasticizer
ratio with glycerol as plasticizers had a tensile strength of 5.15 glycerol 1 g, followed by a 10-minutes stirring process for
MPa, elongation at break of 14.25 % and Young’s modulus homogenization. Next, the mixture was heated and stirred on the
of 0.36 MPa. Meanwhile, Siswanti et al. (2009) showed that waterbath at 75 ± 1oC until it formed a gel. The formed gel was
glucomannan and cornstarch composites in a ratio of 15:85 had a then printed on Teflon with a diameter of 20 cm. After that, it was
thickness value of 0.18 mm, solubility of 50.58 %, tensile strength dried in an oven at 50oC for 5 hours. The bio-plastic composite
of 1.49 MPa and elongation at a break of 30.56 %. According formed was cooled for 24 hours at room temperature (27±1oC).
to Maulana et al. (2016) decrease in ratio of glucomannan and
tapioca reduces the tensile strength and Young’s modulus, but Observation variables: Tensile strength, elongation at break,
increased the elongation at break. However Abdurrozag (2016) Young’s modulus (ASTM D638), swelling (Harsojuwono, 2016),
showed that the mixture ratio of 30 % konjac glucomannan, 70 degradation time / biodegradation (ISO 17556), surface profile
% starch with 25 % glycerol had characteristics with a tensile with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) (Harsojuwono et al,
strength of 9.3 MPa, elongation at break of 44.68 %, swelling of 2017) and functional groups with FTIR spectrometer (Gable,
136.73 % and the degradation time of 20.5 days. Primaningrum 2014).
and Sari, (2014) produced glucomannan and chitosan composites Data analysis: The data obtained were analysed for variance and
in a 1:3 ratio using 0.5 % acetic acid solution and 3 % glycerol followed by Duncan’s multiple comparison tests. The program
had a tensile strength of 2.14 MPa, Young’s modulus value of used for data analysis was SPSS 25.
9.52 MPa, and elongation at break 22.5 %, swelling of 41.67 %
with a degradation time of 6 days. Dewi (2015) produced a bio- Results
plastic composite of cassava skin starch and chitosan in a 4: 1 Tensile strength, elongation at break and Young’s modulus:
ratio using 1 % acetic acid solution and 1.5 % glycerol produced Analysis of variance showed that a ratio of the modified cassava
a tensile strength of 0.39 MPa, elongation at a break of 44.06 starch - konjac glucomannan and acetic acid concentration
%, Young’s modulus of 0.08 MPa and the degradation time of 7 and their interactions have a very significant effect on tensile
days. Al Hasan and Norziah (2012) explained that the formation strength, elongation at break and Young’s Modulus of bio-plastic
of composite films from a mixture of starch and gelatin improved composites. The mean values of tensile strength, elongation at
its mechanical properties compared to the formation of films from break and Young’s Modulus of bio-plastic composites ranged from
individual material alone. 959.69 - 1990.47 MPa, 8.90 - 18.90 % and 5421.98 - 22442.70
The above finding shows that a ratio of the mixture of polymer MPa, respectively, as shown in Table 1. The Table 1 shows that
materials and the concentration of acetic acids influenced the the highest mean of tensile strength with value of 1997.40 MPa
characteristics of bio-plastic composites. The optimum value of owned by the composite with a ratio of the modified cassava
modified cassava starch-konjac glucomannan ratio and acetic acid starch - konjac glucomannan = 75:25 with addition of 1 % acetic
concentration in the manufacture of bio-plastic composites has acid. The low mean tensile strength values were from bio-plastic
not been identified. Thus, it is necessary to explore the mixing composites with a ratio of the modified cassava starch - konjac
ratio of the modified cassava starch-konjac glucomannan and glucomannan = 0:100 added with 0, 0.5, 1.5, and 2.0 % acetic acid
the concentration of acetic acid solution that can improve and concentration. This is not significantly different from the mean of
enahnce the bio-plastics composites characteristics in accordance tensile strength possessed by bio-plastic composites with a ratio
with the International Plastic Standards. The purpose of this of the modified cassava starch - konjac glucomannan = 100:0;
study was to investigate the effect of the modified cassava starch- 50:50; 25:75 at 0 % acetic acid concentration and a 25:75 ratio
konjac glucomannan ratio and acetic acid concentration on the at 0.5 % acetic acid concentration. Table 1 also shows that the
characteristics of bio-plastic composites. lowest mean of elongation at break (8.90 %) shown by bio-plastic
composites with a ratio of the modified cassava starch - konjac
Materials and methods glucomannan = 75:25 at 1 % acetic acid concentration, followed
Material: The materials used in this study were the modified by 1.5 % acetic acid concentration with value of 8.99 %. This
cassava starch from Indo Food Chem., pure konjac glucomannan value was not significantly different with elongation at break of
from CV Nura Jaya, acetic acid, glycerol and aquadest from bio-plastic composite in a ratio of the modified cassava starch -
Bratha Chem. konjac glucomannan = 100: 0 at 1 % acetic acid concentration,
and a ratio of 75:25 at acetic acid concentration of 0, 0.5, 2.0 %
Research design: Using factorial randomized block design. The
. It was also not significantly different with elongation at break
first factor was ratio of the modified cassava starch - konjac
of bio-plastic composites with a ratio of the modified cassava
glucomannan, consisting of 5 levels, namely 100:0, 75:25, 50:50,
starch - konjac glucomannan = 50:50 at acetic acid concentration
25:75, and 0:100. The second factor was concentration of acetic
of 0 - 2.0 %, as well as a ratio of 25:75 at acetic acid concentration
acid which consisted of 5 levels, namely 0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0 %.
of 1 %. Table 1 also shows the highest mean Young’s Modulus
Each treatment combination was grouped into 4 based on the
owned by bio-plastic composites with a ratio of the modified
time of the bio-plastic manufacturing process, with total of 100
cassava starch - konjac glucomannan = 75:25 at 1 % acetic acid
experimental units.
concentration with a value of 22442.70 MPa. The high mean of
Making of bio-plastic composites: Took 6 g of a mixture of Young’s Modulus is also owned by bio-plastic composites with
Journal of Applied Horticulture (
Bio-plastic composites from the modified cassava starch and konjac glucomannan 15
a ratio of the modified cassava starch - konjac glucomannan = 75:25 at 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2 % acetic acid concentration, took
0:100 at acetic acid concentration of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 %, and the longest time to degrade. This is not significantly different
a ratio of 100:0 at concentration of 0, 1.5 and 2.0 %. This is not with the degradation time of bio-plastic composites with a ratio
significantly different with elongation at break of bio-plastic of the modified cassava starch - konjac glucomannan = 50:50 at
composites with a ratio of the modified cassava starch - konjac 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 %, 2.0 % acetic acid concentration and a ratio of
glucomannan = 50:50 at 0 % acetic acid concentration and a ratio 25:75 at concentration of 1.5 and 2.0 %. Meanwhile the mean
of 25:75 at 0, 1.5 and 2.0 % acetic acid concentration. of bio-plastic composites degradation time with a ratio of the
Table 1. Tensile strength, elongation at break and Young’s modulus of modified cassava starch - konjac glucomannan = 0:100 at 0, 0.5,
bio-plastic composites on ratio variations of the modified cassava starch 1.0, 1.5 %, 2.0 % acetic acid concentration, took the shortest
- konjac glucomannan and acetic acid concentration time, which is not significantly different from the time of bio-
Ratio* Mean of tensile Mean of elongation Mean of Young’s plastic composites degradation with a ratio the modified cassava
strength (MPa) at break ( %) modulus (MPa) starch - konjac glucomannan = 25:75 at 0, 0.5 and 1.0 % acetic
100 : 0 ; 0 % 1027.40cd 18.90a 5435.98d
acid concentration.
100 : 0 ; 0.5 % 1336.70bc 18.70a 7148.13cd
Table 2. Swelling and the degradation time of bio-plastic composites in
100 : 0 ; 1 % 1657.43 b
10.32 bc
16060.37b variations in a ratio of the modified cassava starch - konjac glucomannan
100 : 0 ; 1.5 % 1295.90bc 18.63a 6955.99d and acetic acid concentration
Ratio* Mean of swelling (%) Mean of degradation
100 : 0 ; 2 % 1102.45c 18.88a 5839.25d
time (day)
75 : 25 ; 0 % 1257.43 bc
11.32b c
11108.04c 100 : 0 ; 0 % 9.42d 7,33a
75 : 25 ; 0.5 % 1332.70bc 10.70bc 12455.14c 100 : 0 ; 0.5 % 9.12d 7,33a
75 : 25 ; 1 % 1997.40a 8.90c 22442.70a 100 : 0 ; 1 % 9.00d 7,33a
75 : 25 ; 1.5 % 1463.60 bc
9.99 c
14650.65 bc
100 : 0 ; 1.5 % 9.62 d
75 : 25 ; 2 % 1385.40bc 10.80bc 12827,78c 100 : 0 ; 2 % 9.72d 7,67a
50 : 50 ; 0 % 1081.60cd 11.70bc 9244.44cd 75 : 25 ; 0 % 12.70 c
50 : 50 ; 0.5 % 1112.21c 10.32bc 10777.23c 75 : 25 ; 0.5 % 11.12c 6,33a
50 : 50 ; 1 % 1221.32bc 10.93bc 12299.30c 75 : 25 ; 1 % 10.40 c
50 : 50 ; 1.5 % 1178.36c 10.56bc 11158.71c 75 : 25 ; 1.5 % 10.59c 6,33a
50 : 50 ; 2 % 1154.38c 11.54bc 10003.29c 75 : 25 ; 2 % 11.77 c
Fig. 1. The longitudinal surface profile (a) bio-plastic composites at a Fig. 2. The transverse surface profile (a) bio-plastic composites in a ratio
ratio of the modified cassava starch - konjac glucomannan = 75:25 with of the modified cassava starch - konjac glucomannan = 75:25 with 1 %
1 % acetic acid concentration at 3000X magnification, (b) the modified acetic acid concentration at 180X magnification, (b) the modified cassava
cassava starch bio-plastics at 3000X magnification (Harsojuwono, et starch bio-plastics at 180X magnification (Harsojuwono et al, 2018)
al., 2018 )
on a ratio of the modified cassava starch - konjac glucomannan starch-konjac glucomannan, initially increased tensile strength
= 75:25 with 1 % acetic acid concentration, is shown in Fig. 2a, was observed but after achieving the optimum ratio, the decrease
while the comparison of Harsojuwono’s (2018), showed research in the ratio of modified cassava starch - konjac glucomannan
results is the modified cassava starch bio-plastic, shown in Fig. caused a decrease in tensile strength of bio-plastic composite.
2b. In Fig. 2a, the arrangement of fibers in the form of regular This is in accordance with Jian et al. (2016) who explained that
nets and smooth cross links of bio-plastic composites formed by the greater increase in glucomannan in the Tilapia myofibrillar
the modified cassava starch polymers and glucomannan is seen. protein caused a decrease in the strength of the gel from the bio-
Meanwhile, Fig. 2b shows the arrangement of fibers in the form plastic composite. Meanwhile, an increase in the concentration of
of nets or cross links with larger and taller fiber protrusions. acetic acid also decreases the tensile strength value after optimum
conditions. This is in accordance with result of the research by
The functional group of bio-plastic composite: The spectrogram Yang et al. (2013) who stated that the use of acidic pH or high
in Fig. 3 shows the wave number range 453.27 to 3984.93 cm-1 acidity will cause degradation during the gelatinization process
which is owned by bio-plastic composites on a ratio the modified which has an impact on tensile strength. In this study, the highest
cassava starch - konjac glucomannan = 75:25 with 1 % acetic average tensile strength was owned by bio-plastic composites
acid concentration, while in Fig. 4 shows the wave number with a ratio of the modified cassava starch - konjac glucomannan
range 435.91 up to 3460.30 cm-1 that owned by bio-plastic of the = 75:25 at 1 % acetic acid concentration of 1997.40 MPa. This
modified cassava starch of the research Harsojuwono, et al., 2018. value is higher than the results of research by Harsojuwono,
Comparison between Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, show that the number of et al. (2018) who made bio-plastic from the modified cassava
wave numbers detected is more in Fig. 3 and the known functional starch with tensile strength values of 1657.43 MPa. This is
groups are also more than in Fig. 4. much higher than the bio-plastic composite of carrageenan and
cassava starch in a 3:2 ratio using 0.5 % sorbitol which has a
Discussion 49.2 MPa tensile strength (Dinda, et al., 2014), also higher than
The tensile strength, elongation at break and Young’s a composite of the sago starch and natural rubber latex which
modulus: Starting with lower ratio of the modified cassava has a tensile strength value of 20.73 MPa (Cheong et al, 2010),
Journal of Applied Horticulture (
Bio-plastic composites from the modified cassava starch and konjac glucomannan 17
Fig. 3. The wave number spectra of bio-plastic composites in a ratio of the modified cassava starch - konjac glucomannan
= 75:25 with 1 % acetic acid concentration
Fig. 4. The wave number spectra of the modified cassava starch bio-plastics (Harsojuwono, et al, 2018)
and also bio-plastic composites of glucomannan and corn starch than elongation at break of the breadfruit and chitosan starch
with tensile strength values of 1.49MPa (Siswanti, et al., 2013), composite which has the value of 6.00 % (Setiani et al., 2016).
bio-plastic composites from konjac tuber and CMC starch with The value of elongation at break from a bio-plastic composite
value of 18.68 MPa (Sari, 2016) as well as a glucomannan-based of the modified cassava starch - konjac glucomannan has met
bio-plastic composites from research of Maulana et al. (2016) international plastic standards (ASTM5336) which stipulate
which has a tensile strength value of 0.67 MPa. However, a that elongation at break is less than 500 % for PCL plastics from
bio-plastic composite of the modified cassava starch - konjac England, as well as PLA plastic standards from Japan that set
glucomannan only meets the PCL plastic standard from the UK maximum of the elongation at break of 9 %. In addition it was
which stipulates a minimum tensile strength value of 190 MPa shown that bio-plastic composites with a ratio of the modified
but does not meet international plastic standards (ASTM 5336) cassava starch - konjac glucomannan = 75: 25 at 1 % acetic
for PLA plastics from Japan that establish a tensile strength acid concentration had the highest average Young’s Modulus
value of 2050 MPa (Averous , 2009). Meanwhile, the low mean with a value is 22442.70 MPa. This Young’s Modulus value is
of elongation at break is shown by bio-plastic composites with higher than the modified cassava starch bio-plastics obtained by
a ratio of the modified cassava starch - konjac glucomannan = Harsojuwono et al. (2018) whose value is 16060.37 MPa. This is
75:25 at 1 % acetic acid concentration with value of 8.90 % and much higher than the composites of glucomannan and chitosan
1.5 % acetic acid concentration with value of 8.99 %. This shows in a ratio of 1: 3 at 0.5 % acetic acid concentration with Young’s
that the mean of elongation at break is lower than elongation Modulus values 9.52
MPa (Primaningrum et al., 2014), as well as
at break of the modified cassava starch bio-plastic which has the composites of cassava skin starch and chitosan in a 4: 1 ratio
the value is 10.32 % (Harsojuwono et al, 2018) but still higher at 1 % acetic acid concentration with Young’s modulus value of
Journal of Applied Horticulture (
18 Bio-plastic composites from the modified cassava starch and konjac glucomannan
0.08 MPa (Dewi, 2015). According to Leuangsukrerk et al. (2014) Gunorubon and Dagde (2012) the level of acidity influences the
an increase in the ratio of glucomannan and whey protein isolates formation of bio-plastic cross linking. It was further explained that
causes an increase in Young’s modulus, and tensile strength but optimum acidity produces bio-plastics which are acid resistant,
decreases the transparency of the film composites. tolerant to high temperatures, stirring, but not easily swelling and
having a high viscosity.
Swelling and biodegradability: There was a tendency that
the lower the ratio of the modified cassava starches to the The functional group of bio-plastic composite: based on
glucomannan, the higher the swelling of bio-plastic composites. information on wave numbers and functional groups from
This seems to be related to the ability of glucomannan to absorb Gable (2014), the functional groups contained in the bio-plastic
and retain water in the gel which reaches more than 300 % of the composites on a ratio of the modified cassava starch - konjac
weight of the dry matter. This was in accordance with the study glucomannan = 75:25 with 1 % acetic acid concentration, are
by Leuangsukrerk et al. (2014) which showed that the higher functional groups of (O-H), (C-H), (C-N), (C-O), (C-C), (N-H),
glucomannan ratio to whey protein isolates caused a decrease -(CH2)n, (C=C) and (C=O). The functional group detected in
in integrity but increased swelling of bio-plastic composites. this composite bio-plastic is slightly different than the results of
According to Maulana et al. (2016), the lower ratio of the a study by Harsojuwono et al. (2018) which found a functional
tapioca and glucomannan caused an increase in swelling of group of (O-H), (C-H), (C-N), (C-O), (C-C), (N-H), -(CH2)n,
biopolymer composites. They explained that the ratio of tapioca (C=C) and (C-OH) in bio-plastic modified starch. According to
and glucomannan = 5:5 causes an increase in swelling reaching Cheong et al. (2010), the FTIR spectrum of films exhibited a
33.12 %. Meanwhile, according to Cheng et al. (2006), this is wide O-H stretching absorbance centered around 3400 cm-1, a
related to the extensive interaction between plasticizers and slight C-H stretching band at 2921 cm-1, and a characteristic set
glucomannan which affected the active (OH) side, thus affecting of strong C-O stretching bands between 960-1190 cm-1.
the ability to absorb water or swelling. In addition, there was a The conclusion of this study are that the ratio of the modified
tendency that the smaller the ratio of the modified cassava starch cassava starch - konjac glucomannan, the concentration of
to the glucomannan, shorter was the degradation time. According acetic acid and their interaction had a very significant effect on
to Torres et al. (2011), all starch-based films decompose in three tensile strength, elongation at break, Young’s modulus, swelling
stages of the process, which are weight loss of up to 30 % due to and the degradation time of bio-plastic composites. The best
glycerol washing, loss of up to 90 % due to biological activity, bio-plastic composites was obtained at a ratio of the modified
loss of up to 95 % due to further biodegradation which causes cassava starch - konjac glucomannan = 75:25 with 1 % acetic
reduced the mechanics properties. It was further explained that acid concentration that had characteristics: tensile strength of
rate of the weight loss of starch-based films is higher than rate 1997.40 MPa, elongation at break of 8.90 %, Young’s modulus
of the weight loss of cellulose-based films. The bio-plastic of 22442.70 MPa, swelling of 10.40 % and the degradation
composites of modified cassava starch and glucomannan have a time of 6.33 days. Meanwhile, the surface profile of bio-plastic
mean degradation time of 2.33 - 7.67 days; this is shorter than composites in longitudinal appearance shows the presence of
the degradation time of a mixture of 30 % glucomannan and 70 regular wave forms along with air cavities or regular pores. Bio-
% starch which has a degradation time of 20.5 days (Abdurrozag, plastic composite profile in transverse appearance shows the
2016). The degradation time of other composites that entered the arrangement of fibers in the form of regular nets and smooth cross
degradation time span of bio-plastic composites from modified links. These bio-plastic composites contain functional groups: (O-
cassava starch - konjac glucomannan (2.33-7.67 days) was a H), (C-H), (C-N), (C-O), (C-C), (C=C), (N-H), -(CH2)n and (C=O).
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(2014). Primaningrum and Sari (2014) showed that bio-plastic Acknowledgement
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Likewise, the results of Dewi’s research (2015) showed that the funding and facilitating the publication of this scientific article.
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