Completed Essay
Completed Essay
Completed Essay
Submitted to
Professor Tonio Sadik
for the course
Technologies, World and Society
(SOC 3116C)
University of Ottawa
November 15, 2010
In todayʼs developed economies, the value of information is vastly greater than it has been in
the past. A movement toward innovation in the development of knowledge and other non-
physical assets has coincided with the rapid adoption, diffusion, and domestication of a
access and create information has become a central factor in discriminating between social
groups and classes. As stated by Karshmer (1995, pg 1), “Access to the information highway
may prove to be less a question of privilege or position than one of the basic ability to function
in a democratic society”.
Many technologies develop through the ABC of social power (Green 2002) - the military,
government and corporate establishments - before reaching the mass market and becoming
available to consumers. This tends to mean that technologies are designed for specific uses,
and are then adapted to meet the needs of the mass market by enterprises. Unfortunately
however, this can often mean that users whose abilities and requirements donʼt conform to
those of the “mass market” may be unable to access, use, or fully realise the potential of new
technological developments, for example users with all types of disabilities. This evolutionary
process also means that technology is out of step with other areas such as architecture,
education, or employment, which in various countries have regulations ensuring that people
with disabilities arenʼt discriminated against in terms of accessing products and services
The effect of this misalignment is that these users are unable to fully access the information
available to the majority of users and are put an an unfair disadvantage in their pursuit of work
and leisure activities (Glinert and York 2008). One group in particular being disadvantaged by
this off-kilter technological evolution is visually impaired users, specifically low-vision or zero-
perceive much of the communication that fully-sighted users take for granted, so this needs to
can be difficult for those with visual problems to understand the depth of communication that
One emerging technology which is rapidly being adopted by the mass market is the use of
touchscreens and related user interfaces in a wide variety of devices, replacing previously
tactile devices and interfaces. Led by the latest wave of smartphones including Appleʼs
iPhone and devices running on Googleʼs Android platform, touchscreens are being used in a
broader array of technologies than ever including cameras, computers, public information
kiosks and ATMs. Devices which use touchscreens are being trumpeted in their markets as
providing a new paradigm for user interaction which is easier to understand, more flexible,
and is fundamentally reshaping the way society thinks about how computers should work (for
example shifting from using many applications at once to using only one). This marketing
strategy has certainly been successful, with over 120 million devices running Appleʼs iOS and
Googleʼs Android having been sold over the past few years (AdMob Inc. 2010).
One serious and unanticipated problem with the adoption of touchscreen technology,
however, is the effect it has on the ability of visually-impaired individuals to use the devices
harnessing this ʻinteraction revolutionʼ (Mathema 2009). As McGookin (2008, pp 1-2) states,
“Unlike the controls on a standard mobile telephone or public access terminal, that can be
between controls and display space. Whilst a visually impaired person can learn the locations
and functions of tactile control panels on current mobile telephones and public access
terminals, attempting to do the same with touchscreen based devices is much harder, due to
the lack of tactile distinguishment between virtual buttons and surrounding surfaces.”
Criticism can also be leveled at past touch-based devices, which due to to the technology in
the screens were imprecise, inconsistent and generally difficult to use - even for individuals
with perfect vision. For many visually impaired users, having these awkward touchscreens
domesticated into their lives has left a bad impression of touch technologies that still exists
today, even though the experience of using such devices has progressed so significantly. If
the touchscreen is on something that the user interacts with every day, for example a
microwave at home, a workaround will often be developed such as tactile annotations on the
screen or simply memorising the locations of buttons. However, if the touch interface is
something unfamiliar (for example an ATM that the person has never been to before), a blind
user will often have to either ask for help, or will simply avoid using the machine (Kane,
This is not to say that tactile interfaces have been ideal in the past. McGookin (2008) revealed
that while many specifically designed assistive technologies are available, they are often very
expensive and badly-designed and so users will instead appropriate “mainstream” devices to
their needs rather than using assistive devices. For example, the choice between a
specifically-designed but expensive mobile phone which allows access to many features in
the one device compared to a cheap, yet large and simple mobile phone where only basic
tasks can be accomplished is one that visually impaired users must often make. Users will
can be completed with a device, rather than getting an all-in-one device that is difficult to
operate or using the functionality already built into something they already own.
It is also important to consider the effect of software upon computer interactions, and the
trends which occur between hardware and software. Specifically, visually impaired users are
most affected by the alignment of mouse-based with desktop and touch-based with mobile
The traditional WIMP (windows, icons, menus and pointers) interface that most major desktop
computer operating systems use is a relatively complex paradigm, even for users with full
vision. Nonetheless it has been domesticated as the standard interaction scheme for desktop
computers, and most users have some degree of familiarity with itʼs operation. However,
because low- and zero-sight users are less able to gather visual information, and thus find it
much harder to distinguish small objects like icons and pointers, interaction with WIMP-based
systems becomes very difficult (Fraser and Gutwin 2000). It is also difficult for users with
limited vision because the mouse provides no frame of reference against which to position the
cursor on the screen, making it easier to “lose” the cursor and more difficult to make accurate
selections and movements. Nonetheless, because the WIMP model has become the standard
interface, many assistive tools have been developed to supplement its shortcomings,
adjustment software. As Glinert and York (2008, pg 4) state, “What is required are
mechanisms for fundamentally modifying the visual aspects of the display in conjunction with
the manner in which information is conveyed. In the absence of such mechanisms, modern
window-based interfaces are more often a curse than a blessing to handicapped individuals.”
The prevailing interaction scheme used in touch-based devices today is a task-focused one (a
modal interface) where in an interface a user can perform only one task and can only exit that
interface by either completing the task at hand or cancelling it (Vanderdonckt and Berquin
devices have limited screen space and so must present information in the most efficient and
effective way) and usability innovation (having only one task on screen makes the device less
confusing to use). Because touchscreens directly link the user input with the output (for
example pinching a photo to zoom out or tapping a toggle to switch a feature on and off),
fully-sighted users generally find touch-based devices more intuitive upon first encountering
them. This also eliminates a key difficult of other interfaces - the mouse. By providing this
direct interaction, there is no requirement for a point of reference against which to manipulate
the device (other than the device itself) . Visually impaired users do however experience the
as they do for mouse/WIMP interfaces - namely, their lack of visual acuity makes it difficult to
determine what they are supposed to be touching or gesturing on (Kane, Bigham et al. 2008).
What this also means is that interfaces between different tasks and pieces of software can be
vastly different, unlike the relatively uniform and predictable designs of WIMP interfaces which
must conform to the control scheme enforced by the accepted keyboard and mouse
The main problem for visually-impaired users caused by the introduction of touchscreens is
that the accessibility features of the devices in which they are used are significantly
requirement for accessibility in technological devices, but manufacturers are realising that
catering to people with visual impairments will increase the potential size of the market they
are able to sell to, as well as improving the interfaces they design for fully-sighted users - that
is, by adding accessibility features they can make their devices more useful to all potential
by making the naturally developed technology of touchscreens fulfill the social requirements
The accessibility feature of touchscreens follow the same logic as the features in tactile
interfaces; that is, ʻsensory substitutionʼ, whereby the same information is conveyed in a
different mode so that it is perceived by another sense (in this case, a non-visual sense like
touch or hearing). The general concept of cross-modal icons seems to be an effective one,
where touching a visual icon on screen results in unique earcons and tactons (aural and
tactile equivalents to a visual icon) which represent the area or item touched (Hoggan and
Brewster 2007). This feedback scheme can be taken even further, with the use of intelligent
speech synthesis and voice recognition so that devices can generate on-demand audio for
reading out web pages or other ad-hoc text and displayed information, and can respond to a
userʼs natural language inputs. Both Appleʼs iOS and Googleʼs Android have had the features
recently incorporated into their software in limited ways, along with modified touch interaction
“Because VoiceOver (iOSʼs inbuilt screenreader) works with iPhoneʼs touchscreen, you
interact directly with objects on the screen and can naturally understand their location and
context. So, when you touch the upper-left corner of the screen, youʼll hear whatʼs in the
upper left corner of a web page, and as you drag your finger around the screen, youʼll learn
whatʼs nearby, providing an amazing new sense of context and relationship between the
items you hear. For many, VoiceOver on iPhone will provide, perhaps for the first time, a true
sense of how things appear on screen, not just descriptions of what they are.” (Apple Inc.
At present, significant research is occurring into the most effective way to further develop
accessibility features for visually-impaired users to aid their interaction with touch-based
- Accessibility features need to be further developed as a deep part of the software that touch-
based devices run so that all programs on the device can access uniform, sophisticated
accessibility frameworks.
- Users with different types of visual impairment have different requirements in terms of
- Uniformity in interface design is required, that is certain actions always have the same
feedback or are always activated in the same place so that users can transfer knowledge
between applications. Cross-modal feedback is also required for all interactions if the user
requests it.
“Home” button on Appleʼs iPhone. Likewise, avoid using interfaces which rely on spatial
awareness to activate features because this is often a stumbling-block for visually impaired
Touchscreen technology seemingly has significant potential to positively alter the way visually
impaired users access and create information. In a society and economy that is based around
mismatch between touch devices and their relevant accessibility features reduces the utility of
touch devices, however with increased awareness of the plight of disabled users along with
the rapid adoption and domestication of touchscreens, these features are being swiftly
developed to match the advanced state of touchscreen hardware. It is also important to note
that improved accessibility for visually-impaired users helps to develop better visual and non-
visual interfaces for sighted users, and the knowledge that is attained here in terms of
interaction modes and methods can be applied across a broad spectrum of areas and will in
Academic Sources
Bonner, M., J. Brudvik, et al. (2010). No-Look Notes: Accessible Eyes-Free Multi-touch Text
Entry. Pervasive Computing. P. Floréen, A. Krüger and M. Spasojevic, Springer Berlin /
Heidelberg. 6030: 409-426.
Fraser, J. and C. Gutwin (2000). A framework of assistive pointers for low vision users.
Proceedings of the fourth international ACM conference on Assistive technologies.
Arlington, Virginia, United States, ACM: 9-16.
Glinert, E. P. and B. W. York (2008). "Computers and People with Disabilities." ACM Trans.
Access. Comput. 1(2): 1-7.
Green, L. (2002). Communication, Technology and Society. Sydney, Allen and Unwin.
Hoggan, E. and S. Brewster (2007). Designing audio and tactile crossmodal icons for mobile
devices. Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Multimodal interfaces.
Nagoya, Aichi, Japan, ACM: 162-169.
Kane, S. K., J. P. Bigham, et al. (2008). Slide rule: making mobile touch screens accessible to
blind people using multi-touch interaction techniques. Proceedings of the 10th
international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility. Halifax,
Nova Scotia, Canada, ACM: 73-80.
Karshmer, A. I. and K. Kaugars (1995). "Equal access to information for all: making the world
of electronic information more accessible to the handicapped in our society." SIGCAPH
Comput. Phys. Handicap.(52-53): 11-23.
McGookin, D., S. Brewster, et al. (2008). Investigating touchscreen accessibility for people
with visual impairments. Proceedings of the 5th Nordic conference on Human-
computer interaction: building bridges. Lund, Sweden, ACM: 298-307.
Vanderdonckt, J. and P. Berquin (1999). Towards a very large model-based approach for user
interface development. User Interfaces to Data Intensive Systems, 1999. Proceedings.
Non-academic sources