Design of Automatic Wall Plastering Machine

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Article · April 2017

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.439237


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ISSN: 2277-9655
[Askar* et al., 6(3): March, 2017] Impact Factor: 4.116
IC™ Value: 3.00 CODEN: IJESS7

Ankush N. Askar*, Laukik P. Raut
Student, M. Tech CAD/CAM, GHRCE Nagpur, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, GHRCE Nagpur, India

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.439237

Due to manual process of wall plastering on construction site, there is a huge scale requirement of labor and hence
the labor cost is responsible for increasing the price of construction or project work. The quality of work is mostly
depending on the skill of the labor work in manual plastering process.

The solution of these problems is just to automate the process, so that there will be a saving of period and cost
and getting good plaster finishing to the walls. The plastering machine can plaster the walls automatically and
very smoothly. Due to which the process will fast and there will be saving of cost and time this will helps to reduce
the total cost, total time which ultimately responsible for the growth and hence the progress rate of a country is
going to increase.

KEYWORDS: Plastering, Plasterboard, AC/DC motor, gears, wire ropes, labor cost etc.
Construction sector is responsible for a progress of any country, because most of the growth of the nation is
depending upon industrialization, civilization, transportation etc which compulsorily has their initial stage of
building construction or simply construction. It is a biggest economic sector because of it the development trade
in most countries amounts to 10-20% of the total national product, still due to labor demand and most of the work
is repetitive it is a slow manual process [2]. So for improving the economic growth of the country and indirectly
developing the lifestyle of the country’s people there must be need of improving the techniques of working.
Construction sector is unique sector which required more time and money, having very slow and stepwise process.

Presently in construction sector near about all the processes are manual which required more time for their
completion. Due to which the cost of the project is maximum, hence it must be necessary to automate the processes
in the construction work and improve the efficiency of it. Wall plastering is the main procedure among the
processes followed in the building construction, which is used for plaster the walls of the construction to get
smooth and finished wall surfaces. Plastering is also essential to give specified strength to the walls; it protects
the walls from moisture from both the sides. Wall plastering also gives good look to the walls and ultimately
creates best residential condition in the particular room. But in present days wall plastering is being done manually
in most of the part of world i.e. the procedure of wall plastering is being done with the assist of labors. Due to
which the process is lengthy. So this is an initiative towards the automation in plastering technique.


The existing technique for plastering the walls is manual i.e. the labors are used to plaster the walls with their
hand by using some instruments like flat board or other flat surface object which are made by metal, wood or
plastic. Fig. 1 describes the current plastering techniques. In this process the mortar which is the mixture of cement
and sand has been spread on the wall which is to be plaster with the help of these objects. After dispersal the
mortar the labor need to concentrate to make a skinny film of mortar on the wall, which has been smooth and
having good surface finish. Due to which labor need to work repeatedly until he get the required surface finish.

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ISSN: 2277-9655
[Askar* et al., 6(3): March, 2017] Impact Factor: 4.116
IC™ Value: 3.00 CODEN: IJESS7

Fig. 1 Current plastering methods

This process takes long time and consumes additional human power. So due to this slow process the labor cost
has also been increase as the labors are working on daily basis. If the labor is not a skilled person then there have
been a low quality work and there have been wastage of material. Ultimately the manual plastering technique
have some downsides like high cost, more time, material wastage and low quality work due to unskilled labors.

In the manual plastering technique, the crucial factor is skilled labor because of which plastering has been done
on the walls, but presently there is lack of skilled labors due to which it is very inconvenient to complete this
process. The labor requires more time to finish the process which increases their wages and hence the total
plastering or labor cost increases.

From the above discussion about old plastering techniques, problems in old plastering techniques, their downsides,
background of the plastering method and the decided aim to be achieve following are some objective have been
1. This Machine will reduce the human work.
2. It will be straight forward in construction and simple to control.
3. Higher excellence of the plaster can acquire.
4. It will be move horizontally from to other place. So that it will be portable.
5. It will assist to save labor cost.
6. It will avoid wastages of the mortar, thus to save the cost.
7. Machine cost will be less than existing machines.
8. It can be control with the help of remote controller.

For the modification of the plastering technique lots of work had been done in the past by many people, but due
to some problems or deficiencies in that some machines has not been that much in working condition. For getting
an idea about the work done in the record on plastering technique it is necessary to do the literature survey and
review. According to that following are some vital points which have been taken from the recoded literature and
are very much important for designing new Automatic plastering machine.

History of plastering machine

Ali Al-Hamad, etal [1] stated that the machines were developed firstly have a task of mixing automatically and
made mixture due to which it was easy for plastering. The launching of RUMA 1, Putzmeister 1 and Putzmeister
Gipsomat developed in sixties century. The AMPA machine is the development in machines.

Israe is the country in which ‘TAMIR’ had been developed. But these innovations have not been capable to give
a step ahead in the plastering industry. Thus even today, the plastering machines developed in the sixties are still
considered to be up to date.

Trowel Technique
Mahesha P.K, etal [2] Experimented the trowel operation procedure which is a customary plastering method. The
exact plastering procedure is dependent on how the trowel is being used and apply coat of mortar on wall.
Receiving a good finish is the grouping of compact force combined with the right angle of trowel, how distant the
foremost edge is with the wall. The foremost edge will be approximately 10-15 mm away apart from the wall.

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ISSN: 2277-9655
[Askar* et al., 6(3): March, 2017] Impact Factor: 4.116
IC™ Value: 3.00 CODEN: IJESS7

Fig. 2 Trowel technique

Arunkumar Biradar, etal [3] Demonstrated the trowel technique. The right layer technique is essential with
exclusively the trowel getting used to use and end the skim coat. Achieving a well-mannered finish is that the
grouping of compact pressure and the correct angle of trowel. So front position of the trowel is an absolute
approach from the wall. With the resultant stroke, the plaster is simply spread with the help of trowel on the wall

Fig.2 describes the trowel operation technique in early covering technique. The right layering method is vital with
exclusively the trowel used to and finished the skim coat. Achieving a well-mannered end is that the combination
of compact pressure and the correct angle of trowel (how so much the front position is from the wall). Layering
technique for applying plaster is initiated by trowel burdened with plaster, the front position of trowel need to
move step by step addicted to the wall. With resultant hit of trowel used for layering the plaster as only applied.
There'll be no plaster on trowel and it'll be quite flat the forefronts are more or less ten-fifteen millimeter unit
detached from the wall.

Pre-plastering requirements
Mahesha P.K, etal [2] Stated that the brick structure should be developed in proper manner, with the
manufacturer’s condition and suggested installation procedure. All pre-requirement must be fulfilled, otherwise
failing to permit the condition to fully cure can result in excess contraction and cracking on the pointing lines after
the walls plastering. 3 mm deviation in surface alignment is allowable over 1200 mm radius.

Components need to be fabricate

Arunkumar Biradar, etal [3] Shows that the structures of a machine are fabricated by using required necessary
components like steel frame, sheet metal, metal bars, lead screw, AC/DC motors, wheels nut and bolts all these
can be well assembled as for the requirement.

Ali Al-Hamad, etal [1] explained that, the components need to be fabricated for the machine are ceiling bean, steel
tube, upper adjustable touch, conveyor belt, plastering board, resist board, supporting bar, lower adjustable touch,
hydraulic base, hydraulic handle, hydraulic pedal, oil window, driving shaft, rollers, driveshaft, gears, pulleys etc.

Drive technology or control components

Mahesha P.K, etal [2] Stated that the microcontroller is family to use on-chip spark recall for program storage, as
opposed to one-time programmable ROM, EPROM, or EEPROM used by other microcontrollers at the time. With
a single cycle instruction RISC CPU and a loaded attribute set, the structural design ensures fast code execution
combined with the lowest possible power consumption.

G. Pritschow, etal [4] Shows that due to small working envelop the controller for mobility of robot should be
accurate, which can be a microcontroller. Thus the movable podium should be able to go up and go down the
staircase. Compact dimensions will allow the robot to pass through doorways and to work in small rooms. A low-
cost PC depends run system will be used for motion control, sensor signal processing and human machine

Mechanical Concept
Arivazhagan.B [5], explained the mechanical design of the plastering machine which consists of the motor pump
to push the cement mix, Funnel to load the cement mix, flexible pipe to bear the cement blend to the hopper,
horizontal bar guide to move the plastering unit horizontally, horizontal top to grasp the vertical bar guide and
move beside the horizontal direction, vertical rail guide to move the hopper vertically, vertical head to grasp the
hopper and move beside vertically, cement mix inlet to the hopper, the hopper to hold cement mix provisionally,
cylinder slot to discharges the cement consistently with the pressure from the pump present in hopper, metal sheet

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ISSN: 2277-9655
[Askar* et al., 6(3): March, 2017] Impact Factor: 4.116
IC™ Value: 3.00 CODEN: IJESS7
to evenly smudge the cement on the walls. Basic Concept and Enabling Technologies using a Mobile Robot
Internal Plastering [6], According to paper, for the mobility criteria in a building site environment a mobile
platform capable of hiking and downward stairs is necessary. The best solution is offered by the caterpillar drive
which is robust and capable of overcoming inclines of up to 40ᴼ. To facilitate automated plastering and to
compensate positioning errors the degrees of autonomy are required in a robotic arm.

G. Pritschow, etal [4] Stated that the robotic manipulator must have some degrees of autonomy these are, two
degrees of autonomy for plaster application in a plane for a single robot working position. A further degree of
autonomy is required to compensate for tilting of the movable machine and thus enable parallel motion of the
plastering tool with respect to the wall or ceiling.

Working of plastering Machine

Arunkumar Biradar, etal [3], explained that the initially the machine is placed closed to the wall that is to be

The plaster is poured into the hopper, with the help of lead screw the machine is raised up and will be lock at
some instance. The exciting force is given by the rope and machine mechanism. In that way the plastering is done
automatically to the wall by automatic plastering machine.

Mahesha P.K, etal [2], demonstrated that the machine has to be located near the wall which has going to plaster.
The machine should be perfectly leveled. Then the mortar is poured into the hopper of the tray. The lifting force
is transferred to tray through power screw, which driven by AC motor.

Ali Al-Hamad, etal [1], explained that, the machine works with conventional cement mortar, it can plaster the
wall mechanically by stirring up and down in straight up direction. It has two rails for rising and moving
automatically, therefore can be used for different height and width of the wall.

Advantages of automated machine over manual plastering

Ali Al-Hamad[1] Mahesha P.K, etal[2], Arunkumar Biradar, [3] Arivazhagan.B[5], G. Pritschow[6], Teng
Long[7] stated that Automatic plastering machine needs less time to complete plastering, no skilled labors
required, quality of plastering is comparatively good than manual plastering process, less wastage of raw material
than manual plastering, automatic plastering has low cost than manual plastering. Less risk of accidents during
construction work.

Sr. Paper Title Name of Author Findings

1. Plastering Wall Ali Al- Hamad, Osaid  The plastering wall machine will help to save
Machine Hamdallh, Rand Khraishi, labor cost up to 85%.
Sami Yonis.  Increase productivity by 10-15 times.
 Get professional quality finishing in less time,
reduce project cost, manufacture wall machine
in low cost.
2. Design and Mahesha P. K. (M-Tech  Powerful competition, shortages of trained
Fabrication Of IAR, Mechanical Engg. labor, increase in labor wages and technical
Automatic MCE, Hassan, India) , advances are forcing quick change in the
Plastering Machine Sree Rajendra building structure.
Prototype (Associate Professor,  All these problems can be solve out with
Mechanical Engg. MCE automation in constructive technique. One of
Hassan, India) which is plastering, which is extremely slow &
costly when doing manually.
 They use necessary components like steel
frame, sheet metal, metal bars, power screw,
AC/DC motors, different wheels nut & bolts
for assemble it.

http: // © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

ISSN: 2277-9655
[Askar* et al., 6(3): March, 2017] Impact Factor: 4.116
IC™ Value: 3.00 CODEN: IJESS7
 Through trails it is noted that the machine is
more productive compare to labor with respect
to the plastering work.
3. Automatic Wall Arunkumar Biradar,  The development trade in most countries
Plastering Machine Vaibhav Shejwal, Akshay amounts to 10–20% of the total nationwide
Barate, Sameer Barate product, creating it the biggest economic using
 It's still labor insist and jointly the majority of
the work concerned is cyclic.
 The expansion of any country depends on the
development trade therefore it's of prime
economic significance to several industrial
4. On site Mobile G. Pritschow, J. Kurz, J  This elaborates basic concepts and
Plastering Robot: A Zeiher, S. C. McCormac technologies for a movable plastering robot
Practical Design & M. Dalacker, (Dept. of used on construction site and operated by
Concept Machine & Robot skilled worker.
Systems, University of  This paper also explained the kinematic
Stuttgart, Germany) structure and control system for a working
5. Automatic Arivazhgan. B. , B. Tech  Automated plastering machine is exclusive and
Plastering Machine (ECE) – IV year, maybe one type of automated plastering
Manakula Vinayagar machinery suitable for construction industry.
Institute of Technology,  It makes plastering easy, fast and effortless as
Puducherry. compare to manual use.

6. A Construction Johan Forsberg, Roger  The time used for plastering the wall is
Robot for Aarenstrup, expected to be less than 50% of that required
Autonomous (Robotics and by manual work.
Plastering of Walls Automation, Lulea  The reason for developing the robot is mainly
and Ceilings. University of Technology, ergonomic. They also discuss about
Sweden) Mechanical error sources, Navigation errors &
Control errors.
7. Mechanical Design Abd Alsalam Sh., Rosbi  This paper the highlighting given the
of A Quadruped Mamat. (University mechanical structure of a quadruped machine
Robot for Horizontal Technology, Malaysia) able to walk on ground, go up on vertical walls
Ground to Vertical and perform the ground-wall movement
Wall Movement automatically.
 It is electrically actuated one.
8. A Service Robot for Pablo Gonzalez De  This explained the required features of the
Construction Santos, Joaquin robot manipulator developed for construction.
Industry Estremera,  Also discussed main subsystem i.e. Frame,
E. Garcia. manipulator, Grasping device, controller &
(CSIC, Spain) guiding system.

9. Automatic Wall Dr. S. K. Rajesh Kanna.  The movement of the poppet is controlled by a
Plastering and (Dept. of Mechanical high torque motor.
Repairing Robot Engg, Rajlakshmi  The robots have been developed to apply the
using Artificial Institute of Technology, mortar on the vertical walls with pressure and
Intelligence India) having the capability of self adjusting the
A. D. Jaisaree. (Dept. of mortar thickness.
Computer science and  The machine solves the issues like shortage of
Engg, Mahendra labor, raise in labor cost etc. and wastage of
Engineering College, mortar is reduced more than 60% thereby
India) reduces the raw substance requirement.

http: // © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

ISSN: 2277-9655
[Askar* et al., 6(3): March, 2017] Impact Factor: 4.116
IC™ Value: 3.00 CODEN: IJESS7

10. Advanced Dry Ir. Raymond Wan MEng,  Good quality dry mix products are available in
Mortar Technology CEng, MIM, MICE, the market with improved performance.
for Construction MICT, MHKIE, RPE  Although, dry mortars cannot totally solve all
Industry the construction problems,
 On the contrary, advanced dry mortars are very
complicated powdery mixtures with
sophisticated chemical additives of newest
technology to provide wide range of superior
act to get together complex construction
11. Finishing guide A Saint-Gobain Company  This guide states the different methods of
For Thistle plaster finishing the wall surfaces by plastering,
and different accessories for plastering,
Gyproc plasterboard instruments, techniques etc.
12. Comparative Study Julia Friman  This theory aims to match up to the most
on Mould Degree project for Master capable biocide anti fungal result when use as
Growth on Plaster of Science (One Year) in a covering on Plaster plates.
Boards Plant Ecology  The method contained simple humid boxes,
treated with Biocides 30 hec together with a visual and an agar cultivation as
Department of Plant and assessment.
Environmental Science  Dry grass was used as contamination. The
Göteborg University testing was designed to compare the biocides
with the reason of establishing relative mould
growth values.
13. Basic Concept and Reference:- WeiBert M.,  The introduction of plastering robots would
Enabling Leixner, Raddsatz. resemble the revolution in the plastering
Technologies using a industry in the sixties when plastering
mobile Robot for machines helped to improve overall
Internal Plastering. productivity by more than 30%.
 The machine construction industry will also
have excellent chances at extending their
current markets.
14. A Novel Teng Long, En Li, Zaojun  This research proposes a novel method of
Measurement and Fang, Weiqing Zhao and plastering machine measurement and control
Control Method for Zize Liang (Institute of method depends on laser triangulation.
Automatic Automation Chinese  This method can’t solve some problems such
Plastering Machine. Academy of Sciences, as corner is unreached and the power of
Beijing 100190, China) vibration can’t be compensated.

Methodology to be used is as follows for the designing of automatic plastering machine on the basis of literature

Data and design calculation

Design of plasterboard
By Considering,
1) Horizontal length of plasterboard = 2 feet
= 0.61 m
= 610 mm
2) Length of bottom plate of plasterboard (Trowel) = 0.25 m = 250mm

http: // © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

ISSN: 2277-9655
[Askar* et al., 6(3): March, 2017] Impact Factor: 4.116
IC™ Value: 3.00 CODEN: IJESS7
3) Length of upper plate of plasterboard = 1*1/2 feet
= 0.46 = 460 mm
4) Universal one coat plaster thickness = 12 mm
5) Trowel leading edge will be approximately 10-15 mm away from the wall surface, so consider = 10

Fig. 3:- 2-Dimensional view of plasterboard

6) Total distance of leading edge from the wall = plaster thickness + leading edge distance
= 12 mm + 10 mm
= 22 mm
1) In triangle AED,
By Pythagoras theorem,
AE2 = AD2 + DE2
3002 = AD2 + 102
AD = 299.83 mm
AD = 300 mm
2) In triangle DAE,

sinθ = opposite side/hypo sinθ = 10/300

θ = 20ᴼ
3) Now, In triangle EFG,
Sinθ = Opposite side/ Hypo
Sin30 = FG/FE Assume θ= 30
0.5 = FG/460
FG = 230 mm
4) FH = FG + GH
= 230 + 22
= 352 mm
5) In triangle FGE,
By Pythagoras theorem
FE2 = FG2 + GE2
4602 = 2302 + GE2
GE = 398 mm
6) Volume of □ CEXY = L * B * H
= 200 * 22 * 610
= 2684000 mm3
= 0.0026 m3
7) Volume of prism EXY = ½ * L * B * H
= ½ * 200 * 115 * 610
= 7015000 mm3
= 0.0070 m3
8) Total Volume = Volume of □ CEXY + Volume of prism EXY
= 0.0026 + 0.0070
= 0.0096 m3
9) The Density of the standard mortar (sand + cement) = 2200 Kg/ m3
10) Mass of mortar = Volume of mortar * density

http: // © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

ISSN: 2277-9655
[Askar* et al., 6(3): March, 2017] Impact Factor: 4.116
IC™ Value: 3.00 CODEN: IJESS7
= 0.0096 * 220
= 21.12 Kg
11) Load = 21.12 * 9.81 = 207.18 N
12) Mass of plasterboard = 6 Kg
= 6 * 9.81
= 58.86 N
= 59 N
13) Total Load = Load of mortar + Load of plasterboard + Frictional and other load
= 208+ 59 + 200
= 467 N
= 470 N
= 48 kg
14) There are two different sides, so load on single side = 470/2
= 235 N

DC motor specification

Power of motor = 1 hp
= 750 watt
Torque = 240 kg-cm
= 23.54 * 103 N-mm

Fig. 4 DC motor
Frequency = 60 Hz
Now, Power = 2∏NT/60
750= 2 ∏*N*23.54/60
N = 304.40 rpm

Design of Shaft
Material for shaft – Fe 360
Yield Strength (Syt) = 220 N/mm2
Ultimate tensile strength (Sut) = 360 N/mm2
Now according to A.S.M.E (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
Shear stress τ = 0.18 * Syt
= 0.18 * 220
= 39.6 N/mm2
τ = 0.3 * 360
= 0.3 *360
= 108 N/mm2
Total Load = 47.60 kg
= 48 kg
= 48 * 9.81
= 470 N
There are two different sides
So, load on single side = 470/2
= 235 N
RA = 235 N
RB = 235 N
Bending Moment M = RA * 30
=235*30 = 7050 N-mm
So, Twisting moment (Te) = √(Km * M) 2 + (Kt * T) 2
= √ (1.5 * 7050) 2 + (1 * 23.54 *10 3) 2
= 25806 N-mm

http: // © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

ISSN: 2277-9655
[Askar* et al., 6(3): March, 2017] Impact Factor: 4.116
IC™ Value: 3.00 CODEN: IJESS7
For rotating shaft having gradually applied load,
Km – Combined shock and fatigue factor for bending
= 1.5
Kt – Combined shock and fatigue fact for torsion

We know, The torsion equation

T/J = τ/r
Where, T = Twisting moment acting upon the shaft
J = Polar moment of inertia of the shaft about the axis of rotation.
τ = Torsional shear stress and
r = d/2, d is the diameter of the shaft.
So, Te = ∏/16 * d3 * 39.6

d = 14.91 mm
So, get standard diameter of the shaft i. e. 15 mm

Design of worm and worm gear

Material for worm wheel – Phosphor bronze
Material for worm –Cast harden steel
(Sut)worm wheel = 240 N/mm 2
(Sut)worm = 700 N/mm 2
Assume, No. of teeth on worm = Zw = 5
No. of teeth on worm gear = Zg = 25
So, Gear ratio = 25/5 = 5
Beam Strength of worm gear,
By Lewis equation,
Wt = 6₀ * Cv * b * ∏ * m * y
Where, Wt = permissible tangential tooth load or beam strength of gear tooth
6₀ = Allowable static stress
Cv = velocity factor
b = face width
m= module
y = tooth form factor or Lewis factor
6₀ = 105 N/mm2 ------For cast iron
Pitch circle dia. Of the worm gear D = 60 mm
Pitch circle (Pc) = ∏D/T
= ∏ * 60/ 25
= 7.54 mm
Outside diameter (Do) = D + 1.0135 Pc
= 60 + 1.0135 * 7.54
= 67.64 mm
Throat diameter (Dt) = D + 0.636 * Pc
= 60 + 0.636 * 7.54
= 64.80 mm
Face width (b) = 2.38 * Pc + 6.5
= 24.44 mm
Radius of gear face (Rf) = 0.882 * Pc + 14
= 20.65 mm
Radius of gear rim (Rr) = 2.2 * Pc + 14
= 30.588 mm
Linear velocity of worm gear
Vg = ∏ * D * N/ 60
= ∏ * 0.06 * 5.06/60
= 0.015 m/s
Velocity factor Cv = 6 / 6 + v
= 0.9978

http: // © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

ISSN: 2277-9655
[Askar* et al., 6(3): March, 2017] Impact Factor: 4.116
IC™ Value: 3.00 CODEN: IJESS7
Lewis form factor y = 0.124 – 0.684 / Tg
= 0.0966
Module m, D = m * Tg
So, Beam strength of worm gear = 1612.39 N
Now, Wear tooth load for worm gear,

For worm,
Dia. of worm = m * q
= 2 *10
= 20 mm
Axial pitch Pa = ∏ * m = 6.28 mm
Face width = 0.73 * dw = 14.6 mm
Centre distance = dw + D/2 = 40 mm
Addendum = 1m = 2 mm
Deddendum = 1.25m = 2.5 mm
Length of worm = Pa * Zw
= 31.4 mm

Ww = D * b * k
Where, D – pitch circle diameter of worm gear
b – face width of the worm gear
k – load stress factor = 0.345
So, Ww = 505.90 N

Design of Rope

Fig.5 Steel Rope

Type of rope = 6 * 19
Material = Steel wire
Diameter = 3 mm
Minimum breaking stress = 1770 Mpa
Minimum load capacity = 588 kg
Area of wire rope = 0.38 * d2
= 3.42 mm2
Diameter of the pulley or drum = 30 * d
= 90 mm
Tensile strength = 540d 2 = 4860 N/mm 2
Factor of safety = 3.5 i.e. 3.5 * 2 = 7
Stresses in wire rope,
Direct stress 6d = W + w/ A
Where, W = load lifted
w = weight of the rope
A = C/S area of the rope
So, direct stress, 6d = 69.94 N/mm2
Bending stress when wire rope winds round the drum or pulley
6b = Er * dw/ D
= 84 * 103 *3/ 90
= 2800 N/mm2
Where, Er – Modulus of elasticity of wire rope = 84 * 10 3 N/mm2

http: // © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

ISSN: 2277-9655
[Askar* et al., 6(3): March, 2017] Impact Factor: 4.116
IC™ Value: 3.00 CODEN: IJESS7
dw – dia. Of wire
D – dia. Of pulley or drum
Total stress = 69.94 + 2800
= 2870 N/mm2

Our design load = F.O.S. * total load

= 7 * 470 = 3290 N
So wire rope of diameter 3 mm, 6 * 19 type is satisfactory

Design of Bearings
Bore diameter d = 15 mm
Outside diameter D = 35 mm
Width B = 11 mm
Greece lubrication = 19000
Oil lubrication = 24000
Dynamic load C = 7800 N
Static load Co = 3550 N
Now, Radial and Axial load,
Radial load Fr = 235 N
Axial load Fa = 0 N
Equivalent dynamic load Fe = [ X * V * Fr + y * Fa] = [1 * 1 * 235 + 1
Fe = 235 N
Req. dynamic load capacity = L = (Cr/Fe) a
Ball bearing a = 3
So, L = 8000 hrs
8000 = (Cr/235) 3
Cr = 4700 N
Since, Cr < C, so selected bearing is suitable.

2-D drawing and CAD modeling of plastering machine

On the basis of above design calculation the computer aided design (CAD model) of some parts of the plastering
machine and assembly of the plastering machine has been done with the help of Computer Aided Software naming
‘CRE-O’ by applying Bottom-up approach.

Fig.5 drawing of ceiling beam and base of machine

http: // © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

ISSN: 2277-9655
[Askar* et al., 6(3): March, 2017] Impact Factor: 4.116
IC™ Value: 3.00 CODEN: IJESS7

Fig. 6 CAD model of components of plastering machine

By studying all the above literatures and the work done following conclusions are obtained.
1. Automatic plastering machine is one type of unique machine will be used in construction industry.
2. It helps to save the time and money.
3. It works with cement mortar which is conventional one due to which no replacement of the material
4. The machine is more productive than the conventional plastering technique.
5. Higher quality of a plaster can be obtained with this machine.
6. The thickness of the plaster will be constant over the wall which is generally varying 0.5 to 0.75 inches at
different conditions of the wall surface.
7. This machine needs to poured the mortar manually so, it has needed the work automation of loading
8. It reduces the wastage of mortar up to 60% and hence required fewer raw materials.
9. Due to saving in time, labor cost, raw material, the overall cost of construction is less hence the machine
is economically efficient
than the conventional plastering technique.

Table shows comparative result on different objectives, for a 10 feet*10 feet wall by both existing plastering
method as well as Automatic plastering machine as follows.
Sr. Objective Existing method Automatic
No. plastering
1. No. of 2 to 3 1 or 2
2. Time 6 to 7 (hours) 1 to 2 (hours)
3. More material Less material
Material required required,
compared to compared to
plastering conventional
machine as there method as less
is more wastage material
of mortar. wastage is
4. Comparatively Comparatively
Cost high cost. (As low cost. (As
number of labors no. of labors
and time required and time
is more) required is less)

http: // © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

ISSN: 2277-9655
[Askar* et al., 6(3): March, 2017] Impact Factor: 4.116
IC™ Value: 3.00 CODEN: IJESS7
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