Project Arwa

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Motivation Letter

Dear IFMSA Family,

At a very young age, I discovered that I am at my best when I’m in the service of humanity.
This was the driving force and inspiration to join medical school for the hopes of making a
change in people’s lives and the world around me, and it was also the force that allowed me
to immerse myself in multiple experiences in different fields, shaping the person I am today.
It is without a doubt that the same driving force introduced me to IFMSA, guided my journey
during the past 5 years, helped me excel and find my passion in global health governance.

I strongly believe that we are the amalgamation of our experiences and environment includ-
ing the people we meet along the way. This makes us a product of the experiences that we
have lived, the cumulative elements collected over the span of time to materialize itself in our
human form. Looking back to where it all started makes me realize how privileged and hum-
bled I am to have started the path that led me straight to this moment, writing my candidature
for the position of IFMSA Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Region 2021/2022.
Most of my adult life experiences came from IFMSA. Every single memory in this federation
has shaped me into a better version of myself, and profoundly changed the way I see the
world, who I am & who I aspire to be. IFMSA made me the person I am today & allowed me to
come close to the truest expression of myself as a human being, and now the time has come
for me to contribute to the realization of hidden potentials inside every member, to build the
experiences that will later on shape the health leaders of today & tomorrow and consequently
the people who will change the world with me.

Although I cherish each memory greatly, there were a few moments during my experience
that were utterly life changing, moments that brought on tranquility and the serenity of
knowing you are where you are supposed to be, in the right place, at the right time. These
moments were the catalyst to gain more knowledge & experience in the field I am most pas-
sionate about, global health. Allow me to elaborate further on these moments, to paint you
the full picture of the pathway that led to who I am today.

My journey in IFMSA started as a local SCOPHero, 5 Years ago. I was drawn to SCOPH be-
cause of my conviction that knowledge is power. I am inspired by the power of education and
its effect in empowering people. It was one of the tools I utilized later on to promote health,
wellbeing & disease prevention initiatives. The true hidden driving force behind these con-
victions and inspirations came from one of the earliest detrimental memories I have of my
first exposure to the national healthcare system, which was plagued with inequities. It was
then that I became determined to work for the change I wanted to see, equitable access to
healthcare. I found my voice in SCOPH and advocacy as a 1st year medical student.

Fast forward 2 years later, I had the opportunity to work in IFMSA Egypt at an International
level allowing me to understand the dynamics that shape the world of IFMSA beyond IFM-
SA Egypt. If I could take a snapshot in time of when I felt the true meaning of empowerment
it would be in December 2018, while attending the WHO EMRO Youth Town Hall. At this
moment, I had the pleasure of witnessing youth activists advocating for health & meaningful
youth engagement, it was there I got introduced to the world of health policy & advocacy and
it was also then I received the reaffirmation I need to truly believe that youth can change the

From there, one opportunity led to another, until I reached a pivotal moment that would ce-
ment my path to being involved in IFMSA: attending my 1st ever General Assembly- MM19.
At this moment I became fully aware of the purpose behind the federation’s work, and was
utterly enthralled with it all. Here I am a person who is eager to see the world a better place,
given the chance to do so, and empower others along the way. Little did I know that from
there I would embark on the best journey of my life, a journey into self discovery, friendships
that last and a world where youth have a seat at the table of change.

Throughout my time in IFMSA, I have served my beloved region, the EMR, in two terms, as
finance assistant for the term 19/20 and general assistant for the term 20/21. I have come
to witness how unequivocally strong & resilient our NMOs are. We are a small, yet diverse
region, connected by our middle eastern culture, and love for our common identity, making us
uniquely powerful. In addition we the EMR are also brilliantly resourceful, despite the strug-
gles we face in the region, we continue to develop and empower our members in creative,
awe inspiring ways. These two years have provided me with a thorough understanding of the
regional work from a multifaceted perspective both as a general member and regional team
member, allowing me to identify major areas of development and barriers to be tackled, that
is preventing us from reaching our truest potential as a region.

Oftentimes, we are forced to think out of the box, explore new territories, apply unconven-
tional methods, become irrational yet fearless, insane yet ambitious in order to redefine our-
selves and continue moving forward. Growing up, I was always seen as the challenging one,
the irrational, the one that goes beyond the norm in order to elevate myself and the people
around me. I see this as an opportunity to integrate all of me into navigating and elevating
our beloved region, to REDEFINE our future as we navigate the new world post the COVID19

Preparing my candidature has been a nostalgic experience allowing me to reflect back on the
wonderful journey I have had in IFMSA, the highs and the lows, the successes and the chal-
lenges, the people I’ve met along the way, and the lifelong friendships created. Every single
experience, every single person, every single opportunity has left a mark, and contributed to
the person that I am today. It has given me the skills to serve our beloved region as a regional
team member, not once but twice, and I am now ready to mount to the next level and serve
the region that has given me so much as Regional Director! After all, we are the amalgamation
of our journeys and experiences.

Sincerely yours,
Arwa Hany Sharaby

Transitioning To

Recovery & Regional development

Digital Alliance
Exponential Growth
Financial Sustainability
Infrastructure REDEFINE
Networking & External Affairs

Recovery & Regional Development
For the last 20 years, the eastern mediaterrerian region (EMR) has developed year
by year, bringing change that allowed our members to achieve their human potential,
empowering them to use their knowledge and capacities for the benefit of society.
Continuing on my predecessor's efforts, I will be working extensively on our region’s
growth from all aspects - NMOs, members & standing committee development -
taking into consideration recent changes brought on by covid-19 pandemic & lessons
learned that can potentially be incorporated in the future. My aim is to have a strong,
sustainable working model, with built resilience in face of changes & adversity, carv-
ing the road towards post pandemic recovery in order to facilitate prosperity.

1- NMOs Development:
I- NMOs Recruitment & Membership Upgrading :

Our region is currently composed of 16 NMOs with more room in the family, welcoming the ad-
dition of potential NMOs in the region such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Libya , Djibouti & Syria would
be a priority to continue empowering all eastern mediterrerian medical students and make our
region complete.

- Continue Following up on contact initiated in the previous term with UAE & KSA as well as
providing support, necessary documentation to assist both organizations in gaining membership

- Start initiating new contacts with Medical Students organizations in Libya, Djibouti & Syria and
work toward spreading awareness on IFMSA & Mechanisms for applications.

- Encourage and provide support and resources to SOFMSA should they seek to upgrade their
membership status and working on follow up plans.

II- NMOs’ Development: B- Tackling NMOs Needs, Providing Support & exploring
areas of improvement.
A- Availability & Communications
We are a promising region with diverse NMOs, the experienced
In general, my working style involves and the flourishing with specific priorities that overlap with
being constantly available and easily one another at times. There are elements of commonality that
reachable, I will continue my endeavours I will be working on and elements where work will have to be
in creating a culture of open communica- tailored based on their individual needs and areas for improve-
tion with diverse channels , responding to ment. In both cases I am prepared to offer guidance & support,
NMOs needs as soon as they arise, being together with the Developmental Assistant and other regional
prompt with feedback received, and pro- team members.
viding constant overview of circulating
IFMSA opportunities available and en- - Centralizing regional work by initiating joint assessments with
couraging their applications.Furthermore, all regional team members to identify similar working areas &
Meetings with NMO Representatives will ensure a unified action.
be coordinated in the form of:
- Start with a Centralized baseline assessment at the beginning
- Quarterly Meetings with NMOs Repre- of the year in collaboration with Regional Team, including SC
sentatives to provide update on regional RAs. The data will be analyzed together with data from AM21
work, explore common elements NMOs NMO Reports to Identify NMOs priorities & areas of improve-
might require support in and to create a ment. This will provide the regional team with the groundwork
space for inter-regional Collaborations that helps us understand in which areas support can be deliv-
and experiences and knowledge ex- ered & plan accordingly through NMO Support Plans.
change between representatives
- Continue efforts, by conducting a Regional Needs Assessment
- Periodic 1:1 Meeting with NMO Presi- to be worked on jointly by all regional team members to better
dents For Close follow up and to provide understand members needs and tailor work accordingly.
individualised support based on NMOs
distinctive needs. - Explore the possibility of creating collaborative goals to be
incorporated in individualized development plans with NMOs
- Meeting with NMO Presidents outside representatives that Seek to work on a specific element and
the region to Foster Exchange of Experi- require extensive guidance.
ence, skills and knowledge and promote
transregional collaborations. - Enhance NMOs Representative core leadership skills & essen-
tial Knowledge required to navigate the process in IFMSA at
the beginning of the term through delivering training & shar-
ing relevant resources. This will contribute to NMOs active
engagement in IFMSA and support their endeavours in NMOs
Management & development.

- Reimagining Buddy Groups to increase NMOs involvement in

them & yield more benefit, through transitioning into facilitat-
ed support meetings that can encourage sharing of experienc-
es, provide guidance and mental support. This will be explored
together with NMO Representatives.

- Establish Mental Health Watch with NMO Representatives

and dedicate time from the agenda of NMO representatives
quarterly Meeting & 1:1 Meetings to discuss mental health sta-
tus and provide support.

- Continue providing support & guidance to NMOs wishing to

start developing or implementing , monitoring & evaluating
strategic plans.
C- Facilitating Recovery:

After nearly 2 years, The world is slowly getting back to normal as

vaccination rates increase across countries. We are now entering a
period of transition,moving from reliance on remote settings to hy-
bridization and slowly with more time working toward full recovery
by regaining our fully operational work models. This changes the way
we communicate , connect with & educate our members. Acknowl-
edging this transitional change, together with the regional team I will
work on supporting NMOs in their recovery, encouraging exchange
of best practises and learning from AM21 experience , to facilitate
a faster recovery, additionally i will be working closely with SCOPE
& SCORE SCD & RAs to support EMR NMOs in launching their ex-
change programs to revive IFMSA Exchanges.

D- Statistical Directory in the EMR

Quantitative information & numbers, can help us understand how our

region operates, identify existing gaps , & make evidence based ac-
tions. The EMR has a vast amount of data widely available that can
be utilized in strengthening our performance, increasing our organiza-
tional growth, working towards gender empowerment & solidifying
our advocacy efforts. That is why i am planning on

- Quantifying the number of active members in the EMR and

deciphering members' representation across NMOs to be
used in advocacy efforts later on.

- Understanding Gender Distribution in the region by survey

ing Gender parity in EMR NMOs and its relation to Members
engagement and holding leadership positions, This will help
us set the foundation to addressing barriers to gender repre
sentation & empowerment.

- Mapping out the number of EMR Activities enrolled under

IFMSA Programs & its focus areas to get a better understand
ing on the areas of interest of EMR NMOs, allowing the re
gional team to raise awareness on neglected focus areas
relevant to our region, encouraging the implementation &
enrollment of more activities. Additionally it will allow
us to seek Grants on focus areas worked on by EMR NMOs
and display youth achievements during advocacy efforts.

‘’ Not Everything that can be counted counts,

and not everything that counts can be counted”

- Albert Einstien
2. Standing Committee Developments within region

Standing committees direct the workings of NMOs playing a huge role in NMOs impact and contributing
to its prosperity ,I plan on focusing on its development in a matter where SCs regional work are Inline with
regional needs and perspectives.

- Support SC RAs in the implementation of regional campaigns in collaboration with SCD and PCs.
- Encourage & work with SC RAs in the creation of SC Capacity building initiatives in the region (Events,
Camps, Asynchronous courses, Webinar series, toolkits).
- Assist SC RAs in the Activation of Standing Committees in Newly Established NMOs.
- Incorporate a regional Standing Committee resource center in the regional folder (see engagement)
containing general and regional Manuals & Toolkits for each standing committee, to create a knowledge
bank on all standing committees accessible in one central location.
- Road toward development requires strategic planning, together with SC RAs, We will encourage NMOs
to create national standing committee strategies to facilitate growth.
- Explore areas where SC RPs Interlink with General RPs , potentially combining efforts into the creation
of joint initiatives that will further align work and increase impact.
- Working on increasing recognition of EMR Exchange Programs.

3. Members Development (Capacity Building)

Our members are central to everything we do, our NMO development and resulting societal changes, and
everything we do is for the empowerment of our members, building their knowledge and capaciting them
with skills needed to develop NMOs & benefit the societies. This is an endless loop, led by the members
of the federation, remove them and the loop breaks Making Capacity building an integral aspect i will be
prioritizing, particularly after the absence of physical training due to the pandemic.

Therefore with the help of CBRA I will :

- Support NMOs in hosting SRTs and encourage collaboration

between them.

- Identify gaps in members' capacity precipitated by online

training & exploring ways with VPCB & CB RA to enhance
online capacity building for optimum engagement & quality
assurance as well as exploring ways to utilize digitization in
capacity building (More information in Digital Alliance).
(NMOs Engagement in the Region, Transregional and within IFMSA)

Engagement of members within the region plays a vital role in it’s prosperity, Their in-
volvement and actions expose them to an array of knowledge and skills , building and
nurturing members into their full potential. Only when they are involved , does the EMR
region thrive. To work towards the achievement of this cycle, fruitful participation with-
in the EMR Region becomes necessary in the road of empowerment and regional de-
velopment. The key is working on tackling existing barriers, efficiently communicating
and providing different forums ultimately leading to increased and sustained participa-

A- Tackling Existing barriers B- Effective Communication

1- Conduct an assessment to analyse events Communication is a two way street, involv-
& activities enrollment/registration & atten- ing interaction between both the sender and
dance Rates , Social Media engagements & the receiver -our members-. By effectively
interactions, number of applications to vari- communicating information we ensure that
ous opportunities and the added meaningful the cycle of communication continues where
value. (and identify barrier decreasing en- awareness and understanding is achieved,
gagement in each barrier). feedback relayed and actions are initiated
leading to more accountability & Transparency
2- Identify barriers pertaining to each of the
above factors that result in decreased en- The way we interpret information and en-
gagement and possible solutions through an counter things differ from one another, mak-
engagement survey , specifically regional & ing our experiences individually unique,this
gender representation and distribution. has always been something I believe in. That
is why in order to deliver the best outcomes
3- Reflect upon Zoom Fatigue and work to- , one has to listen to people around them to
wards finding the right balance to utilizing shape the ultimate experience based on their
online engagement without oversaturating needs. I will always be open for feedback &
the members with many opportunities. recommendation, which I will gladly embody
in my day to day tasks throughout the entire
term with NMO Presidents and Members of
our region, in addition to having the follow-
ing mechanisms, to further reach out to our

1- Constant year-round Feedback Form to receive input on RT and EMR Work and adapt ac-
cordingly to the members needs.

2- Having Triannually RTs Coffee Breaks with RT and the Region Members to obtain feedback,
and update them of our work.

3- Opening Some RT OLMs For external observers from the EMR.

Continuing EMR Regional Folder initiative that I launched in my term to provide a library
of resources pertaining to the regional work, it will include documentation as RT AWPs,
RT Monthly Reports, RT OLMs Minutes, RT Campaigns, Regional Regulations and re-
gional priorities, as well as toolkits and Manuals.

Furthermore, to ensure information reaches members in an engaging manner. I will

work on strengthening our Facebook group, ensuring its continuous activity and con-
tinuing RT monthly Highlights on facebook as well as redefine our mailing server to be
more visually friendly, enabling us to track progress and make necessary adjustments in
favor of more engagement.

- EMR Newsletter: For two years, multiple attempts were made for initiating a news-
letter that were unfortunately not seen through. I plan on taking a different approach
on this matter, and utilize it for what it is. An electronic tool used to share latest news
concerning the activities of the EMR Region. Consequently ensuring deliverability and
that members are constantly up to date on regional work leading to increased aware-
ness and hence better involvement.
- Mailchimp for interactive emails Summarize Big Campaigns to increase audience’s
reach or multiple opportunities for engagement presented to the members.

C- Different Forum For Engagement:

1- Avenues for engaging with members & Regional team within the EMR Region:

- In order to foster discussion, exchange of knowledge & encourage collaborations between

members from different EMR NMOs ,Open Spaces discussion can be arranged by RT on diverse
topics providing venues to increase members’ perspectives beyond National & Local Levels.
- Creating GET TO KNOW EMR MEMBERS Initiative ---- Facilitated Networking sessions that
allows EMR Members to Meet each other online, develop friendships, collectively working on
increasing members connectivity to the region and its members.
- In the Continuation of the MH Movement, I will be Capitalizing on regional priorities com-
monality in the region and a bridge for unity. This will occur by fostering EMR members interre-
gional - Regional Team cooperation in the creation of SWGs, campaigns, initiatives and events
on the RPs.
- Explore the possibility of creating a discord server for the region with EMR Members and
Regional team.
2- Avenues for engaging members across different regions (Transregional)
Extending the open discussion to include members from other regions.
The COVID-19 Pandemic brought years of digitalisation in a short span of time that al-
lowed us to explore the potential of the digital world, especially when IFMSA operates
across diverse geographical destinations (International, Regional, National or Local).
I intend to capitalize on those potential as mechanisms that can lead to increasing
the accessibility to Regional opportunities (with focus on Online Capacity building) &
working toward better inclusivity and representation in the Region through Digitali-

Working toward Accessibility & Inclusiveness :

During my term as GA, the region has witnessed an increase of member involvement
in EMR Activities as a result of switching to online. Further delving into the matter
allowed me to be exposed to the linguistic, structural, financial, geographical and polit-
ical barriers faced by our members who seek to benefit from the opportunities offered.
Taking into account these barriers, I will be working on bridging gaps and reaching more

1- More Accessible Knowledge & 2- More Accessible capacity

Data building (online & Hybrid)
In an effort to ease the transmission of In addition to the efforts conducted to tackle
knowledge between members , I will start by some of the linguistic & structural barriers,
surveying the EMR Members to identify lin- together with the CB RA , I will further:
guistic barriers and common languages used
within the region, (Arabic, French, Farsi, Etc.) A- Conduct a regional capacity building we-
once identified together with Member En- binar series with CB RA on topics that are in-
gagement Assistant, we will work on line with members needs.

-Creation of Pilot Courses pertaining to im- B- Apply the lesson learned from Asia Pacfic
portant soft skills in identified languages in promoting more online training, sessions
and webinars for the region, taking into con-
-Translation of Important Toolkits & Manuals, sideration online fatigue.
in addition to providing translated versions
in upcoming Regional Documentations. C- Exploring the potential of having Both
Physical & Online participants (Hybrid) in
- Exploring more inclusive mechanisms such SRTs & Pre-EMR workshops.
as live interpretation and added features that
allow People living with disabilities to engage D- Developing a companion EMRM Sessions
& gain knowledge. Ex. Closed Captioning in following the regional meeting, to allow more
zoom and Audiobooks. members in the region to build their capaci-

Both C & D will work on further eliminating

barriers to participation, allowing more op-
portunities for members to build their skills
& gain knowledge.

Exponential Growth
A Year of Reflection and Sustainable, robust Transitioning to scale.

3 years ago our region adopted its 1st regional strategy, a plan towards a more pros-
perous region. Fast forward to today, we are sowing the seeds planted by our prede-
cessors and waiting on more fruits. The Term of 21/22 will be a time to reflect on the
achievements and Gaps in the last 3 years, understanding our starting point, planning
for growth & accelerating towards more regional prosperity. My plan is to utilize this
time to measure our performance, understand our needs & formulate long term goals
& objectives to propel us toward exponential growth by ensuring that our rate for
change in the next 3 years is proportional to the region’s maximum growth.

Reflection & Statistical Analysis:

Together with the regional team, I will identify the missing pieces to our puzzle, finding
out What is holding us back from being the best by exploring barriers that prevent
members’ engagement & involvement in EMR, organizational structures within NMOs
(Gender Balance & Mental Health) , IFMSA & NMO Capacity Building and Partnerships
& Advocacy Efforts over the last 2 Years.

EMR Strategies between the past & Present:

During the 17th EMR, A task force was created to evaluate 18/21 Strategy and present
recommendation on moving forward, Being a part of this taskforce allowed me to grasp
our standing point, anticipating some of the areas that can be incorporated in our new
strategy, as such i will be working on:

- Submitting Strategy Evaluation Taskforce report for adoption during the 18th EMR.

- Together with the regional Team, on performing multiple consultations with EMR Members
and relevant stakeholders to envision what our region will look like in 3 years.

- Adopting a sustainable & comprehensive approach when developing EMR Regional Strate-
gy 22/25, that takes into account the importance of preserving institutional memory through
documentation (an accompanied explanatory document) , as well as the inclusion of all relevant
stakeholders such as EMR Members, NMO Presidents & NOs, Current & Previous Regional
Teams to be aligned with Members & Regions Needs.

- Maintaining Work centralization & Synchronization by aligning the Regional Strategy with IFM-
SA Strategic plan 21/24 and current internal operating guidelines, in addition to involving IFM-
SA Team of Officials in Strategy articulation & refinement in an effort to integrate the strategy
with IFMSA Core work.

- Establish a Monitoring & Evaluation mechanism with a defined timeline allowing for period-
ic reviews (formative & summative Evaluation) & continuous collection of data for progress
tracking. This will help us in assessing performance, realizing our strategic plan and measuring
change. In support of the set M&E mechanism, specific key performance questions will be
in place to help in the creation of relevant indicators allowing us to identify the type of data
measured & ensure its procurement by utilizing appropriate data collection tools to effectively
monitor our action.
Finances has always been an unexplored, underdeveloped area in the region, partially
due the fact we are medical students with little background on Financial Management
& and the external influence led by LMIC developing economies, which will be further
exacerbated by COVID-19 pandemic and is projected to result in inflation spikes in a
post-covid19 world. Given My previous experiences with finances in the region as Fi-
nance assistant for the term of 19/20 and my personal interest in this field, I am plan-
ning on utilizing my knowledge in shaping the way we manage our funds in the region,
and assisting NMOs on working on their Financial Stability & Sustainability.

Financial Stability: Travel Assistance Fund (TAF) For Re-

gional Meeting:
With the help of the Finance Assistant, I will
work on securing NMOs Financial Capacity Aiming to increase members’ representation
to maintain and expand their activities with- in the regional meeting, the travel assistance
in the regions while developing resilience to fund will act as an instrument in tackling the
economic deficit. financial barriers faced by EMR members that
impede on their participation in the regional
- Analysing EMR NMOs Funding Mix to un- meeting. I will be Continuing the efforts from
derstand income generating activities in each the previous terms,to establish an operating
NMO, further encouraging NMOs to diversi- mechanism and determine sources for the fi-
fy their income resources in matters that en- nancial contributions (External Organization,
sures their sustainability, & prepares them for Private Donations & NMOs, Etc).
post covid-19 World.
- Identify Target Focus Areas through an as- NMO Financial Sustainability When
sessment on NMOs funding needs & activi- Hosting EMRM:
ties worked on the most by EMR NMOs (IFM-
SA Program Database), to determine exactly NMOs willingness to host Regional Meetings
the Scope of Activities that require Funding, is decreasing due to financial constraints, as
Soliciting for relevant funding opportunities. was the case during 17th EMR. such issue re-
- Encouraging NMOs in developing Financial quire a through reflection, looking in to the
Plans that helps them in setting long term barriers and the financial implications faced
monetary goals and enhance their resources by NMOs to find solutions.
mobilization & financial management.
- Technically Supporting NMOs in their annu-
al membership fees payments & acting as a
bridge with the VPF to faciclitate communi-
cation and offer assistance should the need

Capacity building in Finances:

Finance is seen as an unfamiliar science in our federation, uncharted areas that we do not have
enough expertise in, that is why building the capacity of our members to lead & educate others
on Financial Management essentials & Fundraising Techniques is something I will be working
on extensively with FA RA through Creating multiple CB Initiatives on Financial Managements
& fundraising and look into the possibility of working with the VPF in creation of an asynchro-
nous course to increase the accessibility of knowledge.
The Foundation of our work and fundamental elements that support the sustainable opera-
tions in the region.

Regional Team;
The Regional Team is the Backbone of the region, working towards its prosperity. As
such it is important to ensure a smooth working dynamic between members and create
an organizational structure with defined task descriptions, equally distributed among
the team to avoid overburdening members and achieving the best results.

A, Team Structure & Composition:

To support my plans, I will be maintaining a similar structure as per the regulation with
the following changes:

• 1 General Assistant responsible For Region’s Management & Administration togeth-

er with the RD.
• 1 Internal Developmental Assistant working on NMO Developments & EMR 21/25
Strategic plan.
• 1 Member Engagement Assistant responsible of Creating opportunities for eng ge-
ment and working on the realization of RPs

B. Work Environment:

Being a part of two Regional Teams provided me with insight on members’ perfor-
mance proportional to their mental health. It made me appreciate the importance of a
safe , healthy working environment that supports work-life balance. I will encourage &
support regional team members to flourish within their own personal & professional
capacities, taking into account the importance of acknowledging other commitments
& obligations and working around them to achieve an a state of equilibrium where both
elements are prioritized equally, in an effort to promote members safety, well being
and health, growth and goals attainment.

I will be adopting the following Principles & values that govern the work ; Mental Health
& Wellbeing Prioritization, Positive Work - Life Balance , Communication guidelines
and Team developments & Collaboration.
1- Mental Health Prioritization .- One to one meeting with RT members for fol-
low up on progress and provide support
- Promote organizational culture on psychological
health & safety and mobilize the regional team to- 4- Team Development & Collaboration
wards a common goal, building a healthy, safe and
efficient workplace, that encourages the practice
• - Ensuring RT members receive complete
of Self Care among members.
handover from predecessors by constant
- Creating a Workplace mental health Strategy to follow up through Handover tracking sheet.
set guidelines and parameters for the workplace • Encourage team bonding & the formation
in order to create and sustain a psychologically of friendships through team building activi-
healthy and safe environment. Under this strategy ties, events & fun meetings.
there can be different mechanism adopted such • Exploring Regional Team Members poten
as : tial for growth and development through:
• Regional Team competency Model
- Regional team Mental Health Watch. to capacitate RT Members for their
- Introducing RT Support Group - Group Meeting
that brings together RT members to share their
experiences and express their concerns and pro-
• AWP Reflection Meeting to track
vide support to each other. work progress, assess the need to
- Explore the potential of utilizing external ser- reorient or adapt the work and to re
vices to support psychological needs of the re- flect on achievements & outcomes
gional team members. made.

2- Positive - Work Life Study- Balance Pre EMR & EMR 18 and EMR 20th Anni-
- Have Clear working hours set from the start in
line with task description & important events to Regional Meetings are something all EMR members
promote better time management. wait eagerly for, it not only serves as an integral
- Establish a Monthly tracking Calendar to note means towards regional development, but it creates
regional team availability something of more essence, building connections &
. relationships that transcend borders, allowing for
3- Communication Guidelines culture exchange and the opportunity to witness
the power of medical students, shaping the way we
Used to outline expected conduct in line with
experience IFMSA.
reformed IFMSA COC, Communication plat-
forms & frequency.
Regional Meeting is truly an essential component
- Monthly regional team meetings, possibility to the identity of the EMR Region & our members
of face to face meeting with RT and Extraor-
dinary Meetings when necessary.
A. EMR 18 & 20th Anniversary :
EMR18 will be a great opportunity that I plan to fully capacitate on, restituting our full work in a manner that is
consistent with the post pandemic recovery and celebrating the achievements & accomplished over the past 20 years
and commemorating our regional impact. To bring our meeting and anniversary in to realization, I will:
• initiate & Maintain Contact with EMR18 OC to offer support & ensure that the preparations for the meeting
are in place according to the predetermined timeline and are in line with Regional Regulations, IFMSA Contracts,
and Ethical Framework for Fundraising through Periodic Meetings.
• Act as a liaison between regional team members & EMR18 OC Chair, in an effort to ensure that regional team
needs are incorporated in the OC Preparations as well as coordinate important calls pertaining to the Meetings
(Session & Plenary Teams, Activities & Presentation Fairs).
• Hold Multiple discussions with the OC & RT to align our preparation and synchronize our work for the 20th
Anniversary. Discussion will include exploring the possible activities to be conducted, deciding on a marketing
plan & connecting with relevant stakeholders such as previous alumni.
• Continuing with the structure adopted in the EMR17, There will be Standing Committee Sessions, Presidents and
NMO Management Sessions in an effort to provide comprehensive capacity building in multiple areas. Together
with the RT, I will ensure that all Sessions are based primarily on NMOs Needs and RPs.
• Establish a series of Introductory webinars on EMR18 in an effort to encourage active members engagement
and prepare them for the meetings, the webinar series will cover information on Activities & Presentation Fair,
General Agenda, Pre Meeting Preparations, Etc.)

B. PreEMR 18
• Ensure that workshops conducted are in line with members needs based on the baseline assessments con-
ducted during the term
• Place an emphasis on the workshops that graduate trainers in order to replenish the trainers’ pool with the
EMR Region
• Explore the potential of having hybrid workshops/training sessions in order to ensure equitable access to
our members based on our prior experience during EMR17
• Integrating the EMR Regional Priority into the preEMR workshops

19th Eastern Medtierrerian Regional Meeting:

In addition to identifying barriers and ensuring the maintenance of NMOs financial sustainability when hosting,
I will extensively work on ensuring the availability of a host for the 19th regional meeting in an effort to main-
tain momentum toward recovery by
• Encouraging NMOs to host and offering assistance in the application process & necessary preparations.
• Creation of a Manual to guide NMOs in their hosting preparations, covering topics that focus on resources
procurement & mobilization, Organizing structure and Contingency Planning.

Regional Sessions At GAs :

The regional sessions, for me, have always been my niche, the place where I can unwind and lose myself in the
familiarity of our region. Working on Regional sessions during GAs will be aimed at ensuring our members get
a little bit of EMR Context in the midst of the activities going on at GAs.
• Conducting sessions on topics that are relevant to our region and based on regional needs, designed for
varying levels of experience, to fit each member’s aptitude.
• Utilizing these moments in the creation of avenues for the EMR members to engage with each other, build-
ing a unified front, representing the power of EMR.

Regional Regulation:
Adopted 4 Years ago, the operating guidelines dictate our regional work making it one of the most important documents.
As such, together with the General Assistant, I will
• Ensure that the Regional regulations are upheld and the members within the region adhere to the governing articles.
• Work on reviewing the content of the regional regulations in an effort to strengthen its relevance, clarify articles that
can be misinterpreted and remove any contradiction with the IFMSA Bylaws & Constitution.
• Create a guiding document that contains all the Regulation change proposals, particularly the rationale, to avoid any
misinterpretation and raise institutional awareness on the reason behind articles.

IFMSA Team of Officials:

My role as regional director extends far beyond the region as a member of the Team of officials. I will endeavor
to provide support to my fellow members, offer my feedback on matters pertaining to NMOs development and
organizational work within IFMSA and explore areas for collaborations with the TO that can serve in better
work synchronization & centralization in the federation and to further benefit our region. I will represent the
voices of EMR NMOs, convening their concerns, and ensuring theirr needs are taken into account.
Our Federation has been an exemplary figure when it comes to youth empowerment,
it has united us in many ways, pushing members to act on multiple levels, building
voices for change and calling for action. Every Member in our region embodies the
spirit of youth through the amazing initiatives conducted, contributing to the fact
that youth are actors , knowledge holders and innovators. Stemming from my deep
belief that youth can be agents for change, I will be working extensively on our exter-
nal affairs focusing on building sustainable partnerships and advocating & working
towards Meaningful Youth Engagement with multiple stakeholders in the region.

Youth Voices in External Affair:

I plan to alleviate our status with relevant external in the region, working beyond the
boundaries of traditional engagement and moving from consultation to equal partner-
ships, this will be achieved through
• Starting the year with Stakeholder analysis, Mapping relevant externals in the
region with working areas that align with our RP, Standing Committee RPs &
GPs and Mapping External Meeting that could be used to practice our advocacy
efforts together with the EARA.
• Engaging meaningfully with externals whom we have previous contact with and
initiating new relationships with prospective ones.
• Current Partners
• World Health Organization - EMRO: Continue to maintain & work on
strengthening our relation with The WHO-EMRO in the hopes of building more
meaningful engagement by scouting for more opportunities to engage par-
ticularly in the light of formulation Youth engagement strategy and the recent
launch of the EMR Regional Health Alliance.(through knowledge awareness on
youth work in health) .In addition I will be following up on previous initiatives
that involved the mobilization of youth, the latest being Joint Communique on
Engaging young people in the response to COVID-19 in WHO’s Eastern Medi-
terranean Region and regional Consultation on adolescents health & well being.
• WONCA EMR: it’s been two years since we engaged with WONCA EMR,
building on our previous experiences & knowledge with this external, I will work
on reinitiating contact again in the hopes of rekindling our relationship, starting
looking in the possibility of having an EMR Delegation to WONCA EMR Region-
al Meeting, should there be any.
• IPSF- EMRO: Being a youth lead organization, and working in many inter-
secting areas, I will build the relationship early with the regional chairperson,
exploring ways for further Collaborations. This will bring an intersectional lens
into our work, and unifying youth voices.
• Prosepctive Partners

Regional Priorities RC68 IFMSA Delegation
3 RPS, 2 years, now What?
The pandemic has thrust us into the
unknown world of online advocacy,
Working on 3 Regional priorities with
affecting our engagement and im-
2 Regional Teams for the past 2 years,
pact, nothing the less I will utilize
provided me with hands-on experience
my experiences as a delegate 67RC
in understanding the implementation &
and 74th WHA that has allowed me
conceptual realization & Fulfillment of
to understand how to navigate the
the priority within the region. When re-
online world, and amplify and transmit
flecting back on the gaps that hindered
our voices. For the preparation of the
scaling up the impact intended out
WHO RC68th IFMSA delegation, I
these priorities, Two common elements
plan on
were present; Streamlining and Moni-
toring & Evaluation. That is why I plan
• Ensuring full inclusivity and fair-
ness through blind application
when selecting delegates taking
• Perform stakeholder analysis to
into account IFMSA Pakistan and
identify relevant stakeholders for
Medsin Sudan being a part of the
advocacy efforts and a Baseline
WHO EMR country distribution.
Assessment to understand the initial
• Fulfilling my duties as head of dele-
situation in the region, particularly
gaps to be eliminated and opportu-
• Having a delegates prepa-
nities to be seized.
ration program prior to the
• Creation of a Streamlined operation-
meeting to equip members
al plan with all Regional Team mem-
with knowledge and skills
bers that will ensure centralization &
needed to participate mean-
synchronization of work on RPs and
ingfully in representing
enhance Collaboration Between RT
IFMSA & ensure full under-
standing of WHO Mecha-
• Establish an M & E mechanism to
nisms. This can be worked on
help in performance assessments
with L-WHO, exploring the
and measurement of change and im-
potential of creating a joint
pact, followed by an Impact Report
program with other regions.
to be shared with NMOs and our
• Preparation of an elaborate
Partners. These will act as tools for
Advocacy Strategy with clear
greater transparency and account-
objectives tailored for online
engagement. It will include
• Conduct Regional Priorities Cam-
campaigns, statements based
paign to accelerate RP Achieve-
on IFMSA policy documents
ments that aims at:
& Side Events (Twitter and
• Educating members on the RP
Instagram platforms for en-
topic and encouraging the cre-
gagement )
ation of national & local activi-
• Have Effective Networking
ties to maximize impact.
for new areas of collabora-
• Encouraging NMOs active
tions with regional civil soci-
involvement in the creation &
ety organizations and WHO
submission of RPs.

WHO EMRO- SDOH Comission

NMO external Affairs Developments:

Work on capacitating members in external affairs, to empower them into using their voice
to advocate on national & local levels, pressurising the world into realizing the potential of
youth Meaningful youth engagement. I will work on
• Helping NMOs initiate Contact with their WHO Country Offices & relevant country
offices, assisting them in creating sustainable partnerships on national levels.
• Encourage National Policy Documents creation through dissemination of resources
and tools widely available in IFMSA
• Assist NMO together with Regional EA RAs with EA CB, in the creation of Advocacy &
External Affairs Strategies that take into account online engagement.
• Creating Capacity building opportunities for NMOs to increase their knowledge and
skills on external affairs and advocacy (Webinars, sessions & Workshops, Etc)

Regional Policy

Policy Documents are tools used by IFMSA in advocacy in an effort to represent the
stance of IFMSA Members, as such it has to be written from a global perspective to
ensure inclusion & representation. Although this gives us strength, it minimizes the
relevancy of our regional advocacy efforts, as such I plan to introduce regional policy
briefs for regional contextualization acting as a supporting background document to
the original IFMSA Policy. This will be worked on with the VPE and LOs.

Empowerment is all about building up the members in the region: trusting
them, unleashing their hidden potentials, and ultimately, enabling them to
contribute their expertise so that the region can become more than the sum
of its parts. Through this pillar, I will be working on

Initiatives that Empower Members through Knowledge & Ex-

perience Exchange:
• OPEN MIC: During My Term as FA RA, I conducted an open mic on Finances in
the region, which offered the members a chance to present speeches & presen-
tations about their experiences in this field, I aim to continue this initiative on a
larger scale, having a venue where NMOs can Share Best Practices and Lessons
learned through the term.
• Establish a mentorship program that aims to contribute to the members’ Person-
al & professional development in IFMSA & beyond, offering one to one, tailored
guidance to help members develop themselves and get the most out of their
IFMSA Experience. Mentors can involve previous IFMSA Alumni, RT Members,
externals and general members in the region.

Initiatives to Showcase Regional & NMOs Impact :

In an effort to celebrate our members’ work, and quantify the impact conducted
throughout the term , I will be launching a Campaign titled EMR Footprints, that
portrays our members’ work.


Personal Information EDUCAT ION

Mobile : +201110222217 Undergraduate: 5th year medical student in kasr Al-Ainy
E-mail : [email protected] medical school (IPKA).
Age: 22 Years High school/Secondary education: International certificate
Date of birth: 6/10/1998 of secondary education (IGCSE) from Misr language school,
Nationality: Egyptian graduating class 2016.

IFMSA Experience Languages

Positions Held:
Arabic: Native
2018---2019: English: Fluent
IFMSA-Egypt LC Publication Support Division Director. German: Good
National Public Relations Coordinator
Finance Assistant for the eastern Mediterranean region.
IFMSA-Egypt ‘s Fundraising Support Division Director
IFMSA-Egypt LC Secretary General & Acting President (Students’ Scientific Society- SSS)
General Assistant For Eastern Mediterranean Region

Fundraising Coordinator in the Organizing Committee of IFMSA-Egypt 4th NGA in Kasr Al-ainy
Member in the World Human Rights Declaration Small Working Group (WHRD-SWG).
Public Relations Coordinator in IFMSA-Egypt 50th Anniversary Organizing Committee
Organizing Committee Head of Medfest-Egypt Tiny Marks Event- Child health Film Festival.
Online Conference Coordinator in Health workforce convening spaces SWG- GHWN-Youth hub – Youth and de-
cent work in the health sector.
Member in IFMSA Financial Sustainability of IFMSA Meetings Small Working Group
Member in Global Health Diplomacy Small working group
Virtual Logistics Coordinator in 9th Youth Pre WHA Workshop.
Member in Regional Task Force for EMR Strategy 18/21 Evaluation
General Delegate | MM 19, SCOPH Sessions
FA EMR | EMR’16, Presidents Sessions Facilitator
FA EMR/VPA Support Person of the Plenary | AM20 OGA, President Sessions & Facilitator in NMO
Management Session. + Judge in Rex Crossley Awards
GA EMR| EMR17 Presidents Session Facilitator
GA EMR | MM21, Presidents Sessions & Member in Financial Committee.
PHLT on Climate Change participant | IFMSA-EGYPT 10th Winter Camp - Graduated Facilitator
GHA Participant | Pre EMR’16 - Graduated Facilitator
Finances in Global health Coordinator | Advanced online Course - July
Leaders of Today, Leaders of Tomorrow -LOTT - Stream Coordinator| Pre’EMR17

External Meetings
IFMSA Temporary Advisor | 2nd Expert Group meeting of EMR Commission on Social Determinants of
health, Jordan - March 2020
IFMSA Delegate | IPSF EMRO Regional Assembly , August 2020
IFMSA Delegate | 67TH EMR Regional Committee Meeting (EMRC67) - October 2020
IFMSA Delegate | 74th World Health Assembly - May 2021
IFMSA Egypt Delegate |
• WHO EMR Youth Town Hall Meeting in the EMR Office.- September 2018
• WHO World Health Day Celebration for the EMR. April 2019
• WHO Celebration of HIV/AIDS day – December 2019

Other Experiences
Position Held:

Intern at Women Leadership for planetary Health (WLPH)

Consultant | UN75 Global Governance Forum Innovation Track e-Consultation & Webinar Series - Nom-
inated by UNMGCY
Global School Advocate on SDGs- UN Sustainable Development Network Solutions (SDNS)
Health Education Head - Patients Support Team in Abu Elreish Children Hospital – Awarded Best Head.

Meetings & Workshops Conferences

Participant | Global Technical Meeting (GTM2020) on ‘Reimagining Volunteering for the 2030 Agenda
- Mid July 2020
Member in UNMGCY Youth Engagement Group/Attendee | High level Political Forum 2020
Participant |UNMGCY Arab Youth Forum on Disaster Risk Reduction - December 2019
Participant | United Nations 75th Youth Town hall - May 2020 & Member of UNMGCY UN75 Focus
Participant | UN75 Global Governance Forum- September 2020
Rapporteur | African-European Youth Forum under the auspices of German Federal Ministry for Eco-
nomic Cooperation and Development. September 2020
Moderator/Host | Global Health workforce Network (GHWN) Youth hub Online Conference - Youth &
decent work in the Health Sector - December 2019
Participant | UNDP Awareness-based Collective Action: Dialogue Series with Otto Scharmer
Participant | Venro/ EU Presidency African-European Youth Workshop on Youth Civic Engagement.


“Future is not indeterminate,
Future is in our hands.””

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