Automatic Mains Failure: Mcpherson Controls

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Automatic Mains Failure

Automatic Genset Control and Protection Module Plus ATS Control


McPherson Controls

4501 NW 27th Ave - Miami - Florida - 33142

Tel - 305-634-1511 Fax - 305-634-1461
AMF-10 Automatic Mains Failure Module


Section Page

ATTENTION ........................................................................................................................................... 3
PROJECT BACKGROUND.................................................................................................................... 3
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 3
AMF-10 MONITORING AND PROTECTION FUNCTION ...................................................................... 3

1. FRONT PANEL LAYOUT................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Front Panel Layout ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Rear panel layout .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Unit Dimensions (Measurement:mm).......................................................................................... 6
1.4 Panel Cut-out (Measurement:mm).............................................................................................. 6

2. OPERATION ...................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Summary....................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Auto Mode Of Operation................................................................................................................ 7
2.3 Off Mode Of Operation .................................................................................................................. 8
2.4 Manual Mode Of Operation ........................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Test Mode Of Operation ................................................................................................................ 8

3. SYSTEM SETTING & OPERATION ................................................................................................... 9

3.1 DC Input ........................................................................................................................................ 9
3.2 System Setting .............................................................................................................................. 9
3.3 Operation timer setting .................................................................................................................. 9
3.4 AC Voltage & Current Display Setting ......................................................................................... 10
3.5 Engine Over-Load Protection Setting .......................................................................................... 10
3.6 User Specified Monitoring Setting ALARM1 & ALARM2.............................................................. 11
3.7 Service & Maintenance Setting ................................................................................................... 11
3.8 Panel display setting ................................................................................................................... 11
3.9 Engine Idle Operating Function ................................................................................................... 11
3.10 Automatic Transferring Switch (ATS) function ........................................................................... 11
3.11 System Setting Reference Table ............................................................................................... 12

4. SYSTEM WARNING FAILURE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................... 14

4.1 Failure signal reference table ...................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Warning Mode ............................................................................................................................. 14
4.3 Shutdown Mode .......................................................................................................................... 14

5. SPECIFICATION .............................................................................................................................. 14

6. TERMINAL & WIRING DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................ 15

6.1 Connection Detail ........................................................................................................................ 15
6.2 Wiring Diagram............................................................................................................................ 16

AMF-10 Automatic Mains Failure Module

ATTENTION ● Engine running hour’s meter

This document is intended to cover the installation, ● DC battery voltage

operation and maintenance of the AMF-10 ● Also the display shows all time delays and
Automatic Genset Control and Protection Module. It countdown function as they occur
is a guide for qualified personnel. ● It also displays the program setting parameters
as you change or reprogram the module
Carefully read this manual before installation.
You can also change the way the display works, it
can either be fixed; changing from one value to the
other by pushing a button or displaying each line for
Automatic Transfer Switches protect electrical 2 sec. in succession.
equipment against power loss. The normal power
source (power grid) is backed up by a standby In conclusion the AMF-10 offer all the necessary
(emergency generator). The transfer switch is protection and monitoring needed for any standby
connected to both and is made to supply the load power genset.
from either one. In the event power is lost from the
normal source, the generator is started and the AMF-10 MONITORING AND PROTECTION
transfer switch transfers to standby power. Once FUNCTIONS
normal power is restored, the ATS transferred back
to the grid and waits for the next electrical failure. ● Normal power full phase over/under voltage
monitoring and lost of phase
The AMF-10 module constantly checks the power ● Standby power full phase over/under voltage
coming from the grid for problems related to monitoring and lost of phase
over/under voltage or a missing phase.
● Standby power full phase load current monitoring
INTRODUCTION ● Engine high water temperature protection
● Engine low oil pressure protection
The AMF-10 is one control with two jobs, one is to
protect and control the emergency generator and ● Engine over/under speed protection
the other is to monitor and control the Automatic ● Engine start failure warning
Transfer Switch. ● External emergency stop warning

The customer can program the AMF-10 module ● Battery over and under voltage monitoring
directly from the front panel without using a ● Low fuel level monitoring
computer. Any new settings are recorded into the
internal (EEPROM) and protected from erasure AMF-10 has 2 extra inputs for the customer to use
even without battery. and set-up, like fuel overflow, radiator water levels,
The AMF-10 has 4 settings; Automatic (AUTO) -
Manual (MANU) - Testing (TEST) and Shutdown
(OFF) in addition to this four buttons the front panel
has a 4 digital, 7 segment numerical displays
showing all the alternating Volts, Amps and Hertz,
Battery Volts and engine running Hours readings
and the programming interface for changing all the
engine, ATS and generator parameters.

The 4 Digital displays shows:

● Normal and emergency AC voltage

● Normal and emergency load current
● Normal and emergency AC frequency in Hertz
AMF-10 Automatic Mains Failure Module


1.1 Front Panel Layout


IN Program mode, press to decrease value
Decrease / Selection
In normal operation, press to display voltage, current or frequency
IN OFF mode, press and hold button for 4 seconds to enter Program mode
SET / Failure Reset IN normal operation, press button to select and display phase L12, L23, L31
IN failure status, press to erase alarm signal
IN Program mode, press to increase value
Increase / Selection
IN normal operation, press to display battery voltage or engine running hours

Automatic Press to go into Automatic mode

Stop Press to enter Shutdown / System Off mode

Test Press to enter Testing mode

Manual Press to go on Manual mode

Engine Start Manual engine start (ON MANUAL MODE ONLY)

Engine Stop Manual engine shutdown (ON MANUAL MODE ONLY)

Normal Power Manual Transfer the Switch from Emergency to Normal Position
Connect to Load (ON MANUAL MODE ONLY)
Emergency Power Manual Transfer the Switch from Normal to Emergency Position
Connect to Load (ON MANUAL MODE ONLY)

AMF-10 Automatic Mains Failure Module

1.2 Rear panel layout

Harness Fixture

AMF-10 Automatic Mains Failure Module

1.3 Unit Dimensions (Measurement:mm)

L 12 L 23 L 31 AMF-10
Volt Batt
Freq Hour

1.4 Panel Cut-out (Measurement:mm)

AMF-10 Automatic Mains Failure Module

2. OPERATION But if the engine starts normally the AMF-10

immediately disengages the starter motor.
2.1 Summary
Disengaging the starter is vital to prevent damage to
Operating the AMF-10, is divided into four functions; the starter motor and ring gear, and is done by
each one is controlled by a single push button sensing.
located on the top right hand corner of the front
panel ● Engine Oil pressure switch on
1. AUTO : Automatic Operation ● AC voltage builds up
2. OFF : Shutdown/System OFF Mode ● AC frequency over 18Hz
3. MANU : Manual Operation
4. TEST : Testing Mode Next the AMF-10 goes into idle (only if you have the
(CAUTION) only one operation mode can be proper engine governor idle connection), the screen
selected at one time. shows [Id.XX]. Each entered value equals to 5sec
idle delay (see page 12). To disable enter 0 and the
2.2 In Auto Mode of Operation engine will not idle.

In AUTO mode, the START - STOP - MAIN - GEN After engine starts, the AMF-10 enters a 30sec
buttons do not operate. They work only when the grace period, delaying any shutdowns, and giving
controller is in Manual operation. See paragraph the generator time to reach normal engine speed,
2.5. together with oil pressure, AC voltage and other
operating parameter, the screen displays [Ac.XX]
Press the AUTO button and notice the LED after confirming that everything is running OK.
lights-up confirming that you are in AUTO. In AUTO
mode the ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) and But if the genset does not run normally before the
genset are directly controlled by the AMF-10. 30sec grace period is up, the module shutdown the
generator displaying the reason for stopping the
The operation sequence in AUTO is as follows; genset on the front panel.
when the AMF-10 detects any unusually voltage or
no voltages or a missing phase coming from the Now if the generator stabilizes and reaches its rated
normal (city grid), it automatically initiates the output, The AMF-10 starts the TDNE (Time Delay
generator start sequences Normal to Emergency) countdown, showing [nE.XX]
on the front screen. (Remember that each entered
First activating the engine Preheat, and at the same value is equals to 5sec delay, the preset TDNE
time displaying the Pre-Heat countdown in countdown is 10sec, See page 12). When the
seconds[PH.XX]on the front screen. countdown stops, the module sends a signal to the
transfer switch to change-over from normal to
Second, after the preheat times out, the starter
emergency (standby generator) power. If the
motor begin to start and the screen displays the
transfer switch fails to do this in 15sec, the AMF-10
starter motor running time [St.XX] The starter motor
runs for 6 sec. (the user can change the running flashes emergency on LED and display FAIL on the
time of the starter motor for up to 30 seconds) If the screen, after the problem is resolved, press the
engine fails to start the first time, the AMF-10 SET/Failure reset button to remove the warning
returns to Preheat and tries again. The AMF-10 tries signal.
3 times (the user can also change how many times
the engine tries to start - up to 9 times).

If the engine fails to start, the AMF-10 lights-up the

LED for START FAILURE icon, and the screen
flashes, FAIL.

AMF-10 Automatic Mains Failure Module

As soon as Normal power returns, the AMF-10 Shutdown immediately to prevent further damage to
verifies this and begins the TDEN (Time Delay the genset. Once the generator completely stops,
Normal to Emergency) countdown showing [En.XX] the reason for the failure is displayed on the front
on the screen. Again each entered value equals panel, helping maintenance locate the problem. To
5sec, the factory preset TDEN countdown is 10sec erase the failure signal, press the [SET / FAILURE
(see page 12). When the countdown stops, the Reset]key or switch to OFF position.
module sends a signal to the transfer switch to
change-over from emergency to normal power. On OFF mode, the operator can press the Increase
/ Selection [︽] button, to get other readings for
Finally the engine executes TDEC. (Time Delay battery voltage and Operating hours. These
Engine Cool down) The screen display readings are switched from one to the other every
[CL.XX]Again each entered value equals to 5sec; 2sec.
the preset TDEC count down is 60sec (see page
12). 2.4 Manual Mode of Operation
On MANUAL, the operator can manually start and
ATTENTION!! stop the generator and activate the transfer switch
When the generator is on Engine Cool-down to go from Normal to Emergency solely by using the
the AMF-10 protection system remains in START – STOP - MAINS- GENERATOR buttons on
effect and if any failure occurs, the module front of the AMF-10
bypasses the countdown and shutdown
[START]Manual Engine Start
generator immediately.
[STOP]Manual Engine Stop
[MAIN]Manually change over to Normal Power
[GEN]Manually change over to (Stand by) Power
After Engine Cool down, the AMF-10 cuts the
Engine fuel by using either one of two different The Engine Start, Shutdown and transfer switch
methods (either Energize to Stop or Energize to changeover sequence under MANU mode is the
Start), the AMF-10 display[SP.XX]on the front same as the AUTO mode, reference from Section
screen. 2.2 (page 7).

In AUTO mode, AMF-10 allows the operator to use 2.5 Test Mode of Operation
a remote signal to test the generator with or Without
LOAD (programmable). Under no load testing, the TEST mode is testing function operated under no
AMF-10 starts the genset, but do not test the load from the genset. When switching AMF-10 into
transfer switch and the generator remains without TEST mode, if the system with load and under
load. If conducting the test with load, the module normal power supply status, the module only start
starts the genset and using the transfer switch puts up the genset to conduct a test with no load and
the generator on load. dismiss the test for the transfer switch changeover.

If the normal power failure occurs during operation

2.3 Off Mode of Operation
of TEST mode, The AMF-10 overwrites the testing
OFF mode not only serve as shut down of the operation and automatically carryout the transfer
genset, but also serve as Failure Reset. Under OFF switch changeover to the emergency power on.
mode, all output functions are disabled; this includes When the normal power returns, the module
the control signal for the transfer (changeover) continue to supply power from the emergency
switch. When switching to [OFF] position during the power supply until the module is switched back to
normal genset operation, the module shutdown the AUTO mode.
genset according to normal shutdown sequence.

If AMF-10 detects a major malfunction during a

normal operation, it executes the Emergency
AMF-10 Automatic Mains Failure Module

Under System Setting, each time you press the

3. SYSTEM SETTING & OPERATION [Setting] button, the next line comes up with a
complete new set of values. (See Table on page 12),
ATTENTION!! One by one input the settings until all new setting
Before changing factory setting on the are written. When you reach the last line the panel
will say [End] this means the setting are completed
AMF-10, make sure all connections are
and memorized by the internal micro processor. You
correctly made, (connect the battery last). If can also END at any time by holding the Setting
you are programming new values to the button for 4sec
AMF-10, refer to front panel layout (page 4)
and the system programming table on page To reset the factory setting you need to hold down
the [Down] [SET] [UP] buttons(See below diagram)
together for 4sec until “ Au.PO ” appears on the
3.1 DC Input Supply
The AMF-10 is capable of working with a wide range
of input voltages (9VDC to 36VDC) this helps
prevent damage to the control from low battery
voltage when the engine is cranking.

3.2 System setting (programming)

Changing the settings for the AMF-10 consists of
scrolling down throw 53 lines of programming and 3.3 Operation timer setting
one by one changing each line to the requirement The running hour meter total is stored in the internal
needs for your generator. The operator can input memory and cannot be erased or return to zero by
and change the settings by using the buttons on the ether removing the battery or by resetting to factory
front panel. settings.
To enter new setting, select OFF, and then hold If you need to reset the operating hours, follow
SET/Failure Reset button down for 4sec. section 3.2 Enter the System Setting. And before
the [Pro.] message disappears (you have 4sec),
press down [OFF] button for 4sec, when the screen
shows [Ch.Hr] (see the following diagram), this
means the AMF-10 is in the operating timer setting.

Volt Batt
The first thing the screen shows is [Vr1.0] for 2sec,
(this is the software version number) after that it Freq Hour
changes to [Pro.] for Programming, next the display
changes to looks like the frame underneath.
Now you can change the hour-meter by using the
UP/DOWN arrows.
Volt Batt
Freq Hour

The first 2 digits represent the line number from 01

to 53; the last 2 digits stand the values for that line.
You can change the value of the last 2 digits by
using the UP and DOWN arrows following the table
on (3.11)

AMF-10 Automatic Mains Failure Module

AMF-10 provides both warning and system

3.4 AC Voltage & Current Display Setting
shutdown for overload protection.
The AMF-10 continually monitors normal and
generator power displaying these values on the ● Overload Shutdown: When engine overloads,
front panel. The AMF-10 monitors full phase voltage, the module immediately stop the engine
current and frequency (The voltage and current
operation, display failure signal on the panel and
value is calibrated and adjusted at the factory). But if
the load has high capacitive or inductive values the in the same time perform corresponding overload
waveform distortion may cause the displayed to trip output signal.
have small differences from the users measuring ● Overload Warning: When engine overloads, the
instrument. module does not stop the engine, it only display a
warning failure signal on the panel, in the same
You can adjust the display value to equal to the
time perform corresponding overload trip output
users own instruments, by entering the voltage
setting mode to perform adjustment and increase or signal. This signal can be used to trip a breaker
decrease the parameter. Once the adjustment is to make the generator to cool down under no
completed, the 3 phase sensing value increase or load.
decrease according to the adjusted value and See System Entry Setting Reference Table lines 25,
display it on the display screen. The AMF-10 over 26, 27, 28 for all overloads protection parameter and
voltage, under voltage and the load current settings.
protection follow the adjusted value as the actual
system voltage and perform the monitoring
according to the new parameter. ATTENTION!!

See System entry Setting Reference Table lines When using the AMF-10 for overload
6,7,11,12,23,24 for all AC voltage, current display protection, you need to pay special attention
parameter and settings. not to exceed the CT primary rated current,
otherwise the CT will saturation cause
3.5 Engine Over-Load Protection Setting incorrect readings leading to a failure in
overload protection.
For example:CT ratio equals to 1000A:5A,
AMF-10 provides overload protection from then over current setting value can not
the generator only. There is no overload exceed 1000A.
protection on the normal side.

To prevent overloading the genset the AMF-10 has

an overload protection inputs. It is set according to
the generator maximum current output, or any
current value below its rated output.

Set the overload protection via the System Setting

Lines 26 to 28. Each value equals to 50 ampere.
For example: When the number set is 20, the over
current value is equals to 20 * 50A = 1000A.

When an engine overload is detected, the AMF-10

overload make sure timer starts and if the
over-current condition disappears within the grace
period set, the system ignores the incident and
resets, but if the overload condition exceeds the
preset grace period, the AMF-10 execute the
overload protection and display the overload failure
message on the screen, in at the same time perform
corresponding overload trip output signal.

AMF-10 Automatic Mains Failure Module

Go to the System Setting Reference Table (Line 05)

3.6 User Specified Monitoring Setting
for Engine idle operation function setting and related
ALARM1 & ALARM2 information.
The AMF-10 has 2 spare inputs to add two more
protections to the system. This is only possible if the Genset has an electrical
governor control.
See Line entry 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49. The two inputs
can be setup as a Warning or a shutdown. 3.10 Automatic Transferring Switch (ATS)
3.7 Service & Maintenance Setting
When the AMF-10 is in AUTO, the module monitors
The AMF-10 includes a maintenance indicator. street power. If any voltage abnormity or open
When the engine reaches a service interval, the phase is detected, the module sends a start signal
panel displays (Service) advising the staff to carry to the genset in order to start the engine and provide
out scheduled maintenance. When programming continual power supply to the load.
service setting, remember that each value
represents 10hrs of operating time, for example: AMF-10 has 2 electrical interlock control signals
when setting value is 20, the timer setting equals to TDNE (Time Delay Normal to Emergency) and
20 *10Hr = 200Hr. TDEN (Time Delay Emergency to Normal), The
system control sequence fist disconnect with time
Once maintenance is finished, go to line 53 to reset delay then engage, to ensure Transfer Switch not
the service timer back to [0]. engage normal power supply and emergency power
supply at the same time.
Refer to System Setting Table Lines 52, 53 for
Service and maintenance setting and related
Go to the System Setting Reference Table lines 02
and 03, for ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) for
setting information.
3.8 Digital display setting
The AMF-10 display can be set to fix or cycling.
(Line 51) In cycling the AMF-10 take turns
displaying in sequence Volts, Amps, Hz on the
screen for 2sec. To read Operating hours and
Battery Voltage you must override the display by
using the increase [︽] the [SET] button to select
readings of L12、L23 and L31 phase, and decrease
[︽] button to see battery voltage and operating

When a specific parameter is selected, the cycling

display pauses and display the selected parameter
for 30sec, after 30sec the system resumes the
cycling parameter display.

See System Setting Reference Table entry (Line 51)

for display type setting and related information.

3.9 Engine Idle

To prevent operating the engine at full speed
immediately after starting and give it time to heat up,
the AMF-10 can operate the engine in idle mode,
allowing the genset to warm up. The operator can
define the time on idle according to onsite and
climate requirements.

AMF-10 Automatic Mains Failure Module

3.11 System Setting Reference Table


1 Phase selection (3Ø3W 1Ø3W or 1Ø) 00 Æ 3Ø3W 01 Æ 1Ø3W 02 Æ 1Ø 00
TDEN Time Delay Emergency to Normal
Each enter value equals to 5sec
2 0 ~ 60 ( 0 ~ 300sec ) 2 (10sec)
For example If you enter 5, the delay time is equal
to 25sec (5*5sec = 25sec)
TDNE Time Delay Normal to Emergency
Each enter value equals to 5sec
3 0 ~ 60 ( 0 ~ 300sec ) 2 (10sec)
For example if you enter 5, the delay time is equal
to 25sec (5*5sec = 25sec)
TDEC Time Delay Engine Cooling
Each enter value equals to 5sec 12
4 0 ~ 60 ( 0 ~ 300sec )
For example if you enter 5, the delay time is equal (60sec)
to 25sec (5*5sec = 25sec)
Engine idle time delay setting
Each enter value equals to 5sec
5 0 ~ 60 ( 0 ~ 300sec ) 00
For example if you enter 5, the delay time is equal
to 25sec (5*5sec = 25sec)
6 Normal power voltage display function setting 00 Æ Tune Up 01 Æ Tune Down 00
7 Normal power voltage display adjustment setting 00~ 99 V 00
8 Normal power over voltage setting 11 ~ 50 ( 110V ~500V ) 25 (250V)
9 Normal power under voltage setting 08 ~ 47 ( 80V ~ 470V ) 18 (180V)
Normal power voltage abnormity validating time
10 2 ~ 99sec 10sec
11 Emergency power voltage display function setting 00 Æ Tune Up 01 Æ Tune Down 00
Emergency power voltage display adjustment
12 00~ 99 V 00
13 Emergency power over voltage setting 11 ~ 50 ( 110V ~500V ) 25 (250V)
14 Emergency power under voltage setting 08 ~ 47 ( 80V ~ 470V ) 18 (180V)
Emergency power voltage abnormity validating 0 ~ 99sec
15 10
time setting (0 Emergency Voltage detection disabled)
16 Emergency power voltage abnormity execution 00 Æ Warning 01 Æ Engine stop 01
17 Engine over speed set point 51 ~ 75HZ 65HZ
00 ~ 99 sec
18 Engine over speed validating time setting 05
(0 − Engine Over Speed disabled)
19 Engine under speed set point 40 ~59HZ 55HZ
00 ~ 99 sec
20 Engine under speed validating time setting 05
(0 − Engine Under Speed disabled)
21 Engine under speed execution 00 Æ Warning 01 Æ Engine Stop 01
00 Æ Load 01 Æ Normal
22 Current Transformer (CT) installed position 02
02 Æ Emergency
23 AC current display function setting 00 Æ Tune Up 01 Æ Tune Down 00
24 AC current display adjustment setting 00~ 99 A 00 A

AMF-10 Automatic Mains Failure Module


Rated Current Transformer (CT) ampere setting 1 ( 25/5) 2 ( 50/5) 3 ( 60/5)
For example: default value set to 5 = 100A/5A 4 ( 75/5) 5 ( 100/5) 6 ( 150/5)
7 ( 200/5) 8 ( 250/5) 9 ( 300/5)
current transformer (CT) is selected
25 10 ( 400/5) 11 ( 500/5) 12 ( 600/5) 05
(When external rated current transformer rating 13 ( 750/5) 14 ( 800/5) 15 ( 1000/5)
and setting differs from the specified, the current 16 ( 1200/5) 17 ( 1500/5) 18 ( 1600/5)
readings may become inaccurate) 19 ( 2000/5) 20 ( 3000/5)
Overload protection setting. (every defined value
represents 50 ampere) 2
26 1 ~ 60 (50 ~ 3000A)
For example : enter value 20, this means the over (100A)
current activation value is set to 20 * 50A=1000A
00 ~ 99sec
27 Engine overload activation delay time 0
(0 = Disable overload warning)
Set engine overload protection as warning or
28 00 Æ Warning 01 Æ Engine stop 00
engine stop
29 Oil pressure switch as NO or NC 00 Æ NO 01 Æ NC 01
30 Low oil pressure warning confirmation time 02 ~ 99 sec 05
31 Set high water temperature switch NO or NC 00 Æ NO 01 Æ NC 00
32 High water temperature activation delay time 02 ~ 99 sec 05
00 ( No fuel level switch)
33 Fuel level switch as NO or NC 00
01 Æ NO 02 Æ NC
34 Low fuel level activation delay time 02 ~ 99 sec 10
35 Set low fuel level as Warning or Engine stop 00 Æ Warning 01 Æ Engine stop 00
36 Battery under voltage setting 08 ~ 23 VDC 08 VDC
37 Battery over voltage setting 13 ~ 35 VDC 32 VDC
38 Engine preheat time setting 00 ~ 99 sec 06
39 Attempts permitted to restart engine 01 ~ 09 03
40 Starter motor crank time setting 02 ~ 30 sec 06
Oil pressure switch selected to check and permit
41 00 Æ YES 01 Æ NO 01
engine start
42 Engine Stop Time Setting 02 ~ 99 sec 10
00 (Energize to stop
43 Engine Stop (Energize to stop or energize to start) 00
01 (Energize to start
00 Æ No Alarm1 input signal
44 User defined Alarm1 as NO or NC type 00
01 Æ NO 02 Æ NC
45 Set Alarm1 time configuration 02 ~ 99 sec 10
46 Set Alarm1 signal as Warning or Engine stop 00 Æ Warning 01 Æ Engine stop 00
00 Æ No Alarm2 input signal
47 User defined Alarm2 as NO or NC type 00
01 Æ NO 02 Æ NC
48 Set Alarm2 time configuration 02 ~ 99 sec 10
49 Set Alarm2 signal as Warning or Engine stop 00 Æ Warning 01 Æ Engine stop 00
50 External remote testing with load or without load 00 Æ With load 01 Æ Without load 01
00 Æ Fixed display
51 Display Type 01
01 Æ Cycling display
00 ~ 25 (0 ~ 250Hours)
Engine Service & Maintenance warning (Each
52 (0 = Disable service & maintenance 00
input value = 10 hours)
53 Reset Service & Maintenance warning timer 00 Æ YES 01 Æ NO 01

AMF-10 Automatic Mains Failure Module

is a warning the genset continue to work, but all the

4. SYSTEM WARNING & FAILURE warning signals remain illuminated on the front
DESCRIPTION panel and continue to be displayed until repaired.

4.1 Failure Symbol Reference Table

4.3 Shutdown Mode
AMF-10 has a 7 segment display screen in addition
If the AMF-10 detects a mayor problem on the
to individual LED graphic indicators showing the
generator the module executes an Emergency
operator of all operating status.
Shutdown, showing the reason for the failure, and
guiding the maintenance staff to perform repairs,
Icon Reference Table and after all failures are fixed, switch to [OFF] OFF
Warning mode or hold [SETTING / Failure Reset] button (key)
Description Execution
Signal to erase the failure signal, restart the genset and
load test and see if the problems are eliminated.
Engine Start Failure Shutdown

Shutdown Activated Entry Specification
High Water DC Supply 9 ~ 36 VDC
Temperature Alternator Input Range 15 ~ 510 VAC (Ph-Ph)
Low Oil Pressure Shutdown Alternator Input
50 ~ 60 Hz
Start Signal Output 10 Amp @ 12/24VDC
Over-speed Shutdown
Fuel Solenoid Signal
10 Amp @ 12/24VDC
Shutdown Output
or Warning Preheat Signal Output 10 Amp @ 12/24VDC
Shutdown Accessory “ON”
AC over voltage 10 Amp @ 12/24VDC
or Warning Output
Shutdown Idle Control Conductor
AC under voltage 10 Amp @ 12/24VDC
or Warning
Warning Signal Output 10 Amp @ 12/24VDC
Genset Over-load Overload Alarm Output 10 Amp @ 12/24VDC
or Warning
Normal Power Connect
Shutdown 8 Amp @ 250VAC
Low Fuel Level to Load Signal
or Warning
Stand by Power
Low Battery Voltage Connect to Load 8 Amp @ 250VAC
Warning Only
Warning Signal
Service & Power Consumption Under 5VA
Maintenance Warning Only Operating Temperature -20 to 70℃
Relative Humidity Under 95%
Spare Setting 1 Rated CT Capacity Above 2.5VA
or Warning
Shutdown Secondary Rated
Spare Setting 2 5A
or Warning
Weight 0.5KG
Normal Power

4.2 Warning Mode

If the AMF-10 detects a fault and this fault is a minor
problem the AMF-10 gives you a warning. If the fault
is hazardous to the engine or generator, it shutdown
immediately depending how it has initially setup If it
AMF-10 Automatic Mains Failure Module


6.1 Connection Detail


J1-1 Null Spare
J1-2 Battery negative (-V) System DC negative input. (Battery Negative).
J1-3 Battery positive (+V) System DC positive input. (Battery Positive).
Used to control external alarm buzzer. Supply (+v) 8
J1-4 Alarm signal Output
Amp rated
Connect to Governor Idle control. Supply (+v) 8 Amp
J1-5 Idle control signal output
J1-6 Starter motor Signal Output Connect to Starter Motor. Supply (+V) 8 Amp
Connect to Fuel Solenoid or Fuel Valve Control.
J1-7 Fuel Solenoid Signal Output
Supply (+V) 8 Amp
J1-8 Accessory “ON” Output Connect to the panel lamp. Supply (+V) 8 Amp
Used to trip the AC output breaker. Supply (+V) 8
J1-9 Overload Alarm signal output
Used to control the internal Heater. Supply (+V) 8
J1-10 Pre-heat Signal Output
J1-11 Emergency Stop Signal Input Connect to external emergency stop switch
J1-12 Temperature Switch Input Connect to Temperature Switch
J1-13 Oil Pressure Switch Input Connect to Oil Pressure Switch
J1-14 Fuel Level Switch input Connect to Fuel Level Switch
Spare1 / User Define Warning Negative input When Action
Signal Input
Spare2 / User Define Warning Negative input When Action
Signal Input
J1-17 Remote Start Signal Input Connect to external remote test switch
J1-18 Null spare
J2-1 Normal L1 sensing input. Connect to the Normal power phase L1
J2-2 Normal L2 sensing input. Connect to the Normal power phase L2
J2-3 Normal L3 sensing input. Connect to the Normal power phase L3
J3-1 Normal “ON” signal output Connect to normal “ON” Coil. Supply 8 Amp
J3-2 Normal “ON” signal output Connect to normal “ON” Coil. Supply 8 Amp
J3-3 Emergency “ON” signal output Connect to Emergency “ON” Coil. Supply 8 Amp
J3-4 Emergency “ON” signal output Connect to Emergency “ON” Coil. Supply 8 Amp
J3-5 Normal “ON” feedback signal input Connect normal “ON” feedback switch
Emergency “ON” feedback signal Connect Emergency “ON” feedback switch
J3-7 CT comm. terminal input Connect to external CTs common position
J3-8 CT secondary for L1 Connect to secondary of L1 monitoring CT
J3-9 CT secondary for L2 Connect to secondary of L2 monitoring CT
J3-10 CT secondary for L3 Connect to secondary of L3 monitoring CT
J4-1 Emergency L1 sensing input. Connect to the genset power phase L1
J4-2 Emergency L2 sensing input. Connect to the genset power phase L2
J4-3 Emergency L3 sensing input. Connect to the genset power phase L3

AMF-10 Automatic Mains Failure Module

6.2 Wiring Diagram

6.2.1 3 Phase 4 Wires Wiring Diagram



ON Coil ON Coil

J2-1 J2-2 J2-3 J3-1 J3-2 J3-3 J3-4 J4-3 J4-2 J4-1 J3-7 J3-8 J3-9 J3-10
8A 8A

AMF-10 Controller 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A

J3-5 J3-6 J1-11 J1-12 J1-13 J1-14 J1-15 J1-16 J1-17 J1-2 J1-3 J1-10 J1-6 J1-7 J1-9 J1-5 J1-4 J1-8
Temperature SW
Emergency Stop

Oil Pressure SW

Fuel Level SW

Remote Test




Comm. Alarm






6.2.2 3 Phase 3 Wires Wiring Diagram



ON Coil ON Coil

J2-1 J2-2 J2-3 J3-1 J3-2 J3-3 J3-4 J4-3 J4-2 J4-1 J3-7 J3-8 J3-9 J3-10
8A 8A

AMF-10 Controller 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A

J3-5 J3-6 J1-11 J1-12 J1-13 J1-14 J1-15 J1-16 J1-17 J1-2 J1-3 J1-10 J1-6 J1-7 J1-9 J1-5 J1-4 J1-8
Temperature SW
Emergency Stop

Oil Pressure SW

Fuel Level SW

Remote Test



Comm. Alarm








AMF-10 Automatic Mains Failure Module

6.2.3 Single Phase 3 Wires Wiring Diagram



ON Coil ON Coil

J2-1 J2-2 J2-3 J3-1 J3-2 J3-3 J3-4 J4-3 J4-2 J4-1 J3-7 J3-8 J3-9 J3-10
8A 8A

AMF-10 Controller 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A

J3-5 J3-6 J1-11 J1-12 J1-13 J1-14 J1-15 J1-16 J1-17 J1-2 J1-3 J1-10 J1-6 J1-7 J1-9 J1-5 J1-4 J1-8
Temperature SW
Emergency Stop

Oil Pressure SW

Fuel Level SW

Remote Test




Comm. Alarm







6.2.4 Single Phase Wiring Diagram



ON Coil ON Coil

J2-1 J2-2 J2-3 J3-1 J3-2 J3-3 J3-4 J4-3 J4-2 J4-1 J3-7 J3-8 J3-9 J3-10
8A 8A

AMF-10 Controller 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A

J3-5 J3-6 J1-11 J1-12 J1-13 J1-14 J1-15 J1-16 J1-17 J1-2 J1-3 J1-10 J1-6 J1-7 J1-9 J1-5 J1-4 J1-8
Temperature SW
Emergency Stop

Oil Pressure SW

Fuel Level SW

Remote Test



Comm. Alarm









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