Diversity and Coverage of Coral Reefs in The Olele Regional Marine Conservation Area, Gorontalo

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Diversity and Coverage of Coral Reefs

In the Olele Regional Marine Conservation Area,

Asniati Ningsi1,a), Ida Astuti2,b), dan Ramdan Monoarfa3,c)
Prodi Perikanan dan Kelautan, Fakultas Pertanian,
Universitas Gorontalo, Indonesia
E-mail : a)[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

ABSTRACT – Olele Marine Park is one of the Regional Marine Conservation Areas (KKLD) which is
designated as a conservation area based on the Decree of the Regent of Bone Bolango No. 165 of 2006. As one
of the Marine Parks, the Olele KKLD provides a coral reef ecosystem which is an important asset in attracting
local and foreign tourists to visit. Seeing tourism activities in the area referred to by monitoring and observing
the condition of coral reefs is a big concern to do for the sake of ecosystem sustainability in the future. This
study aims to study the extent and extent of coral cover in the Olele Regional Marine Protected Area. This
research was conducted in April to May 2019 in Olele Village. The study used the LIT method at three stations
at depths of 2 and 4 meters. The results showed station I depth 2 and 4 m wide coral cover 12.8% and 22.9%
classified as bad, station II coral cover area 24.1% and 37.5% classified as poor on the surface of 2 m and
moderate at height 4 m, while at station III the area of coral cover is 86.5% at a depth of 2 m and 95.4% at a
depth of 4 m with coral conditions that are still very good. For the index of coral reef diversity in the medium

Keywords: Cover; Coral reefs; LIT; KKLD; Olele


Coral reef ecosystems have a good ability to repair damaged parts if the habitat characteristics
of various coral reef formations and environmental factors that influence them are well maintained.
Like other ecosystems, coral reefs do not require direct human intervention or manipulation for their
survival (Dahuri, 2003).
One of the Gorontalo areas that have coral reef potential is the Olele marine park conservation
area, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province. Olele was established by the Bone Bolango
government as a Regional Marine Conservation Area (KKLD) since 2006. The coral reef ecosystem in
the village of Olele has approximately 16 rock genera and dozens of species, overall the coral genus
that dominates the reef distribution, among others Montipora, followed by Acropora, Porites, Fungia,
and Pectinta which are spread evenly (DKP Bone Bolango 2006).
The condition of the coral reef ecosystem in the Olele Marine Park Conservation Area is still
quite good and varies, especially the types of branched corals, but efforts to monitor and observe the
condition of the coral reef must continue to be carried out bearing in mind the marine tourism
activities in the Olele Marine Park-Conservation Area are increasingly worried about impact on the
condition of coral cover. Seeing tourism activities in the area, efforts to monitor and observe the
condition of coral reefs are a big concern to do for the sustainability of the ecosystem in the future.
This study aims to determine the diversity and extent of coral cover in the Olele Region Marine
Protected Area. This research was conducted from April to May 2019 in Olele Village, Kabila Bone
District, Bone Bolango District. The study used the LIT (Line Intercept Transect) method at three
stations at depths of 2 and 4 meters. In observing LIT, data recording is in the form of types of coral
reefs, percentage of closure based on lifeform.

This research was conducted in April-May 2019 in the Olele Marine Park Conservation Area,
Gorontalo Province.

2.1. Tools and Materials

The tools used during the study were snorkel, underwater camera, roll meter. Refractometer,
pH meter, thermometer, disk secchi and GPS the materials used are coral reefs, coral identification
books, and the Coral Finder Toolkit.

2.2. Sampling Method

The method used to collect coral reef data is the line intercept transect method. The transect
line method is carried out by stretching the transect line in the form of a rolling meter along 10 meters
with 6 sampling times at each station that is installed parallel to the coastline with 3 transects at a
depth of 2 meters and 3 transects at a depth of 4 meters. In observing line intercept transects, data
recording took the form of types of coral reefs, percentage of closure based on lifeform. Measurements
by recording the width of each lifeform with accuracy to near centimeters. In this study, one colony is
considered one individual. If a colony of the same kind is separated by one or several dead parts, each
living part is considered as a separate individual. If two or more colonies grow above the other, then
each colony has been counted as a separate colony (English et al, 1997).

2.3. Data analysis

1. Condition of Coral Cover in the Olele Marine Conservation Area

The percentage value of coral cover obtained from the measurement of coral lifeforms will be
calculated using a formula (Gomez and Yap 1988)

L= x100%

L : Percentage of coral cover (%)

Li : Long lifeform
N : Transect length

2. Coral Reef Diversity

Species diversity is a community level characteristic based on biological organization and will state
the structure of the community. Diversity can be calculated using the Shannon-wiener index (Odum
1993) :
H ' =∑ Pi lnPi ;=¿/ N

H’ : Pi diversity index
Pi : ni / N (Proportion of k-i Species)
ni : Number of individual types
N : Total number of individuals
Information :
H’< 1,0 : Low diversity and low community conditions
1,0>H’<3 : Medium diversity and moderate community situation H '> 3
H’>3 : High diversity and high community conditions

3.1. Condition of Coral Reef Cover in the Olele area Marine Conservation Area
Based on the results of data analysis, it is known that the percentage of live coral cover
(Lifeform) at Station I, which is near residential areas, is shown in the following tables 1 and 2:

Table 1. The results of the measurement of coral cover station I depth of 2 meters
Station I Depth 2 Meter
CM 11.9%
ACD 0.6%
CMR 0.3%
TOTAL 12.8%
Ket : CM (Coral massive), ACD (Acropora digitate) dan CMR (Coral mushroom)

Table 2. The results of the measurement of coral cover station I to a depth of 4 meters
Station I Depth 4 Meter
CM 19.5%
CMR 0.6%
CE 0.5%
ACD 0.6%
ACT 1.7%
TOTAL 22.9%
Ket : CM (Coral massive), CMR (Coral mushroom), CE (Coral encrusting), ACD
(Acropora digitate) dan ACT (Acropora tabulate)

Based on the results of measurements of the percentage of coral cover a station I depths 2 and
4 meters are still classified as poor. This is because Station I is close to community settlements and the
area is a fishing boat. Coral reefs in the area become a place to tie the anchor of a fishing boat so that it
can damage the reef. This is in accordance with the opinion of Sukmara, et al (2002) boat booster or
bamboo is a source of threat to coral reefs which then indicate that the coral saplings are broken and
died due to being hit by bamboo sticks that are stuck by the fishermen. According to Indarjo, et al,
(2004), the potential of coral reef resources in Indonesia is decreasing and threatened to be damaged.

The extent of coral cover for Station II is shown in the following table :

Table 3. Measurement results of Coral Cover II station depth of 2 meters

Station II Depth 2 Meters
ACE 13.4%
ACD 5.1%
CMR 4.5%
ACB 1.1%
TOTAL 24.1%
Ket: ACE (Acropora encrusting), ACD (Acropora digitate), CMR (Coral mushroom), dan
CB (Acropora branching)

Table 4. Measurement results of Coral Cover II station depth of 4 meters

Station II Depth 4 Meters
ACE 14.4%
ACD 6.4%
CMR 4.4%
ACS 1.1%
ACT 9.7%
CTU 0.7%
CME 0.8%
TOTAL 37.5%
Ket: ACE (Acropora encrusting), ACD (Acropora digitate), CMR (Coral mushroom), ACS
(Acropora submassive), ACT (Acropora tabulate), CTU (Coral tubipora) dan CME (Coral

From the measurement of Station II the depth of 2 and 4 meters the percentage of coral cover
is in the bad and moderate category. In the area of Station II, many tourists often snorkel so that
contact between tourists and coral reefs often occurs, both intentionally and unintentionally. Contact
behaviors that occur include stepping on a coral reef, holding a coral reef and shaking fins. Such
contact behavior can result in some damage. Damage that occurred in the form of fractures/fragments
of coral reefs in snorkeling sites and there are many hard corals that died due to trampling or fins
flapping. This is in accordance with the study of Frederick et al (2005) that contact fin is the behavior
most often done by tourists and has the potential to damage corals in addition to stirring sediment

The results of measurements of the extent of coral cover at Station III are shown in tables 5 and 6

Table 5. The results of the measurement of Coral Cover station III depth of 2 meters

Station III Depth 2 Meters

ACT 23.9%
CB 7.4%
ACB 6.3%
CS 1.7%
CMR 3.3%
CF 2%
ACD 33.5%
CTU 1.7%
CME 2.4%
CM 1.8%
CE 2.5%
TOTAL 86.5%
Ket : ACT (Acropora tabulate), CB (Coral branching), ACB (Acropora branching), CS
(Coral ubmassive), CMR (Coral mushroom), CF (Coral foliose), ACD (Acropora digitate)
CTU (Coral tubupora), CME (Coral milepora), CM (Coral massive) dan CE (Coral
Table 6. Measurement results of Coral Cover station III depth of 4 meters
Station III Depth 4 Meters
ACT 27.1%
CB 11.5%
ACD 35.5%%
ACB 3.9%
CS 2.5%
CTU 5.2%%
CMR 4.2%
CM 5.5%%
TOTAL 95.4%
Ket : ACT (Acropora tabulate), CB (Coral branching), ACB (Acropora branching), CS
(Coral submassive), CMR (Coral mushroom), ACD (Acropora digitate) CTU (Coral
tubupora), CM (Coral massive).

In tables 5 and 6. The ACD (Acropora digitate) coral species is the type that has the highest
percentage of coral cover at station III. Acropora corals are hard coral fast-growth species (species
with high growth speed) whose growth reaches 15 cm/year, but these corals are also easily damaged
due to their fragile structure and are not resistant to environmental stresses such as currents, waves,
and high sedimentation. (Suharsono, 1984). This is in accordance with the location of Station III
where the substrate is hard and permanent, has a relatively low current speed. Monk et al (2000) that
the substrate is very important as a place to attach the larvae. Coral larvae need a hard substrate as a
place to stick. Inappropriate substrate will reduce the rate of coral growth.

3.2. Diversity of Coral Reefs in the Olele Regional Marine Protected Area

Diversity of lifeform types of coral reefs in the Olele marine park conservation area can be
seen in table 7 :

Table 7. Index of diversity of coral reefs in the Olele Marine Park-Conservation Area

No Station Diversity Index (H’) Benchmark Information

1 I 1,62 1,0>H’<3,322 Sedang

2 II 1,96 1,0>H’<3,322 Sedang
3 III 2,30 1,0>H’<3,322 Sedang

Based on the calculation of diversity index, it can be seen the highest coral reef diversity index
value in the KKLD Olele found at station III (N 00 o24'52.5 "E 123o08'52.3") of (2.30) compared to the
diversity index value at station II (N 00 o24'32.6 "E 123o09'07.0") (1.96) and Station I (N 00 o24'40.4 "E
123o09'08.8"). (1.62). In general, the index of coral reef diversity in the KKLD Olele is in the
moderate category. Rachmaway (2011) states that the diversity of an area is also influenced by
environmental factors such as nutrient sources, inter and intra-species competition, disturbance, and
conditions of the surrounding environment so that species that have a high tolerance will increase
while those who have low tolerance will decrease.


The condition of coral cover in the marine conservation area of the Olele area and the index of
diversity of coral reef species in moderate condition. Decreasing the condition of coral cover at each
station is influenced by several factors such as environmental factors one of which is marine tourism

Gratitude to University Gorontalo and KEMENRISTEK DIKTI writer thank you for the
opportunity that had given them so that research PKPT can be done well.


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