Just After Going Through This Learning Packet Our Learners Are Expected To

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Just after going through this learning packet our learners are expected to :

•prepare a strategic plan outlining the competitive environment and focusing on the
appropriate competition strategy.
•prepare a marketing plan that will describe the product offering and the value it brings to the
• prepare tactical plan on how to reach consumers (4Ps), and conclude with a sales forecast.

Let’s review Potential Market, Target Market and Market Need Potential Market is the part of the
market you can capture in the future. (thebalancesmb.com)
Target Market refers to a group of potential customers to whom a company wants to sell its products
and services. (Investopedia). Market Needs- (www.igi-global.com ) it informs the organizations about
what products to develop, for what customers, at what cost, through which distribution channels,
reducing the uncertainty that a new product/service development always brings with it.

Activity 1 Directions: Under Column I are the Principles of Marketing. Read and find their descriptions
under Column II. Please match Columns I and II and write the correct answer in your yellow paper

Pre-test ;
Let’s check your prior knowledge about the topic.

Directions: Kindly read and analyze the statements below. Write the
letter of the correct answer.

1. It pertains to the physical location of the business.

A. Product
B. Place
C. Promotion
D. Price
2. It refers to the marketing offering of the business.
A. Product
B. Place
C. Promotion
D. Price
3. It refers to those who play a major role in an organization.
A. Product
B. Place
C. Promotion
D. People
4. It refers to the direct and indirect selling of the business.
A. Product
B. Place
C. Promotion
D. People
5. It refers to how people think and talk about the product.
A. Product
B. Positioning
C. Promotion
D. People

Lesson 1 Marketing Plan

When you hear the word Marketing Plan what comes first into your mind? Marketing Plan is an
operational document that outlines an advertising strategy that an organization will implement to
generate leads and reach its target market. (Investopedia). The Marketing Plan is the blueprint of how
the marketing strategy is going to be implemented. (opportunity.marketing.co.uk)

Importance of Marketing Plan(opportunity.marketing.co.uk)

1. Marketing Plan provides focus.
2. It enables to plan and manage resources effectively.
3. A Marketing Plan provides transparency.
4. A Marketing Plan ensures consistency.
5. A Marketing Plan provides clarity.

How to Write a Marketing Plan? (workzone.com)

According to Ling Wong (2017).” From newbies to seasoned professionals, from small business to large
corporations, every marketer needs to have a plan to make sure she’s doing her job efficiently and
Consider this nine (9) Critical Elements in doing your Marketing Plan. 1. Determine Goals and
2. Understand your Target Audience/Market.
3. Do the right research and analysis.
4. Who’s your Target Persona?
5. Know the Customer Life Cycle.
6. Create your Unique Selling Proposition.
7. Measure your Goals.
8. Use the right Marketing Tactics.
9. Create a Budget and Update it.

Format of Marketing Plan

The format of Marketing Plan was divided into five (5) components;
1. Company Description which includes Nature of the Business, Objectives of the Business, Company
Logo, Company’s Vision, Company’s Mission and Core Values.
2. Marketing Goals and Objectives is the second part which includes the following: 4P’s of Marketing,
Demand, Historical Demand, Projected Demand, Supply, Historical Supply, Projected Supply, Demand
and Supply Gap, Market Share, Market Analysis, Target Market Analysis and S.W.O.T Analysis.
3. Technical Analysis is the third part which includes the following: Product Description, Product
ingredients, Product Operation Process, Product Preparation and Procedures, Quality Control Measures,
Environmental Control Measures, Packaging, Advertising Materials and Photos, Social Media Account,
Campaign Materials, Store/ Manufacturing Facility Location, Store/ Manufacturing Facility Location Map
and Store Floor Plan Layout.
4. Financial Analysis is the fourth part which includes the following: Budget, Schedules and Financial
5. Socio-Economic Analysis is the last part which includes the waste segregation, corporate and social
responsibility (CSR) of the business.

Directions: After conducting your Marketing Research successfully you will craft or prepare a sample Marketing
Plan . You need to also be ready with the Marketing Plan defense. Let’s do the following activities:

Activity 1. Write and Conduct your Own Marketing Plan

Based on your Marketing Research, you can write your own Marketing Plan Think of some marketing strategies to
promote your business in this pandemic. Follow the format above and write your own marketing plan.

Activity 2. Present your Own Marketing Plan

Be ready to present your work to your teacher. You can choose between the two:
a. Online Presentation using your Power Point Presentation. You must wear your proper uniform during your
b. Narrative Presentation by writing your discussions and explanations.
Let us check what you have learned Marketing Plan is vital in putting up your own business, This will be your basis
in the development of your business plan and help your business understand how to get there.

Activity 3. 9-StepProcess Diagram

Directions. Arrange the nine (9) Critical Elements or Steps in Conducting a Marketing Plan listed below and write it
in the diagram provided. You can answer this in your yellow paper
1. Use the right Marketing Tactics.
2. Determine Goals and Objectives.
3. Create a Budget and update it.
4. Measure your Goals.
5. Create your unique selling proposition.
6. Know the Customer Life Cycle.
7. Identify your Target Persona.
8. Understand your Target Market.
9. Do the right Research and Analysis.

V. Assessment
In your notebook, write your insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________

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