Organic Agriculture and Global Warming
Organic Agriculture and Global Warming
Organic Agriculture and Global Warming
This article discusses the mitigation and adaptation potential of organic agricultural systems along three main features:
farming system design, cropland management and grassland and livestock management. An important potential contribution
of organically managed systems to climate change mitigation is identified in the careful management of nutrients and,
hence, the reduction of N2O emissions from soils. Another high mitigation potential of organic agriculture lies in carbon
sequestration in soils. In a first estimate, the emission reduction potential by abstention from mineral fertilizers is calculated
to be about 20% and the compensation potential by carbon sequestration to be about 40–72% of the world’s current annual
agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but further research is needed to consolidate these numbers. On the
adaptation side, organic agriculture systems have a strong potential for building resilient food systems in the face of
uncertainties, through farm diversification and building soil fertility with organic matter. Additionally, organic agriculture
offers alternatives to energy-intensive production inputs such as synthetic fertilizers which are likely to be further limited
for poor rural populations by rising energy prices. In developing countries, organic agricultural systems achieve equal or
even higher yields, as compared to the current conventional practices, which translate into a potentially important option for
food security and sustainable livelihoods for the rural poor in times of climate change. Certified organic products cater for
higher income options for farmers and, therefore, can serve as promoters for climate-friendly farming practices worldwide.
Key words: organic agriculture, climate change, mitigation, adaptation, carbon sequestration, diversification, resilience
distribution of organic products. The disadvantage of the for agroforestry in temperate Europe and comply with the
organic products is due to the still small economy of scale organic aim of diversified multifunctional landscapes.
of organic agriculture (i.e., < 2% of global food retail9), Global food trade is energy efficient only when a
leading to lower energy efficiency of collection and production process is energy competitive as compared to
distribution. This disadvantage could be compensated by local production, either due to favorable climate (e.g.,
supplying products to local wholesalers and food shops14, coffee or bananas are best produced in tropical countries) or
as well as by direct supply to consumers (e.g., box seasonality (e.g., vegetables). Transportation means (air,
schemes) and by larger economies of scale. sea or road) is another determining factor in calculating
Additionally, organic standards tend to support low- the carbon footprint of a traded product. Regional pro-
energy technologies for packaging. IFOAM standards duction does not offer advantages when heating is needed.
already cover packaging by advising processors of organic The Swiss organic standard already includes a strict limi-
food to avoid unnecessary packaging materials and to use tation for greenhouse heating and air shipping of organic
reusable, recycled, recyclable or biodegradable packaging, food112.
whenever possible. This includes an intrinsic potential for Despite the trend of the past decade of conventional-
energy saving. ization of organic food systems, including highly processed
Certified organic agriculture is linked to consumption and functional foods, sophisticated packaging and global
patterns that seek locally adapted, healthy and ecologically retailing, organic consumers are currently reverting to less
friendly foods and goods. From a consumer’s point of view, energy demanding and decreased carbon footprint com-
the organic philosophy of adaptation to local conditions modities. Currently, the organic community is developing
involves a preference for seasonal and local food. A recent adequate carbon labels to be included within the organic
study from Germany has shown that both seasonal and standards and labels113.
regional consumption has remarkable effects on energy
saving111. For example, for apples, a threefold higher en-
ergy demand was calculated for intercontinental selling
(i.e., from New Zealand to Germany), as compared to Organic agricultural systems have an inherent potential to
an average German production system that involves both reduce GHG emissions and to enhance carbon
6 months of cold storage (i.e., 5.1 MJ kg - 1, as compared sequestration in the soil (Table 1).
to 1.6 MJ kg - 1). Apples produced in traditional orchard An important potential contribution of organically
meadows showed the lowest total energy demand (i.e., managed systems is the careful management of nutrients,
0.6 MJ kg - 1). Orchard meadows can be seen as an example and hence the reduction of N2O emissions from soils,
8 N. El-Hage Scialabba and M. Müller-Lindenlauf
Table 2. Adaptation potential of organic agriculture.
Objectives Means Impacts
Alternative to industrial production Improvement of natural resources Reliance on local resources and independence
inputs (i.e., mineral fertilizers processes and environmental from volatile prices of agricultural inputs
and agrochemicals) to decrease services (e.g., soil formation, (e.g., mineral fertilizers) that accompany
pollution predation) fossil fuel hikes
In situ conservation and development Farm diversification (e.g., polycropping, Risk splitting (e.g., pests and diseases),
of agrobiodiversity agroforestry and integrated enhanced use of nutrient and energy
crop/livestock) and use of local flows, resilience to climate variability and
varieties and breeds savings on capital-intensive seeds and breeds
Landscaping Creation of micro-habitats (e.g., hedges), Enhanced ecosystem balance (e.g., pest
permanent vegetative cover and prevention), protection of wild biodiversity
wildlife corridors and better resistance to wind and heat waves
Soil fertility Nutrient management (e.g., rotations, Increased yields, enhanced soil water
coralling, cover crops and retention/drainage (better response to
manuring) droughts and floods), decreased irrigation
needs and avoided land degradation
which are the most relevant single source of direct GHG mitigation potential in tropical and subtropical areas and
emissions from agriculture. More research is needed to under the predominant management practices of developing
quantify and improve the effects of organic paddy rice countries.
production and to develop strategies to reduce methane More importantly, the adaptation aspects of organic
emissions from enteric fermentation (e.g., by promoting agricultural practices must be the focus of public policies
double-use breeds). Indirect GHG emissions are reduced in and research. One of the main effects of climate change is
organic systems by avoidance of mineral fertilizers. an increase of uncertainties, both for weather events and
With the current organic consumers’ demand, further global food markets. Organic agriculture has a strong
emission reductions are expected when organic standards potential for building resilience in the face of climate
include specific climate standards that consider, inter alia, variability (Table 2).
reduced energy consumption in the organic food chain The total abstention from synthetic inputs in organic
(e.g., limitations on greenhouse heating/cooling, processing agriculture has been a strong incentive to develop
and packaging, food miles combined with life cycle agricultural management practices that optimize the natural
assessment). The advantage of organic systems is that they production potential of specific agro-ecosystems, based on
are driven by aware consumers and that they already carry a traditional knowledge and modern research. These strat-
guarantee system of verification and labeling which is egies can be used to enhance agricultural communities that
consonant with climate labeling113. have no access to purchased inputs, which is the case of the
The highest mitigation potential of organic agriculture majority of the rural poor. The main organic strategies are
lies in carbon sequestration in soils and in reduced clearing diversification and an increase of soil organic matter,
of primary ecosystems. The total amount of mitigation is which both could enhance resilience against extreme
difficult to quantify, because it is highly dependent on weather events and are recommended by the IPCC. These
local environmental conditions and management practices. strategies have, in particular, a high potential to enhance the
Should all agricultural systems be managed organically, productivity of degraded soils, especially in marginal areas,
the omission of mineral fertilizer production and appli- while enhancing soil carbon sequestration. The adaptive
cation is estimated to reduce the agricultural GHG approach inherent to organic agriculture offers simulta-
emissions by about 20% — 10% caused by reduced N2O neous climate mitigation benefits.
emissions and about 10% by lower energy demand. These Finally, certified organic products cater for higher
avoided emissions are supplemented by an emission income options for producers and hence a market-based
compensation potential through carbon sequestration in incentive for environmental stewardship. The scaling-up of
croplands and grasslands of about 40–72% of the current organic agriculture would promote and support climate-
annual agricultural GHG emissions76. However, further friendly farming practices worldwide. However, invest-
research is needed to confirm these figures, as long-term ments in research and development of organic agriculture
scientific studies are limited and do not apply to different are needed to better unlock its potential and application on
kinds of soils, climates and practices. To date, most of the a large scale.
research on the mitigation potential of agricultural practices
has been carried out in developed countries; dedicated Acknowledgements. We thank Darko Znaor and Peter Melchett
investigations are needed to assess and understand the for their helpful comments.
Organic agriculture and climate change 9