IEEE 123 Node Test Feeder

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Pub. No.: TD917017EN

Power Engineering Software Effective: October 2018

QA Validation Test Case

Load Flow – Unbalanced – IEEE 123-node Test Feeder
– CYME 8.0

A self-contained study file (.sxst) to use with this document is provided. The explanations below are based on the use of that file.

1. Highlights
• Comparison between CYME Load flow analysis voltage drop unbalanced method results against those published in
the document “IEEE 123 node test feeder” by IEEE Distribution system analysis subcommittee.
• Simulation includes comparison of results obtained with the method of voltage drop unbalanced: line currents and
bus voltages.
• 123 bus system with overhead and underground line segments with various phasing, unbalanced loading with all
combinations of load types (PQ, constant I, constant Z), four step-type voltage regulators, shunt capacitor banks
and switching to provide alternate paths of power-flow.
Pub. No.: TD917017EN
Effective: October 2018

2. Load Flow Analysis

a. Open the IEEE_123_node_test_feeder.sxst self-contained study file. To do so, access the Help > Validation
Cases menu option, select the “Load Flow - Unbalanced” option in the List of test cases and enable the check box
next to the file name. Click on the Start Case button.
b. Select the Analysis > Load Flow menu option. Ensure that the Calculation Method is Voltage Drop –
Unbalanced. Leave all the other parameters intact.

Click on to Run the analysis.

3. Comparison of Results
The following tables of comparison show the differences between CYME Load flow analysis voltage drop unbalanced
method results and those published in the reference document. Notice that the percent difference for all node voltages
and node currents are very close. Also, notice that the difference for all voltages angles is less than 0.13 degrees and
for all currents angles is less than 0.23 degrees.

Node Voltages :

© Eaton, CYME International 2

Pub. No.: TD917017EN
Effective: October 2018

© Eaton, CYME International 3

Pub. No.: TD917017EN
Effective: October 2018

Notes: Distributed loads are assumed to be connected at the center of the line segment.
All loads are “spot loads” located at a node.
Don’t enable the “Assume line transposition” option in the CYME load flow analysis calculation options.
For regulators settings, since there are many solutions for tap selection within their bandwidth using the R&X
settings, results were obtained using fixed taps.
Cables (Undergrounds lines) were modeled as overheads lines unbalanced to get unbalanced matrix
We suggest that you generate a report with these settings to ease the comparison of the results:
• The selected devices are Node, Regulator, Source and transformer.
• The selected keywords are EqId, BusId, VpuA, VpuB, VpuC.

© Eaton, CYME International 4

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