The Sustainability Analysis of Mangrove Ecosystem For Mangrove Ecotourism in Pandansari Hamlet, Kaliwlingi Village, Brebes District

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Volume 6, Issue 8, August – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Sustainability Analysis of Mangrove Ecosystem

for Mangrove Ecotourism in Pandansari Hamlet,
Kaliwlingi Village, Brebes District
Yanti Sugiyanti1,*, Oot Khotimah2, dan Sucahyanto2
Department of Environmental Management, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Department of Geography Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract:- This paper describes the role of the mangrove of animals, both those that live in waters, on land, and in tree
forest ecosystem as a habitat for marine organisms by crowns and human dependence on them [6,7].
using quantitative and qualitative analysis. The data are
taken from related literature which is then described The muddy coastal area is the main habitat of the
further. The data obtained show that mangrove forests in mangrove ecosystem in Indonesia. This region is full of
Indonesia are estimated to cover an area of 4.25 million interests, so the region faces various threats caused by humans
hectares, only about 2% of the total land area, but their [8]. On the other hand, mangrove stands can store carbon
economic and environmental values should not be stocks of 18.53 tons/ha [9]. Tourism is the main service
underestimated, therefore their presence must be industry that generates employment and economic
maintained. As a transition zone between terrestrial and development so that its development innovation must consider
marine ecosystems, mangrove ecosystems have long been the environmental paradigm [10]. In recent years, the
known to have many functions and are an important link paradigm of tourism activities has changed along with the
in maintaining the biological balance of coastal application of the concept of global sustainable development,
ecosystems. The mangrove forest ecosystem is an namely mass tourism to nature and culture-based tourism.
important habitat for marine organisms. Generally Research by Akhil and Kurniawan in Pandansari mangrove
dominated by molluscs and crustaceans. These mollusks forest tourism objects shows that the ecosystem in the area is
consist mainly of Gastropods and are further dominated suitable to be developed as an educational tour [11,12]. The
by two families, namely Potamidae and Ellobiidae. As for equitable distribution of income in rural communities around
crustaceans, it mainly consists of Brachyura. Some the location is a major issue in tourism development [13].
mangrove fauna is also known as consumables and is
economically important such as Terebralia palustris, This area has become one of the tourist destinations for
Telescopium telescopium (Gastropoda), ancient Anadara, tourists every vacation, from visitor data in 2018 it is
Coaxans polymesoda, Ostrea cucullata (Bivalvia), and estimated that more than 500 people visited the mangrove
Scylla serrate, S. olivacea, Portunus pelagicus, Epixanthus ecotourism. Mangrove ecotourism in Pandansari Hamlet is
dentatus, Labnanium polytum (crustaceans). also supported by the beauty of its natural scenery where you
can see the waves of the Java Sea on the north side, the
Keywords:- Mangrove Forest, Mangrove Ecotourism, beautiful view of Mount Ciremai on the southwest side, and
Mangrove Ecosystem, Molluscs. Mount Slamet that extends on the other side. In addition, the
beauty of the sand island in the middle of the sea, as well as
I. INTRODUCTION swimming, snorkeling, mangrove trekking tours that are
offered make mangrove ecotourism in Pandansari Hamlet
Kaliwlingi Village is one of the villages in the northern much in demand as a tourist destination. Dukuh Pandansari is
coastal area of Java, precisely in Brebes District, Brebes the closest point to the location of mangrove ecotourism so
Regency, Central Java. In 1983 the coastal area of Brebes that the community will receive a positive impact due to
Regency, Central Java Province was 65.48 km long, tourism development in this area. Some of the supporting
overgrown with 2,372 ha of mangroves. However, in 2013 the facilities and infrastructure are already available, such as
mangrove area was only 243.20 ha [1]. Mangrove ecosystem paving 5 km of roads, directions, parking lots, secretarial
is a typical coastal ecosystem that is a place for reciprocal offices, docks, public toilets, prayer rooms, gazebos, IPAS
relationships between abiotic components such as inorganic (Well Water Treatment Plant), viewing towers, and mangrove
compounds, organic, tidal, salinity, and biotic components tracking. The availability of information centers and tour
such as producers (vegetation and plankton), macro consumers guides are important for visitors who are visiting tourist sites
(insects, fish, birds, and crocodiles) take place [2]. Some for the first time [14]. The variable cost added to the entrance
mangrove species can grow and develop in muddy coastal ticket price is not a problem for most visitors because the
tidal areas [3,4]. Mangrove ecosystems are natural resources information obtained becomes visitor satisfaction [15].
in the tropics that have multiple benefits, both ecological and
socio-economic aspects [5]. The magnitude of the role of
mangrove ecosystems for life can be seen from the many types

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Volume 6, Issue 8, August – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Conservation activities in the Pandansari Mangrove area DRPD Brebes Regency, Head of Tourism Destination
have the potential to be used as a natural tourism area to Development Section of the Brebes Regency Tourism Office,
increase the income of the surrounding community so that and the Head of Kaliwlingi Village.
people are motivated to conserve mangroves. In the initial
step, further analysis is needed regarding whether the The data needed are primary data obtained through field
condition of the Pandansari mangrove ecosystem can be used measurements, observation, documentation, and interviews
as a sustainable mangrove ecotourism area? Ecotourism is an (depth interviews) and secondary data obtained through
approach in managing coastal resources as a marine tourism relevant agencies and library materials (literature). As the
object, as a guarantee of resource sustainability and ecosystem population in this study are 1). Mangrove ecosystem in
health in the environment (Center for Research and Pandansari Hamlet, with a sampling plot measuring 10 m x 10
Development of Environmental and Coastal Resources, 2012). m as many as 8 plots, 2). Elements of government in charge of
Ecotourism activities that can be carried out include observing mangrove ecosystems in Pandansari Hamlet (Brebes Regency
birds and animals around the ecosystem, planting mangroves, Tourism Office, and Head of Kaliwlingi Village), 3).
fishing, photography, and other natural tourism activities. The Community elements who handle mangrove ecosystems in
purpose of this study was to analyze and evaluate the Pandansari Hamlet (Pokdarwis, and Pandansari Community
condition of the Pandansari Mangrove Ecosystem to Leaders). Supporting data for this research is the search for
determine its feasibility as support for mangrove ecotourism. village documents, laws and regulations, and archives of
A similar study was carried out by Fahrian et al in the documents in the Pandansari mangrove area.
mangrove area of Monorejo Village, Kendal Regency, and it
was found that this area is included in the conditionally C. Determination of Mangrove Ecosystem Conditions
appropriate category and needs to be started by opening a The condition of the mangrove ecosystem was analyzed
conservation area and birdwatching [16]. by analyzing parameters such as thickness, density, number of
species, ecological functions, and types of animals referring to
II. RESEARCH METHOD Mulyo and Murni as shown in Table 1 [8,20].


This research was conducted for fourteen months ASSESSMENT.
between March 2020 and May 2021 in Pandansari Hamlet, Rating Damag
Kaliwlingi Village, Brebes District, Brebes Regency, Central Paramet Scale/Score e
Java. ers Weight
Mangrov Mangrove green strip thickness 5
B. Village Selection Criteria, Respondents, and Research e >90%
Data Collection. thickness Mangrove green strip thickness 10
Pandansari hamlet was chosen as the research location 60%–90%
because in that hamlet there is a mangrove ecosystem. Mangrove green strip thickness 15
Research is generally carried out using a quantitative 30%–60%
approach, namely to obtain data in the form of values of Mangrove green strip thickness 20
measured variables. The research method used is a <30%
combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods. Mangrov If there are >15 mangrove trees per 5
Quantitative methods are carried out by analyzing aerial e density 100 m2
photos using drones and ArcGIS programs, image analysis If there are 15-10 mangrove trees per 10
using overlays and field measurements, while qualitative 100 m2
methods are carried out by collecting data in the form of If there are 9-5 mangrove species per 15
interviews (depth interviews), observation, and 100 m2
documentation. The shooting system with unmanned aerial If there are <5 mangrove species per 20
vehicles (drones) has a higher level of portability than the use 100 m2
of standard aircraft [17]. This is considered very effective for Number If there are > 6 types of mangrove 5
aerial photography on land under 100 ha [18]. of If there are 5-6 types of mangrove 10
mangrove If there are 3-4 types of mangrove 15
The bird observation method uses the Encounter Rates species
(meeting rate) method, namely direct observation by exploring If there are 1-2 types of mangrove 20
and counting every bird encountered [19]. Exploration was Ecologica If it becomes a place for Spawning, 5
carried out 1 time with 1 group of observers, namely from l Enlargement, and wildlife habitat
08:00 to 16:45, with the identification of local names from Function If there are only 2 (two) ecological 10
local sources who like chirping birds [19]. functions among the ecological
functions as a place for Spawning,
In-depth interviews were conducted by elements of the Enlargement, and wildlife habitat
government and community leaders who handle the mangrove If there is only 1 (one) ecological 15
ecosystem in Pandansari Hamlet. Respondents who were function among the ecological
interviewed (deep interview) were 3 people consisting of functions as a place for Spawning,
community leaders who are also members of Commission II Enlargement, and wildlife habitat

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Volume 6, Issue 8, August – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Animal If there are 4 (four) types of animals 5 on average of 2 mangrove species with an average weight of
Type among the types of mammals, birds, 18.99 (Figure 2). The dominant mangrove species in the
reptiles, and marine biota Pandansari Mangrove Area are Avicennia marina and
If there are 3 (three) types of animals 10 Rhizophora Murcronata.
among the types of mammals, birds,
reptiles, and marine biota The mangrove vegetation density level has a high value
If there are 2 (two) types of animals 15 with an average weight of 5, and the level of damage as
among the types of mammals, birds, measured by the thickness level has an average weight value
reptiles, and marine biota of 9 (Figures 1 and 2). The level of density and thickness of
If there is only 1 (one) type of animal 20 mangroves can affect the ecological function of mangrove
among the types of mammals, birds, vegetation. Ecological functions include spawning, rearing,
reptiles, and marine biota and animal habitats with an average weight value of 8.89
(Figure 2).
The Formula
𝑋 −𝑋
𝐾𝐿 = 𝑡 𝑟 (1) The mangrove ecosystem is an ecosystem rich in fish
𝑘 (golodok fish, mullet fish, milkfish, and white snapper),
Description: shrimp (tiger shrimp, jerbung shrimp, and werus shrimp), and
KL : Interval Class crabs (violin crab and mangrove crab), which attracts several
Xt : highest value birds. water. Habitats can include various types of ecosystems,
Xr : lowest value ranging from natural ecosystems to artificial ecosystems. The
k : number of desired classes results of bird observations in the Pandansari Mangrove area,
Kaliwlingi Village, showed that 26 species of birds were
Based on this formula, the interval class calculation is identified (Table 2).
carried out as follows:
𝐾𝐿 = 3 Other types of animals found in the Pandansari
𝐾𝐿 = 3
75 mangrove area are gelodok fish, crabs, and mussels. Based on
these data, it can be determined that the average weight value
𝐾𝐿 = 25 for each animal species in the research transect in the Pulau
Lumpur area is 11.88 (Figure 2).
Based on these calculations, the value of the interval
class is 25 and the class division is 25 to 50 into the good
classification, 51 to 75 into the medium classification, and 76
to 100 into the bad classification.

D. Aerial Photo Analysis

The scale of shooting using aerial photography produces
a mapping above a scale of 1:10,000 for an area under 500 ha
(Rokhmana, 2015). An aerial photo of the Pandansari
Mangrove area was taken using a DJI Phantom 4 Pro V.2.0
type drone at an altitude of 100 meters. The mapping of the
Pandansari mangroves was carried out at a photo scale of
1:900 so it can be concluded that this mapping is very

Details in aerial photographs can make it easier to

analyze objects, according to Rokhmana in analyzing
vegetation such as the textured appearance of the canopy
cover combined with hues/colors and shadows for the Fig. 1. Transect Plot Aerial Photography
Fig. 2.
impression of altitude, which are the main elements of
recognizing vegetation types [18].
kind of animal 18.99

III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION ecological function 5

A. Mangrove Ecosystem Condition thickness 9

Based on the data obtained with 8 sample plots which

were divided into areas A and B, there were 2 types/species of density 8.89

mangrove plants in the research location, namely: Rhizophora

species type 11.88
Mucronata and Avicennia Marina. Previous research by
Hakim,, the majority of mangrove species that grow in 0 5 10 15 20

Kaliwlingi Village are Rhizophora apiculata and Rhizophora average

mucronata (mangroves) [21]. Each research transect consisted Fig. 3. Parameter measurement results

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Volume 6, Issue 8, August – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
TABLE II. BIRD DIVERSITY IN THE PANDANSARI The diversity of animals in the Pandansari mangrove
MANGROVE AREA, KALIWLINGI DESA VILLAGE ecotourism area can provide its charms, such as the behavior
No Family Species Local of gelodok fish, the unique behavior of birds, the distinctive
Name sound of each bird species, and the beauty of the color of bird
1 Ardeidae Egretta alba Kuntul feathers. Based on the results of the assessment of some of
Besar these parameters, it can be seen how the condition of the
2 Ardeidae Egretta garzela Kuntuk Pandansari mangrove ecosystem by adding up the overall
Kecil average weight value of the parameters in Figure 2 obtained a
3 Ardeidae Ardea Cinerea Cangak value of 53.76 which belongs to the interval class 51 to 75
Abu with the classification "medium".
4 Ardeidae Ardeola speciosa Blekok
Sawah The accuracy value of Mosaic and DSM UAV based on
5 Ardeidae Butorides Kokokan NMAS (National Map Accuracy Standard) meets the accuracy
striatus laut tolerance according to scale so that it can be used for large-
6 Artamidae Artamus Kekep scale mapping (up to 1:1000) [17]. Based on the results of
leucorhynchus Babi topographic measurements and aerial photographs with drones
7 Acanthizidae Gerygone Remetuk (UAV) (Figure 3), it is known the following data: the
sulphurea Laut Pandansari mangrove area is about 2.47 ha. Based on the
8 Alcedinidae Todirhamphus Cekakak boards installed at the location, it shows that the Pandansari
sanctus Suci mangrove ecosystem area has an area of about 430 ha. The
difference in value is because the analysis carried out by
9 Alcedinidae Alcedo Raja
coerulescens Udang Biru researchers only focuses on the Tourism Zone, not
comprehensively with the Conservation Zone in the
10 Anatidae Dendrocygna Belibis
Pandansari Mangrove Ecosystem Area, Kaliwlingi Village,
javanica Batu
Brebes District, Brebes Regency, Central Java Province.
11 Apodidae Collocalia linchi Walet
The visual preferences of tourists' landscapes for tourist
objects vary based on aesthetic qualities, tidiness, and
12 Threskiornithidae Plegadis Ibis
cleanliness [22]. In making a master plan for the development
falcinellus Rokoroko
of Pandansari mangrove ecotourism, it is necessary to consider
13 Sternidae Sterna bergii Dara Laut these three things, namely aesthetic quality, tidiness, and
Jambul cleanliness to increase tourist visits. According to Kurniawan
14 Sternidae Sterna Hirundo Dara Laut et al., the strategy of developing marine tourism potential in
Biasa the ecological dimension by applying the concept of
15 Charadriidae Charadrius Cerek Jawa ecotourism in the use of tourism activities can maintain the
javanicus sustainability and preservation of existing resources [23]. One
16 Columbidae Streptopelia Dederuk of the sustainable tourism development strategies is to develop
bitorquata Jawa ecotourism-based tour packages by involving elements of the
17 Rhipiduridae Rhipidura Kipasan population, agencies, universities, and NGOs [24].
javanica Belang
18 Sturnidae Acridotheres Kerak The location of mangrove ecotourism which is in a
javanicus Kerbau stable tidal area and sloping contours strongly supports
19 Passeridae Passer montanus Burung mangrove vegetation to live well. Differences in the surface
Gereja character of the area in the Pandansari mangrove area can be
Erasia used as part of the land suitability reference to make a master
20 Hirundinidae Hirundo tahitica Layang- plan based on the carrying capacity of the environment so that
layang in the management and development of ecotourism it does not
Batu cause damage to mangroves and reduce tourist satisfaction.
21 Cuculidae Centropus Bubut Jawa
22 Estrildidae Lonchura Bondol
punctulata Peking
23 Pycnonotidae Pycnonotus Kutilang
24 Columbidae Streptopelia Burung
chinensis Tekukur
25 Scolopacidae Numenius Gajahan
phaeopus Pengala
26 Cisticolidae Prinia Perenjak
flaviventris Rawa

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

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