Philips IE33 XMatrix Ecocardiography System Ultrasound Machine
Philips IE33 XMatrix Ecocardiography System Ultrasound Machine
Philips IE33 XMatrix Ecocardiography System Ultrasound Machine
3D proves value
In recent years, many studies have investigated the value of 3D
imaging. Industry experts have declared that it is both complementary
and supplementary to 2D imaging. In particular, 3D echocardiography
appears to improve accuracy and reproducibility over 2D echo in
LV volume and function calculation, as well as the derivation of mitral
valve area in patients with mitral stenosis.
Innovations in image quality
and workflow
You’ve come to expect image quality revelations from Philips. And with good reason.
Philips innovations contribute to nearly every aspect of cardiac imaging. Now, we bring you
a new revelation: changing imaging modes from 2D to 3D can be as easy as touching a button,
without any compromise in image quality.
3D without 3D hassles
As the evidence mounts that volume imaging can provide a wide range of patients types with fewer artifacts and
highly relevant information, more and more clinicians are better penetration. PureWave technology also enables
searching for a way to incorporate 3D imaging into their miniature crystals, which require less stimulation
exams. The iE33 xMATRIX removes the barriers to 3D to achieve high image quality, and make it possible to
imaging, giving clinicians the power to choose 2D, 3D incorporate the power of xMATRIX in ergonomically
or combination imaging without disrupting workflow. sized transducers that can perform both 2D and 3D exams.
With the highly-ergonomic new X5-1 transducer, a simple • Advanced XRES performs 350 million calculations
push of a button brings Live 3D imaging to any exam. per frame of image data at rates of up to 500 frames per
second, removing the noise from the LV cavity to make
Focused on image quality it easier to define the endocardial border.
While much of the iE33 xMATRIX system is new, we’ve • Adaptive Broadband Flow uses the entire broadband
retained all the imaging advantages that have made the frequency range within color Doppler, automatically
iE33 a best-in-class system: adapting the frequency to the ROI to enhance spatial
• PureWave Transducer Technology is the foundation resolution. This is particularly useful when imaging
for a host of imaging advances. The iE33 leverages the pulmonary vein, aortic insufficiency, or mitral
PureWave crystal’s acoustic efficiency in transducer regurgitation flow.
tuning and system optimization, facilitating imaging of
Live 3D imaging enables clear visualization Even in technically difficult heart failure studies, Eccentric aortic insufficiency can be clearly
of thickened ventricular cardiomyopathy and the myocardium and endocardium are displayed identified with excellent color sensitivity
pericardial effusion, while also providing valve, with superb detail and contrast resolution from and resolution.
chamber and muscle detail. the apex to the atria.
Workflow-driven exams
Advances that increase efficiency can be revelations
as well.
• SmartExam protocols, on-screen guides based
One-button solutions enhance ease of use on exam types, increase consistency from exam
Ease of use is one of the top requirements for a premium performance to exam and clinician to clinician
ultrasound system, because it impacts both workflow and diagnostic • SmartExam automation can reduce exam time
confidence. That is why the iE33 xMATRIX is designed to operate via and key strokes – by up to 300 for some exams
a small number of one-button controls that help you acquire high-quality • Clinical studies show time savings of up to 50%,
images with the least amount of effort. and fewer missed views reduce the need for
repeat scans
iSCAN one-button optimization quickly and automatically adjusts
system parameters in both 2D and Doppler modes based on patient
and exam types. It decreases keystrokes while allowing for the best
image clarity possible in each exam.
Live xPlane supports improved 2D EF calculation Cardiac 3DQ Advanced provides true LV volume, helpful
With Live xPlane, you can acquire two simultaneous orthogonal display of data
views without manually rotating the transducer. Because the views The first semi-automated, on-cart and off-cart analysis of true LV
are from the same heartbeat, you can more accurately calculate volumes, Cardiac 3D Quantification Advanced (3DQ Advanced)
ejection fraction by Biplane MOD. uses all the voxels to generate a full 3D endocardial border with
greater accuracy and less dependency on LV shape assumptions
Live Volume reveals the whole heart in real time than conventional methods, which make geometric assumptions.
Live Volume images the entire heart in 3D, in real time.You can acquire 3DQ Advanced waveform display provides accurate data for
volumes in one, two, or four beats, as needed. Because Live Volume assessing global function based on LV volume, ejection fraction
eliminates the need to trigger acquisition, it is easier to image the whole and stroke volume. Additionally, 3DQ Advanced allows simultaneous
heart or left ventricle even on patients with erratic heart rates. display of 17 regional waveforms, enabling temporal comparisons
between segments.
iCrop zeros in on region of interest (ROI)
iCrop zooms in on the volume region of interest using two live MPR views.
It instantaneously changes view direction, making it possible to evaluate
the mitral valve followed by the aortic valve with just one touch.
Live Volume provides the versatility to capture a Subtle valve leaflets can be visualized in 3D and 3DQ Advanced uses all the voxels to generate a full
dilated left ventricle and eliminate foreshortening, seen in the 2D MPR previews by simply applying 3D endocardial border. Additionally, 3DQ Advanced
supporting accurate volumetric analysis of dyssynchrony and sizing the iCrop region-of-interest, the allows simultaneous display of 17 regional waveforms,
and ejection fraction. zoomed volume display is automatically updated. enabling temporal comparisons between segments.
Stress echo: making the most
of that critical minute
In every stress echo exam, there comes that critical moment of peak stress when you
have a minute or less to get quality images that replicate the angle of the resting images,
and that will enable confident wall motion analysis.
The iE33 xMATRIX is designed to ensure that the moment of peak stress for the patients
isn’t one for the clinician as well. A host of thoughtful innovations work together to enhance
speed and reproducibility.
*510(k) pending
Image challenging patients with the X5-1 iSlice aids diagnosis
The X5-1 transducer delivers high image quality in both 2D and 3D iSlice is another innovation that makes 3D imaging practical. With
modes. Optimized for the most difficult-to-image patients, it features iSlice, you can “slice” the volume to find the best views and content
3 harmonic and 2 fundamental 2D settings for the highest resolution and for making diagnoses. Rotating the volume view also instantaneously
the deepest penetration. The touch of a button enables Live 3D Stress, updates the 2D view to match perspective. More than just a workflow
making it easy to add 3D imaging to your stress protocols. enhancer, iSlice can aid decision making and diagnosis. In fact, one
hospital reported using the 9-slice display because that slice thickness
Automatic rotation with iRotate Stress helped visualize the apical C planes, providing new information not
Used in combination with the X5-1, iRotate allows you to complete previously attainable.
an entire stress echo protocol, including acquisition of 4-chamber,
2-chamber and 3-chamber 2D images, from the standard windows To make stress echo less stressful, the iE33 xMATRIX edition
following peak exertion without rotating the transducer. Simply push includes several additional features that save time and increase
the enter key to automatically rotate to the next required view. consistency:
iRotate decreases wrist strain while also overcoming foreshortening • A pre-loaded 2D/3D Stress protocol that ensures that 3D
of enlarged left ventricles in heart failure patients. and 2D images are labeled and correlate with each other
• Defer Select, which provides the option of deferring selection
New quantification tools increase confidence of views until the end of the stage, saving valuable time
New QLAB “CMQ-stress” plug-in with improved speckle-tracking • Electronic steering to re-orient off-axis images
algorithm enables strain quantification of 2D images. With CMQ- • Automatic saving of angle adjustments and changes in gain
stress, you can quantify 2D stress echo studies and communicate and depth setting for the next stage of the exam to increase
global and regional LV function during each stage. The new speckle- consistency of views
tracking algorithm makes stress echo more objective, because users • Easy re-slicing of images with iSlice, iCrop and Crop Box
can apply the algorithm to images acquired in the quad screen format • Ability to utilize contrast to enhance the LV borders of technically
to measure wall motion anomalies. The comprehensive summary difficult patients
page that displays side-by-side LV 17-segment bulls’ eye plots from • Stress echo automation and quantification that provides more
each stress stage is especially helpful when communicating results objectivity to exam reports
to referring physicians.
Surgical view of Barlow’s Mitral Valve Surgical view of P2 Prolapse of Mitral Valve Surgical view of P3 Prolapse/Flail of Mitral Valve
More informed valvular procedures MVQ reveals new ways of assessing valvular function
Philips Live 3D TEE and MVQ brings the value of MVQ’s 3D modeling provides measurements that can aid
3D echo to transesophogeal imaging, without the valve decision-making. With MVQ, you can:
complexity often associated with volume imaging. • Build a 3D model of the mitral valve annulus, anterior
• Surgeons can use Live 3D TEE to obtain multiple and posterior leaflet, leaflet segmentation, coaptation
perspectives of the complete valve and perform line and potential coaptation defects, as well as mitral
quantification that aids decisions about valve repair valve spatial relationship with the papillary muscles and
or replacement. aortic valve
• During surgery, anesthesiologists can use Live 3D TEE • Manipulate the MVQ 3D model in the 3D space and
to perform analysis and assess procedure outcomes. overlay it on the anatomical 3D view of the mitral valve
• Surgeons can evaluate blood flow with Live 3D Color • Create and display a measurement set, and generate
before closing and make any repairs necessary. a comprehensive report
• In the cath lab, increased visualization of structures QLAB MVQ 3D model
and accurate, fast quantification enhances patient care. allows objective assessment
• When patients are ready for follow-up, cardiologists of mitral valve structural
have clear, accurate images and quantitative data from and functional defects.
procedures to help with care planning.
Operative images courtesy of Dr. David H. Adams, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York
Capturing the pediatric heart
With pediatric echocardiography, speed rules. Inside and out, your patients are perpetual motion
machines. Philips designed the iE33 xMATRIX edition with a suite of pediatric transducers that
respond to your need to capture data for confident diagnosis.
iSSL technology
Easily and securely connect to Philips remote services
using your existing internet connection
Utilization reports
System and exam data analysis help you manage
ultrasound utilization and productivity in your practice
Pro-active monitoring
Avoid system down time with continuous performance
monitoring and alerts
How to reach us
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+1 425 487 7000
800 285 5585 (toll free, US only)
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