Cash Management2

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Cash is the most important current asset for a business operation. It is

the energy that drives business activities and also the ultimate output
expected by the owners. The firm should keep sufficient cash at all
times. Excessive cash will not contribute to the firm’s profits and
shortage of cash will disrupt its manufacturing operations.

Meaning of Cash

The term ‘cash’ can be used in two senses – in a narrow sense it

means the currency and other cash equivalents such as cheques,
drafts and demand deposits in banks. In a broader sense, it includes
nearcash assets like marketable securities and time deposits in banks.
The distinguishing nature of
this kind of asset is that they can be converted into cash very quickly.
Cash in its own form is an idle asset. Unless employed in some form or
another, it does not earn any revenue.

Learning Objectives:

After studying this unit, you should be able to understand the

1. Meaning of cash and near cash assets
2. The importance of cash management in a firm
3. The different models of determining the optimal cash balances
4. Techniques for forecasting the cash inflows and outflows.

Meaning and importance of Cash Management

Cash management is concerned with (a) management of cash flows

into and out of the firm, (b) cash management within the firm and (c)
management of cash balances held by the firm – deficit financing or
investing surplus cash. Cash management tries to accomplish at a
minimum cost the various tasks
of cash collection, payment of outstandings and arranging for deficit
funding or surplus investment. It is very difficult to predict cash flows
accurately. Generally, there is no correlation between inflows and
outflows. At some points of time, cash inflows may be lower than
outflows because of the seasonal nature of product sale thus
prompting the firm to resort to borrowings and sometimes
outflows may be lesser than inflows resulting in surplus cash. There is
always an element of uncertainty about the inflows and outflows. The
firm should therefore evolve strategies to manage cash in the best
possible way. These can be broadly summarized as:

Cash planning: Cash flows should be appropriately planned to
avoid excessive or shortage of cash. Cash budgets can be prepared to
aid this activity

Managing cash flows: The flow of cash should be properly managed.

Steps to speed up cash collection and inflows should be implemented
while cash outflows should be slowed down.
· Optimum cash level: The firm should decide on the appropriate
level of cash balance. Balance should be struck between excess cash
and cash deficient stage.
· Investing surplus cash: The surplus cash should be properly
invested to earn profits. Many investment avenues to invest surplus
cash are available in the market such as, bank short term deposits,
TBills, inter corporate lending etc.
The ideal cash management system will depend on a number of issues
like, firm’s product, competition, collection program, delay in
payments, availability of cash at low rates of interests and investment
opportunities available.

Motives of Holding Cash

There are four motives of holding cash. They are:

Transaction motive: This refers to a firm holding cash to meet its

routine expenses which are incurred in the ordinary course of
business. A firm will need finances to meet a plethora of payments like
wages, salaries, rent, selling expenses, taxes, interests, etc. The
necessity to hold cash will not arise if there were a perfect coordination
between the inflows and outflows. These two never
coincide. At times, receipts may exceed outflows and at other times,
payments outrun inflows. For such periods when payments exceed
inflows the firm should maintain sufficient balances to be able to make
the required payments. For transactions motive, a firm may invest its
cash in marketable securities. Generally, they purchase such
securities whose maturity will coincide with payment obligations.

Precautionary motive: This refers to the need to hold cash to meet

some exigencies which cannot be foreseen. Such unexpected needs
may arise due to sudden slowdown in collection of accounts
receivable, cancellation of an order by a customer, sharp increase in
prices of raw materials and skilled labour etc. The moneys held to
meet such unforeseen fluctuations in cash flows are called
precautionary balances. The amount of precautionary balance also
depends on the firm’s ability to raise additional money at a short

notice. The greater the creditworthiness of the firm in the market, the
lesser is the need for such balances. Generally, such cash balances are
invested in highly liquid and low risk marketable securities.

Speculative motive: This relates to holding cash to take advantage

of unexpected changes in business scenario which are not normal in
the usual course of firm’s dealings. It may also result in investing in
profitbacked opportunities as the firm comes across. The firm may hold
cash to benefit from a falling price scenario or getting a quantity
discount when paid in cash or delay purchases of raw materials in
anticipation of decline in prices. By and large, business firms do not
hold cash for speculative purposes and even if it is done, it is done
only with small amounts of cash. Speculation may sometimes also
boomerang in which case the firms lose a lot.

Compensating motive: This is yet another motive to hold cash to

compensate banks for providing certain services and loans. Banks
provide a variety of services like cheque collection, transfer of funds
through DD, MT, etc. To avail all these purposes, the customers need
to maintain a minimum balance in their account at all times. The
balance so maintained cannot be utilized for any other
purpose. Such balances are called compensating balances.
Compensating balances can take any of the following two forms – (a)
maintaining an absolute minimum, say for example, a minimum of Rs.
25000 in current account or (b) maintaining an average minimum
balance of Rs. 25000 over the month. A firm is more affected by the
first restriction than the second restriction.

Objectives of Cash Management:

There are two major objectives for cash management in a firm (a)
meeting payments schedule and
(b) minimizing funds held in the form of cash balances.

Meeting payments schedule: In the normal course of functioning, a

firm will have to make many payments by cash to its employees,
suppliers, infrastructure bills, etc. It will also receive cash through sales
of its products and collection of receivables. Both these do not happen
simultaneously. A basic objective of cash management is therefore to
meet the payment schedule in time. Timely payments will help the firm
to maintain its creditworthiness in the market and to foster good and
cordial relationships with creditors and suppliers. Creditors give a cash
discount if payments are made in time and the firm can avail this
discount as well. Trade credit refers to the credit extended by the
supplier of goods and services in the normal course of business
transactions. Generally, cash is not paid immediately for purchases but
after an agreed period of time. There is deferral of payment and is a

source of finance. Trade credit does not involve explicit interest
charges, but there is an implicit cost involved. If the credit terms are,
say, 2/10, net 30, it means the company will get a cash discount of 2%
for prompt payment made within 10 days or else the entire payment is
to be made
within 30 days. Since the net amount is due within 30 days, not
availing discount means paying an extra 2% for 20day period. The
other advantage of meeting the payments in time is that it prevents
bankruptcy that arises out of the firm’s inability to honour its
commitments. At the same time, care should be taken not to keep
large cash reserves as it involves high cost.

Minimize funds committed to cash balances: Trying to achieve

the second objective is very difficult. A high level of cash balances will
help the firm to meet its first objective discussed above, but keeping
excess reserves is also not desirable as funds in its original form is idle
cash and a nonearning asset. It is not profitable for firms to keep huge
balances. A low level of cash balances may
mean failure to meet the payment schedule. The aim of cash
management is therefore to have an optimal level of cash by bringing
about a proper rsynchronization of inflows and outflows and check the
spells of cash deficits and cash surpluses. Seasonal industries are
classic examples of mismatches between inflows and outflows. The
efficiency of cash management can be augmented by controlling a few
important factors described below:

Prompt billing and mailing: There is a time lag between the

dispatch of goods
and preparation of invoice. Reduction of this gap will bring in early

Collection of cheques and remittances of cash: It is generally

found that there is a delay in the receipt of cheques and their deposits
into banks. The delay can be reduced by speeding up the process of
collection and depositing cash or other instruments from customers.
The concept of ‘float’ helps firms to a certain extent in cash
management. Float arises because of the practice of banks not
crediting firm’s account in its books when a cheque is deposited by it
and not debit firm’s account in its books when a cheque is issued by it
until the cheque is cleared and cash is realized or paid respectively. A
firm issues and receives cheques on a regular basis. It can take
advantage of the concept of float. Whenever cheques are deposited
with the bank, credit balance increases in the
firm’s books but not in bank’s books until the cheque is cleared and
money realized. This refers to collection float’, that is, the amount of
cheques deposited into a bank and clearance awaited. Likewise the

firm may take benefit of ‘payment float’. The difference between
payment float and collection float is called as ‘net float’. When net
float is positive, the balance in the firm’s books is less than the
bank’s books; when net float is negative; the firm’s book balance is
higher than in the bank’s books.

Cash Forecasting and Budgeting

Cash budget is a device to plan for and control cash receipts and
payments. It gives a summary of cash flows over a period of time. The
Finance Manager can plan the future cash requirements of a firm
based on the cash budgets. The first element of a cash budget is the
selection of the time period which is referred to as the planning
horizon. Selecting the appropriate time period is based on the
factors exclusive to the firms. Some firms may prefer to prepare
weekly budget while others may work out monthly estimates while
some others may be preparing quarterly or yearly budgets. Firms
should keep in mind that the period selected should be neither too
long nor too short. Too long a period, estimates will not be accurate
and too short a period requires periodic changes. Yearly
budgets can be prepared by such companies whose business is very
stable and they do not expect major changes affecting the company’s
flow of cash.
The second element that has a bearing on cash budget preparation is
the selection of factors that have a bearing on cash flows. Only items
of cash nature are to be selected while noncash items such as
depreciation and amortization are excluded.
Cash budgets are prepared under three methods:
1. Receipts and Payments method
2. Income and Expenditure method
3. Balance Sheet method
We shall be discussing only the receipts and payments method of
preparing cash budgets.
Example :

Given below is the prepared a cash budget of M/s. Panduranga Sheet

Metals Ltd. for the 6 months ending 30 th June 2007. It has an opening
cash balance of Rs. 60000 on 1 st Jan 2007. Month Sales Purchases
Wages Production
Overheads Selling overheads

Jan 60000 24000 10000 6000 5000

Feb 70000 27000 11000 6300 5500
March 82000 32000 10000 6400 6200
April 85000 35000 10500 6600 6500
May 96000 38800 11000 6400 7200

June 110000 41600 12500 6500 7500

The company has a policy of selling its goods 50% on cash basis and
the rest on credit terms. Debtors are given a month’s time period to
pay their dues. Purchases are to be paid off two months from the date
of purchase. The company has a time lag in the payment of wages of
½ a month and
the overheads are paid after a month. The company is also planning to
invest in a machine which will be useful for packing purposes, the cost
being Rs. 45000, payable in 3 equal installments starting bimonthly
from April. It also expects to make a loan application to a bank for Rs.
50000 and the loan will be granted in the month of July. The company
has to pay advance income tax of Rs. 20000 in the month of April.
Salesmen are eligible for a commission of 4% on total sales effected by
them and this is payable one month after the date of sale.

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