Development planning happens in many different contexts so to define it succinctly is tricky. Basically,
development planning refers to the strategic measurable goals that a person, organization or community
plans to meet within a certain amount of time. Usually, the development plan includes time-based
benchmarks. It generally also includes the criteria that will be used to evaluate whether or not the goals
were actually met.
The core priorities of the NDP are to eliminate poverty; reduce inequality and unemployment through
inclusive economic growth; building human capabilities so that people can lead lives they value;
enhancing the capacity of the state; and promoting leadership and active citizenship throughout society.
While not conceived with an explicit gender perspective, the NDP includes many aspects and proposals
that would promote the transformation of the socio-economic lives of women.
Ways in which engineering contributes to economic development “I see engineering as a fundamental
driver for many parts of the economy” Economic literature has highlighted a number of ‘waves of
innovation’, or so called ‘Kondratieff waves’, that have acted as game-changers in the history of
economic development. The current fifth wave is associated with the development and uptake of
information and digital technologies. However, according to some literature there are indications that the
sixth wave of innovation has already begun, with this wave associated with the development of
sustainable technologies. In contrast to the other technological waves, the sixth wave moves away from
resource dependency and towards resource efficiency and sustainability. This has been attributed to the
fact that natural resources are under threat as a result of over-use by humans, thereby encouraging people
to come up with sustainable solutions. Empirical literature supports the position that infrastructure acts to
promote growth, such as Easterly and Rebelo (1993). In 1994, The World Bank considered the
importance of infrastructure on productivity and deemed that it could impact economic development
through economic growth, alleviating poverty and the enabling environmental sustainability. In 1998,
Canning found that telephones and paved roads had a significant impact on growth. Engineering is a
broad field that can contribute to economic development through many different channels. By investing in
infrastructure, such as transport, bridges, dams, communication, waste management, water supply and
sanitation, energy and digital infrastructure, countries can raise their productivity and enhance other
economic variables. Through having a well-developed transport and communications infrastructure for
example, countries are better able to get goods and services to market and move workers to jobs. A strong
communications network allows a rapid and free flow of information, helping to ensure businesses can
communicate and make timely decisions. “You cannot have an economy without engineering...” This
view was supported by Professor Calestous Juma Hon FR Eng FRS of the Harvard Kennedy School, who
contributed to our interview programme. He highlighted that “you cannot have an economy without
engineering. This is because engineering plays a crucial role in the production of goods and services,
through creating new knowledge and ensuring there is the capacity in place to produce and move goods
and services – infrastructure, transportation networks and logistical arrangements.” Engineering can also
help address challenges that will help countries to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs
*The role of engineer in national development
The role of Engineer in national development refers to the application of the knowledge of the
mathematical and natural sciences, gained by study, experience, and practice in the provision of social
amenities like good education, infrastructure, medical care and social services.
*Specific aspects of national development in which engineers play a vital role are;
Engineers play the role of guidance and counselling of students at tender age at secondary school level in
taking decision on the choice of courses of career by sensitizing them towards the technical and
engineering discipline.
Engineers in tertiary institution (Polytechnic and Universities) prepare the undergraduate by taking them
through the practical knowledge of their different fields of engineering thereby impacting upon them from
their wealth of knowledge and experience.
Engineers inculcate in the undergraduates the need for entrepreneurial skills for sustainable development
rather than seeking and indulging in the get rich quick practices.
Community Development.
The Engineer deals with the creation, improvement, and protection of the communal environment,
providing facilities for living, industry and transportation, including large buildings, roads, bridges,
canals, railroad lines, airports, water-supply systems, dams, irrigation, harbors, docks, aqueducts, tunnels,
and other engineered constructions within a given community.
Like community Policing, community engineering plays a very important role in the monitoring of
infrastructural development projects within the neighbourhood with a view to ensuring adherence to
standards and ethics of engineering practice. Engineers within a community come together as volunteers
to sponsor infrastructural development projects like boreholes, water distribution network, construction of
drainages, culverts etc.
Incorporation of Engineering Companies.
The coming together of Engineers to incorporate Engineering firms has come a long way in fostering
National development by ensuring continuity in Engineering infrastructural development project, unlike
in situations where Engineering firms are family biased where probably the principal partner is the only
Engineer and his demise means the folding up of the company.
Decision making for National Development is made at the highest level of Government. Involvement of
Engineers in politics affords them the opportunity to beat this policy/decision making bodies. Engineers at
these levels, use their professional knowledge to attract and defend important engineering infrastructural
development projects. Similarly, Engineers in politics contribute to the enhancement of the welfare of
other Engineers thereby motivating them to higher productivity for national development.
Most of the Engineering Development Projects are being conceptualized, designed, supervised, evaluated
and certified by the Engineers in the Public Service. These Engineers also ensure that these projects are
executed according to specifications. They also make necessary input towards the procurement of
Engineering Projects.
At the end of World War I, the standoff on the Western Front caused the Imperial German Army to gather
experienced and particularly skilled soldiers to form "Assault Teams" which would break through the
Allied trenches. With enhanced training and special weapons (such as flamethrowers), these squads
achieved some success, but too late to change the outcome of the war. In early WWII, however, the
Wehrmacht "Pioniere" battalions proved their efficiency in both attack and defense, somewhat inspiring
other armies to develop their own combat engineers’ battalions. Notably, the attack on Fort Eben-Emael
in Belgium was conducted by Luftwaffe glider-deployed combat engineers.
The need to defeat the German defensive positions of the "Atlantic wall" as part of the amphibious
landings in Normandy in 1944 led to the development of specialist combat engineer vehicles. These,
collectively known as Hobart's Funnies, included a specific vehicle to carry combat engineers, the
Churchill AVRE. These and other dedicated assault vehicles were organized into the specialized 79th
Armored Division and deployed during Operation Overlord – 'D-Day'.
The word engineer was initially used in the context of warfare, dating back to 1325 when engineer
(literally, one who operates an engine) referred to "a constructor of military engines". In this context,
"engine" referred to a military machine, I. e., a mechanical contraption used in war.
As the design of civilian structures such as bridges and buildings developed as a technical discipline, the
term civil engineering entered the lexicon as a way to distinguish between those specializing in the
construction of such non-military projects and those involved in the older discipline. As the prevalence of
civil engineering outstripped engineering in a military context and the number of disciplines expanded,
the original military meaning of the word "engineering" is now largely obsolete. In its place, the term
"military engineering" has come to be used.
Chemical engineering
Chemical engineering is the application of chemical, physical and biological sciences to the process of
converting raw materials or chemicals into more useful or valuable forms.
Subdiscipline Scope Major specialties
Biomolecular Focuses on the Genetic engineering (of whole genes and their
engineering manufacturing chromosomes)
of biomolecules. Immunology and biomolecular/biochemical
Engineering of DNA and RNA (related to genetic
Civil engineering comprises the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and natural built
Subdiscipline Scope Major specialties
Environmental The Ecological engineering, the design, monitoring, and
Engineering application of construction of ecosystems
engineering to Fire protection engineering, the application of
the engineering to protect people and environments from fire
improvement and smoke
and protection Sanitary engineering, the application of engineering
of the methods to improve sanitation of human communities
Wastewater engineering, Wastewater engineering is a
type of engineering that comes from civil engineering and
environmental engineering. A wastewater engineer
determines the best way to transport or collect rainwater for
human populations. Wastewater engineering also deals with
the transportation and cleaning
of blackwater, greywater and irrigation water. Wastewater
treatment and water reclamation are areas of concern in this
field. Wastewater engineers map out the topographical and
geographical features of Earth to determine the best means
of collection. They use sonar scanning in wells to determine
volumes of water that can be used for human consumption.
Using these types of data, they can provide a means of
collecting water. After collecting the water, it is their job to
transport it to where it can be made available for use.
Municipal or urban engineering, civil engineering
applied to municipal issues such as water and waste
management, transportation networks, subdivisions,
communications, hydrology, hydraulics, etc.
Electrical engineering comprises the study and application
of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism.
Sub-discipline Scope Specialties
Electronic The creation of physical Control engineering, focuses on
engineering devices and abstract the modeling of dynamic systems and the
methods that make it design of controllers using electrical circuits,
possible to conduct digital signal processors and microcontrollers
electricity, magnetism and Telecommunications engineering,
light, through low power focuses on the transmission and processing of
electrical circuits information through communications
deemed electronic channels that are created by making use of
circuits as well as applied electromagnetism in the physical
through communication world and are oftentimes divided in wired and
channels, in such a manner wireless.
so as to make it possible to Electronics denotes a broad engineering
control, that is to actuate, field that covers subfields such as analog
on other external entities electronics, digital electronics, consumer
that can be mechanical, electronics, embedded systems and power
electrical, chemical and electronics. Electronics engineering deals with
even biological in nature, implementation of applications, principles and
even to the point of algorithms developed within many related
automation and thus fields, for example solid-state physics, radio
achieving a manipulation engineering, telecommunications, control
over those natural systems, signal processing, systems
phenomena so as to engineering, computer
concede to them a specific engineering, instrumentation
form so that they abstractly engineering, electric power control, robotics,
represent something, in a and many others.
processing action that is
called program and
therefore they become
abstract signals of
information, which can be
subject of further
processing and even end-
user presentation in what is
known as computing.
Computer The design and control of Software engineering, the application of a
engineering computing devices with the systematic, disciplined, quantifiable
application of electrical approach to the development, operation and
systems. maintenance of software and the study of
these approaches; that is, the application of
engineering and computer science to
Hardware engineering, designing,
developing and testing various computer
equipment. Can range from circuit boards
and microprocessors to routers.
Network engineering, designing,
deploying and maintaining computer
networks, such as corporate networks or the
Mechanical engineering comprises the design and analysis of heat and mechanical power for the
operation of machines and mechanical systems
Sub-discipline Scope Specialties
Acoustical Concerns the manipulation and
engineering control of vibration, especially
vibration isolation and the
reduction of unwanted sounds.
Manufacturing Concerns dealing with different Musical instruments
engineering manufacturing practices and the Hand tools
research and development of Cleaning tools
systems, processes,
Cutting and abrasive tools
machines, tools and equipment.
Forestry tools and equipment
Garden tools
Kitchen tools
Machine and metalworking tools
Power tools
Woodworking, Woodworking machine
Balancing machine
Electrical discharge machining
Printing machine
Personal protective equipment
Sub-discipline Scope Specialties
Agricultural engineering Farm power and machinery, Aquaculture engineering, cultured aquatic species a
biological material processes, their production systems
bioenergy, farm structures Biomechanical engineering
and agricultural natural Bioprocess engineering, products from biological
resources. materials
Biotechnical engineering
Ecological engineering, ecosystems
Food engineering, food processing, food machinery
packaging, ingredient manufacturing, instrumentation a
Forest engineering
Health and safety engineering
Natural resources engineering
Machinery systems engineering
Information & electrical systems engineering
Biomedical Medicine and healthcare Bioinstrumentation, devices and tools used in the
engineering, Biomedical biology, biocompatible diagnosis and treatment of disease.
nanoengineering prostheses, diagnostic and Bioinformatics, digital tools to collect and analyze
therapeutic devices ranging biomedical data, such as DNA
from clinical equipment to Biomechanics, motion, material deformation, trans
micro-implants, imaging chemical substances across biological membranes and
equipment such inside the body. Artificial heart valves, artificial
as MRIs and EEGs, tissue kidneys and artificial hips.
regeneration and
Biomaterial, materials implanted in the body
pharmaceuticals. The
increased utilization of Biomedical optics
nanotechnology across the Biosignal processing, recording and processing bio
existing areas of this branch signals for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, such as
has led the cardiac signals, speech recognition and brain activity
specialization Biomedical Biotechnology, use of living systems to make usefu
nanoengineering. products such as pharmaceuticals and foods
Clinical engineering, hospital-related products, inc
data management, instruments and monitoring systems
Medical imaging, MRIs, EEGs, ultrasound, PET
Neural engineering, replacement/restoration of lost
sensory and motor abilities, neurorobots, neuro electron
Pharmaceutical engineering, pharmaceuticals and
pharmaceutical delivery
Rehabilitation engineering, products that aid indivi
with physical and other impairments, to improve e.g., m
seating and communication
Tissue engineering
Architectural engineering
Mechanical engineering
o Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
o Refrigeration
o Public health
engineering: water services, drainage and plumbing
Electrical engineering
internal environment and Lighting, including artificial and emergency lightin
Building services
environmental impact of voltage systems, containment, distribution, distribution
buildings and other structures boards and switchgear
Lightning protection
Security, video and alarm systems
Escalators and lifts
Fire engineering, including fire detection and fire
Building façade engineering
Energy supply gas, electricity and renewable sources
Energy efficiency, energy
services, facility
management, plant Solar engineering, photovoltaic systems, solar ther
Energy engineering engineering, environmental systems
compliance and energy Wind engineering, wind turbines
production. insulation and
heating/cooling properties.
Machine learning
Data science
Artificial intelligence
Control theory
Signal processing
Generation, distribution, analysis, Telecommunications
Information and use Image processing
engineering of information, data and knowledge Information theory
in systems. Computer vision
Natural language processing
Medical image computing
Autonomous robotics
Mobile robotics
Manufacturing engineering, tools,
equipment and processes
Component engineering, optimal
compents to be subsequently assembled into
Systems engineering, logistics, team
Logistical and resource
Industrial engineering coordination, machinery control
management systems
Construction engineering, buildings and
other structures
Safety engineering, safe operation and
safe failure modes
Reliability engineering, product
Robotics and Automation
Instrumentation engineering
Mechatronics Mechanical and electrical Optomechatronics engineering
engineering engineering hybrid Biomechatronic engineering
Avionics, the design of electronics and
systems on board an aircraft or spacecraft
Engineering Management of engineers and
management engineering processes
Military weapons and vehicles, such
Military engineering Combat engineering
as artillery and tanks
Mining engineering An engineering discipline that
involves the science, technology,
and practice of extracting and
processing minerals from a naturally
occurring environment. Mining
engineering is closely related to
many other disciplines like mineral
processing and metallurgy,
geotechnical engineering and
surveying. A mining engineer
manages all phases of mining
operations – from exploration and
discovery of the mineral resource,
through feasibility studies, mine
design, development of plans,
production, and operations, to mine
With the process of mineral
extraction, some amount of waste
material and other byproducts are
generated which are the primary
source of pollution in the vicinity of
mines. Mining activities by their
nature cause a disturbance of the
natural environment in and around
which the minerals are located.
Mining engineers must, therefore,
be concerned not only with the
production and processing of
mineral commodities but also with
the mitigation of damage to the
environment both during and after
mining as a result of the change in
the mining area.
nanoengineering creating Nanomaterials
nanoengineering creating Nanomedicine (Bio
The introduction of nanotechnology sensors, Tissue engineering, Drug delivery,
into existing fields of engineering. etc.)
engineering creating Nanosensors
nanoengineering creating Nanoelectronics
The application of quantum theory
to design of materials and devices. Quantum properties
Now gaining recognition as its own of nanomaterials, nanoelectronics and nano-
branch of engineering, but more scale devices
traditionally associated with sub- Semiconductor
Quantum engineering disciplines of electrical and materials and semiconductor devices
computer engineering, Photonics and quantum optics
communications engineering, solid- Quantum information systems
state and semiconductor materials and quantum cryptography
engineering, optical engineering and Quantum computing
engineering physics.
Medical physics
Nuclear fuel
Terrestrial and marine nuclear
Nuclear engineering Nuclear reactor design and control
power plants
Radiation protection
Petroleum engineering A field of engineering concerned Reservoir engineering, the flow of fluids
with the activities related to the in porous and permeable underground
production of Hydrocarbons, which reservoirs and sub-surface stresses.
can be either crude oil or natural Drilling engineering, well-drilling,
gas. Petroleum engineer focus on cementation and casing.
studying subsurface formation
properties and design and selection
of equipment to maximizing
economic recovery of hydrocarbons
from subsurface
reservoirs. Petroleum
geology and geophysics focus on
Production engineering, design and
provision of a static description of
selection of sub-surface equipment, surface
the hydrocarbon reservoir rock,
facilities and separation of well fluids.
while petroleum engineering
focuses on estimation of the
recoverable volume of this resource
using a detailed understanding of
the physical behavior of oil, water
and gas within porous rock at very
high pressure.
Project engineering includes all
parts of the design of manufacturing
or processing facilities, either new
or modifications to and expansions
of existing facilities. A "project"
consists of a coordinated series of
activities or tasks performed by
engineers and designers. A small
project may be under the direction
of a project engineer. Large projects
are typically under the direction of a
project manager or management
Mechanical engineering
team. Project tasks typically consist
of such things as performing Process engineering
calculations, writing specifications, Instrumentation and control engineering
Project engineering preparing bids, reviewing Civil engineering
equipment proposals and evaluating Structural engineering
or selecting equipment and Environmental engineering
developing and maintaining various
Electrical engineering
lists (equipment and materials lists)
and drawings (electrical, instrument
and piping schematics, physical
layouts and other drawings used in
construction). engineering. Large
projects are typically contracted out
to project engineering companies.
Staffing at engineering companies
varies according to the work load
and duration of employment may
only last until an individual's tasks
are completed.
Railway systems, including wheeled
Railway engineering
and maglev systems
Cryptographic engineering
Cryptographic Engineering is the discipline
of using cryptography to solve human
problems. Cryptography is typically applied
when trying to ensure data confidentiality, to
authenticate people or devices, or to verify
data integrity in risky environments.
Information technology engineering,
(ITE) or information engineering
methodology (IEM) is a software engineering
approach to designing and developing
information systems. It can also be
considered as the generation, distribution,
analysis and use of information in systems.
engineering, Telecommunications traffic
engineering, tele traffic engineering, or traffic
engineering is the application of traffic
Software engineering the
engineering theory to telecommunications.
application of a systematic,
Teletraffic engineers use their knowledge of
disciplined, quantifiable approach to
statistics including queuing theory, the nature
the development, operation and
Software engineering of traffic, their practical models, their
maintenance of software and the
measurements and simulations to make
study of these approaches; that is,
predictions and to plan telecommunication
the application of engineering
networks such as a telephone network or the
and computer science to software.
Internet. These tools and knowledge help
provide reliable service at lower cost.
Web engineering focuses on the
methodologies, techniques and tools that are
the foundation of Web application
development and which support their design,
development, evolution and evaluation. Web
engineering is multidisciplinary and
encompasses contributions from diverse
areas such as systems analysis and design,
software engineering, hypermedia/hypertext
engineering, requirements engineering,
human-computer interaction, user interface,
information technology engineering,
information indexing and retrieval, testing,
modeling and simulation, project
management and graphic design and
Supply chain Supply chain engineering concerns Logistics
the planning, design, and operation Pricing
of supply chains. Production
Systems engineering is an
interdisciplinary field of Systems engineering deals with work-
engineering that focuses on how to processes, optimization methods and risk
design and manage complex management tools. It overlaps technical and
engineering projects over their life human-centered disciplines such as control
Systems engineering cycles. Issues, such as reliability, engineering, industrial engineering,
logistics and coordination of organizational studies and project
different teams, evaluation management. Systems engineering ensures
measurement and other disciplines that all likely aspects of a project or system
become more difficult when dealing are considered and integrated into a whole.
with large or complex projects.
Textile engineering courses deal
with the application of scientific and
engineering principles to the design
and control of all aspects of fiber,
textile and apparel processes,
products and machinery. These
include natural and man-made
Apparel engineering
materials, interaction of materials
Fabric engineering
with machines, safety and health,
energy conservation and waste and Industrial & production engineering
pollution control. Additionally, Textile engineering management
Textile engineering
students are given experience in Textile fashion & design
plant design and layout, machine Textile machinery design & maintenance
and wet process design and Wet process engineering
improvement and designing and
Yarn engineering
creating textile products.
Throughout the textile engineering
curriculum, students take classes
from other engineering and
disciplines including: mechanical,
chemical, materials and industrial