Grade 2 DLL MAPEH 2 Q4 Week 3
Grade 2 DLL MAPEH 2 Q4 Week 3
Grade 2 DLL MAPEH 2 Q4 Week 3
B. Performance Standards Performance Standards Performance Standards Performance Standards Performance Standards
uses varied tempi to creates a 3-dimensional free- performs movement demonstrates consistency in
enhance rhymes, chants, standing, balanced figure using activities involving person, following safety rules at home and
drama, and musical stories different materials (found objects, music and in school
materials, recycled, local or environment correctly
C. Learning Competencies/ C. Learning Competencies/ C. Learning Competencies/ C. Learning Competencies/ C. Learning Competencies/ Measure one’s ability to
Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives retain and apply
demonstrates changes in sites examples of 3- observes correct posture and body explains rules for the safe use of knowledge and concepts
tempo with movements dimensional crafts found in mechanics while performing household chemicals .Learn to answer a weekly
MU2TP-IVa-3 the locality giving emphasis movement H2IS-IVg-16 test.
on their shapes, textures, activities
proportion and balance )familiarizes in various movement
A2EL-IVb activities
involving person, objects, music
II. CONTENT Content:Fast, Moderate and Slow Content:ARALIN 3 Content:Lesson 4.2.1 Content:Lesson 4.3 Rules for Safe
Music PAGIGING MALIKHAIN Throwing and Striking The Ball Use of Household Chemicals
III. LEARNING K to12 Curriculum Guide K to12 Curriculum Guide K to12 Curriculum Guide K to12 Curriculum Guide
RESOURCES Grade 2 – Music pages 16 Grade 2 –Arts pages 20 Grade 2 – Physical Education page Grade 2 – MAPEH pages 15-16
A. References 18
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 101-104(softcopy) 150-151(softcopy) 281-285(softcopy) 394-396(soft-copy) TG in MAPEHpages 101-
104, 150-151, 281-285,
2. Learner’s Materials LM in MAPEH pages 146-149 LM in MAPEH pages 264-266 LM in MAPEH pages 473-475 LM in MAPEH pages 146-
pages 149, 264-266, 473-475
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials photographs or pictures of Balls, pictures, rubrics/checklist pictures, real objects (like
from Learning Resources different artwork made by detergent soap ,downy, zonrox, Test Notebook, pencil
different local craftsmen kerosene, empty container of
toilet cleaner)
C. Presenting Examples / C. Presenting Examples / C. Presenting Examples / C. Presenting Examples / C. Presenting Examples / Preparation of test
instances of new lesson instances of new lesson instances of new instances of new instances of new
( Presentation) ( Presentation) lesson( Presentation) lesson( Presentation) lesson( Presentation)
Gawain 1: TayonangUmawit Teacher will demonstrate the 2.2 .Let‟s listen to the news
Awitinnatinang different movements in stations 1 report. Tell: News is everyday
―MgaAlagakongHayop.‖ Isakilos to 4. events we want to hear. We will
natinangmga kilos Divide the class into 5 groups. Let have sample news for today‟s
naisinasaadsaawitin. Isagawa each group perform and describe lesson.
ang kilos habangumaawit. the Note: To have an effective delivery
Alammoba kung
correct overhand and underhand of the news, rehearse one pupil
throwing and striking of balls. who will deliver the news a week
Station 1 – correct overhand before the lesson.)
throwing • Unlock the following words
Station 2 - correct underhand through pictures, context
throwing clues or gestures.
Station 3 - correct striking Nakalalason, Pagkahilo,
Station 4 - correct spiking Pagsusuka, Patabasahalaman
Station 5 - correct kicking
Tumakbo,tumakboangpusa, Sa
Lumukso, lumuksoangaso, Sa
Lumakad, lumakadangpato,
D. Discussing new concepts D. Discussing new concepts and D. Discussing new concepts and D. Discussing new concepts and D. Discussing new concepts and
and practicing new skills #1 practicing new skills #1 practicing new skills #1 practicing new skills #1 practicing new skills #1
( Modeling) ( Modeling) ( Modeling) ( Modeling) ( Modeling)
Paanomonaramdamanangpulso at Ask: MgaTanong:
bilisngmusikahabanginaawit? 1. How do you throw? strike? 1.
Paanonamankumilosangasokapagtu spike? kick a ball? Bakitnapagkamalangasinangpatab
matakbo? 2. How did you feel in doing the asahalaman?
activities? 2.
3. In what games are these skills Bakitmahalagaangpagbabasangba
Angtawagdito ay paper mache.
used? balasaproduktobago
Ito ay gawamulasamgapapel o
Ito ay
nggangsaito ay tumigas at
E. Discussing new concepts E.Discussing new concepts and E.Discussing new concepts and E.Discussing new concepts and E.Discussing new concepts and
and practicing new skills #2 practicing new skills #2(Guided practicing new skills #2(Guided practicing new skills #2(Guided practicing new skills #2(Guided
(Guided Practice) Practice) Practice) Practice) Practice)
Awitinnatinang ―MgaAlaga Kong The teacher will enumerate the A. Isulatang T kung
Hayop‖ correct ways of throwing and angpangungusap ay tama at M
nakasingbilisngtumatakbongpusa, striking a ball. kungmali.
katamtamankatulad 1
Alammoba kung
nglumuksoangaso,atmabagalkatula .Bawalmaghugasngkamaykapaggu
dnglumalakad mamitng
napato. kemikalsabahay.
2. Maaari pang kaininangmga
expired napagkain.
B. Hanapinsakahon kung
1. pamataynginsekto
2. gamotsaubo
3. sabongpanlaba
4. pang-alisngmantsasadamit
5. petrolyo
C. Inuminayonsapayongdoktor.
E. Lagyanngtamangbabala at
F. Developing mastery F. Developing mastery F. Developing mastery F. Developing mastery F. Developing mastery Testing
( Leads to Formative ( Leads to Formative Assessment 3) ( Independent Practice) ( Independent Practice) ( Independent Practice)
Assessment 3) Pagmasdannatinangpagkumpasngg Reinforcement Activity )
uro Throw and catch the ball with your
habangumaawit. partner. GawinNatin
1. Overhand throw for three times. Ibigayangnararapatnatuntunin
2. Underhand throw for three para saligtas
times. napaggamitngsumusunodnagamit
Ito ay tinatawagna Taka. Ito ay 3. Correct kicking for three times. sabahay.
gawasamgalumangpapelnaginupi 4. Correct spiking for three times. 1. Zonrox
tgupitnapahaba at 5. Correct hitting for three times. 2. Muriatic Acid
dinikitsahulmahangkahoy. Ito ay 4. Petroleum gas
binibiyaksagitnapagkaraangito ay 5. pamataynginsekto
tumigas at
mulingtatapalanhanggangsaito ay
mabuomuli. Ang paper mache at
taka ay gawasaPaete, Laguna.
G. Finding Practical G. Finding Practical applications of G. Finding Practical applications G. Finding Practical applications of G. Finding Practical applications of
applications of Concepts and skills in daily of concepts and skills in daily living concepts and skills in daily living
Concepts and skills in living Concepts and skills in daily ( Application ( Application)
daily living Mgabata, napansinbaninyoangbilis living ) Paanomomaililigtasangiyongsarilis
at bagalng Kilalaninanglikhangsiningnanasai Playing “Ball Hitting Game” apanganib
kumpasnggurohabangumaawit? baba at What To Do: nadalangmgakemikalsatahanan?
Maarimo bang isulatsainyongsagutangpapel 1. Form 2 teams with equal number
paghambingin? kung papaano at anoang of players.
ginamitnabagaysamalikhaingsinin 2. Make a big circle on the ground.
gnaito. 3. Team A players scatter inside the
4. Team B players outside the circle
try to hit the players inside the
using a ball( improvised ball made
of socks or paper.)
5. The players outside the circle
may pass the ball to each other first
overhand and underhand throwing.
Before hitting anyone inside the
6. The players inside the circle shall
run and avoid not to be hit.
7. The player that will be hit will be
8. The team B players have 3
minutes to hit the players inside the
9. After the 3-minute period, the
remaining players inside the circle
will be
counted as points for the team.
10. Exchange of playing team takes
place every 3 minutes.
11. The team that gets more points
wins the game.
H. Making generalizations H. Making generalizations and H. Making generalizations and H. Making generalizations and H. Making generalizations and What did you learn?
and abstractions about the abstractions about the lesson abstractions about the lesson abstractions about the lesson abstractions about the lesson
lesson ( Generalization) ( Generalization) (Generalization ) (Generalization ) (Generalization)
Tandaan: Angmgalikhangsiningngbawatpa Striking is hitting something with Use the following to guide the
Angbilis at bagalngpag-awit ay mayanan ay nakikilalasapamama- the hand or an object held by the pupils in making their answers.
maipapakitasapaggamitngpagkump gitanngmgaginamitnaiba‘ t hand. Read labels and instructions on
asngmgakamay. ibangbagaymula Throwing is flinging or hurling an containers before using
Angmabilisnapagkumpas ay sakanilangpamayanan. object in any manner.. any material.
nagpapahayagngmabilisnapagawit Wash your hands after using
at angmabagalnakumpas ay chemicals.
nagpapahiwatig Wear safety gloves to protect the
ngmabagalnapag-awit. skin when using cleaning
materials containing acids.
Place the household chemicals in
their proper place.
Never play with flammable
I. Evaluating Learning I.Evaluation I.Evaluation IV. Evaluation I.Evaluation
Pagtataya Teacher will group the class into Lagyanngtsek (/) Checking the test
Sagutinangmgasumusunodbataysak 6.Using a ball in volleyball or any angligtasnaparaannang paper.Noting item missed.
asanayang improvised paggamitngmgapambahaynakemi
natutunansaaralin. ball, perform the following: kal.
1. Paanoginamitngguroangkamay 1. Throw and catch a ball 1. Tikman at
para ipahayag underhand. amuyinangmgagamitnahindikilala
angpagbabagongbilisngpag-awit? 2. Throw and catch a ball overhand. bagogamitin.
2. 3. Kicking a ball. 2. Basahinang warning label
Paanoipinakitanggalawngkamayang 4. Spiking a ball. bagogamitinang
bilisng 5. Hitting a ball. produkto.
pag-awit? Bagalngpag-awit? 3.
Panuto: Awitin at Ilagayangmgapetrolyomalapitsapi
kilalaninangmgasumusunodna naglulutuan.
awitinbataysabilisngpag-awit. 4.
Kulayanang star kung Itagoangmgapanlinisnakemikalkas
mabagalangawitin, bilognaman amangmga
kung mas mabagal, kemikalnagamitsapagluluto.
kulayanangpuso kung mabilis at 5. Itagoangmga expired
araw kung mas mabilis. naprodukto.
J. Additional activities for J. Additional activities for J. Additional activities for J. Additional activities for J. Additional activities for Study next lesson.
application or remediation application or remediation application or remediation application or remediation application or remediation
( Assignment) ( Assignment) ( Assignment) ( Assignment) ( Assignment)
Bring used materials that can be Practice the different positions in Instruct the pupils to interview
found in our surroundings: throwing and striking balls in your their parents on what they do
Old bottles, boxes, candy home. before
wrappers, small pieces of cloth, handling chemicals.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who
require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?