Renewal Upon Performance Results.: (From This Date and On You Will Have The Schedule and Days Off Detailed Below)

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Dear candidate _______________________________________________________________________,

We’re pleased to extend this offer of employment for the position of Engagement Specialist with STARTEK. We hope you
will find your new position at STARTEK to be challenging, rewarding and filled with opportunity for both professional and
personal growth! The following confirms the terms of our job offer under a Temporary Contract.

EFFECTIVE DATE: Your first day will be on, November 20th, 2020.

ENDING DATE: Your last day will be detailed on your contract, which you will sign during new hire orientation. Contract
renewal upon performance results.

 Park in the parking lot, enter through the front door and wait at the lobby.
 On your first day you will receive New Hire Orientation. The time of arrival is at 8:00 Am.
 Refrigerators are available in every floor break room, you can bring your lunch/dinner and any beverages in spill
proof containers.

SALARY: Your monthly salary will be $500.00 paid in two parts every 15th and 30th by a deposit to a BAC CREDOMATIC
bank account. The payment is made in Lempiras based on current currency.

Performance & Punctuality: Your performance will be measured since day one. 100% attendance and punctuality are


Classroom Training schedule will be from 6:00 AM to 3:00 PM with SAT-SUN off and will take place from: Nov- 23-2020
to Dec-04-2020.

Practical Training (ABAY) will be from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM and will take place from: Dec-06-2020 to Dec-12-2020_. Days
off for this practical training will be informed to you at the end of the classroom training.

Your first day of Production will be on Dec-13-2020. (from this date and on you will have the schedule and days off detailed

Initial production schedule will be from: _7:00 AM to 4:00 PM with THU-FRI off.
This schedule might change for reasons such as, but not limited to: daylight saving time, performance and call volume.

Attending training is essential for your preparation to move on to the operations floor. Please avoid absenteeism. In case
of an emergency or sickness contact the SICKLINE: 2268-0499. Take into consideration that STARTEK disciplinary process
applies since day 1. We are counting on your commitment to attend training every day on the agreed schedule.

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BENEFITS: You will be provided information about all the Company’s benefits programs during your onboarding process.
All benefits require varying eligibility and effective dates for enrollment—to participate, you must enroll in any of the
benefits provided according to your eligibility and required effective dates. Transportation applies only to employees with
schedules beginning before 6:00am and ending after 8:00pm (transportation will be provided to everyone who needs it until the
end of the circulation restrictions applied due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

This offer is contingent upon your successful completion of required documentation listed below:

1 copy of your High school diploma (front and back).

1 copy of your resume.
1 original Criminal records. (This will be required until the institutions that provide it start working again).
5 photocopies of your Identity card (front and back, enlarged 200%).

Hiring process will be completed upon signing of work contract with Human Resources during new hire Orientation.

We are confident you will be able to make a significant contribution to the success of our organization and look forward
to working with you in your new role. Please sign your acceptance of our offer and return it.

I, _______________________________________________________, ID #_________________________ by my signature

below hereby accept, understand and agree to the above terms and conditions of employment.

Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________


Startek 2 OF 2 | Altia Business Park, Calle Altara and Novacentro 7th floor | Tegucigalpa, Honduras

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