Project 3 Candles
Project 3 Candles
Project 3 Candles
Words and picture © Copyright Tobias Kaye 2000 All rights reserved
the bark.
2. Mount the log between centres and true up the base and top.
3. If the heart is off centre draw a line through it from centre to edge.
4. Draw a circle on the top about half way out to the bark.
5. Using the same radius the circle will divide into six with a flower
pattern. (Start on the line through the heart.)
6. Three of these points are for the candle holes.
7. Drill them to suit your candles or hole liners.
8. Draw through the other three points from the centre out. you could
use straight lines or compass arcs.
9. Holding the log upright on the bandsaw cut along the first line,
stopping at the centre.
10. Stop the saw and wait till the blade is still.
11. Remove the log from the cut. Often the blade will jam,. I find
tilting the log often releases it. Curves are more difficult to free.
12. Make the second cut and separate the first section.
13. The last cut is best started at the centre, cutting towards the bark.
14. Mount one of the sections with the tail stock in the candle hole.
15. I prefer to use a ring drive here, it is safer than a prong drive and
leaves less mess.
16. True up the candle top as soon as the basic shape is roughed out,
© Copyright Tobias Kaye 2000 All rights reserved
when the surface for wax catching is made the piece often runs out
of true slightly and needs re-cutting.
17. Shape the section to your taste. I find simple curves fit with the
rustic look better than complex shapes.
18. Copy this shape onto the other two sections. Precision is not
required, the bases are different, don’t worry too much about the
tops. I pencil the wing length from the finished one onto the next.
19. Sand and polish as you go. I use a foam drum sander in a drill on
the unturned sections, but little pads would do as well.
All this is shown step by step on the video. Phone as below to order it Cards accepted.
There are many titles in this series. Presently: A unique design of pepper mill. Bowl gouge sharpening. Skew Chisel sharpening, Dining plates. Dining Bowls. Little Boxes, Multi centre “Swan Neck” candlestick.(fairly advanced) Three
candlesticks from one log. Multi centre “Tricorn” bowl (Advanced); Roman Bottle (Advanced); Smoking food with your shavings; Two (travelling) eggcups hidden in one egg.
Demos frequently given to woodturning clubs. Hands on events for clubs at my own workshop also arranged.
Possibly the best woodturning courses in the world, phone for details.