Orumanet-Grid Connected Solar Energy System

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Grid Connected Solar Energy System

A work flow is available in OrumanNet software for receiving and processing the
application of Grid connected Solar Energy System.
For generating the demand through system, following procedure should be done at
electrical section offices.
1. Grid connected Solar Energy System - Demand generation
The Assistant Engineer/Public Relation Assistant(PRA) /Authorized person of the
section offices should carefully verify the details of Consumer who requested for Grid
connected Solar Energy System. Then select the service through the menu SERVICES =>
Energy System-LT.

Followed by the PROCCED button, a screen will appear. The section user should fill
the relevent column as follows
Then click on the ''CONFIRM & PROCEED'' button for generating the solar grid
application fee.

If any of the consumers solar grid request is already processed (before the release of
OrumaNet version 1.7.6) by collecting application fee (through the menu Miscellanious
demand generation) and solar meter is not installed, such consumers receipt no. ( against
Miscellanious demand ) should be enterd in the text box provied as shown below.

Then click on the ''verify & save '' button for generating the application fee.
2. Job Assignment
Job may be assigned to the person for doing Field Verification.
3. Field Verification
Navigation to the screen : Field Verification =>Other Services => Initial Data Entry
=> Grid Connectivity of Solar Energy System-LT.

By defau

Here the
should select the Feeder (HT/LT) based on the Solar Plant to be Connected. If the HT
Feeder is selected, Enter the Average Load of HT feeder.
Otherwise Select the “ LT Feeder ” from the combo box.
If the “ LT Feeder ” is not displayed in the drop down menu then Add the LT feeder through
the Menu
Settings => Feeders-Transformers-Poles =>LT Feeders

The details regarding the LT FEEDER to which the solar panel is connected in the
consumers premises is connected should be entered .
 The Transformer to which the LT FEEDER is connected should be selected from the
combo box Select Transformer.
 The “ From Pole Number ” is the pole from where the Feeder starts. Select from the
Combo box the desired Pole number.
 The “ To Pole Number ” is the end point of the Feeder. Select the desired Pole
number from the Combo box .

Enter a Feeder Name For the Same and click the button ADD LT FEEDER. Then
continue with Field Verification.
If the details of the “ LT Feeder ” are entered already , such details will be displayed
in the combo box provided for selecting the “LT Feeder” .Then enter the average load of
“ LT Feeder ”.
By default the Average Load of the LT feeder is as follows
 The total installed capacity of solar systems that can be connected to a distribution
transformer without conducting measurement of the load on the feeder under it,shall
be 15 % of the transformer capacity.
 The average load of the LT feeder should be entered. The load whichever is higher
will be considered.
 Generate the Feasibility Report

4. Solar Application Processing

Navigation to the screen : Services => Estimate => Solar Application Processing
For generating the Solar Grid Registration fee following details should be entered .

 Technical Specifications and other particulars of Solar Panel.

 Meter supplied by consumer or KSEB.
 Technical Specifications and other particulars of Solar Meter
 Scheme fot installing the Solar Energy System – Whether drawings attached
 Provide a Solar Group Name and procced ( Example: BSNL offices/Tower, group
name may be given as “BSNL group”).
A six digit unique code will also be generated by the system during group name generation.
Based on the Solar Capacity entered in the Field Verification, Solar Grid Registration
Fee will be generated and displayed. For approving the demand click on the Register

If any of the consumer solar grid request is already processed by collecting

regisrtation fee (before the release of Orumanet ver 1.7.6) and Solar meter is installed or not
,such applicants receipt number (against miscellaneous demand ) should be entered in the
Text Box provided as shown below.
Followed by Registration following details will be displayed. Generate the PDF
report and file the document for future purpose.

5. Effecting Priority
Priority may be effected through the menu , Services => Priority => Other
Services => Effect Priority => Grid Solar - LT

6. Job Assignment
Job may be assigned to the person for Arranging Materials.

7. Arrange Materials
The materials can be arranged through the menu, Services => Arrange Materials
=> Arrange Meter => Grid Connectivity of Solar Energy System-LT => Proceed
Before proceeding with the Meter arrangement Net Meter should be added using the
Menu Settings => Meters => Add Meters => Net Meter , Then proceed to Completion.
8. Completion
In the FR entry screen Final Readings of the existing meter shall be provided in the
text box for entering the FR. The Present Reading date can be selected upto the last Bill
Date / Change effect Date.

Enter the FR details and proceed

Details such as Electrical Inspectorate Report date, Plant test Date , Connection
Agreement Date should be selected from the Calender menu provided based on the Test
reports submitted by the applicant. Then click the SAVE Button.
Enter the Initial Reading Deatails of the Solar Grid Self Generation Meter .

Here the user should enter the Initial Readings of Net Meter ( Import and Export)
which is connected to the grid. Proceed and complete the service.

II. Solar Meter based Billing

I. Solar Adjustment of Normal Billing Consumer
II. Solar Adjustment of TOD billing Consumer
III.Normal / TOD billing Adjustments for group of Consumers
1. Normal Billing Adjustments
1 Quantum of banked electricity carried forward from the A Unit
previous billing period

2. Quantum of electricity injected into the disribution B Unit

system by the eligible consumer

3. Quantum of electricity supplied by distribution licensee C Unit

to the eligible consumer
4. Quantum of net electricity which has been billed for (C) – [ (A) + (B) ] Unit
payment by the eligible consumer

5. Quantum of electricity injected into the distribution [ (A) + (B) ] – (C) Unit
system in excess of the drawal by the eligible consumer
which is carried over to the next billing period.

2 . TOD Billing Adjustments

In case of TOD consumers
1 Quantum of banked electricity carried A Unit
forward from the previous billing period
2. Quantum of electricity injected into the B Unit
disribution system by the eligible consumer
3. Quantum of electricity supplied by [ C 1 , C 2 , C 3]->Energy
distribution licensee to the eligible consumer consumed during the zones
[T1 , T 2, T 3] T1(N), T2(P), T3(O)
4. Quantum of net electricity which has been T1 T2 T3
billed for payment by the eligible consumer
5. Quantum of electricity injected into the Time Zone T1 --> (A + B) - C1 = D1
distribution system in excess of the drawal Time Zone T2 --> D1 - C2 = D2
by the eligible consumer which is carried Time Zone T3 --> D2 - C3 = D3
over to the next billing period.

The adjustment will be done until D1 or D2 or D3 become Zero. If D3 is positive , it

will be kept in the bank for next billing period.
Example 1
If A = 450 Unit
B = 550 Unit
C1 = 300 Unit
C2 = 200 Unit
C3 = 100 Unit

Adjustment for
Time Zone T1 = (A + B) - C 1 = 1000 – 300 = 700 = D 1
T2 = D1 - C 2 = 700 – 200 = 500 = D 2
T3 = D2 - C 3 = 500 – 100 = 400 = D 3
Therefore 400 should be kept in the bank for considering the next billing period.
Example 2
If A = 450 Unit
B = 550 Unit
C1 = 600 Unit
C2 = 400 Unit
C3 = 300 Unit

Adjustment for
Time Zone T1 = (A + B) - C 1 = 1000 – 600 = 400 = D1
T2 = D1 - C 2 = 400 – 400 = 0 = D2
T3 = D2 - C3= 0 – 300 = - 300 = D 3
A bill will be generated for the excess Elecrticity drawal by eligible consumer from the
distribution system.
3. Normal/ TOD Billing Adjustments for group of Consumers
The eligible consumers shall have the right to avail open access for wheeling the
excess electricity generated by the solar energy system installed in one of his premises and
to use such excess electricity in other premises owned by him within the area of supply of
the licensee .Being so the Consumer can select the priority for wheeeling the excess
The eligible consumer shall be entitled to avail only 95 % of the total electricity
wheeled for his consumption in the other premises and the balance 5 % of the electricity
shall be adjusted towards the distribution losses and other expenses incurred by the
distribution licensee in this regard.
For enabling the group billing at section offfices following procedure have to be
The Senior Suprintendent/Assistant Engineer of the solar generating section should
attach all the consumers in the solar group, even if they belong to other sections. For
attaching consumers in the group perform the following steps.
a. Attaching consumers
Navigation to the screen : Consumers => Special Consumers => Solar on grid
Consumers => Solar Group Consumers
Click “ATTACH ” button to add Consumer number(s) of the other premises where
solar energy is to be consumed/adjusted.
b. Approval of Consumers
If the consumer belongs to the solar generating section, the following screen will be
displayed. For approving the consumer(s), click SAVE THIS LIST button.

If the attached consumer belongs to section other than generating section, the
following screen will appear. Senior Suprintendent/Assistant Engineer of the respective
sections should approve the consumers.
c. Priority setting of consumers
After creating a group, the Section Officer should fix the Priority for adjusting the solar
generated consumption. The priority list may be obtained from the consumer. The default
priority with generating consumer as top priority will be listed.

The priority list can be modified through the screen,

d. Removal of Consumers
Wrongly added consumers can be removed through the “REMOVE” button.
If the consumer belongs to the solar generating section, the concerned officer in the
solar generating section can remove the consumer by clicking the DELETE button.
If the consumer belongs to section other than generating section, the concerned officer in
the solar generating section can initiate the removal procedure by clicking the MARK
DELETE button. Senior Suprintendent/Assistant Engineer of the respective sections should
approve the removal. If any of the consumers in the list is accidently marked for deletion, it
can be reverted back by clicking UNMARK DELETE button.

4. Consumption adjustment
The bills of every consumer in the solar group should be individualy prepared,
reading entered and verified by the concerned officers in the sections. When all the
consumers in the group are in the verified stage, the group will be set for adjusting the
solar generated energy as shown below. The officer in the solar generated section can now
adjust the consumption in accordance with the priority already set by clicking 'PROCEED

While approving the above consumers the following screen will appear. In this
screen the adjustment details will be displayed. The Senior Superintendent of the solar
generating section should verify the above details and click on the approve bills for
approving the adjustment and generating bills for the month.
If any of the consumer's premises is Door Lock / Meter Faulty , those Consumer's
bill will be issued based on the average consumption. No adjustments will happen against
the banking of Solar Energy in respect of those consumers. Door lock /Door Open revision
of the consumer in the solar group shall be done manually, since auto revision is not
available in the solar group billing system. For auto revision, the door lock and meter faulty
consumer may be removed from the group and generate bill.

III. Solar OnGrid – En-cashing of Banked units in Credit ( OnGrid Bank Refund)

Menu: COLLECTION => Solar Incentive => Refund OnGrid Bank Incentive.
Banked units under credit for each month is available in the report REPORTS => Solar
Reports=> Bank Adjustment

Before proceed with refund,:

1. Please check the Bank Adjustment report and make sure that the Banked Units as on
September of the year is correct in all respect. If there is any variation due to manual
revision of bills or other facts, this should be intimated to orumanetsupport and got
updated accordingly.
2. Make sure that Bill for September is completed.

While processing the refund, If the consumer has any current charge arrears ( Regular CC +
Penal) , then first the refund amount will be adjusted against these CC arrears. The balance
amount, if any, will be refunded to consumer.
Process is as follows:

 On selecting the menu Refund OnGrid Bank Incentive, list of consumers with their
banked units, refund amount and other details will be shown with necessary remarks.

 Select the consumer, if refund is possible.

 Details of Refund amount, Current charge arrears (Regular CC + Penal) will be


 On proceeding with refund, necessary receipts will be generated to settle the CC

arrears and effecting the Refund. This will be reflected in the Consumers profile.

 The refund amount will not reflect as Advance.

 The refund has to be processed and disbursed to consumer at Division Office,

similar to CD refund. Separate account codes are generated to accounting this.

 The process can be rolled back/cancelled only till the end of processed month (till
accounts preparation).

 The rollback is done through same menu.

Report is provided in REPORTS=>Solar Reports=>Credited Banked Units, which is
available for Division/Circle level users also.

IV. Reprots
Navigation to the screen : Reports => Solar Reports
The following reports are avaialble in Solar Reports

 Feasibility Certificate

 Application register

 Feeder Feasibilty Register

 Solar Group Consumers

 Bank Adjustments
 Solar Generation

 Credited Bank Units

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