Site Environmental Control Report

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Revision No.:



To Name of Occupier of Construction Site

Address of Company
Name of Construction project


1. I submit the Site Environmental Control Report on the above construction site from
___________ to ______________.

2. The areas of inspection and recommendations described in this report includes (please see the
reports that are attached):

Environmental health hazards and irregularities observed on the construction site

Recommendations on actions to be taken by the occupier to rectify the irregularities

Vector borne or infectious disease outbreaks, which took place

Investigation conducted on vector borne or infectious disease outbreaks, which took


Campaigns, competition, training course held or to be held on the construction site

Suggestions on co-operation necessary between the management of the construction

site and any persons so as to ensure observance of the Act

Yours faithfully,

_________________ _______________________ _______________

Name of ECO Signature of ECO Date
(I) Environmental Health Hazards and irregularities observed on construction site/
recommendations to maintain healthy working conditions on the construction site

The following irregularities were observed on the construction site:

(Please  in to indicate the irregularity)

A Solid Waste Management Recommendations on work to be carried

i) Overloading or spillage of construction wastes
from skips

ii) Skips placed along public roads

iii) Amount of construction waste taken out from site

is different from amount disposed of

iv) Organic food wastes stored together with

construction wastes and not removed daily

v) Insufficient refuse bins lined with plastic bags

around the bangsals

vi) Refuse bins not properly covered

B Vector Control Measures

Mosquito Breeding

i) Potential mosquito breeding grounds observed,

e.g. water bearing receptacles, ground
depressions, uneven grounds, etc.

ii) Construction site and/ or bangsal littered

iii) Sand granular insecticide not applied into

perforated bricks according to schedule

iv) Anti-mosquito oil and insecticides not applied

into stagnant water according to schedule

v) Thermal fogging not carried out on the

construction site at least once a week
Rodent and Fly Infestation

i) Food left in open and not stored in rodent-proof

rooms or cabinets
ii) Rat burrows observed

iii) Potential fly breeding grounds observed

C Infectious disease Recommendations on work to be carried
i) Foreign workers not screened for history of

ii) Food handler(s) not inoculated against Typhoid

iii) Food handler(s) above 45 years old not screened

for tuberculosis

D Noise Control Measures

i) Noise recorded at monitoring stations exceeds the

maximum permissible level

ii) Generators and machinery sited close to residential


iii) Noisy activities, e.g. piling, concreting carried out

during night time

iv) Equipment and machinery cause excessive noise

emission due to irregular maintenance

v) No notice issued to inform residents on impending

noisy construction works

E Air Pollution Control & Dust Abatement

i) Lorries and vehicles carrying construction

materials not properly and inadequately covered

ii) Vehicles not washed at the paved wash bay before

they leave the worksite

iii) Emission of dark smoke from construction

equipment and machinery

iv) Evidence of open burning of construction waste

carried out

v) Dust preventive measures not taken, e.g. water

sprinklers/ spray, shielding, netting, covers/
hoarding for aggregate/ sand stores not provided/

vi) No debris chutes to transfer debris from higher

floors to ground floor
F Food Hygiene Recommendations on work to be
carried out
i) Displayed food not covered or properly protected

ii) Food handlers using bare hands and not wearing

gloves or using tongs or other suitable implements
when handling ready-to-eat or cooked food

iii) Poor personal hygiene practices observed, e.g.

smoking, dirty attire, etc.

iv) Dirty equipment and cooking utensils observed

v) Preparing food outside kitchen area

G Silt Control

i) Perimeter cut-off drains unlined/ silted

ii) Silt traps silted

iii) Silt fences damaged or choked

iv) Silt fences and supporting posts not firmly

embedded in the ground

v) Silt traps interceptors not cleared

vi) Inadequate silt control facilities provided

vii) Drains in vicinity of worksite silted or obstructed

due to the construction works

viii) Water run-off from the worksite is not channeled

through the silt fences into silt traps

ix) Discharge of water directly into public drains

x) Earth surfaces or slopes adjacent to any drain not

closed, turfed, paved or covered

xi) Inadequate measures taken to prevent any earth,

sand, top-soil, cement, concrete, debris or any
other material to fall or be washed into the drains
from any stockpile thereof
H Others Recommendations on work to be carried
i) Indiscriminate discharge of wastewater into
watercourses, e.g. workers bathing and washing
outside approved areas, defective sanitary/ sewer
pipes, overflow from holding tank, overloading of
septic tank, etc.

ii) Septic tank(s)/ holding tank(s) and/ or chemical/

portable toilet(s) overflowing or not maintained

iii) Servicing and repair of vehicles/ equipment carried

out without facilities to contain the waste oil

iv) Waste/used oil not properly collected and sent to a

licensed toxic waste collector

v) Soil treatment was not carried out by pest control

operator in compliance with the water pollution
control requirements.

vi) Drums/ carboys/ containers with oil/ chemicals

found outside bunded/ permitted areas

vii) Oil spillages outside bunded/ controlled area

(II) Vector borne/ food borne/ infectious disease outbreak(s) which took place
* To be completed if any vector borne/ food borne/ infectious disease outbreak(s) took place

Type of Vector Type of treatment

Borne/ Food No. of (Indicate number of
Cause of Follow-up
S/N Borne/ people people for each type of Remarks
outbreak action
Infectious affected treatment#)
Disease A B C

A - Self-medication, B - Clinical Treatment, C -

(III) Public Education

* To be completed if any public education activity/ activities carried out

S/N Type of activity Purpose of Where it is Duration Does it involve all employees
(Exhibition, Video show, activity held of activity (Yes/ No)
brochures, pamphlets, If no, indicate number of
etc.) employees involved

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