Bollards v3 1
Bollards v3 1
Bollards v3 1
The Smarter
Transferring know-how
for smarter LNG
Trelleborg has a range of seven bollard styles
to ensure the ideal solution for your
All Trelleborg’s bollards are precision engineered
and manufactured in a variety of metals, including Bollards
premium grade spheroidal graphite ductile iron and
cast steel to offer unprecedented levels of service Bollard Range and Technical
life and resistance to corrosion and impact. Information5
We understand that safety is your number one Bollard Materials and
priority, and provide bespoke safety critical bollards, Manufacture 13
anchoring and fixing solutions to your exact
Bollard Selection 15
Bollard Installation 17
This guide provides detailed and specific information
Bollard Maintenance 18
about our full range of solutions including
installation, maintenance and specification advice, Bollard Information 19
plus much more.
A Smarter Approach
at every stage
A smarter approach to…
Tee Bollard
❙ General purpose applications up to 300 tons -15º
Horn Bollard
❙ General purpose applications up to 250 tons -15º
Kidney Bollard
❙ General purpose applications up to 200 tons -15º
Cleat Bollard
❙ General purpose applications up to 35 tons
❙ Suitable for steep rope angles
❙ Suitable for small wharves or jetties and marinas
seaward side A 30 40 45 45 50
F 40 50 50 45 60
H 40 50 50 45 60
P 45 55 60 60 65
Quantity 6 6 6 8 8
Double Bitt Bollard
❙ General purpose applications up to 200 tons
❙ Suitable for mooring multiple lines (subject to
bollard capacity)
❙ Concrete filled (optional)
A 20 20 25 40 50 60 60 60
Bolt Length 300 300 450 500 600 750 850 1070
P 35 35 40 55 65 75 75 75
Quantity 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10
Single Bitt Bollard
❙ General purpose applications up to 200 tons
❙ Suitable for steep rope angles
❙ Two lines may share a single bollard
(subject to bollard capacity)
❙ Concrete filled (optional)
seaward side
Bollard capacity (tons)
15 30 50 75 100 150 200
A 45 60 70 80 80 100 110
B 370 490 630 740 790 900 1000
C 260 340 450 500 550 650 750
D 220 260 340 390 415 460 530
E 145 160 260 285 325 380 465
F 360 420 530 650 760 900 990
G 315 380 480 580 685 810 890
H 130 160 205 250 290 345 380
ØI 160 200 260 290 320 370 430
J 180 210 265 325 380 450 495
K 135 170 215 255 305 360 395
M 75 120 155 180 215 255 280
L1° 45° 24° 11° 11° 5° 5° 35°
L2° - 66° 51° 51° 43° 43° 36°
Bolt M24 M30 M36 M42 M48 M56 M56
Bolt Length 400 500 600 600 750 1000 1000
P 60 75 85 95 95 115 125
Quantity 4 5 6 6 7 7 8
P = bollard base recess mounting depth including grout [units: mm]
Pillar Bollard +60º
Features -15º
Bollard Materials
and Manufacture
Bollards and holding down bolts are designed with a Ductile cast iron is the preferred material for all
minimum factor of safety against failure of 3.0 for bollard applications. Grey cast iron is cheaper per
Spheroidal Graphite (SG) cast iron material grade unit weight, but the need for thicker wall sections
65-45-12. and poor impact strength outweighs this. Cast steel
remains popular in some countries but needs
Designs are typically based on the following:
regular painting to prevent corrosion.
Standard Title
Micro Structure
BS 5950:2000 Structural use of steelwork
• Lowest service life cost Where cast steel bollards must be used, please
• High strength
Cast Iron
• Good impact resistance contact Trelleborg for pricing, availability and lead
• High corrosion time. It may be possible to utilize the relevant SG
iron pattern for a cast steel bollard.
• Low cost per weight • Low strength
Grey Cast Iron • Excellent corrosion • Low impact resistance
resistance Ductile Cast Grey Cast Cast Steel
• High strength Needs regular Iron Iron
Cast Steel • High impact resistance maintenance to prevent (Spheroidal
• Good cost per weight corrosion Graphite)
Lowest service Low cost per Good cost per
The standard material for Trelleborg bollards is ASTM life cost weight weight
A536 Grade 65/45/12 Spheroidal Graphite Cast
High strength Low strength High strength
Good impact Low impact High impact
resistance resistance resistance
This material has been selected as it has superior
corrosion resistance over cast steel and is the best High corrosion Excellent Regular
resistance corrosion maintenance to
consolidation of price, performance and material resistance prevent corrosion
Material Specification Quality Assurance
Trelleborg bollards are produced to the highest Bollards are safety critical items and quality is
specifications. The table gives indicative standards paramount. Independant 3rd party witnessing of
and grades but many other options are available on test is available at additional cost on request. A
request. typical quality documentation package will include:
Selection Mooring Line Angles
Bollards should be selected and arranged according
to local regulations or recognized design standards. Mooring line angles are normally calculated as part
The design process should consider: of a comprehensive mooring simulation. Standards
and guidelines such as BS6349: Part 4, ROM
❙ Mooring pattern(s) 0.2-90 and PIANC suggest mooring line angles are
kept within the limits given in the table below. In
❙ Changes in draft due to loading and discharge
some cases much larger line angles can be
❙ Wind and current forces expected.
❙ Swell, wave and tidal forces
Trelleborg bollards can cope with horizontal angles
❙ Mooring line types, sizes and angles of ± 90° and vertical angles up to 75°. Please
check with your local office about applications
❙ Ice forces (where relevant)
where expected line angles exceed those given in
Mooring loads should be calculated where possible, the table as these may need additional design
but in the absence of information then the following checks on anchorages and concrete stresses.
table can be used as an approximate guideline.
Suggested Line Angles
Approx. bollard (BS6349, ROM 0.2-90, PIANC)
Head & stern lines* 45° ± 15°
Up to 2,000 tons 10 tons
Breast lines* 90° ± 30°
2,000–10,000 tons 30 tons
Spring lines* 5 – 10°
10,000–20,000 tons 60 tons Vertical line angle ( ) <30°
20,000–50,000 tons 80 tons
50,000–100,000 tons 100 tons * Relative to mooring angle
Fully laden case
Introduction Fixing Options
Bollards must be installed correctly for a long
and trouble-free service life. Anchors should be
accurately set out with the supplied template.
Bollards can be recessed (as shown) or surface
mounted. Once the grout has reached full strength,
anchors can be fully tightened. Mastic is often
applied around exposed threads to ease
future removal.
Recess Mounting Type Retrofit Mounting Type
(using EC 2 epoxy
Concrete Recess
Like all equipment in the marine environment,
regular inspection and maintenance is critical to
achieving maximum life expectancy.
Protective Coating
Bollards are supplied as factory standard with a
protective coating suitable for most projects. High
performance epoxy or other specified paint systems
are usually applied at the factory on request in a Grout
choice of colors and thicknesses.
Installation and grout filling requires extra care to
Wear and abrasion from ropes means paint coatings avoid damage to factory applied coatings. Similarly
need regular maintenance. Like all epoxy coating regular inspection and possible repair of grout under
systems, maintenance is integral to increasing life and around the bollard is critical to the ongoing
expectancy. Trelleborg recommends regular integrity of bollard performance. Replacement is
inspection of the bollards recommended should grout be cracked or damaged.
Repair and upkeep of the coating system is Hold Down Bolts
dependent upon the coating system selected.
Holding down bolt anchor sets are crucial to bollard
Trelleborg tries to utilize commercially available
performance. Nuts should be tightened using full
coating systems to ensure local products can be
manual effort with a 1m long spanner extension to
sourced and system repair procedures are in line
approximately 200Nm. Ensuring correct torque
with the coating system manufacturers guidelines.
settings during installation will optimize the
performance of the bollards and hold down bolts.
These are critical to be checked during installation.
Standard Designs Bollard Selection
The standard bollard range has been developed based The engineering required to select, locate and
on the requirements of many facilities throughout the orientate bollards is dependent on a range of
world. Some clients may request different designs parameters including vessel size, local weather,
based on factors such as familiarity and history. bathometry, currents, tides and the jetty
However the Trelleborg range meets most functional configuration. The analysis to determine the layout
mooring requirements. The AutoMoor, SmartMoor and of the jetty is the responsibility of the jetty designer
ReadyMoor Quick Release Hooks are also available for and not the bollard supplier.
instances where a more advanced safety solution is
Technical Support
Breakaway Bollards Codes and Guidelines
The magnitude of the loads applied to bollards ACI 318-11 Building Code Requirements for
means it is extremely dangerous to have them Structural Concrete A - Appendix D, Anchoring to
breakaway in an uncontrolled manner. Due to Concrete
variations in material properties and tolerances, it is BS6349: 1-4 (2013): Part 4 Code of Practice for
impossible to calculate actual breakaway load, Design of Fendering and Mooring Systems
making it highly unpredictable. EAU (2004) Recommendations of the Committee
Numerous injuries, deaths and damage to for Waterfront Structures
equipment have occurred due to broken mooring ETAG 001 (1997) Guideline for European Technical
lines and mooring equipment. As a responsible Approval of Metal Anchors for use in Concrete
manufacturer, Trelleborg does not recommend these Ministry of Transport, Japan (1999) Technical Note
types of devices. No.911 – Ship Dimensions of Design Ships under
given Confidence Limits
Use of Anchor Plates
PIANC Report of PTC II-30 (1997) Approach Chan-
Extensive testing by European, Australian and nels: A Guide for Design (Appendix B – Typical Ship
American design institutes has determined that a Dimensions)
standard bolt head will produce the same pullout PIANC Report of WG24 (1995) Criteria for
cone as similar bolts with an anchor plate. Trelleborg Movements of Moored Ships in Harbours – A
does not provide anchor plates with their standard Practical Guide (1995)
bollard systems. Anchor plates may be added if PIANC Report of WG33 (2002) Guidelines for the
required without any detriment to the system. Design of Fender Systems (2002)
Load Testing ROM 0.2-90 (1990) Actions in the Design of Mari-
time and Harbor Works
Trelleborg does not carry out any physical load
ROSA – Defenses D’accostage (2000)
testing of bollards. The bollards and holding down
Recommandations pour Le Calcul Aux Etats-
bolt systems are designed to sustain the applied
Limitesdes Ouvrages En Site Aquatique defenses
tension and shear with adequate safety factors and
physical testing is considered unnecessary.
Unified Facilities Criteria UFC 4-159-03 Design:
Materials Testing Moorings (2005)
Each foundry heat is accompanied by a destructive
material mechanical property test report to verify
that the material has met the minimum strength
Trelleborg AB has made every effort to ensure that the
technical specifications and product descriptions in this
brochure are correct.
BC-BOL-v3.0-EN, 2017
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that seal, damp and protect critical applications in
demanding environments. Its innovative solutions accelerate
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