Survival of Bonded Space Maintainers: A Systematic Review: 10.5005/jp-Journals-10005-1554
Survival of Bonded Space Maintainers: A Systematic Review: 10.5005/jp-Journals-10005-1554
Survival of Bonded Space Maintainers: A Systematic Review: 10.5005/jp-Journals-10005-1554
Relative to the study designs included in this review, two bonded appliance was fabricated using orthodontic
were non-randomized clinical trials,4,11 four studies were stainless steel wire, in which the loop was bonded to
randomized clinical trials,12-15 and one was an experimen- permanent molars using a Single Bond® system and
tal study16 evaluating the survival rate of bonded space Tetric Flow® composite resin. The study was carried
maintainers. The summary of all the included articles has out in children with an average age of 7.3 years which
been described in Table 3. The advantage of a selection of is ideal because the chronological age of eruption of
randomized clinical trials over cohort and non-randomized premolars is 10 to 12 years.
trails is the random allocation and avoidance of bias. The parameters that determine the longevity include
There are different criteria to evaluate the success the type of isolation technique used, arch in which space
of bonded space maintainers. These include the lon- maintainers were given, the bonding systems used, com-
gevity of space maintainers, gingival health, plaque posite kind of resin used and the abutment tooth (primary
accumulation, the condition of the abutment tooth and or permanent tooth) being bonded.
the ease to fabricate the appliance. The most important The various methods of isolation like cotton rolls
being their longevity and their ability to maintain space and saliva ejectors have been used,16 but the rubber dam
which is their primary function. From the selected provides optimum isolation. The rubber dam when used
studies, the patients were being followed-up from makes moisture contamination negligible.12,15 This, in
9 to 18 months. On an average, the survival time of turn, enhances the bonding of the space maintainers
bonded space maintainers was 11.2 months depend- to the abutment tooth. Hence, the use of rubber dam
ing upon the type of space maintainer placed and the should be encouraged during placement of bonded
age of the patient at the time of placement. However, space maintainers. Similarly, moisture control is better in
the maximum period a bonded space maintainer that the maxillary arch as compared to the mandibular arch.
sustained in the oral cavity was 15.3 months.4 This Therefore, it has been observed in few studies; survival
Table 3: Summary of the included studies in terms of study design and results
Study ID Author Participants Intervention Comparison Outcomes Study design Follow up Main findings
1 Simsek 74 space maintainers in 51 children Fixed space None Space Non- Till the Out of 64 space maintainers,
et al.4 (19 girls and 32 boys) Avg age = 7.3 maintainer bonded Maintenance randomized permanent 34 space maintainers were
years. maintainers in 51 children with a composite clinical trial tooth placed in mandible and 30 in
(19 girls and 32 boys) Avg age = 7.3 resin erupts maxilla with a mean survival
years. time of 12 to 18 months.
(average time being 15.3
months). This study showed
a moderate risk of bias.
2 Kirzioglu et al.11 40 space maintainers in 29 children Fixed space None Space Non- Till the Out of the 40 space
(14 girls,15 boys) Aged 7–14 years maintainer bonded maintenance randomized permanent maintainers, 24 space
Avg age = 10 years and 1 month with Sprint- In clinical trial tooth erupts maintainers were placed in
mandible and 16 in maxilla
with a mean survival time of
5.7 months. This study has a
moderate risk of bias
3 Subramaniam 60 space maintainers in 30 children Fibre reinforced the Band and Longevity Randomized 12 months Out of the 60 space
et al.12 (7 girls and 23 boys) aged 6–8 years composite resin loop space of space clinical trial maintainers placed on 26
maintainer maintainers survived at the end of 12
months. This study has a
moderate risk of bias.
Survival of Bonded Space Maintainers: A Systematic Review
Shantanu S Deshpande et al.
of EZ space maintainer is
whereas super splint was
9 months
Till the
of the
layer and increasing the etching time.18-20 The bonding,
however, is better in permanent teeth than in primary
teeth. However, in cases of permanent first molars in
Study Design
clinical trial
EZ space
of space
of space
made loops
loop space
loop space
Band and
band with
Band and
of composites (Transbond®).16
EZ space
Garg et al.15
ment tooth used, the material used for fabrication and the