LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri: English For Entertaiment
LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri: English For Entertaiment
LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri: English For Entertaiment
2. Historical Recount
a. Historical recount is closely related to the
history of a place or an object which is very
memorable and considered important
throughout life.
b. Function of Historical Recount
1) To describe past historical experiences by
retelling chronological events by
involving the important dates, characters
as well as the place of the events.
2) To perform all-interpretive aspects in the
historical recount to be able to compile
historical synthesis based on the
existence of careful research through the
selection of historical facts.
c. Characteristics of Historical Recount
1) Retelling the past historical events
2) Upholding the history of a place or an
3) Written scientifically or imaginatively
4) Purposing to informing or entertaining
(can be both)
d. Generic Structure
1) Orientation
2) Event
3) Re-orientation (closing)
3. Fable
a. A fable is a story featuring animals, plants or
forces of nature which are
aanthropomorphized (given human
b. Function of fable
1) To entertain or to amuse the readers
about the interesting story
2) To convey moral messages or lessons to
the readers
c. Characteristics of fable
1) Using at least one character makes a bad
2) Using simple plot and character
involving a character who is sly or clever
3) Using animals or elements of nature
(non-human characters) as the main
characters who act and talk just like
people while keeping their animal traits.
4) Containing a moral or lesson which can
be found in the end of the story
5) Using personification
(aanthropomorphized) where Non-
human characters can talk or show
human characters
6) Containing a funny and amusing story
7) Reflecting cultural beliefs
d. Generic Structure
1) Orientation
2) Complication
3) Resolution
e. Grammar and language features
1) Using commn and nonspecific setting
2) Often taking place outside
3) Using past action verb: Climbed, Turned,
4) Using specific noun as pronoun of
person, animal in the story. Example: The
king, the queen, etc.
5) Using adjectives which are for noun
phrase. Example: Long black, hair, two
red apples, etc.
6) Using time connectives and Conjunctions
to arrange the events. Examples: Then,
before, after, soon, etc.
7) Using adverbs and adverbial phrase to
show the location of events. Examples:
here, in the mountain, ever after, etc.
8) Using dialogue to elicit an emotional
response from the reader.
9) Using Past Tense
10) Ending in happy resolution
11) Using of variety of simple,
compound and complex sentences
f. Common animal characters used in
g. Moral values of the fable
1) Persuasion is better than force
2) Liars may give themselves away
3) Make hay while the sun shines
4) Don’t just follow the crowd
5) Pride can be costly
4. Legend
a. A legend is a story about human events or
actions that has not been proved nor
documented in real history.
b. Function of Legend
1) to present the story of human actions in
such a way that they are perceived by
the the listeners or readers to be true (in
2) To entertain or to amuse the readers
about the interesting story (in general)
c. Characteristics of Legend
1) A legend is a set in specific place or time
2) The main character is often heroic
3) The main character is a human, not a
4) A legend is a fictional story
5) Usually there is some historical truth at
the heart of every legend
6) Heroes perform great deeds with their
strength and their intelligence.
Exaggeration is usually involved in
retelling deeds.
7) Heroes often give up dreams of
happiness to help others
8) The hero is real but some parts of the
story are not completely true. They have
been stretched or expanded upon.
9) Handed down through generation
10) The story was told orally and turned
into literary masterpieces
d. Generic structure
1) Orientation (introduction)
2) Complication
3) Resolution
4) Re-orientation
e. Grammar and language features
1) The use of Adjective that form the noun
phrase. Example: the strong crocodile
2) Time connectives and conjunction.
Example: A long time ago
3) The use of adverb and adverbial
phrases to indicate the location of the
incident or events. Example: In the river
4) The use of action verbs in the past
tense. Example: They curved her.
People then always talked
5) The used of saying verbs that mark
remarks. Example : He said angrily
6) The use of thinking verbs that mark the
thoughts, perceptions or feelings of the
characters in the story. Example: The
man then looked so curious.
7) The use of dialogue to elicit an
emotional response from the reader