Sla Management in Cloud Computing:: Load Balancing Algorithms Class-Agnostic Class-Aware

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is that of establishing trust.

Mechanisms to build and

maintain trust between cloud computing consumers and
cloud computing providers, as well as between cloud
computing providers among themselves, are essential for
the success of any cloud computing offering.



Traditionally, load balancing techniques and admission control

mechanisms have been used to provide guaranteed quality of
service (QoS) for hosted web applications. These mechanisms
can be viewed as the first attempt towards managing the SLOs. In
the following subsections we discuss the existing approaches for
load balancing and admission control for ensuring QoS.

Load Balancing

The objective of a load balancing is to distribute the incoming

requests onto a set of physical machines, each hosting a replica of
an application.

Load Balancing Algorithms

Class-agnostic Class-aware

Client-aware Content-aware Client plus

Content aware

FIGURE 4.1. General taxonomy of load-balancing algorithms.

The load balancing algorithm executes on a physical machine that

interfaces with the clients. This physical machine, also called the
front-end node, receives the incoming requests and distributes
these requests to different physical machines for further execution.
This set of physical machines is responsible for serving the
incoming requests and are known as the back-end nodes.

FIGURE 4.2. Shared hosting of applications on


Typically, the algorithm executing on the front-end node is
agnostic to the nature of the request. This means that the
front-end node is neither aware of the type of client from
which the request originates nor aware of the category (e.g.,
browsing, selling, payment, etc.) to which the request
belongs to. This category of load balancing algorithms is
known as class-agnostic.

There is a second category of load balancing algorithms that

is known as class-aware. With class-aware load balancing
and requests distribution, the front-end node must
additionally inspect the type of client making the request
and/or the type of service requested before deciding which
back-end node should service the request. Inspecting a
request to find out the class or category of a request is
difficult because the client must first establish a connection
with a node (front-end node) that is not responsible for
servicing the request.

Admission Control

Admission control algorithms play an important role in

deciding the set of requests that should be admitted into the

loads During overload situations, since the response time for

all the requests would invariably degrade if all the arriving
requests are admitted into the server, it would be preferable
to be selective in identifying a subset of requests that should
be admitted into the system so that the overall pay-off is
high. The objective of admission control mechanisms,
therefore, is to police the incoming requests and identify a
subset of incoming requests that can be admitted into the
system when the system faces overload situations.


Service-level agreement provides a framework within which

both seller and buyer of a service can pursue a profitable
service business relationship. It outlines the broad
understanding between the service provider and the service
consumer for conducting business and forms the basis for
maintaining a mutually beneficial relationship. From a legal
perspective, the necessary terms and conditions that bind the
service provider to provide services continually to the
service consumer are formally defined in SLA.

SLA can be modeled using web service-level agreement

(WSLA) language specification .Although WSLA is
intended for web-service-based applica- tions, it is equally
applicable for hosting of applications. Service-level para-
meter, metric, function, measurement directive, service-level
objective, and penalty are some of the important
components of WSLA and are described in Table 4.2.1.

TABLE 4.1. Key Components of a Service-Level Agreement

Service- Describes an observable property of a service whose

Level value is measurable.

Metrics These are definitions of values of service roperties

that are measured from a service-providing system
or computed from other metrics and constants.
Metrics are the key instrument to describe exactly
what SLA parameters mean by specifying how to
measure or compute the parameter values.

Function A function specifies how to compute a

value from the values of other metrics and
constants. Functions are central to describing
exactly how SLA parameters are computed from
resource metrics.

ment These specify how to measure a metric

There are two types of SLAs from the perspective of application
hosting. These are described in detail here.

Infrastructure SLA.

The infrastructure provider manages and offers guaran- tees

on availability of the infrastructure, namely, server machine,
power, network connectivity, and so on. Enterprises manage
themselves, their applica- tions that are deployed on these
server machines. The machines are leased to the customers
and are isolated from machines of other customers. In such
dedicated hosting environments, a practical example of
service-level guarantees offered by infrastructure providers.

Application SLA.

In the application co-location hosting model, the server

capacity is available to the applications based solely on their
resource demands. Hence, the service providers are flexible
in allocating and de-allocating computing resources among
the co-located applications. Therefore, the service


Each SLA goes through a sequence of steps starting from

identification of terms and conditions, activation and monitoring
of the stated terms and conditions, and eventual termination of
contract once the hosting relationship ceases to exist. Such a
sequence of steps is called SLA life cycle and consists of the
following five phases:

1. Contract definition
2. Publishing and discovery
3. Negotiation
4. Operationalization
5. De-commissioning

Here, we explain in detail each of these phases of SLA life cycle.

Contract Definition.

Generally, service providers define a set of service offerings

and corresponding SLAs using standard templates. These
service offerings form a catalog. Individual SLAs for
enterprises can be derived by customizing these base SLA

Publication and Discovery.

Service provider advertises these base service offerings

through standard publication media, and the customers
should be able to locate the service provider by searching
the catalog. The customers can search different competitive
offerings and shortlist a few that fulfill their requirements
for further negotiation.


Once the customer has discovered a service provider who

can meet their application hosting need, the SLA terms and
conditions needs to be mutually agreed upon before signing
the agreement for hosting the application. For a standard
packaged application which is offered as service, this phase
could be automated. For customized applications that are
hosted on cloud platforms, this phase is manual. The service
respect to scalability and performance before agreeing on
the specification of SLA. At the end of this phase, the SLA
is mutually agreed by both customer and provider and is
eventually signed off. SLA negotiation can utilize the WS-
negotiation specification .


SLA operation consists of SLA monitoring, SLA ac-

counting, and SLA enforcement. SLA monitoring involves
measuring parameter values and calculating the metrics
defined as a part of SLA and determining the deviations. On
identifying the deviations, the concerned parties are notified.
SLA accounting involves capturing and archiving the SLA
adherence for compliance. As part of accounting, the
actual performance and the performance
guaranteed as a part of SLA is reported.


SLA decommissioning involves termination of all activ-

ities performed under a particular SLA when the hosting
relationship between the service provider and the service
consumer has ended. SLA specifies the terms and conditions
of contract termination and specifies situations under which
the relationship between a service provider and a service
consumer can be considered to be legally ended.


SLA management of applications hosted on cloud platforms

involves five phases.

1. Feasibility
2. On-boarding
3. Pre-production
4. Production
5. Termination

These activities are explained in detail in the following subsections.

Feasibility Analysis

MSP conducts the feasibility study of hosting an application on

their cloud platforms. This study involves three kinds of
feasibility: (1) technical feasibility,
(2) Infra structure feasibility, and (3) financial feasibility. The
technical feasi-bility of an application implies determining the

1. Ability of an application to scale out.

2. Compatibility of the application with the cloud platform
3. The need and availability of a specific hardware and software
required for hosting and running of the application.
4. Preliminary information about the application performance
and whether be met by the MSP.


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