Meeting All The Needs of Students

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Meeting the Needs of All Learners - Accessibility “Look-Fors”*

Providing Entry to Grade-Level, Standards-Aligned Content for All

Welcoming Environment Meaningful Interactions Comprehensible Input Adapting Texts

The classroom environment: The teacher: Before the lesson, the teacher: The main text of a lesson is adapted in the
● Celebrates student success (student ● Provides multiple entry points so ● Activates background knowledge following ways for students who need it:
work is displayed). that all students can participate in and uses student interest to hook ● Main ideas and key words in bold
● Reflects the diversity within the peer and group activities, including students into the lesson. ● Shortened sentences
classroom (student identities). but not limited to: ● Pre-teaches key concepts in a way ● Simplified grammar and vocabulary
○ Visuals that both builds background ● Complex ideas rephrased
The teacher: ○ Word walls and banks knowledge and activates students’ ● Examples in parentheses to clarify
● Knows students’ names, interests, ○ Pre-taught vocabulary prior knowledge. or give meaning to words
and a key family member. ○ Sentence stems ● Bold headings and larger font
● Leverages that knowledge to build ● Limits the direct instruction (mini- During the lesson, the teacher: ● Ample white space on the page
and cultivate relationships. lesson) to 15 minutes or less, ● Speaks slowly and carefully. ● If appropriate, inclusion of student
● Provides specific, concrete, allowing the majority of the lesson ● Provides students with multiple names and situations that are
sequential, and observable to be student-centered. opportunities to use, apply, and familiar to students
directions for behavior and new ● Gives clear, accessible, and learn the language of the content by
academic tasks. sequential directions and delivers having them work in cooperative The teacher opens the class with a Do Now
● Uses voice and presence to maintain content using economical language. learning structures. that is independently accessible and
authority and convey caring for ● Develops a strategy for holding ● Gives clear, accessible, and includes:
students. students accountable for processing sequential directions using ● Clear visuals
● Responds to student behavior in a the content. economical language and chunking. ● Sentence supports and scaffolds
consistent way that does not ● Uses peer discussion and Turn and ● Checks frequently for student
interrupt the momentum of the Talks frequently and strategically to understanding after presenting new
lesson. ensure that students have the material
opportunities to process the key
The students: content of the lesson. During the lesson, the teacher uses several of
● Execute routines and procedures * the following to present content in a way
efficiently to maximize learning time The teacher plans an effective Turn and Talk that is comprehensible:
(without teacher prompting). structure that includes: ● A vocabulary structure (Frayer or 7
● Time for students to practice active steps) for key terms
listening. ● Visuals and hand gestures to convey
● The opportunity for students to meaning
communicate their ideas. ● Sentence stems
● A consistent routine to start and
end a Turn and Talk.

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