Single-Wire Electric Power Transmission: N.V. Kosinov, V.I. Garbaruk, Ukraine
Single-Wire Electric Power Transmission: N.V. Kosinov, V.I. Garbaruk, Ukraine
Single-Wire Electric Power Transmission: N.V. Kosinov, V.I. Garbaruk, Ukraine
Garbaruk, Ukraine
E-mail: [email protected]
Fig. 2
Fig. 5
Glow of the lamp at high voltage of power supply B5-47 Fig. 6 is a photo taken during the experiment.
in the single-wire power transmission line You can see a glowing filament and a bright
spark in the break point of the filament. Neither
The key points in increasing the efficiency of our connection of a resistor to the transmission line
circuit in comparison with Avramenko’s circuit are nor using a conductor of high specific resistance
that we used an entire standard bridge circuit and as the transmission line could considerably
not just a half of it. Besides there was used a reduce the incandescence of the filament. The
spectrum expander. The load does not impede full degree of incandescence of the filament
charging of the capacitor since the spectrum depends substantially on the size of a gap in the
expander was used in the circuit. Neither break point of the filament. The experiments
connection of a resistor to the transmission line nor revealed that there was an optimal size of the
using a conductor of high specific resistance as a burnt-out section when the incandescence of the
residual filament was maximal integrity of the filament the lamp had been
glowing on before the circuit broke in one more
point. This phenomenon occurs in most cases
when incandescent lamps burn out in the circuit
of 220V and 50Hz.
Table 1
Quantity of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity of
lamps used lamps with lamps with lamps with lamps with lamps with
in the one burned- two burned- three burned- four burned- five burned-
experiment out point out points out points out points out points
20 8 8 3 1 0
Fig. 10
Fig. 8
Experiments that demonstrate
Receiver for demonstration of wireless how an incandescence lamp can
power transmission glowin the experimenter’s hand
The electronic unit fills little space inside the casing It is a common phenomenon when a gas-
of the receiver and it is made on a printed board. discharge lamp glows in the researcher’s hand at
In Fig. 9 there is presented the interior part of the using of alternating electromagnetic field. It is
receiver. It is designed for wireless power unusual that an incandescent lamp can glow in
transmission. the investigator’s hand when only one wire is
connected to the lamp. Undoubtedly, a glowing
filament of the lamp, which an experimenter
holds in hands, can excite interest only in the case
when there are no two wires connected to the
lamp. It is known that Nicola Tesla demonstrated
a glowing lamp that he was holding in his hand.
We have not managed to find a description of
that experiment, so we have developed our own
designs. We have carried out experiments that
show how an incandescence lamp can glow in
the experimenter’s hand. The results of these
experiments are presented below. In Fig.11a and
Fig.11b you can see variants of the device for
demonstration of glow of a 220V incandescent
Fig. 9 lamp.
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
Fig. 12
Authors while making ready their experiment on
Glow of an incandescence lamp of 220V, 15Wt wireless power transmission
Perhaps experiments on power transmission by References
Nicola Tesla were somehow similar to the
experiments carried out by us. At any rate the 1. “Avramenko Resonance”
experiments prove that single-wire and wireless
power transmission has real perspectives. 2. N.E. Zaev, S.V. Avramnko, V.N. Lisin,
“Conduction Current Test, Activated by
Polarization Current”. Magazine of Russian
In Fig. 14 you can see a photograph of the authors Physical Thought #2,1991.
while making ready the experiment on single-wire 3. IR (“Inventor and Rationalizer” Magazine) #10,
power transmission. 1994, pp. 8-9.
In Fig. 15 you can see a photograph of the authors 5. N.V. Kosinov. “Vacuum Energy”.
while making ready the experiment on wireless “Future Century Energy” Magazine #1, 1998,
power transmission. pp. 28-31
There is a description of thermodynamic cycle of a heat motor with heterogeneous working body. This cycle
allows completely transforming a thermal energy into mechanical one. The proof of existence of the cycle
and its characteristics is a logic consequence of the first law of thermodynamics. By means of realizing of
the cycle it will be possible to create new types of heat motors, which have qualitative advantages in
comparison with the known ones. The said advantages are possibilities either to almost completely transform
high-temperature heat, which appears as a result of combustion of fuel, to the useful work or to do such
work by transforming free heat, which is taken off the matter of environment.