Single-Wire Electric Power Transmission: N.V. Kosinov, V.I. Garbaruk, Ukraine

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The authors carried out experiments on single-wire power transmission using a new circuit they developed. They also conducted experiments on wireless power transmission.

The authors carried out experiments on power transmission using single-wire lines. They developed a new single-wire power transmission circuit that did not use an 'Avramenko plug' and instead used an ordinary bridge circuit.

The key differences between the authors' circuit and Avramenko's circuit were that the authors used a full standard bridge circuit instead of just half of it, and they also used a spectrum expander in their circuit.

N.V. Kosinov, V.I.

Garbaruk, Ukraine
E-mail: [email protected]

Single-Wire Electric resistor (L) of 2~5 MOhm to the transmission line

Power Transmission does not cause any considerable changes in
operation of the circuit [1]. In the article [2] the
The idea of single-wire electric power transmission authors assume that the efficiency of the device
has become especially attractive to many depends on the material which is used for the
researchers after a demonstration of single-wire AC windings of a generator (M ). Therefore they
transmission made by S.V. Avramenko [1] at the believe it is necessary to check expediency of
Moscow Scientific-Research Institute of Electrical using nickel, iron, lead, etc. wires to make the
Engineering. Editor’s: We have already written windings. At the same time, one of the authors of
about similar investigations in our previous issues. the article [2] considers their line to be
The story began more than 100 years ago with superconducting [3, 4].
Tesla’s experiments.

Our Experiments on Single-Wire

Electric Power Transmission

The authors of this article carried out a number

of experiments on power transmission using
Fig. 1 single-wire lines. To that end we developed a new
single-wire power transmission circuit. In our
Single-wire power transmission circuit circuit there was no “Avramenko plug”. Instead
by Avramenko[1] of an “Avramenko plug” we used an ordinary
bridge circuit. In our experiments the bridge
At the heart of the device there is “Avramenko plug” circuit turned out to be much more efficient than
representing two sequence semiconductor diodes “Avramenko plug”. Moreover, we made some
(Fig.1). If the plug is connected to a wire under AC other changes into Abramenko’s circuit. Our
voltage, then after a time in a discharger P there is circuit is presented in Fig.2. The transmitting unit
observed a run of sparks. The time gap from consists of a generator and a transformer. The
connection to discharging depends on the values circuit diagram of the transmitting unit is shown
of capacity (C), voltage, frequency of pulsation and in Fig.2 (to the right of the transformer).
the size of the air gap (P). The connection of a

Fig. 2

Single-wire power transmission by a new circuit

Figures in the circuit diagram (Fig.2) denote the transmission line can considerably affect the degree
following: 1 – Generator, 2 – Extender of spectrum, of glow of the lamp. Our circuit of single-wire
3 – “Antenna”. The general view of the device is power transmission has two independent lines
shown in Fig.3. with different frequency spectra. The first line has
a narrow-band frequency spectrum and the second
line – a wideband one. In the first line the circuit
closes at the free end of the secondary winding of
the transformer through an antenna (3) (Fig.2). The
capacitor, spectrum expander and incandescent
lamp form the second line.

Fig. 3 Experiments with Burnt-Out

Incandescent Lamps
General view of the device to demonstrate
single-wire power transmission Both good and burnt-out lamps glow in the above-
described experiments on single-wire power
Electric energy is supplied to the device from a DC transmission. Results of the experiments with the
power source B5-47 providing voltage of 0-30 V. burnt-out lamps are presented below.
An incandescent lamp of 220 V, 25Wt serves as
load. The generator and transformer are enclosed There is a break of a filament of the incandescent
into a dielectric casing. The components of a power lamp (Fig. 5). This photo was taken while the device
receiver (diodes, capacitor, lamp, elements 2 and was switched off.
3) are placed in a plastic casing under the lamp
(Fig.3). The power receiver is connected to the
transformer with one wire.

The intensity of glow of the lamp depends on the

generator power. The lamp of 220 V, 25Wt is almost
fully incandesced when high output voltage of the
power supply is within the range of 16~18 V (Fig.4).

Fig. 5

Fig. 4 A burnt-out lamp of 220 V, 60 Wt before the experiment

Glow of the lamp at high voltage of power supply B5-47 Fig. 6 is a photo taken during the experiment.
in the single-wire power transmission line You can see a glowing filament and a bright
spark in the break point of the filament. Neither
The key points in increasing the efficiency of our connection of a resistor to the transmission line
circuit in comparison with Avramenko’s circuit are nor using a conductor of high specific resistance
that we used an entire standard bridge circuit and as the transmission line could considerably
not just a half of it. Besides there was used a reduce the incandescence of the filament. The
spectrum expander. The load does not impede full degree of incandescence of the filament
charging of the capacitor since the spectrum depends substantially on the size of a gap in the
expander was used in the circuit. Neither break point of the filament. The experiments
connection of a resistor to the transmission line nor revealed that there was an optimal size of the
using a conductor of high specific resistance as a burnt-out section when the incandescence of the
residual filament was maximal integrity of the filament the lamp had been
glowing on before the circuit broke in one more
point. This phenomenon occurs in most cases
when incandescent lamps burn out in the circuit
of 220V and 50Hz.

For one of the experiments we connected

standard incandescent lamps of 220V, 60Wt to
the secondary winding of a step-up transformer.
At idle running voltage of the transformer was
about 300V. In the experiment there were used
20 incandescent lamps. It turned out that the
incandescent lamps burn out mostly in two or
more points. Moreover, not only the filament, but
also the conductive wires inside of the lamp were
burnt out. In addition, after the first break in
Fig. 6 circuit the lamps went on glowing for a long time
and even more intensively than before the
Glow of a burnt-out incandescent lamp of 220 V, 60 Wt burnout. A lamp had been glowing on up to the
moment when one more subcircuit burnt out. The
Practically each of us meets the glow of burnt-out internal circuit of one of the lamps in our
lamps even without knowing it. For that it will be experiment was broken in four points! Moreover,
enough just to examine a burned-out lamp closely. the filament burnt out in two points and, in
Rather often you can notice that the internal addition to the filament, the both electrodes
circuit of an incandescent lamp burns out in more inside the lamps were burnt out as well. Results of
than one point. It is obvious that probability of the experiment are presented in Table 1.
burnout of the filament of a lamp in several points
at a time is negligible. It means that on losing the

Table 1
Quantity of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity of Quantity of
lamps used lamps with lamps with lamps with lamps with lamps with
in the one burned- two burned- three burned- four burned- five burned-
experiment out point out points out points out points out points

20 8 8 3 1 0

Experiments on Wireless Electric receiver and contained an electronic unit and a DC

Power Transmission electric motor IDR-6. In Fig. 7 you can see the general
view of our wireless power transmission device.
Many scientists all over the world work at solution of
the problem of wireless power transmission. Mostly
there are studied microwave fields used for the
purpose of wireless power transmission. However,
the applied microwave systems are not harmless to
the man [5]. We present the information on our
experiments on realization of wireless power
transmission without using the microwave field. We
studied probability to transmit power to an electric
motor without use of wires.

The system, which consisted of a power supply B5-47, Fig. 7

a generator and a transformer, was used in our
experiments as a transmitter. A special receiving unit General view of the device for demonstration of wireless
for wireless power transmission served as a power power transmission
The electric motor is mounted onto a conductive the motor was sharply rising, if the electric motor
platform, which in its turn stands on a casing made was in hands of two experimenters.
of insulating material (Fig. 8). There is an electronic
unit inside the casing.

Fig. 10

Acceleration of rotation of the motor

Fig. 8
Experiments that demonstrate
Receiver for demonstration of wireless how an incandescence lamp can
power transmission glowin the experimenter’s hand

The electronic unit fills little space inside the casing It is a common phenomenon when a gas-
of the receiver and it is made on a printed board. discharge lamp glows in the researcher’s hand at
In Fig. 9 there is presented the interior part of the using of alternating electromagnetic field. It is
receiver. It is designed for wireless power unusual that an incandescent lamp can glow in
transmission. the investigator’s hand when only one wire is
connected to the lamp. Undoubtedly, a glowing
filament of the lamp, which an experimenter
holds in hands, can excite interest only in the case
when there are no two wires connected to the
lamp. It is known that Nicola Tesla demonstrated
a glowing lamp that he was holding in his hand.
We have not managed to find a description of
that experiment, so we have developed our own
designs. We have carried out experiments that
show how an incandescence lamp can glow in
the experimenter’s hand. The results of these
experiments are presented below. In Fig.11a and
Fig.11b you can see variants of the device for
demonstration of glow of a 220V incandescent
Fig. 9 lamp.

Interior part of the receiver for demonstration of

wireless power transmission

When the transmitter switched on there was

observed rotation of the electric motor, which
the experimenter held in his hands. Neither the
electric motor nor platform was connected to
the transmitter. And there were no power
supplies inside the casing where the platform and
motor were enclosed. When the distance
between the receiver and transmitter diminished
the speed of rotation of the electric motor Fig. 11 a
increased. In Fig.10 you can see a fragment of the
experiment when the frequency of rotation of
Fig. 11 b Fig. 13

In the experiments demonstrating how an Glow of an incandescence lamp of 220V, 25Wt

incandescent lamp glows in the researcher’s hand
we used neither “Avramenko plug” nor receiving In the lower part of the photos (Fig. 12 and
units for demonstration of single-wire and wireless Fig. 13) you can see a conductor, which is
power transmission. The lamp in the connected to the generator with one wire. Only one
experimenter’s hand glows due to applying contact of the lamp cap touches the conductor. The
electronic units and due to design philosophy of other contact remains non-connected. Thus the
the devices. lamp and the generator are connected with a single
Fig. 12 and 13 represent close-up photographs
where you can see glowing of the lamps of 220V,
15Wt and of 220V, 25Wt that the experimenter
holds in his hands. At that the lamps are not
connected to the closed circuit. The higher voltage
supplied to the generator, the more intensive was
the glow. For the sake of the experiment’s safety
we supplied to the generator voltage that made
lamps glow at about their half incandescence.

Fig. 14

Authors while making ready their experiment

on single-wire power transmission

Fig. 15
Fig. 12
Authors while making ready their experiment on
Glow of an incandescence lamp of 220V, 15Wt wireless power transmission
Perhaps experiments on power transmission by References
Nicola Tesla were somehow similar to the
experiments carried out by us. At any rate the 1. “Avramenko Resonance”
experiments prove that single-wire and wireless
power transmission has real perspectives. 2. N.E. Zaev, S.V. Avramnko, V.N. Lisin,
“Conduction Current Test, Activated by
Polarization Current”. Magazine of Russian
In Fig. 14 you can see a photograph of the authors Physical Thought #2,1991.
while making ready the experiment on single-wire 3. IR (“Inventor and Rationalizer” Magazine) #10,
power transmission. 1994, pp. 8-9.
In Fig. 15 you can see a photograph of the authors 5. N.V. Kosinov. “Vacuum Energy”.
while making ready the experiment on wireless “Future Century Energy” Magazine #1, 1998,
power transmission. pp. 28-31

Samuil N. Doonaevsky, Russia

Email: [email protected]

There is a description of thermodynamic cycle of a heat motor with heterogeneous working body. This cycle
allows completely transforming a thermal energy into mechanical one. The proof of existence of the cycle
and its characteristics is a logic consequence of the first law of thermodynamics. By means of realizing of
the cycle it will be possible to create new types of heat motors, which have qualitative advantages in
comparison with the known ones. The said advantages are possibilities either to almost completely transform
high-temperature heat, which appears as a result of combustion of fuel, to the useful work or to do such
work by transforming free heat, which is taken off the matter of environment.

Introduction • efficiency of these processes is less than that

of Carno cycle for a used temperature interval;
The main method to transform thermal energy
into energy of other types is using of heat motors • these processes can not be applied for
(engines), which implement any of closed transformation of free heat, which is contained
thermodynamic processes (cycles). For in the ambient matter.
functioning of such devices the presence of two
thermal vessel s with different temperatures of the Use of the invention under the Russian Federation
heater and the cooler of a working body of a heat patent [1] will allow to implement the process of
motor is required. transformation of heat, which is free from
specified restriction. Federal Institute of the
In all known heat motors ambient matter is used industrial property (FIIP) has included the
as a cooler. Therefore the doing of a useful work invention in the list of p rospective Russian
by known methods is possible only as a result of projects [2].
transformation of high-temperature heat which
is created by combustion of fuel. There is offered the method to do useful work by
means of realization of the closed thermodynamic
The main features of known thermodynamic cycle, wherein at some stages matter of the
processes, used for the transformation of heat into working body changes its aggregative state
other types of energy are as follows: creating heterogeneous system, consisting of

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