Students' Perception of Online Learning in Covid-19 Pandemic: A Preparation For Developing A Strategy For Learning From Home

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Students' Perception of Online Learning in Covid-19 Pandemic: A Preparation

for Developing a Strategy for Learning from Home

Article  in  Universal Journal of Educational Research · November 2020

DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082240


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Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(11B): 6042-6047, 2020
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082240

Students' Perception of Online Learning in Covid-19

Pandemic: A Preparation for Developing a Strategy
for Learning from Home
Heni Rita Susila1,*, Arief Qosim1, Tri Rositasari2

Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Baturaja, Indonesia
Department of English, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang, Indonesia

Received August 7, 2020; Revised October 13, 2020; Accepted October 24, 2020

Cite This Paper in the following Citation Styles

(a): [1] Heni Rita Susila, Arief Qosim, Tri Rositasari , "Students' Perception of Online Learning in Covid-19 Pandemic: A
Preparation for Developing a Strategy for Learning from Home," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 8, No.
11B, pp. 6042 - 6047, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082240.
(b): Heni Rita Susila, Arief Qosim, Tri Rositasari (2020). Students' Perception of Online Learning in Covid-19 Pandemic:
A Preparation for Developing a Strategy for Learning from Home. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(11B),
6042 - 6047. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082240.
Copyright©2020 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License

Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic changed almost all learning. 84,2% students did not want to continue learning
of aspects in life order that was originally normal to not run using this way. Lack of facilities, especially internet
as they should, including education field. During this connections could be the main cause. Some suggestions
pandemic, Baturaja University especially Educational were given that the further researcher can prepare a
Technology Department applied online learning. This learning model that is combined online and offline
research aimed to find out about students’ perception of learning.
online learning during Covid-19 pandemic. These
perceptions will become the basic for further research. The Keywords Online Learning, Students Perception,
research method used descriptive quantitative survey. The Learning from Home
sample of this research was students of Educational
Technology Department consisting 174 students. Data
would be analysed quantitatively using percentages.
Researcher gained information using indicator derived 1. Introduction
from front-end analysis by Lee Owen, they were audience
analysis, technology analysis, critical-incident analysis and Almost all countries in the world feel the effects of the
media analysis. Audience analysed showed that students Covid-19 pandemic. This pandemic is not only impacting
prefer learning using visual style than verbal and auditory in education but in all sectors. The ministry of education
style. Technology analysis showed that students’ interest in degree in Indonesia stated that all of lectures, teachers are
learning using video got the highest percentage (89,9%) being told to teach, from home, and millions of children,
than game (68,4%) and LMS (78,9%). Critical incident teenagers, college students are being required to learn from
analysis gained information about students’ enjoyment home. Covid-19 pandemic changed the learning system in
using online learning (74,5%), students’ understanding Indonesia. This condition forces lecturers and teachers to
using online learning (36,8%), then students’ desire to keep teach the students through online system, including
continue studying using online learning (15,8%). Printed instructional process at Baturaja University. In fact, online
media showed that All of the students had their own mobile learning is not a new trend, plenty of studies showed the
(100%) and owned internet access (86,8%) but only 52,6% effectiveness of online learning system. Student learning
students had ease in accessing the internet. The main result outcomes for online learners were as good as or better than
showed that students were unsatisfied with this kind of traditional learners regardless of background
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(11B): 6042-6047, 2020 6043

characteristics that the students were greatly satisfied with and not in a traditional classroom. Distance education is
online learning [1]. Other study found that hybrid format teaching and planned learning where teaching normally
students took about one-quarter less time to achieve occurs in a different place from learning, requiring
essentially the same learning outcomes as communication through technologies as well as special
traditional-format students [2]. Actually, it is not a problem institutional organization [9]. In online education, there are
for lecturers or teacher in urban area because they are used several ways of communication; asynchronous,
to using it. The problems arise when lecturers or students synchronous or a combination of both. Asynchronous
are far away from internet network. This emergency learning is teaching and learning that do not happen at the
situation forced the lecturers at Baturaja University to face same time [9]. Wiest discussed about effective practices in
new challenge in teaching. Infrastructure, device and online instructional methods, including course design,
environmental conditions at Baturaja university are not interaction among course participants, and instructor
fully prepared to face the learning situation in this preparation and support [10].
pandemic. The problems such as weak signal or even no
internet access still often happened in some area around. 2.3. Learning from Home
But instructional process using online method has been
running since March - July 2020 and will continue to run Staying at home and other social distancing
for an unpredictable time. This research was conducted to recommendations could be felt like an inconvenience,
find out how students' perceptions during the online however this is the best way right now to protect citizen.
learning process in this covid-19 season, as a preparation to Stay at home policy requires us to learn from home.
facilitate new appropriate strategies due to this unforeseen Leadership team of the Peter Underwood Centre gave a
circumstance. definition of learning at home as school students
undertaking their formal school learning in their home
rather than on the school site, supported by their school
2. Materials and Methods and parents/careers, in the specific context of Covid-19
[11]. Learning from home is a school-based remote and
2.1. Students’ Perception flexible learning model. Under this model of learning
schools continue to support your child with learning tasks
The term of perception as the shaping of information and technology support. They will remain in contact with
that was obtained from the senses. Human perceive you and your child. Learning from home is not moving
something through their sense and interpret their the learning process from class to home. Lecturer can not
perception through their action and ideas [3]. All of only provide materials and assignments through online
experience captured by sense and saved in mind and come method, then asked the students to do it at home. In the
out as an opinion about something could be a perception. learning at home process, lecturer should be expected to
Perception is considered to be the result of mental or be able to realize meaningful education, not only focus on
physical activity. The perception of human action depends academic or cognitive achievement.
on the multiple sources of information including sensory,
motor, and affective processes [4]. Perception was 2.4. Methodology
conveyed in the form of idea or action, human idea based
on their experience. In this discussion, perception will be The method of this research was quantitative
focused on students’ opinion, especially during their study descriptive using survey and interview. The sample was
process. It is the way how a man evaluates people or all of the students at Educational Technology Department
something that was familiar with them. There are at least from the first semester students to the last semester consist
three main components in students' perception, namely of 174 students at Baturaja University. The questionnaires
selection, preparation, and interpretation [5]. were distributed randomly to the students to get
information about the students’ perception of online
learning during covid-19. The questionnaire were also
2.2. Online Learning
distributed to all of the lectures and all of the officers and
Online learning is the education that took place over the staff of educational technology at Baturaja University to
internet [6]. All forms of teaching and learning where the prepare the new appropriate strategy in facing covid-19
student and instructor are separated geographically and for pandemic. Data will be analyzed quantitatively using
a while, Finch gives a definition from distance aspect [7]. percentages. The survey was designed to get information
Online education is variously termed as distance education, about students’ perception of online learning during
e-learning, online learning, blended learning, corona pandemic through some indicators in types of
computer-based learning, web-based learning, virtual front-end analysis [12] . Some aspects investigated are
learning, tele-education, cyber learning, Internet-based audience analysis, technology analysis, task analysis,
learning, distributed learning [8]. However, many critical incident analysis, situational analysis, objective
perceptions stated that online learning is only one type of analysis, media analysis, extant and data analysis, cost
distance learning, learning that takes place across distance benefit analysis.
6044 Students' Perception of Online Learning in Covid-19 Pandemic: A
Preparation for Developing a Strategy for Learning from Home

3. Result & Discussion lecturers, officers and staff.

Researcher obtained information using these 4 indicators 3.1. Audience Analysis

derived from front-end analysis Lee Owen, these are 9
types of analysis namely audience analysis, technology The result of audience analysis showed that 89,5% are
analysis, task analysis, critical-incident analysis, able in operating common application in computer
situational analysis, objective analysis, media analysis, although some of them didn’t own it. Students spent about
extant-data analysis and cost-benefit analysis. This study, 3-5 hours in day in front of computer got 52,6% and spent
we will only discuss the students’ perception, so we will more than 5 hours in a day in using mobile got 78,9%.
only use 4 aspects that are audience analysis, technology Students prefer learning using visual style got 92,1%,
analysis, critical-incident analysis and media analysis as learning using verbal style got 57,9% and learning using
shown at table 1. Another type of analysis will be used for auditory style got 68,4%. All results can be seen at figure 1.

Table 1. 4 Aspects of Analysis

Aspects Indicator
Audience Analysis Students’ ability in operating computer
Time of using computer in a day
Time of using mobile in a day
Students style of learning
Students background
Technology Analysis Students’ interest in learning using e-learning tool (google scholar, Edmodo)
Students interest in learning using social media (WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram)
Availability of conference tool (zoom, google meet)
Students’ interest in learning using application
Students’ interest in learning using website
Students’ interest in learning using video
Students’ interest in learning using games
Students’ interest in learning using printed media
Critical Incident Analysis Students’ understanding after learning using online learning
Students’ enjoyment in learning using technology
Students’ response in learning using technology
Media analysis Students’ ownership of computer
Students’ ownership of mobile
Students’ ownership of internet connection
Students’ ease of internet access
Audience Analysis
Students’ ability in operating computer : Students are 90,0%
able to operate new application in computer
Students’ ability in operating computer : Students are 78,9%
able to operate common application at the computer
Time of using computer in a day : Less than 2 hours in a 68,4% 68,4%
day 70,0%
Time of using computer in a day : About 3-5 hours in a
day 60,0% 57,9%
Time of using computer in a day : More than 5 hours in a 52,6%
day 50,0% 47,4%
Time of using mobile in a day : Less than 2 hours in a day 44,7%

Time of using mobile in a day : About 3-5 hours in a day
Time of using mobile in a day : More than 5 hours in a 30,0%
day 21,1%
Students style of learning : Prefer learning using pictures, 20,0%
images, video,spatial understanding (visual style)
Students style of learning : Prefer Learning using words 10,0%
and axplanation (verbal Style)
Students style of learning : Prefer using Audio and music
(auditory style) 0,0%
Figure 1. Result of Audience Analysis
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(11B): 6042-6047, 2020 6045

Technology Analysis
Students’ interest in learning using LMS (google
Classroom, Edmodo, Moodle) 90,0%
Students interest in learning using social media 78,9%
(WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram) 80,0% 75,4%

students interest in learning using conference tool 70,0% 67,0% 68,4%

(zoom, google meet) 62,6%
Students’ interest in learning using LMS 60,0%

Students’ interest in learning using website
40,0% 34,2%
Students’ interest in learning using video

Students’ interest in learning using games​ 20,0%

Students’ interest in learning using printed media 10,0%


Figure 2. Result of Technology Analysis

3.2. Technology Analysis Critical Incident Analysis

80,0% 74,5%
Technology Analysis tries to identify existing 70,0%
technologies capability. The result showed students’ Students’ understanding 60,0%
interest in using video got the highest percentage 89,9%, about material after online
then we got the information that students still have high Students’ enjoyment in

interest in learning using printed media and learning using online learning 40,0% 36,8%

social media that’s 75,4%, both of them are familiar to be Students' desire to continue 30,0%

used daily. Students’ interest in learning using game got learning using online learning
20,0% 15,8%
68,4%, students’ interest in learning using website and
conference application like zoom, google meet got 70%
then students’ interest in learning using LMS (Learning 0,0%

Management System) like Edmodo, google classroom got Figure 3. Result of Critical Incident Analysis
3.4. Media Analysis
3.3. Critical Incident Analysis Aspect of media Analysis aimed to select the appropriate
media will be used in delivery material and choosing
This section described aspect of critical incident analysis. strategy. The result showed that all of the students had their
The answer consists of three parts, about students’ own mobile, the graphic shown at 100%. And 78,9%
understanding about material after studying using online students have their own computer too. More specific we
learning. These results are only based on survey, the got information that they access internet by mobile, laptop
researcher has not rechecked with students’ learning and tablet. Almost all of them have their own internet
outcomes. Students’ enjoyment using online learning is access at 86,8% but not all of them are easy to access
obtained 74,5% and students’ desire to keep continue internet, only 52,6% students facilitated in accessing the
studying using online learning got 15,8%. As shown in the internet. Result of this aspect could be seen at the following
following figure. figure.
6046 Students' Perception of Online Learning in Covid-19 Pandemic: A
Preparation for Developing a Strategy for Learning from Home

Media Analysis indicates that two-thirds of 221 participating teachers

120,0% believe their students’ homes cannot support online
learning [17]. This reality happened not only at school level
Students’ ownership of
100,0% but also at higher education. From the interview about
78,9% students’ response in learning using technology we found
Students’ ownership of 80,0%
mobile that basically students prefer face to face learning,
Students’ ownership of 60,0% 52,6%
especially for practical subject, this opinion is supported by
internet connection survey result showed that only 15,6% students who wanted
Students’ ease of internet 40,0% to continue learning by online method. Other response
found that the cost to purchase internet data packages is the
main reason why students choose not to do using online
education platforms, followed by poor connection quality.
Actually, the government is trying to overcome this
Figure 4. Result of Media Analysis problem by running TVRI learning program from the
television station. But this program is only addressed to
3.5. Discussion elementary and secondary school. This effort could be an
inspiration for instructional designer for higher education
To apply a new model of learning, some aspects we have to design engage learning using technology without
to concern are tools, strategies and resources. Tools aspect accessing internet. Kind of media like tutorial video,
which is spread from media analysis aspect shown that printed media, articles, documents, slides, could be a
almost all of the students have multiple supported devices recommendation for remote teaching. The fact that 100%
in using technology, like mobile, computer or tablet. The students own mobile technologies could be an idea too, to
survey result showed that 100% students owned mobile prepare mobile learning that could be accessed online and
technology and 78,9% owned computer or laptop, but for offline. Result of 62,6% students who enjoyed access using
online learning only 52,6% students are easy in accessing social media, can become an alternative for interaction and
internet, while the 47,1% having difficulty in accessing discussing about learning material between students and
internet connection. One of prerequisites to apply online or lecture. Social media like WhatsApp was very easy to
blended learning is students have to access to internet [13] access even sometimes free without using internet fees.
especially in this covid-19 pandemic it must be at their Finally some recommendations for the next strategy during
private computers. This could be a main problem, because this covid-19 pandemic are, 1) develop learning strategy
the only prerequisite for online learning is the internet which are not fully online, such as material can be accessed
connection. Based on a survey of parents and students, the online then saved offline; 2) kind of media like tutorial
biggest obstacles that students face while learning at home video, printed media, articles, documents, slides, can be a
is a lack of internet access and electronic devices [14]. This recommendation for distance teaching; 3) using social
fact showed that the full online method does not reach all of media for learning needs; 4) it is better to use mobile
students. For online learning purposes, an asynchronous technology because 100% students owned this technology
method could be an alternative so it will provide time and
flexibility to access the internet. Major in their critical role
in structuring and facilitating high-quality discussions, it is 4. Conclusions
recommended to include both synchronous and
asynchronous methods [15]. For a better quality, instructor The online learning process during the Covid-19
could combine both synchronous and asynchronous pandemic has been going on, but not all students were
methods. Synchronous delivery modes can provide a satisfied throughout the learning from home process.
stronger sense of connection among participants, and a Their main obstacle is that not all internet connections
blended online synchronous and asynchronous course can work properly. Survey results showed that students had
strengthen social presence [16]. high interest in learning using video, learning using LMS
Although the survey results showed that they got high (Learning Management System) and printed media.
interest in learning using online learning but surprisingly Otherwise, the fact that internet connections in some area
from the critical incident analysis we found that students’ are not supporting to prepare online learning. Researchers
understanding after learning using online method are suggest that instructional design can develop learning
unsatisfying, only 36,8% of them who could understand from home which combine interactive online and offline
well. The fact that 45% students of Baturaja university learning. Some alternatives could be a tutorial video,
come from rural area could be a reason for this. Rapid printed media, articles, documents, slides, with
assessment of schooling during the pandemic by the recommendations for best practices for remote teaching
Indonesia-Australia partnership education program called and designed special for a course. Then for
Innovation for Indonesia’s School Children (INOVASI) communication and interaction, lecturer could use social
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(11B): 6042-6047, 2020 6047

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