Studies On Geocell Reinforced Road Pavements-Rajagopal 2012

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5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics

13 to 15 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand



K. Rajagopal1, A. Veeragavan2, and S. Chandramouli3

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai, India 600036
Tel: +91 44 22574263, FAX: +91 44 22570509, e-mail: [email protected]
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai, India 600036
Tel: +91 44 22574273, FAX: +91 44 22570509, e-mail: [email protected]
Formerly M.Tech. UoP Student, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai India 600036


Many of the pavement structures fail well before their design life owing to the poor quality of construction
materials, inadequate compaction, inadequate preparation of the subgrade, overloading etc. Two options are
considered during the design of a pavement structure in order to improve the longevity of the pavement. The first
option is by increasing the thickness of different pavement layers and the other option is by increasing the
rigidity of the layers within the system so as to reduce the stresses transferred to lower layers. Of these two
methods it has been widely observed that increasing the strength and rigidity of the pavement layers is a more
efficient method to lower stresses on the pavement layers thereby increasing the life of the pavement. In the
present research work, the improvement in the strength and stiffness of the sub-base layer in a flexible pavement
system through the use of geocell confinement was investigated by conducting field plate load tests and series of
laboratory plate load tests. The improvement in the strength of the pavement is reflected by the increase in
modulus of the section confined with geocells to the section without geocell confinement. This paper will
describe the field and laboratory tests, interpretation of the data from these tests and the application of this data
for design of flexible pavements.

Keywords: Geosynthetics, geocell reinforcement, flexible pavements, construction costs

INTRODUCTION and Kief 2008, Pokharel 2010, Pokharel et al. 2010

and 2011).
The performance of highway pavements is Giroud and Han (2004) and Huang (2004) have
governed by the strength and stiffness of the discussed the design of flexible pavements with and
pavement layers. The cost and duration of without using the geosynthetic reinforcement layers.
construction are dependent on the availability of Empirical recommendations for the modulus of
aggregate for construction. Scarcity of natural different layers in terms of the thickness of the
resources often delays the projects or escalates the layers and the CBR value were made by Huang
costs due to large lead distances from the borrow (2004) and IRC-37 (2001).
areas. Hence it is essential to look at alternatives to The granular sub-base and the wet mix macadam
achieve improved quality of pavements using new materials were obtained from a highway
materials and reduced natural material usage. construction site near Chennai. All the index tests
This paper reports on the studies of the were performed to characterize these materials. Field
performance of geocell reinforced flexible plate load tests were conducted and using the
pavements. The geocells are three-dimensional pressure-settlement data, the back calculation of
honey comb geosynthetic products that provide all elastic modulus of geocell reinforced layers in
round confinement to the soils. The geocell confined pavement were computed. This analysis was carried
soil acts like a semi-rigid mat in distributing the out by using linear elastic analysis software
surface loads over a wide area of the foundation soil. program.
A number of researchers have investigated the Laboratory Plate load tests were carried out to
fundamental properties of the soil reinforced with determine the elastic modulus of the pavement
geocells (Bathurst and Rajagopal 1993, Rajagopal et layers under known load. Test box samples included
al. 1999) and the performance of the geocell geocell layer filled with granular sub base and fine
reinforced foundation bases (Bush et al. 1990, aggregate over a given thickness of sub base layer.
Madhavi Latha et al. 2008, Krishnaswamy et al. The obtained pressure-settlement values were used
2000) and in flexible pavements (Emersleben and in the analysis using the software and to calculate
Meyer 2008, Han et al. 2008 and 2010, Rajagopal elastic modulus and finally to obtain the

5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
13 to 15 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand

improvement factor for reinforced layers. This

improvement factor used for optimization of
pavement layers, determine the cost and damage
factors of the pavement systems incorporating the
different sub-base alternatives. Following the
analysis an optimum thickness was selected for the
different alternatives for a knowing cost. The
reduction in construction cost owing to reduction in
materials and construction cycle times along with
the increase in the strength of the sub grade. The
results from the laboratory tests were substantiated
by field tests.


The internal access roads at Govind Dairy

Factory in Phaltan, Maharashtra are frequently in
bad shape making it difficult for the milk vans to Fig. 1 Cross section of the pavement section at
travel on the roads. The foundation soil is typically Govind Dairy Factory
black cotton soil which undergoes severe swelling
and shrinking. The properties of this soil are given
in Table 1. The roads are typical unpaved roads
with thick layers of Water Bound Macadem (WBM)
and Granular Sub Base (GSB). 100 m long stretch
of this road was treated with 150 mm thick geocell
layer on an experimental basis to study the
performance improvement. Similar studies were
reported by Meyer (2005), Qadi and Hughes (2000).

Table 1 Properties of Foundation Soil

CBR 4%
Swell index 150%
Liquid Limit 60% Fig. 2 Mixing of the lime by a tractor
Plastic Limit 25%
Shrinkage limit 8%

Based on the soil properties and the traffic data,

the following designed section of pavement as
shown in Fig. 1 was used for construction. The
bottom most layer was treated with 4% lime
(hydrated lime) in order to stabilize the expansive
foundation soil.
The geocell used at the site is 150 mm high and
made of a polymeric alloy. The c/c weld distance is
330 mm and the pocket opening dimensions are Fig. 3 Geocell layer spread over the road section
approximately 210 mm × 250 mm. The tensile
strength of the 150 mm wide material is 3.7 kN The construction of the pavement took place in
(ASTM D638-2003) and the peel strength of the March 2010. Unreinforced pavement sections were
weld is 6 kN from ASTM D6392-99 standard tensile also constructed in the same manner without the
strength tests. There was no change of dimensions geocell reinforcement at the sub-base level. The
when pieces of the geocell were exposed to 100°C thickness of the GSB and the lime treated sections
temperature in an oven for 1 hour duration (ASTM were the same as shown in Fig. 1.
D1204). The performance of the geocell reinforced
pavement and the adjacent unreinforced sections
were monitored for their performance. The year
2010 was characterized by unusually heavy rainfall

5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
13 to 15 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand

in that region. The unreinforced pavement had

undergone severe rutting and had to be reconstructed
at least three times by dumping of aggregate and re-
compaction during the period March to December
2010. The photographs of the unreinforced and the
reinforced pavement sections are shown below for
comparison purposes.

Fig. 6 Unreinforced pavement

Fig. 4 Filling the geocell pockets

Fig. 7 Geocell reinforced pavement with uniform



All the laboratory tests were performed using the

standard Granular Sub Base (GSB) and Water
Fig. 5 Compaction by a vibro roller Mixed Macadem (WMM) materials as defined in
relevant IRC specifications. Both GSB and WMM
The unreinforced pavement section had are coarse granular materials. They were placed in
undergone severe surface depressions as indicated the test tank in very loose condition to create a
by the arrows shown in Fig. 6. On the other hand, subgrade having a CBR value of 6%. The method of
the geocell reinforced road section had maintained a hand packing the materials to achieve this CBR
uniform surface, Fig. 7. The trucks had to negotiate value was developed by several repeated trials.
the unreinforced sections at a slow speed while they All the laboratory tests were performed in a test
could maintain their normal speed in the reinforced tank having plan dimensions of 1.2 m ×1.2 m and
sections. height of 1.2 m. The diameter of the plate used for
This difference in the performance clearly shows plate load tests was 150 mm. It was a plate having
the improvement in the performance of the flexible thickness of 30 mm. It was found to be rigid with
pavements with geocell reinforcement. uniform settlements during the laboratory tests.
The reasons for the superior performance of the Initially, 650 mm thick GSB layer was placed in
geocell reinforced flexible pavement as compared to the test tank in very loose condition to achieve a
the unreinforced pavement need to be explored CBR value of 6%. Then the tests were performed
through careful laboratory tests on controlled with three different thicknesses of the geocell layers
sections. With this in view further laboratory tests 50 mm, 100 mm and 150 mm. The following series
were performed to examine the performance with of tests were performed in the test tank. Two
different configurations. different infill materials sand and WMM were used
in the tests as noted below.
1. 650 mm thick GSB
2. 50 mm high geocell with GSB infill over
650 mm thick subgrade

5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
13 to 15 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand

3. 100 mm high geocell with GSB infill over E-value for GSB (150 mm thick) =
650 mm thick subgrade 55400*0.2*150^0.45 = 105628.43 kPa
4. 100 mm high geocell with SAND infill E- value for GSB (400mm thick) =
over 650 mm thick subgrade 55400*0.2*400^0.45 = 164235.39 kPa
5. 150 mm high geocell with GSB infill over The improvement factor with geocell reinforcement
650 mm thick subgrade is written as the ratio between the modulus of the
Typical results from the laboratory plate load geocell treated layer with that of the unreinforced
tests are shown in the following figures. layer (both having the same thickness). The
improvement factors obtained for different cases are
listed in Table 2. The pressure distribution below the
geocell layer predicted by the analyses is shown in
the following figure.

Fig. 8 Typical pressure-settlement data from

laboratory plate load tests

Several tests were performed by varying the

height of geocells, infill material and their
combinations. Some repeat trails were performed to
verify the consistency in the test data. Repeatable
test data was obtained thus giving confidence for Fig. 9 Pressure distribution below the footing in
further interpretations. geocell reinforced case

Table 2 Modulus Improvement Factors (MIF)

Field tests 2.75 (150 mm geocell)
The pressure-settlement data was back-predicted
Laboratory tests 2.92 (150 mm geocell)
by using the elastic-layer analysis software
2.84 (50 & 100 mm
KENPAVE and the finite element software
PLAXIS. The object of the analyses was to estimate
the elastic modulus of the different geocell treated
The analyses by the finite element software also
layers. The analyses were repeated several times
gave similar modulus improvement factors (MIF).
until a good match was obtained between the
Similar MIF values were also reported by Rajagopal
measured settlement and the estimated settlement at
and Kief (2008).
a wheel load of 100 kN.
The geocell layer in the pavement section
The Young’s modulus values assumed for
significantly reduced the vertical pressures
different layers are listed below. These were
transmitted to the subgrade layers as shown in Fig.
selected based on recommendations in IRC:37-2001
9. The influence of this pressure reduction means
for Design of Flexible Pavements. The modulus
that the service life of the pavement increases or for
values are given in terms of CBR value and the
achieving the same service life of the pavement
thickness of the respective layers.
section, the thickness of the GSB layers could be
E- Value for subgrade (CBR 4%) =
The optimized thickness of the different layers
10*4 =40 MPa = 40000 kPa
for achieving a 20-year service life with 10 and 100
E-Value for stabilized subgrade (CBR 6%) =
million standard axle loads was performed using the
17.6*6^0.64 = 55.40 MPa = 55400 kPa
program KENLAYER for two different subgrade
E-value for GSB (225 mm thick) . CBR values of 2% and 10%. For extremely soft
=55400*0.2*225^0.45= 126771.577 kPa
subgrades, the use of two geocell layers one at
E-value for GSB (75mm thick) =
subgrade level and another at the top surface have
55400*0.2*75^0.45 = 77324.53 kPa

5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
13 to 15 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand

given the best performance in terms of low damage layers results in the reduction of the total cost of the
factor and low thicknesses of different layers. pavement. The relative cost estimates for different
The thickness of different layers obtained for the sections is given in Indian rupees. These are only
case with 150 million standard axle loads and 2% tentative and do not include the maintenance costs,
subgrade CBR value obtained by different methods etc. The actual cost comparison should be based on
is presented in the following table. The design life-cycle costs including the maintenance costs, etc.
section shown in the second column is as per IRC 37 The reduction in thickness of imported granular
(2001). In the following, “BC” is the bitumen materials leads to lesser Green House Gas emissions
concrete, WMM is the water mix macadam, DBM is leading to environmentally friendly solutions.
the dense bound macadem.

Table 3 Pavement layer thickness layers CONCLUSIONS

IRC- Geocell Geocell in
Combina unreinf at base and Based on the results obtained from this
tions orced Subgrade subgrade investigation, the following conclusions can be
BC 50 mm 50mm 50 mm
x The use of geocell layer in the flexible
pavements increases the structural stiffness of
DBM mm 185 mm 170 mm
the pavement system.
250 Geocell with x The use of geocell layer is found to reduce the
WMM mm 0 GSB-200 mm thickness of granular layers by as much as 50%.
460 x The total cost of the pavement system per unit
GSB mm 500 mm 100 mm area was found to be lower even with the use of
200mm expensive geocell layer.
Geocell 200mm x The increase in stiffness improves the
with soil Geocell with performance of the pavement and increases the
infill on soil infill on service life of the pavement.
300mm 300mm x It is best to provide a geocell layer as close to
sub- 500 subgrade subgrade the surface loads as possible for maximum
grade mm layer layer influence. If a second layer is to be provided,
Total the second layer could be provided at the
cost subgrade level.
(Rs.)/m2 2634.6 2488.6 2451.5 x The reduction in thickness of the base layers
Total 975 leads to faster construction because of lesser
thickness mm 735 mm 520 mm material requirements. This in turn will also
Design 16 lead to lower carbon foot print due to
Life years 20 years 20 years transportation of lesser quantities of materials
from far off quarries.

Table 4 Unit costs of various materials


Cost (Rs.)/m3 The authors are grateful to M/s PRS

1 BC Mediterranean, Tel Aviv, Israel for supply of their
proprietary geocell product free of cost.
3 WMM ASTM D638 (2010) Standard Test Method for
4 GSB Tensile Properties of Plastics, ASTM
1200 International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West
5 SUBGRADE 165 Conshohocken, PA, USA.
ASTM D1204 (2008) Standard Test Method for
It is seen from the above that the use of geocell Linear Dimensional Changes of Nonrigid
layer at subgrade level or at two different depths Thermoplastic Sheeting or Film at Elevated
within the pavement section reduces the overall Temperature, ASTM International, 100 Barr
thickness of the pavement. The reduced thickness of Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA, USA.

5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
13 to 15 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand

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