Studies On Geocell Reinforced Road Pavements-Rajagopal 2012
Studies On Geocell Reinforced Road Pavements-Rajagopal 2012
Studies On Geocell Reinforced Road Pavements-Rajagopal 2012
Many of the pavement structures fail well before their design life owing to the poor quality of construction
materials, inadequate compaction, inadequate preparation of the subgrade, overloading etc. Two options are
considered during the design of a pavement structure in order to improve the longevity of the pavement. The first
option is by increasing the thickness of different pavement layers and the other option is by increasing the
rigidity of the layers within the system so as to reduce the stresses transferred to lower layers. Of these two
methods it has been widely observed that increasing the strength and rigidity of the pavement layers is a more
efficient method to lower stresses on the pavement layers thereby increasing the life of the pavement. In the
present research work, the improvement in the strength and stiffness of the sub-base layer in a flexible pavement
system through the use of geocell confinement was investigated by conducting field plate load tests and series of
laboratory plate load tests. The improvement in the strength of the pavement is reflected by the increase in
modulus of the section confined with geocells to the section without geocell confinement. This paper will
describe the field and laboratory tests, interpretation of the data from these tests and the application of this data
for design of flexible pavements.
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
13 to 15 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
13 to 15 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
13 to 15 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
3. 100 mm high geocell with GSB infill over E-value for GSB (150 mm thick) =
650 mm thick subgrade 55400*0.2*150^0.45 = 105628.43 kPa
4. 100 mm high geocell with SAND infill E- value for GSB (400mm thick) =
over 650 mm thick subgrade 55400*0.2*400^0.45 = 164235.39 kPa
5. 150 mm high geocell with GSB infill over The improvement factor with geocell reinforcement
650 mm thick subgrade is written as the ratio between the modulus of the
Typical results from the laboratory plate load geocell treated layer with that of the unreinforced
tests are shown in the following figures. layer (both having the same thickness). The
improvement factors obtained for different cases are
listed in Table 2. The pressure distribution below the
geocell layer predicted by the analyses is shown in
the following figure.
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
13 to 15 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
given the best performance in terms of low damage layers results in the reduction of the total cost of the
factor and low thicknesses of different layers. pavement. The relative cost estimates for different
The thickness of different layers obtained for the sections is given in Indian rupees. These are only
case with 150 million standard axle loads and 2% tentative and do not include the maintenance costs,
subgrade CBR value obtained by different methods etc. The actual cost comparison should be based on
is presented in the following table. The design life-cycle costs including the maintenance costs, etc.
section shown in the second column is as per IRC 37 The reduction in thickness of imported granular
(2001). In the following, “BC” is the bitumen materials leads to lesser Green House Gas emissions
concrete, WMM is the water mix macadam, DBM is leading to environmentally friendly solutions.
the dense bound macadem.
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
13 to 15 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
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