Events of The Philippine Islands by Dr. Antonio de Morga

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o-alled period of conquest the country during the of the Piligpive bakivs. The valde of this work very ello Josie tye Ube fact tho Land Heeay E 5.8 Stanley Gransaied & ins Finals, thus beeing ‘me of the phliestione of the well-hoown Habla so ficly nf Lonilon sind whieh Justo Zavcaien had ae lemted to republish iy ISRS, Gsidles i 1904 Meson lar and Bohstan guished ie anew in their ware calited the Phitipine Asking", TH99-1898;- and W. ©, Retana also published 20 sik’ his own anton in 1909, After weighing and evatvating eae and Wery Proof he found i bouls, manuscripts, doeuanents nd ‘other encords in the cotew af his investigation of ast Filipiniana Colleeson of the Biiish: Mcun an other ovate, Wval poveegded to meeonstrice the roemrds oo he past hiss of the Philippines in order fo show that oven before the arival of the Spaniards, the matves of this enuntry slimady possessed 4 em siderably high enitee, uot at infer 9s that depicted ly the Shaniards subasguent to Monga’s Ue tas tatler of fact, he endeavored ta praceed with the his fag of the events oveuring in the Arehipelago, com aeneing with said period. In other words, he advanced ew pointe of view frou which ta gisider Philippine History. This, consideing jutely the eight chapters Monga, togetier with the annotetiny of Rizal on each pet a sufficiently auzhentc, eal book presents the aciont Philfppines as i vat in anciant tings in weer. fo enable us to sift the falsity fom) the truth of un past sty ‘Tho “SUCESOS" ae cinnotated hy Riza, appeateit wn the frst timo in the Priliopinee sity eight years 2aier when a publisher i> Biantls, published the ew ‘work it 1558, lo courte ix bt to the entire al, Tha preacnt ork i the sik ‘stiags of Joa Rizal which nil Comission as for to one volume of the Seties « the Jase Rizal Netionut Ce nove pablished ia cummenoratinn of his bith TO THE FILIPINOS me Male ger gh ote of the ivgsan sate ot our tee Lame‘ effect INU mn prudsed ole to ina, Melare prec ing trtud dhe other sacetive,pices bene fur tyes the meet OC feat msing. nus Son Ai iat nr tat js maybe able t fudge ler the fens do tetsu the mad seed a thre eons Boru and rane inthe jorance of our Yesterday ike sins al ay wba lee ur autora 1 {peak abs wha Sed oat ace ot tae Teor Rive neonates to Se tne tinny OF an ee tows Sinn who ovo he dese fhe Pa {opines inthe heping of her new ean Vines (Regs monet yo mse aie hen fe Shadow othe cz of cranes wish the ulnar i wo csaking before joe. banemie Fa iy Co yt ee, wee eAanging or tag tie adapting tm oly hence Pose ta moder tuibepeapey fe greaer Sry a alerng he om Sree pinto af te ata ier Tanke Ms pers eaters The pos the mainly and ers of De Mors togeher ih oe das an: fitisted by sandemporaiey et all Shania recommend che boul ta Sout Gong eon 1 the buck sioseegs to abeakion gon” eonecons- regs of uur pasiy aeacy ftaced Stn yout ment tif goeify hal hss fan fale ad slanderod fed) in val, aut) Wich this ae a se sball he ale 19 fon ave 9 89 fui, however mz Te mayb sd the fore Jost Rial ’ PROLOGUE My very dear Fiend 1 got sour kind invites, whieh so tanons me and Tm going to waite yout 4 fey ies pate a protean doid of Ge dtr of ring in a Tanguage’ which 1 dont anutets Pon so, shat Meare Hon is napa ot my Heat nag the Kawi how vo ovtcotegunnaiel and iooerga licks. Ie ao he arpoae of Une ines See «lsh ta those wh eelsh he eb phmaeslagy at ie jes langnge of Cervantes, nos ait ara a Shank you it he name of the ineenatona?repabe of schol ithe aaa of the Philppices eke tame of Spain, tut the piston “of hig hoa, ke trtsut choniie of the ‘Gent county Invfiee a were bom and whee adopied Son T consider ays {e-be. ‘With this reprinting you bave oral a nove dont cere parva tothe rapa ial, Monge bok always ehinjed the fine of bring the heat oe nile of the “congas” of te Fetes, Seis and fouigners ane agreed a ths opston: on te ek hate ‘Nv historian of the Pagpiner ea dead Sih Snpunigy the wos of dat Oat suckin Nee work ofthe reno oo; bu nelthee cn eis is desea, because Marga’ Sess i a rave book eo tate a book that the vary few lari thet an sur ic with he came ssinde asi it wewe rene Of the Hons Ie ast be supowel that the Sponteens fendered the jit bite of graude tthe noble oe goto to he eri reper of Be mntoopats inthe fas st to te att defender at We elon Spiish ta, vo ho meaat chrmilee of the Pie pines ba the expectations of She wanate world wee ie full ia the eouny Bathe by he ha eed the Grialalquieie Not one Spain eoukd be found ‘lio, following Ue iapiration a4 nobis and prudent paltitise, ativied the woek uf the author iho now fesse in ‘his churacer ane) syal the i. votied his nation ged hose pen grovel ¢0_ Ue the, prreio en of an exeaont aur of lay dene, The Spaniards Aha noviing; the Spaniards who alsays baste of thet patotan and igpanigns ‘an aportine moment of renewing the glues ofthe glosiags past ln view 06 hig rogrtiate sneitterence of Spanish Philipinoiogistea foxgoer Choline] aedlled int aff of the couaty: An Enlist Jd, Lord Stanley, translated into the laguage af the “soe” the ioral work of the great Spaniard. apysascled by th woeld of tovoign orientalis but dd net reveve su Lonorabe tnention from Ghat ration whos duty ie was Hot. to heave the Inurels of his undevaking to 2 foreipnets The Seamed ws aiid area, ee Puiliypiniste, outst ta understeond Engisy andthe ne tmorous note and appendioes af the translsaon ave fue ts value of the "aeurveetion” oi the Sueens de Filipe. Thanks (@ that eranslation, we foeeighets dl hot ‘etieve Jn the necrsity oc at lean eae urge teed for the reprinting of the Spanish writ But you, uy dear fiiend, sete aut in aecunt with and modesty af th oad Wort, HN tig indiference snd apatéy of Spain. Tn yeu bea whit ig truly aobte ad generous. yw have fle the txt of nalosal ngratiite, aesd ou, the elder Of the Tagalog ration, you, the nage of 4 loyal aa active panto yor wre the one who pald Ge debt Of the netion-—‘al the wey nation ‘shox dagenors Sos meek your race eel den thea) intfesual md Ladmite this root of paste robiticy sad genorou raitiotisn. The pastes, the free, aul the “Shani iE of che Fipihe wath call ou fiibustorn, fou have docu shandered hy shoe hy or hel mal ies foe greatness for the sake 2 titi pockets, ar forthe bandage of hae passions, sr te Enea (hie vesipuatin rseigers of hw inn her county. Ginn have shown eat who now how to ZN the ins nf paleioks The Ppt ssholge seby een the tavecls of a geet alu, stalecman, and fighter tif Simin ag calls the attention of the sgovernalent th tila of the mother eoontry yr they wh sw eas Trae inthe howase of she Flin hy thelr joors and inltang expressions nf content. You know aleeudy that you will be aténeked entel iy Wy the ero of Sponieeds ho ennsider an elacated fediv a evtme of Tear ajeate ot 38 aa India hes cntenod he masld oi schotirs if Uk. iin schol fot cy full tho duties that Shands ite of al tthe 10 fai, at slzo census the eondet of the uropesn enboizers an creer, them. Une. Stayin sition ean consider himself lucky Hf only the anathema tnt eutses ofall has ssko belove Usomet ve pe tor totngs, fallible and uatovehable, sould ran over iin om account of she place of his bah and te’ sickly color of his aki. Bt yon have not witen sont book for thém. "The funy edichin of the Sueroie Se dedeuted to -seholats and patiits, Doth grou wil be grateful to-you. 1 ive na dost hat Sout notes 80 sear and well thocult ott, will slit the Raropean workd, More (hn It jeans en the fst aad Christian protest arainst the dnielues eoramited by dhe Boropenn dlscoverers Inthe New World stopp epreading, ba preernor bein 2 aoble Spaniard, the enersote pete, fs Cam hs ta tcl asain, spoke ithe name. of Chistian tele finn and’ compassion, but he avepeeded only an stop Fur the cette of Negro saves. ‘The ‘French iealiaes He the last century grote ymin. Ue maltyeatment yh Meni a fa he ite sseage and the ttevillued mae represent the age ind, ‘huss tthe sehoot of Rote Tt (0 ‘ise fhe colored ruby el wih the diferenee Ut the i ie sk hoy he ie nates fig tothe “big citdn?™ al the inexhaasle an innaeenen of kata Si I Fr sale Sa nih SLES! TSE SERN tbe one Hi bs er th en Bt bec are the Specs faton, mad coe he Lael of dlgent lve tha 2 fat Sogo otaerve that Os ‘ehile the she matt id 1 tke Siena of “nexcantile" the Kaplish nation, fn the following eyoeh, the enueties commited by ti Buropeuns were attzetd, not for nuble motives a for national rivalries and vain: glory. ‘Then the English accused the Spaniards the Gertuns the Dortuguoces the Dutch the Ereneb, ¢e, of having heen barbarous nd tue! toward the frien uf theit eames side they apt aioot about the eryolies eonsutitted by themselS ther for nislies oy far being blinded yy national love (The modern ccs, i slst, with its democratic iden, gad y looking "wither yes" on there soled irothers. ‘The mew Eanepesn generation procs or father Tooognizcs, not uly the eyuaity Of etek ab dat of whole nnkind. "Tae the tafsed a So onger'a mystery e's hanan eutlgiyy te etal Man ie the Sine ian ‘ewe ae, Now iheeueh fe ‘ithsion and advancement! guograpbiea, elsogre peat snd Historica) Knuwledge ae are ashame of the pevod whon’'We dae to those nae the ft “EN man"Now eget the etm thee the miseies that stain the pages of ce History af uopesn tng. Now ‘we cules with Coe frances of s tepeoiané sine our gull andy the mfeon pene sion a not s deluied generation but an acing Sen i, el extend ut tose bthent ain a to forsee the fanle of nur anvesirs tnd weet ee make tip for the erors and evtinas of ontares ha rp tit your observations on the conduct of the European conquerors und civiizens are in general not ney to the historian. the Germans spocielly discussed (hus theme alnast nthe same manners you fay aed let no one ‘tell me that the Geroans ez tall Att the enuelties eommnitied by thor nations hoeaune they have itsa:no eolonfes, foe Enapetor Charles V wanted to the ‘arkers of “Angshurg, ut the Wels (the Bal Zaros of the Siantards) ihe trvtoty that two cae Kennbic of Venezuela, and thnugh German Tule seed uly a few years, Geriaan evtulliog wure ny different from those committed by ather nations arid the Crema Alsorlans righty conden with the greatest hasshns the crimes of tele fellow nationals. Sth deheral the Meousstions fn Four notes ave nob a novelty Bul wlth ou done interests us how fhe piece of these days At dieavors and civitasion le praonted {9 tho descent fants of ths maltcated, to the vieuins of Enropean te {eloranee, Necurciy 1 hve ound ou Ua? you hav pointed I from other posts of view diferent frors ons find tha yt have csgncered things wh have estapeed ihe atin ot he Furpeats, bootie exe the in Jn amine te cod nk enna a note few fein of sow give Jute mee an copsrable ‘att'an nena ee ween for those sheet ‘of ts inwceesible spernity of ace or nationals. The Sellar will salute with enthuse gout viiice anno itziog, Te evlonia potidelan with geste sand res pect, Through those Hes ran land of series serv fions equally interesting ed iportant to histor inniders ef overveas colonies ale, My great extoen fae sour note dvs rot init: me from confessing that mate than nce T eve observed that you suffer fom the ertor of many mindeyn Net who congue the ooeurenees of enties pet. cevordanee will fe eonepla tat correspon’ to enters Dora ear ha out ot Io be Te Nitra Supht not to Smpate to the men of the ANT seetany {he toad! Towizor of ieag tht subs dhe XIX coneury ‘ie aseond.poips with which T doavt agree ie sme Unocomin aust Cathal. elec tae the clgin tf aumnerous occurences repvetable to seligion to Spain, fata the Zod tame of te European sce sald bye sought i the harsh icbavior and abuses of men priests ntl this point T ave eeferged ony w Your hie torical nates Their very perial iapires geak liters! in every nian dewerad tthe seleaife or pulse sady wel) se of of the tolonial seine of the Spaniads s interet.natneally hiewoases the ether Eurapeane 1 ‘wht sou spealt o prssent-day affeimy defend ya conpateis and eondeunig the bad condi 1 the foury, Treconincd the petal of these anntciors lial Spaniards sche bwe! the Philippines an. ee ‘he presevstion of the’ Arekipelagos Ten thse shu ens tha the. tn posseocs natural hammetinelbigene ‘woeht (0 red these lines in which an Tio apes of the ‘ror and ilusons of “superior Benger | don't ‘tect that those dem-gods cathe cured Mf thelr pre jnlees; tn thes your work lke pour Tagalog novel nen, teh eer : Fol — than God — there isa suftetont mans Spaniards wtio do xot noed the aperation ofthe eat et soho suffer from font ged these wl allow ‘ativoly your surgestio Every educated wan kates hy now tha the Tevch adie appli to the quealions if She colmvial reime: Len jours dt fete send pasene ‘Tho brutal exploit natives eaemot fe sufficient orotexts to appease the very aeusttive public orally af the yrisent generation, Neither tehigng pnt civilcaion ior the glory of kings and. hotles, now berms the conversion of the natives into serena witty va right, withont Unertien. Even those eases whieh base their mime on the prestige of thelr ies ake eI gal cate no! 10 offend the fealings of te eed, beoennge they Ano well that colon cannot te ar, mrved Mf the mother country does nit knnw boat to inahive her children overseas if tot with afeation, at leas: sith tbe respect that ons eohteneting pote oats the other, to aay the tit, who contests the Ereter yd ban of the advantage of che contrac, But at teeeal feeves i serapuloucly in all poles I is imposible vost id eolnis a8 a vich geszing-gtoand for the a Hye or for the enfants peviue f the mother corm The Gest men, the best talents, the mune seh Meters, ought to go aut to tll the positions nope Ss to be able t thus serve as leaders Sod eumpone nf the inlextiy of the inother ecrntey and reine, hot the estge, but the sond maine f the fexsmet ‘The Philippines foes x colon: a ever i hy allio f men wage seligion ie like nis wh rene che eh oe i, a hw the boa of the Spans Tan piesa the bam of umge, Those millions now aspire throngh evo 19f thelr anost enlightomed sons tothe sedeation af ‘ewuniry by the saber eountey and hoje Far the andthe goarantes af the st From ths gn which plac i dans the fred of ever Plfns Heal admirer italy ple lees ot ik ot she county: Te same juny tn na eee nil ea inthe Pine Wl be gta the goimotber of septa idea Tha the press lig serves ony tv nr promise Span rule. ‘The Eirtine ot Sn a ke Pps tet the nt of the Spent de ot wan to een ie caer bear they ve an srs of tay vert rial epee Mas So pee ee mainte: Ere neti the Paipines ceountey but esp essnilation of the Flin fovhs the eiles ot th cates. Ta thems the lg rneane “Tlipinn gold iseussion of thee ahy fui in the Cortes of down; sn they. work sith treaych of thes sul and af thee gold to foment he"tuulsfonal staivion nf the rest of the Spunian iiss and hysevfea! sietun eannstcing ereiy taly pro Spanish iippines to Span ley form a ety large class Ik is the faut of the tsvemuent of Ue rottopolis became did oot lanes ine to dafe inthe nd of the Spek south schol dymaie love fr hae brothers oversees te tated sangrrous nafona pide which fe provocative nt ska bat forgo ite tho even with deve a nthe for al ects a al ees I {orm ad inal Spanish Kingdon 1 Spain a ant no of efor ues woul be well ad ‘eey good to eddcale the Spanish youth in proud ie ines lint evesy man oho i natn Spaniard inferior on mpagnant. bat ta Spun il rosorves remnants ef tor old colonial erie i sou ore Saas aspaadent for the Spit youth i the pena t fret tha at leas one thd of Spanish eabjets do. noe have the ienomonal ck. of having been om the ped fhe alone! an Fanopean pie ive" and aang and ie the. gresest enemy. of Synin teem i eehlaes se Sndputaite the ape tory ofthe Caos (Span and dos los tlter the tesaffn ofthe asations of the Flignee or even the deaion of Pilpine shttions in 2 Senso favorable to the desires of the gouty. And this the more regeiahe ay favorae soliton of the Prive yuston te cri, Une ual being insecure and the question nf whether the elon wl be for Gr againc! Spe, Tg depends upon the Spanianda in the pottsola IF Ue feabaves and susan of the Fi ting acum o het ep eepagnant that {is aot possible fo hem to embrace them as bres the lpinns vil Separate fv ten wilout det VA. Castle god of Dali, on the omason of my humble eftnee of yo Noll one tage, ferous, wrote a ige found: “Are wo not Span of 2 good race and realy for every swrtice?” Congr. tutations, 1 agive sel Hope that this Is not jose hallo piasse. "The frst daly bf Spanised who desives to preserve the eounsry omit tm be the telly ihe Barapa rice snd national wan ties for the wellore and fnsgrity of the mother eau fay Duty 11 Eno those gertenten, they sil aaertee thed Ade, disieniouey, ang bnadred Phpines, Ce bre, and’ Buea Rieu tefore they sei] renoinee their rationed vanities a8 the fxhuous end euined noblesian factifices (0 hig pre and vanity the tes propesties that nmatn to hin fear his grandparents: Poth gv igus ene oly peas, wat poo rastove vaitas” 1 t1ep- ism does na wen lye coavexte Hato hig eile pratt, the Sianionds havo avereonte theis aversion to th flat sores of the Indios snd slate then as bro There: i. that is nat porsile, ¢hey xbnul ghosec the Piipinos to. begin the wr for independence, The interests of Spin decerve moe attention than the aee thetic eoncepte that certain lordlings form ofthe India T repeats The Philipinos ean be pressed only ith, sever again, the THiinos, ‘The second gronp of deluded Spaniards formed by Lose who ate appised to assiation, because the be that i 9 not finely to grant i for the folly Featonss Let, the county hag buenas savaze wb ven the Chistian and civilized Indios are sil fn Tow vel of ecdeation and culture. This js cr tint it Hoos oot impede the teaaation of Philippine aspiestons. The numerous savage tribes donot mutter Ircouse they hace a stall ember of soni, and (h Filipinos do not coin sho extension of eonsitetional Tiberties to the steuge tribes. Yee, it is tre that in general the Filipe Inlios have Uitte edueatcn, Tt the sample of Bulgaris proves Uist eorstitutional gover mnwnt does not depend pon the auraber of itartos and literates. Sui) it mist he added that thls ison ihe tine lo disres the question wheder of nol it Tetter ty pnstyone the tise for consti mane tion, if wa da no} aa to prove the danger of His: ate deltherente Pllinpinat portent" No Forgot thatthe p ‘a he Pilipino ‘ble foe any we who as ictal rage ind even ta the tat: peasant tata whentves te | Books ‘he secs opneesion, netic, amt olsen ae ‘onions uwlitlon, and over this the tupoeenit rat tit et and mow noble an ute came SEU cre Finino who does not heey quel and ee chen 10 every despotie and corre et of the vanes {ciate reecies the anmolatin of flatern ear ee Sie danger of Debig deporied and nat only te nee ihe ha iendss for In the Philipines itis nok oe Be gta who is anise but aon lng wlote anche, | ahysiall and spiecully, the vexaions of ust one, That peacail and governatile miss Weed sreaey pleasure what its etuerted conn tel We dhe Rat the Stirs presch, because naveaty “they Re spose fontldence inthe’ men of their aus ties toe, ise of auihet, who always Rosae of the ervette Ag Fhe the hippies wil gre by fone, Se lhay ae FEL them Fracitouns, their pactiamentary renneaeen 00 md their ids to lee tree and reopen a in°uitt the Piping woul go to Madd as depun, Be fist case, Certainly the deluded ose at grav tes to the paling of the Indio by Ihe tans aha The majority of Spanish writes: The fy a {istgure i out of pasion, the sseond heeaese cee Ue flee ride, they do ot Few that te nde Unpleanet awcikening awaita than ‘The fed and ins group of dehued mon hold the idea of the ht Oxo groupor er thee ee [storm pride a pot examerte to he oh Hen erating ino fy for grec tne 2 pe Fu och Ths hey arbre the eee fit words than the second, becaue the eter eo Promina to Whe mice generation what tt, et fiero tae, white the ted group mae eet {© conpoied ofthe ents and dochecatn lieve that the pure of colonies to provid th Speed wih onsen aie he hile of the comtey must abordigae the nese tf ei cnnkey no. vo the lores of Span nt ie velbbeing of handful of Spaniards, ds foci, they am ont sated with the rater ble al he povidest nedensian Pat they denn sedi, arate of the Fiiaine beease the ames eng Henn then: fa be bars toe to aetna Ba, ad to he a ejorom Tlnpanae deride te he jak, we tm auy Tha the dedeainar atthe thi group are agains very Hind of abuse snd noe Wil port = vlan of the tas an bates Coe caved ip withthe’ peg af the Whe ence Be 4s fb rei ideas arp nein oes than Ue sod tatin of the abuses of power ai the prea ge ora (aseardiny 16 tee wha believe ne eae, superirity of the Europeans), so they trons tage zesine tint demands fy is mantayes, page at lscsty wiles founded on uta and suse tai Tose ree rowps of dehided men exit in seal {ty — the tt ie composed of may’ Sputiads oN til the second i sepeamted yer of Boel bxnigars to" whom the suunity over many lene teforns it relonns thn Yiew of destin ae terorsn, are like an exelent vloejede at he sented t0/n prisoner? Une lid prop nelades hs humber of Spanish senators and depos ts hth ee 2 aio ald Gancral Salama in ew ot his peeks it the Senay of th Magog though neittag ager, proving piano ugh ene age Hons tke good Sinaritan who banda the Suse # oytae laa ate cca gu iy sgt t the arena ad mais gouliom of tes Sigs pape Tbe nea ges tt i a igtor ave the feburs and other Castles, and the manger ff the perfomtonec ia the third group of delided Sp aise, Phong it Jeul, 1 beliove that the ine aitcerene ye he Spaniards eunstite the hope of the coy, for, ne Wey ha ant Figing risiadiess i's suppwoeed thot some day they may nize with thoso from the Philippines, if they are in formed af condone for thie the help of the 2 an ik also noeded to soe to i that the poh oF sy Kingdon 3 taught the gecrsaphy and eth _-bograyhy of the Philippines: Iris very ed, an perhaps more thant sad, to note shat the youth of ebintees Which ase no colonies, ke my eoimuy Aust, iin sal etter informed ahaat ne Philippines than the sh. youth and i part even the Spaaish urea ettaps ever mone. than Si wey excl that Spain who telgaa over 6 or # milion Rola, docs not have either a colleye or aeadonny for Malay or oriental stuns, the eeminarits of the fia ining the eselasive enterprises of private ue atertsional corporations. IL is imprudent, and perhaps even more tian imprudent, thet the employes in the Philippines wank Uke appontees, Zor thay do not law the la ee and ideas of their subjees, unable to graduate the statin of apprentices beemsae rven vehen thelr ff aifiee have not expied yet, thay retire after st, dhe governors staying @ few yase tn their p ere three years. IU Hs mor eonecquenees if even” Petition of Right is considered fitbaatoro aot that endangers the tt Leity of the nother emuntry. AMT this only serves ¢o surah fibbusterianio and $e sepavale the ealony from her motiopolis, All the enemies and neversires of the 2 Filipinos wil get the same Thing that of Proage attained the Eitisinos sssiilatc the caumselors a? King Che in 1890, ‘These observations are the frult of the poral of your notes, sid i is the dose of my sul that sour Hook find in Spain e citcle of readers who will nol Burst into nprecasions bt wil Know how to dedace ov ite pevueal tat the ‘Piylogs Tn tealicy are ro! Tike the tn the distipurea plete painted y the Ivars ‘and yoor enemies. KF then they do not attend tu the Philipines will be lst but hucugh tho Pins, d null They peetend to he noble but they do n0 hove to be just: thay pretend to be a superior na 1m foie how to fellow a prudent palicy epivalist ideas and they compel the Plipinos to sok refuge in revolution, May God will that these ws he nol elie nt it Seems thatthe govern people nest of pola Take the apcteude for tat of pare hhabent sud fata nor eofus bl, aud elie regia inal, Leeterate my expresions of grasa Ube precigss gil with wiel you have favored. sour mother vous, and the whole eiilized world. 1 hope that you tna, contin your stafies tat honor 8 ‘and ihe Philippines and glortiy your name and wth it'tho mame ‘agulog. 1 eanele these fines wishing Jusiee for your werk, Perdinand Blamentett avon, Ausia 1888 » Novent IRy oner of the Mast Woschipfut de Velasco, Vieerny af this New Spain and ot the ‘Most Isivious and Koverond Signor Ey. Gasein Gust 1, Atchhishop of Moxieo, uf Hie Majesty's Counc; Thave examined this book "SUCESOS DE LAs SEAS FILIPINAS” written by Doctor Antonio de Morge, Cows Iustice of the Koat alatioecte (oval Come) fof Meaieo: and the same syyearing to He th be pleas ing smd. nsoful and fit to he, published, i whic the he Caves of Hisar, maf the sock swhieh hoe nas truly complied iy view af the yuo disposi shows & clearness of gen, laconic style | by fev, taitnful ta the Subjeetoinatter, 29 one | complete knowledge of tae ene, im Siew bf the yemis [be has governed those Inns, L WAVE SIGNED THESE PRESENTS with uy ame, in this Mouse of Protesslan, of the Sociey ot Jesus, Mésico, on the fine. day uf April in the year of Our Hert 169, JUAN SANCHEZ, [, Don tals de Velasco, Knight of the Onder of Santiago (Saint James), Vieoroy Dept to the. King aur Lovd, Govesnoe and Cayaain General of New Spat and Prosident of the faa! dudiensia: (Royal Tribal} 1d Chancellery, therein resident, ete wa Ductoe Dow Antonio le Marge, iti of Criminal Matters in eald Hal ddionciee tae op rized Me that he howe writen aboot ad teatie Me SUCESOS DIP LAS ISLAS FILIPINAS sive were first discovernal and eorgpiered autil the end ot fat yoary fix Hundred and Sesen; requesting Mu: o cease (o he giver him the Heese and prvileze of pub Thing Tt to the exclusion af all alert far sine taney and vpun aly ex namaste she oe shetty Setior Now Lis hovough examination theveo! ty Father Juan Sanche of the Sosiely of dest; WHEBEPORE, (hereby grant unto au Doctor Ars nig de Mons, permission fon ten (10) years fron ays thuely ehabling im oe the pote» hy him 2 thorized, to publish the sald Pook by the grist of oie} and T herelyy forbid. say obey ets dg tho eae within tho aad period, without np poh ‘of forfeure of ths ere re ea tld vs lit pt nt Seat a a ae eee ies Char ene al Tor ald Deter Antena “Morga. Inert bc ieth dey tin men st Apa eatery Oe sae sage a ard Nine Bon Luis de Velasco iy Onier of the Viseoy Martin Lopez Gavia |, Don Pray Gateia Gusrea, iy Divine Grace ad hy the Tloly Apostolic Sev, Archbishop of Mexien, of Is Majoety’s Council, ct, ee at of Pather dun Travia tut note of the eaten chez of the Sache of Jeaus, of having examined tke ook which ‘was presented 19 Us by Beton nt Banga, Justice of this Cour, anid Chancellery, entitled: “SUCHSOS DE LAS ISLAS FILIPINAS, St CONQUIBTA Y CONVERSION", for whieh we have sven, our Commiasju; sand it appearing trom enid Statement that ther is nash Holy Catbolie Faith oF £9 goad enstone: om the tn rary thal Ht will bo seFal and sdvaniagoou persons readings the a "Fe Money aa Femiision to aid Doetuy Am aa ca Qf cate the sid Bata ete a rain of sald Pegi Tala hes Uf the Presses i this Ch # Melon this seventh day of Apri i th S008 of Ou Lovd Steen Minded ad ie? Pathor Garet Archisishop of Mésiey Onder of His tt te Avehhighup at icin, Don Juss Wo Potitia bal Gomer de Sandoval y Rojag Page do Ce mcafth: oft Co Your Beedle thie swath hoon leony Beeecanc in we of al rn gmtas dealt ay ata ahr Pomc my oor means Trae wit eee ieisnttanl postal by te ene ne watever Ben shoal are prope rt ea HO tesies thre wea ese worthy eh t race " is Work in Youn Excellancys prose et ell emai bliin any ingests by oar Spanish mao ipeine ent OTH and conversion et ye ee thar hawt, gener with varios acon gn ree conan DELS the smut kano adhe ion a HTN theses insu oy rene ig 882, Pushed eparng ty Han’ sats seth describing tee se ‘Mion and the present satis obtain ee A beswech Your Excelleny to accept my wishes which T lay at your feat; anal if thie bret wi doce wot afford sou the plessive a saticnann bry eyotisn (an illness oF tar ingenaly) oon Yrs Fexeconcy treat me as every one ise reading the Sa and velngindelgent with is apertectona oy teen Your prudence and meeknes, an abumnianee of oi and sill further victhes operating: vith Divine cin secing Ua exalted mattern nirprse nit the Teer phich lave olesated Your Excellency fo yon Cum tural greciness in the jasition whist you bold ser welfare of these Kingdoms: rewarding aml tavone Nhat i good, corecting and retaining che othereie, all of which ‘onsttute the’ gael emndicun, OF ane Buble, ahick prompted Denials, the sania a Faker, toiovoke tna gods tn he sewarded or aay Panter o onjor this happiness, tere is no need eng pack at any pest period bie to be content way Present praying Gocl to grant yo ile fe ont at for many’ years to conte, D. ANTONIO Dy MOREA CHAPTER FIGHT ‘The Iekinds of the water of the Osinial Ocean, adjacent to ihe fatthest pals of Asia, lelong: to tie Goya of Spit, and sue comsnamly called "ve Alans Df the Wed by thugs who sulle thers shrogph Une Castle demarcation Tne, and the seas aod lands of Armas, for the 2eason that, trom the thoe ane heaves Spain ake tals a voute until one venohoe sald stands fran Ead vy West, thesame a’ the on travelled oy the fan. Roe a sinibie reason, hey are eslled. “Ontental Islands” by those’ who navigate thrvugh India of Por tigal, fiom West Jo net The teavalexs oie oh ‘wats, go around the ghibe though npyoate routes, un Til Pho come to mosé on the sane Islands. Those pv gest ea pn ts ae netic ree, ad fat, sect to the Conn of Cagtle, Phey ie swithin the tople of Cancer and extend fan esentytoue sprees North latte, 9 te the aquinosiat Ue, whieh huastes through the Malaccan Islands. ‘There are many fens on the ner fine within the tropic vf Caprieorh, Wehich extend up to telve degtees, Soh iat,’ The ancients have alleged that moet of these Islands vere deseted at unlahabitable?” but experience has ey emitted t ie ei is flainny on they enunt with good temporaaute, wiany peuple od Supplles snd other faeuohefaoable to the arabe: fat vnan hie, They kewiae have ony alnerae s eins outed peat hal tla Nature has not shown iavity, : ‘Thy olay of ots of ths fags Acca th Inge and stall nnomeribl, "These chen ae Included in tae mame and ymscoiert of the Eipine inte properly spring suse apvoxtaly fons i wtnoue zn salle cn. ‘They are all oxen five anil the primp and st Totowa anes ae Tan, Mondor, “oadava? Capsl, Wuriae, Vashoi, Bazin zoe, Les, Satna, labo," Ceba Panay lb), Catanivanes,' Galamancs, luda,” aed ‘ber Bess Inipontant ones ‘Phe frst jaan which the Spenich congumed and ceitled war Cela whens the const wag hepa, ‘optinued inl the other anvsnnene land whieh at Si inhabited by naliers sesiting chetvin known Ut Sayans,stherlae called the Taligved ons” fe the fearon atthe mest portale resident hore hse Since thete ebildhood, decarated thelr eatire bodies by hunting their skin, following a ptters therein and by puting eeiain black powder where the hood ‘oozes oul ant this ean rover by tomneed. Howser fhe east at government nd te principal eetiensent Me of the Syanfuile wore treneerrod othe land of Lay gon, why st have rd neatcr Band to the sarin Eronder of the great cuuntey of China 2nd Tapa, he tie fing discs wid Inland of Laon, tir the rede that most of what can be suid uf the sane ean Hlewiy aid tthe ster atthe paetiealr apelalies aad neallcitis each jauvineo wal Bir montis nthe Soe ae ‘This island of Lacon hae a length thom its tei or deat bese one rulers the Philippine Isluds, tea the ‘ott of he Capi Cleaiel whieh Leg nn Coe thrteenth znd oneal? deers Korth lade, ny to the Cane of ajeadon, in the marine Zoottier of China on twenty fdogrese lative, eer Lo hundred. ecu nif fae places the id of the sland is tess than in olbers, prtenlary in de anela ofthe same which ita Tove Chat i 3 gniy Tess than thet Toases wide. he fntire land. hat approshnatelp over” four hide Inagues around the cate, ‘The temperature on this sland ig not invari, but hayes i varies yeions and provinces theres I) fhe head and beginning of th island, near the channel, tie beaches! aze warn vehi in Uhe inerion, where the City of Manila ie stused, is mild The site te warm Teenage tis ine anil clea to the nca scien te cont unitise not far from the Clty proper there are keall- tier and Settowents ‘shiek ate move’ cook, where the Fas dace not stim, and i likewise (hus at the hel of the isa in Cie hualine frmlier of China, named Gonayan. The seazons of the year, Le, winter ahd stn rer, ate the opposite of thoie in Buikape, as, the Fans erally fe or a he ands evi the oxy fof June on to Septemice, winging hes dovvnpuar of tain shilsviods and soit, both on Tad gd toa, TS Elmer fom Oecober up to the en of May, tho skies fe cla and the ses is emocth, altho in some peo ‘Shoes wineer oF (he cold Seasb ane the heey ea ler thn fn oshers ad in Caan, te winter fae Spain ae ihn ha Song Tie people whe fnhabit the ange island af Tan in the rover af Camarines wad tn he igo ing nowineae aro Mani, fash Iy'sau td kd 4 flies ote land, mikes, at's coor sar the guia tri noth the ne and nen bas ond tunes, wth vere black hij, seatce beard Fete ad que teate, hoy live nt fan hy ioe cual ah foe dd ang ening cae lento anollee ani goin tous ‘ote prover Co sochve by la fe ‘Te naives of other provinces of this idan as fa Novth ag Cagavan, a86 of Che sine kind hl ort extent ate gt by rain dt the of Ma Sai land ul Inder hse, ated dg and in fat anythin Mapas pelt ita ond rente ane peopled he Fates oe ales of some provigees of Lzon share Lense rm bir, atives eho are of ex complexe de mes an Svonn Having Kindy hairy note tall fa sate ahthigh elever and with robust bodice, They ate Woe fants with very ho mca capaci, WED dove Mp fixed honis ar sellsentss They" tne esos an anitenels roving tnougi ounces su eta posta Sion cet fhe ath, tne ae pa Drain sing themneeees by Wak tlearings or eg 4nd improved pale ne orate Henke Sy hardes game it het ow nd seo ehh thy Site proce, hy sulting wild bages tee fretaand pking ee wis andthe ts dhe s2ound. hog are Tit chef ohana ome ea he Sato, 25 {Hey am il ed to all sea Se oe inens'of tho natives, to whim they ease ssid damagos; an tas been vb to devise any enemas denetbunt ey from this eondict orto defeat of acity ten atthoagh ibs item heen'tled ta to shis bp goed oe Salone moans) a8 he oppanduaity had dite ‘tne bet. ‘Tho proves of Cayayan is settled by radius af the mu Cnplesian ag the others tn the ele, re Psy sn ns Ine nd ware hn See tbe haa lng ad hang doven thei scien, Sey had iu up sad rebetied ten tenes atten they tnd’ boo pied, and Ure te care decable et {etme to feat nd pai them asa “The dross which thes aativs of Hazan wore before the thom ote Sante i and Cat ihe folowing: far the med, clothes made of oongan HBhnie whttneeollay sown in ront with skort Skeves SMieniing downto beend the wais, some ble ax ‘Gu Bite while the: headmen wred” red once whic FRU called’ chinas! ama colored betket. wrapped heb the walt ad etvoen theo, inure Co ser He peas pain the nie of fon te Poe tneiBhue! She Hoge tse are id thy fee alsy bar, {Ne head Uncovered with samy horebef ted anon Wty over the Horeboad and temples, calle old ine same as 'we wea) ee Tes boat Paco aaa re mean i an Se So Da swab Seater enc ae Eee eile Te ped cated dene Sees neae catae eae FBeuh mex and omen, patietany. the prominent pow ae awn a att ea ilar fiuieand ide throsefes wih eepig ie quite black ‘hoy shampoo It withthe Mile bark bf trop ale! gogo" and aboin fe with of af sesame, yrtted Swit musk a oer swestsmaline sibstanees. They fe all earcfal of thie tat, and from thet ny aa, Attys an even up ther teuth with grinders and Implements of stones ele, and give ther 9 perenanent [nck color which te priseeced nll the ol age, even PE be unpleasant to the eyes" ‘The youne and the olf ordinarily bathe their entire boodies in ibe rivers. and tteams who regard to Whether this may be njunous 19 thelr Health bees iMag fd i co ete of te heat tered to Lo heal hil ie bars, they imtediatly Dethe ie hd kw the noth eae of tne GieyPare proficient and shey engage ta. all kinds nf Decale worl, Thay algo woace biases and spin cotton And Keep houte dor their husbands and parents, They pond the rte white to he poked tor thoi meal? Ene prommre the res of the food, They raise eke aan ge tnd do the hose chores wile thei men-olke gage in the work of the Tiel, Isbin, boating and Turing "The women bith meartied and atherisg, ate veh hot 30 chaste, white de husbaods parents and brothers fe sept lou’ reel earn ‘olen thete ie a: pie, they cai pale and hoa he haut catches is wite commiting inidely, heh Aupeaced and satisfied within e@icole, Soune tf Ehose aha have asset withthe Spaied and who des Hoappear mre cultured thay the otters, ave simetines been hnuvin ta have Ried the adiltewrs, When uth sep ail wuniey, espeealiy the piominene people, x0 cut to Wal in Ui ot ly ty i tremaie and female slaves who cuts st-yarasole ich hey always camry with thon for protectun from the fn and rain. The ladies walle aft followed by Ot Female servains and slaves, their hisbane, fathers ad brothers walling beliind them, followed fa their Cara by their male servants abd stavee? ‘Their regular daily fod i ice, crushed Hy wooden pits ce pamers, which ie evoked and ts thea ealed ‘noriagict, anc this eoneitotes the daly mainstay fa the entize countzy, toasther with boiled fish af which there ie an abundanes, anil porte or verison, Bhewisn muah of wilt bufilo or esesban, They prefer meat ant | fish, salts wih tei to deconypse al sul hey ale’ cat bollgd.Swactpotntons whic rorombla he or iingrs ptatoe, Hidney-hean, wii, and aber sexe Sale, al Me banaue, guavas, pneu Sieiccardapptes, otanes sit ethet Chrase, ad other Sanus find of fit sud vegetabies whieh aud the tend Tre doin tho which Ba oto he te vere uf the enconotstrees snd of the wintbne wih fe ahuevdant und suhieh ae salaed like vindyantegrapes dione ith Tees eared tte Upon taki fe i jee rom tse pati tes dat the sane i hee gantry. ves ad her Mabe and when fermented’ becomes steong ot light Higuor which tg dans tive the Fang { beeane® eka fa ite waler et very sitong and dry. When sed mode. tale adil othe sone nd pd or Phleses and oer hands of Thums. When ied wh Shams wine ie becomes a pleasant guar wiih He taser an whoiwc ‘The natives of these telands drink Os igor i the ay en mt on nd in hey mtn, wn fepate aul evel, secampanied) by sing by. fee set nei an ho con to dan Kae it tiny aii this hable does nat eany with According io thot estimation, any dishonor of infant! 2 Ja some provinces the weapons of chese poupte sia of Hows ane seroes Ine erally, heat te Ialans the ara sre median spout wih. slate it speartieads shies of ight ood with ther “etn of-notet cute re south inside hie ‘otee ten from had to hot aa whe ny cl cto On ha Want they sear foucined sw dpe, with § sharp mint ft long, cis hale ving uneven and wa 81 gold or isoiy with Leo pain double edges sd cul (Carcass at ave tv eclges With wedder se Wares or a Cine engraved sta nine They ao ery desteroas wll they go after thee adgciy, hy Holi bir by the hair nd withthe alae hand the ut bis eal ofc with single blow uf the dacaraé, and gpg atay ede to Ray Te hi oe tot Sot, so that peop wil consider them brave sd ven fil of their enemies and the evilocts ~ Aftor thoy: ad wadched the Spaniaeds handle thet arnig, any of thom can landle the argushise Inusket very ell. Formerly they had possessed hy ova and ther pees temper dou! wi which hey defended their forés and towers althowch their frunposder was not a8 refined au that used by the Spaniatds, ‘Thole vessels and att ate of many types ta Fiver and streams inland they te one-tast lace esnies for hanea: wide nf Inarde attaeeil to the keel. hers ave lay the vieenay type and the Darmvgay erate whieh straight snd light eva, with lw lady held tngethe with wooden tresnail, a strong inthe poy? as in dl stern, xecomaan my rowers bath sides, whi craft, Tkewice hase paddles tet outside of Ue er hy expert paddler whw propel the sme ia uni {unis to he hating nf choi singers native ewes tte of quickening ur slowing then tho rowing of Gis ene, Ahowe ne mers resis, there fa paseage- de ‘made of bamboo where ue my fighUingaen ae te rw ut the cea nui, aC and roy without dig {orbing the rowers pret, Brom dhru is hail the sa Swick is square and nfeavathewagh a hfe made of fro Ties ainas, which serves. on ssh, and en, the esse large, it alo bak 4 finan of te same bint ih Dir pile to lover the sail-hen the wind Is ‘Advert also fig heingmam at tho_stor to stter tho sou he el alnenies snag mae BT bamboo on the sane pusiage-dock on Wich thon thet ho, spaced cover mace of pallens ‘woven wgeisr eely (0 take & ick foal aanned Gayoris der which, i covered che entire personnel And este There te ssn 4 eaye-like'deviae tande Df thick bamisang an bth extnmes ofthe vessel, whieh ts Strongly atachd co fal) whieh harely touches the water but docs no ialerfore with the owing but serves ie aes pen erat gn ire, owoever magh tle fea tay gel or Juwsoover aleon the vin wp hit the sala often happens tbat the Uncovered wesel gels filed with wet anil capsizes and i estnged Yet ves not sink to the boston tn low of the Bamtboo fulaicing devise which serves ns 2g, dt abn pene tat awa. This Kind a erste were ued Uirouetou the tds see aneient times, keke fanger wees known a8 bets vias fneovered rovingeall, fanie and. tnpaben, ‘They. are Sct na ne encanto a En float on soe water at cae beaehed at the out of ators and eanals om wich they often hav ate ‘vith yor out tse for from te land All na ives are eMe to Fandle gad tisteate them. Some are Inege thot they ean ence) one Bundied rowers siting tbe adr al hit santo n,n he mann raft. the arungaye andthe viceroy hype vesele na female sls and fewer crew. Many of en longed ‘ge the wooden tre-oale nf assorted! eel aly se their raiders an ows tse Tender beans ad et fot Stans sgt lai is waver with ehadowe? even from aquest aden tat baa cane whi ene tig the cozntyy thrugoot Uke yea, ety along th oan ane wa ana If lage and small vue along good ining water wb flows doc tthe sn sin ave nani and. sod Jn taste shes ofall species There i alan ay ale dance of timber hiek is ent dons ana tation i the Saves and maiy legs are floated avn tie ries re macetly tavabte. The tos Is good for hous and edifices and for making tae and sll York My esr ae ian ah fi a tse as oasis for gelleym and gations, ost Ta a File, so that an veto can be equiped wih a sage ast without eed of devetaing or eating tint paces ‘Thetis likewise an shundaae af inter for halls of ‘eels, fr their Recs, framework, toptinber ad ans falloekximbers.beeaschooks nes ashame, ier works ane pond timber for decks and sides Be ne many eae te a el a nt, frye and vio ls args uh ball forge evost on eur, etn aod Ieonnm aut tay nd Stel" oan let wh Sse any Eine ut ercotude with fon acey fy seh Hquae and einen oil ix made, very usctul fo Sands and other wld abut de mou ERS ial is nue ta aichy hewemenghee Sh, Ind fu the fhe of whe oan ose try int fr eng es Hips havo teeh mat sae et fo fice an ue Birgrea fts sh Sided tml me ile aan and Fee ina ests Visinilesot all Kinds drive sn avandanes mi ed wel, and ie ie neces seedy fiom Cail, China oy pan, Inthe Province nf Cagayan there ave, chestrut-tueee tbat produce nits, and in ues places there are pn scl hr dl tes hk: age hee and str gupdcesting als whe are known iy enatse of pest Phere isan abundance of eda whled ese ote nd le ne re i elle et als’ hong, a vatety of whieh ie hotter thin the res Sl th ead ne Sr ever ela hundan, tasteful sd wisiecomet beet Of obieh there js plenty’ in-many parts of the islands, considerate breeing-stations and enekest her eatile are tase ‘They cried in China and ‘Neve Spotty The eat thom Chita ere svall end serv prolife aud have smal snd carl Boat wih fe an nt Sh, hey furry a large hump on their shoulders an ace qui fame, There isa latge eariety of chickens Mk tina Caalite and tes sill Inngers the tnved NaCl bet Inought uvor trom Ching, and Wey laste well nd mates wa expe, Some of the Hens aye black in Ue fea 25 shiny Hesh and hones tnd Ge taste feed Phere are road of gees, wang cleus nd tale does ut tua bral uter ftom Chas Tiere ins asta St will game auch as deer and wid Por, nd eon laces, Honing, hustaloe eae arabs: when aa Frsed in the elds rv theve are Grew euralia tse From the ce nes trough from Chia, whe here ree gloat unter, abv vety heactfel ane ony wa fr a winger mis beng hich aa bets ous are alo 2aidalthongh oxi uo the dam auss of the Tan their lest dies ot tste good at they cass get sick ang dle om this aeeput, si brews bie cat certain poisons plants, Akdouh sey hese been imported several tmnt inom New Spain shee have recat multyied, £0 that they sve searte ti the lend now asi seonie that oth Uhe elite ad pasture lands feo not yulte appropriate for them, There. were no hoses) mare ot hops ix Ue kan tll the Spat sands Had thes: trout over Foon China snows Rese ‘Shain. There ave Tankers ard mes ba fxr in master Init a reat sumber af horses aan anares tad so! ranches are full of ther, and mast of these have been ted here and ‘tv hal-hneeda, and ano soeviaen having fine eciovs and ate well develope sid wey ae tlsfactory for york even if anly middlesved. Those Drought fom China are small strana gad have got ‘Dace ite treachernte, reise ata ot #0 well-develo fl ere are beewsht from lays sine hotses ei od colors, stow heaee and rely with Tonge nes Anil feet, Hokting Ike day bores, Uh Berge Seeds, ong mot ate poe minnena het good pacers ee ie ant eth good determstacion, Their wguler Tater Urouphout the vear ie the green semaine? anbssked vee whieh mods tbe heeds fa. ‘There is an alundanee of eounes-fine, wild came fof fw color, very nice in ajypearamen. There are ale so staging-Lils tts Keep cages, allfingh front Japs there te hoon huey same eater tary stich ace swaller tur the Spanist kind whieh sing Sines ancl ate ealled innaron. "Phone ane tany ture, Moves ‘ome ety gricneoted gun om Me st Ei ie pues cH 2d a tthe reat ike tae geltera ta the. place of sua he ave foe] reeembling tho alga aisiee Bnet fou owns! ind some saved sue hitdee "Thera are tke, ‘eigenmodes and chickens hich are versal Thy’ also have toga ‘ls tlseatecens and se Birds, daeley loanneas, egrets, seston, eagles, bie Darrian other binds of pret althauys ora. of tie fare ured lke foleons for huniv, Thete gre jays and thease ln Spal, eke and inte. Th nie turkey, tis or haves aktiough dey sdaitn Ure them ten, Toes iter ear ue dest the wild, der ‘Eatin Hing he wna i ant gah a wild es, foxes, hedgers. oe aad sual als which abownd, ales other lanier An infinite nimsber of small and lange monkeps here aud sometiates tad tie Wranches OF the Lives, heouuehant the Islands, There aie likewlen ance and ‘Whig parakeets Iut they stv oo" takes, alsa. ven? Srvall pat and rol colors, calla fale ‘Sa whe algo do not tale’, ‘he hills al gettlements Shounen susies of ifonent cola, the ondinary once fbetugTatger than those in Castile. Soiae bor constrictors have been seen inthe innintains whieh are tanec fee aad dirs en sqpcaiec “ sndtes are very (iio kad shorter a they: Grup trom the teres where they yall iv a these wh jst helow, and sting them, Thr poison is 80 active that the Viohint dies af imdnesy yothis four hours 1 the rivers an atwan there ane vony large an small seumpionn aid teat nignhiee of very fee sn ‘cruel crocodiles which freyuorty got thu natives front fly baneus nn whieh they tio, They wore a wou havac an ake exile and. Horne in te races whee they’ goto te oes to unk ate” However teh the people may srap, cateh and ull tem thew nop edly asemn to dina tp nanber, Foe this reason the tives fuild ae toeder of tele ners atl tea in their setlenent aeons they Tae was fad fons i ek enolosures and. Vane of huis Sand tinier than whiek ting da thee hai snd ‘ashing, secuse True toes monsters whieh ay And reject to the dexree of eeneration as it hmechow supra tv then! Tite, these fo 2 involved or huentiwted In their nat, exeerscions, ec, Hivled to their asortant haesd eagle eve' ne Ghretiane tn he Hhayan Mora langage, ss? ay te eroeadiles cit him and theres ave hewn ese ‘here Ged si puemitied those ath have stren fale Jy ot broken tar neomiss, ty twoome vii of coendileg tn view of Useit folaion wf dhe eidhwriy and purity cf Zap wb of promise? ishing of all Kinda of fish in the waters of rivers and stream, de very Instat ip qate peoductivey in fac, is neuer ite genordl i Re antive country aed ie considesed E notural aetivity for the selPaupnr. af all the peoske ‘There is an abtndarce of geod sardines, iat rs Insane ealled Zara, Aaa ells, Biowd, tenavingse, hinders, plitlance® and tanakiing, pimped solder Zieh, ovis, lange and all’ often, soll sekatens marine cra a 2 ks ato aid and white fal the Tas Cagasan ia the traverses pie eh conte "3 fiver ito Grate) there isan atiundanee of by sihallay water in €he bay to gpaven. In ee Roubon tee, amy tung fish nt lag si Span alae Iehag the sane shape, flesh ord taste, tan be ex ‘ising the pinpur season. The set te full of Esker sith arwhalls, sherk conta ufo ootzcenn ant other uikoown, species having wousual size and che. In the yer teen harvey nines, diving fre storm securing hon in tho Tala there ro Aitmded a fish so lige atl sranzely deformed ht although the water way theee aid ome bat bras three meters deep, i wes ap foncer Sbfe to sari ag and i ed sheres"Phe natives aid they had neve seen fefore an aniaal having a simi appearance, and gd tion hore on iC whiek doped deen is ek An other sh fis as fought bo Menke ad Re eo. ere et He Wk po Ne; having no es rales boing whit, large aad about twenty for long, bully trom the head and uss aud thaaine door tv povdonitely tos tay belag a ite tumedsbaeket od fiotguite mexetoosing, very solid aa, all inal, ct trem sepese imams Unove wh sae i “Apoxicately five Wagues trom Manila Mere ie a lanve. fresh-water nko faving entsiderabe fh in Fi, wo unich several streams Mow, aud whic debouehes 10 the sea he means af a iver roning throngh Te ie called the Lake of Ha. Te is Unity Tages snow 4h, having an sminhabited island” in the mide whore ‘ue hung tan be fed, nae the cnost af the Tae ane eesetal toms Tnhatited hy natves. why nav Extensively of the sume frnp oe coat to anathee AL, fein erat, At nes Hla peers beeeme very trowhed fia dangerous to those suing Caco and expel ‘she the Nort winds hin, toueheninge Ie extoniely mthowgh its eoasts are esay"to land ot There is gnoller Lake in the provines (Batangas) Bearigg the same. nama, and i nce 0 large, H abounds with fish. Th tethoa of ishing wee! oy the natives t that of making corals fr taps made af tat Vines whic ae "vo stvong, tin nd sald, made io strong eables for thew eaudlé ad other pusposes. Theat taps are attached Posts sole ino te Hoiom of the lke and Uney ga fhe ich eau fmm cad traps, rough wilser ant fauinboo baskets and agalles and varias Falun els Tnuides cts eoniivanees and sn fisingode. Ths tdinary food ‘of the altees ie avery sia fel whieh {chhetie, ced in the sin or ait hen ened tn Saou yay; ad they enfoy tiem hele tan io baer Fhe Antony het the ell this Heh dautant. 1 lies of oles and other apeitve fete, thoy ha sages, sory sal Irv more iinet than 2% fist joo irs sures in wereral eines, bt al sale ign the ouange. which when propen’e nreparedie tating, has & gona laste wher serrate pels oF td, Thy ibewrivs prope horas! nd aor veal Sh'g shuftar manne, making good appetizer. ‘There is an abundance of ginger which is calor rw, in einegae oe pelle, Tikewiee auch euch plant ge ese and ler, wd feng inthe pldoe of saizomn and spices, The resalar deliene flfered thrmaint those Tans din thee cen fn the Asian taints, ie the bao or Bete while ade out-of @ leaf of plant! or vine resonbling the dntlberm lest coupled with a seed om it thn he atvea pula whieh is whitish inside, ‘This nit called linge seve lenetarien Inte elise and placed taside placed dn fhe ro0eh eid ebewe 0 tie aul ecmiltiy that Late i geste ‘and itosieation, Taoee nt used tHe ge their math Fecag it buiaed. Ns addees gre ahele mouth and saliva ture ye ike blood, and obtain a. taste whieh ht mplessant Byler 1 has liven chewed for tome tints and it has nn, kiseee any jie, fis sp ot the math as sap or tga Whatever fier nay have entered the stomael or aleahlaqeons and tate nod tthe see and for certain ailments elections nd fines the teeth ut preserves the gro fram nny theirs: and many lant te tobe pte ith wonderful results forming leases, What one ean Shoreve hat the buporheveng fe edulged by th natives abst the Shamaeds, bith laymen abd priest then ‘avd omen, 40 eonsnanly ind regan, Uae the? mornin? and attemoony daving estas vise vohether siti alone it the hows ar wth company, vorytody ig affected hy the buyo rage of fashion heh Shales ee of pertain vfll presented oor tel roklen ples or cre nt ear Nt Sen a Age m sipping ehceolts. Many have been given olsen thsugh these nese and have dled of fe and «hi feeureence Be nat infreaten. 1. able pang the velba aos, gaa cf grestness aod iy, to ear wth hen when they 0 out of the hotses, thee ane sees a At Bu or ete, the dye rolls being plawed on the fontalness apart "tom the tons leaves, Ube honge oF nuts and the wot lime. ‘Thesn sets curiously made of Drs and ther materiale and ctetances inte sey Tate conainrs for the sclasote or eters and other leefia for handling this dicey are kept with gre Sains and here Dey go they ale iow ont to Hale {hese bnyo reli and chew thom. Ut he Parian ot mar Sel'and elsovhere they sell His delicacy exconsively shell ay the aviolg thet go tu makes bug eervee and, venoms, the maives oF hes stands onda use the hess having tase ponpettes hich ubuuint fo every nae nf thers, They are Bo bese and effeuetous dat they praduee mieaeulous ros ‘There fe a Heard somentat jreonish-hfaek omni shecially" on boudigs, one pala's leugth and three As to pois ings tie, hoa in Spanish 8 ehasin! yeh, ex lot tightly ina hanno eylider emits eet {uit or salva which sehen unk with food oe den, fenders the Some juisoas. by presage Cody af this toed iis god te obtained "nd then nse lead ated with anything wo be edten of drunks soover fall te isnt niay be become 4 feng owen, There areal edt plans or herbe Snow fo and gathered by the. natives for the ene purpose, sine sed iy ad acer fred wich gee Biten {ood or sed in fanigation asthe eare maybe, ‘while fmte others ned atv to be touched hy the herds and fee oe to he vat down ve lid dawn of to tele elles util al ths sone ie to enh Tae ne feos ate to clever i suaking conpounis of thie ast 1 they revere aul ppl tbe harks Yat the san tnay praduce the éeadlysitec swmediately of afer 2 ng o short tine aay he der Fae even at the Gf ns thal a pte inisersily by potiring, parbetlary the Shaninds wt aie aen ad fing ora te Bate rh treating the natives wath wom they have any deals in canes the dieton Lanes Be inate alters in which the maves are enployed apatien thet wl, te mate being beyendany-remoly. They ave Sime hors which ates potunneus Chat heh they tater thom they ean Wh thom ame herbant dete snd in the Isard oF Baboh, there is lent tine fa der fo ent i trom the resin beh, ties apne from ediretion’agsinel the wind for te Peason Het the mere smell oft carved Dy the wind ie ead Naive hag not eft his danger tnpruvided for, boca in these fstands ere are ther hora nd fois Whi ste 9 effective and ‘he polsor fiom edher plants ietfective nd artes ar ey is prest for then. "has when ae ont Pane haw been used nine by ‘poison It Koown what part iti ot ditigal tn offttit when fit de applying the hed} ‘shiek is contrary to suerte gol depose ad hee epee a PS Sue ee a Sn ee Oe placer a ‘other mines were developed and worked. es Ue penile trom TRacos) where, far their wold, sey ae Caamtanes, and samo lave ‘been obtaed whieh are quite large and zine aud very ovleaale Neither there any lsiness oP inppartaee dee tt thes ding civd rrouploul the omuntry evensihere there ig ofen ho he found Uaside the or iy motiet-of eel stells, in and mothersof-ponrls as Large a8 wane ar veh carious articles are niade by Ror ghigt ge leaies seacurtles, throughout the hand, Tae ee nat thele shells are profited by, the Selandy 9 gen ag erago-ermpmandies wo the Chi as the Postese “tamale, who ene 6 cae, the Porinsci eaceena that very mic, borausy Preurios ont of thom perfect year Horsch ee ey Glclis are wed as ewreney Wi Page hike thoy de in New Spain the horas of the eqraane constitute a ern fon Chi ley the king of deen, and fo for Ut duivece prot by all these articles in tray San Th hates prt ay and erve nh ae ages theveby Tn this Island of Luzon, especially in the provinese or Ho Pacnparga, Pangasinan and Hocos, there are Peed ancient earthen tors or, Jars, brown 3 te he Fe tiga heactiful to Joake ak, Some #20 of color ae ety erhers ave staler, bearing certcin mauks ae ey eso explain where they got the and seals a eno At present they are no lotge Teor on 2 be are they, muoutactored In thes Shaina ney aren great demand an the part Hans a ni prize Uses very mich for the reason Tee ae ioreeed that these are the oaly fe Uopeacles an wadeh to properly Keep a ve the eepete i Teaves of 4 plant called chia! the beverage pret and eeepc fk and which the Taysnese 30 ft Ap eeanty sp that they consitute their most p Wich es ydaike punsessom, which thoy keep in theiz Cs a bene A jar is worth a. great deal of ide with Tine gol ered With Honey, aed adamned on the ¢ Plating iy much elaboration, thet there ae vases whic Broad or voll for two thousand olegen-reter (pices of ee ra eat ey th Pe my aol ented or has a fin, for tho reoon that 3 ality denejoence tug 38 ten ab saely es the natives of Hest lanes acl ces kept in ete Tapansee as est teey ea and ca Het le evar demand eres for thew? natives fin lange chunks of already se ‘One in eile, vcr ng thst ch eee ea Inatuch as they ks that dhe Span gE "ettcem TU very much, and have made Heo dard eae trading. Last gen, suctech hundred zd ts root or ot Gobuy tae tives found a Large ec in UM ages, and ae the news of i spread aad reached gf arabenars SUamendero or grantholder, he took It eas ot eva charging 2 tribute oe taxes rey Tate ighed = great nuraber of pound, Bap AGL Phau old by the wines ot high price Jn the Fland of Mindaneo, in the province and rive or te de have. been pacified and granted cneic To he Sanne, Matas, seems rade which ite profitzle, Inasncl Baduetty (abundance of ald oF eitet eas, although a ert nter than dhe Cina ciety the wales et they esi perfe oak of che cals ad tel or tile de a oe eergond ant easy business lhereby. Dusit the sane eat, the natives go out wih nets to cc Santer deal Serr Sala ‘On the apposige end of Luzon, there are other islands os the ftontier of Camarines peeing, nn fourteen de Fees latcvie north of the Papin sito channe}, ad they are called the Catatduanea islands Tho are well populated hy natives who ate good and subject io Spa feueametaires, baving pariah schools, dhusokes eal 261 ‘a mayor who governs then, Most of them are laborers, Sie others are engaged working pager gold-monee ‘pnt trading from one provinee anther of Ue mn madnlait, wtih fe very reac 40 Dems Tore is inthe east of the Tsaed of Jaron in the Souihy ees hss ni hunted Teagee from the Cape of Hig, Sey mi wi te Capa Chama {B entoed, a bay abort thy Teagues wee having Revove channel; and in the wie thewof, here tay [Blind tsing aetoea making ie nursboer ca i eaad Mlirayeles" it ie apprasimately ton lene Jone, and if keague cide, nich elevated thieuyewgeded tan, Haug a satirment of alent fifty natives where the fanriorsintinl of the hey tas is headgarters nnd Retlence. There are chanel rt both pains of the land tongs fo eer the Bas, ote bein, halt {Pieqgue on tbe South wha Tghthonse im the middle Sale th Fa iat aot he newer putt hich fs naitowery ond thyme eee two ela als ail-oceanegoing, vessels enter said eave the. bay The entire ay i fadhomble and clear, have mal Tanding-places everywhere Fvom those ehannets to Ce Shlomo of Mail and "he ever sand-bar, thee are ek Teague, Twa leagues feo Manila ip the South- tr part-nf the hay, tere isa large cove bavi tlexdted paint whieh envens the same, on whieh ie 9 ‘Siliemen? of natives, called Cavite, aad the cove ne thane tron the tam Tb gervos as 2 port for Sil eosels"i very lunge and sate from te Botehease Shutkwe, West a Southeast, Novtienard-eaet, Korth ws e's god, eles and Fathom Free, There ms x good ehanpel, aver one Teague mrad hatwide, Uisouge whieh (he weasels sy ener Sha Teave the prt AUF around the bay are good and sPamndane fh tuppist sed communities they sted iy tes, vit of lay tote fe Movies ovr Peony leagues in su called Panag, aig my ‘Grea std onals whieh egate the se all ob whieh Fe to de Say si province hebug Well fopulacd by ative, amd suomi, in ne fs, fish, weal and Sher Supaties and. provisions The andr of ie Maia Riri the sone Ing hig by the Clay of Dania walled fig) pa the one Hide, and "Touts on the otter, and Js seareely snehoe able in viow of tie sand aria gr deposte 3. cents, Shieh" are seminsaly being added to by the hear Fens and floodsy a that even past sid Sandan any ese] ea anchor in aie evee, However, with the && Upton of drgates, nleeroy-igpe crate aud other stall ‘lasts, oesansaning Vests cannot penerally enter th Fiery dan the galley, gallos and. Chinese jun wh fa ante fr shal vat, nea iy nes fey ‘ae Tist ubloaded, in speingides or by towing ‘Tides lager serels have (o nnehor im tho bag beyond the sand-far; ead incemiich a8 thete 3 not much sect Thy om unacoralle westher ther, they usually to Gos fo the port of Cave ‘Twenty lees from the Capsl Channel in the sme iniand of Laon, tere is aiciher port probsted from Gee winds living @ good entranee-chaguth snd osehor see; eolleé Thalong where Seale fowl a haven when ever they ore lgshed by stomus and where they ate po. posed tind far weallee enables ther te exter Manila fralora, whic neo ighly Feagioe 203 Along the coasts of Pangasinan, Toooe and C xan, theme sre Sone par sand sand bors where vessels nu eae and anchor sich as Marihuisa’ the pork of the Filan! Dotinay, the Progasuun star, Vigan, CCamatagiiga ta the out of the Tags River, Tenge uietecayn of sshich is the prineipaleeitement te Cagagay, aeide from ob vives, sand: bors, cove dnd other isser havens seaifae for emer vessel, ‘lang the enasts of Luzet Ist Negr the laeye laland of Lavin, hore are sevorat otter lenge tnd’ stall ans sutiae to the. former Sake by natives ho ate fms of son Ti ‘work fn plger mines! and ftzas nd ace engaged tn (her industrioe ag well Said klande sre Maoindugue ‘ables Masbate, Burlas, Banton, Baxtorilo and other Tegeet oars of which Tait the one toared Manila ie Mindowos wich ts over eighty longue [one snd almost tivo handed leagues fn clteumferenet fis may st tient air dive ons Sd her nds withthe provines of Balagan (Satangee} snd Cally anu iso near the Idand of Tonaon tae baz only ea fated from # bya marrow erat which featited by trong eutrenis, tnt troubled waters abn Bal lence ‘rides throuph which vessels ply ta ne from Mantle Under sich covets. and wing, wast of the hime Here les the principal seulement the island ot Min. Nore whieh has a port wall The Veradero. or abipyard nr large vessels fside. fms the other plasat af an thorage and sand-here in the enme island for saallee i ee ee tench ie Biota of whith esl abound Hie si fed ppl placenames anda Ms of fe and fest ee The Cae of Fain Santo whic i sighed up little Eiorit oaten fees tear etn Sie Sid, olan okie! called Ponleyst thine thie des isk, and tonne eas father fg thy un Corm ssid Cape of Epi Sent ATEN in a Pant other ene seh to'Cabu tela eld Sa dani made by these ‘ands wis et atte ne ln) lng: ves, itowevey, on the Servers ae aor Ete see stand Udit of cope Peis fabnd caiak aot stent wii chose tates oad fevcey Bl ea nf ethane alan alien San toad whee the vest pase Sil ee ee fnrthe can ofthe ann Laz at tat of Capa Bh Coser ros as lege fons eet tl oa tease wide Having earl this chant, da oe Teves the ‘gon here meal ks nse eiled ono 2 Ceange tnd te ere high oth sep rk ‘lit ali pels y be Seco extn Oe pom alms hale, ht he ote ian ones ln ster ge nat seen ot are peoridad wilt all Wade oF food supplicn To the southers part ofthese, ie the Viesvan Telands ead the lands ho tttoned people, tien ate many and wellypopulatel and ate ranted Last, tabs" Be maar, Boh, land of Newrns, Cebu, Panay. Cave and the Calagsiznes. All the natives who ichabit thom, bata fan aad Seruea, ant soothing. and of good dis Psion, living A hetter conditions and ving nobler fhanets thar tlioce in dhe kind of Liu aad But Founding nes ‘They ditfer in he way thos soa the hale a8 she ren ear 4 queas aed the Old caste hn Spain, isp Mae TO ates Mat aa a le

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