PDF Copa Lesson Plan Sem1 in Doc File
PDF Copa Lesson Plan Sem1 in Doc File
PDF Copa Lesson Plan Sem1 in Doc File
Name : Patil Dinesh B. Unit/Block No.: Proposed Lesson no. : 1
date .:
Trade : COPA Impl. Date: Time :
First Generation The 1st Generation computer those that in vacuum From 1946 each decade
tubes are used. Magnetic tap drive and magnetic has contributed one
core memory were developed during this period. generation of computer.
Second The 2 generation computers were market by the
Generation use of the Solid State device called the transistor
in the place of vacuum tube. All in more reliable
than earlier counter parts.
Third Generation Along with the third generation computers never
and faster equipments where introduce for
handling storage and input output continued
efforts towards miniaturization led to the
development of the large scale in integration (LSI)
Forth Generation The latest child of the computer family that uses
LSI chips has been named the 4th Generation
computers, which marks increased user computers
integration and speed.
Fifth Generation Japan and many other country are working on
systems What are know as export system which
will considerably improve the main machine
ifferent generation computers?
e closely associated with the development in mechanical technology, particularly the semi conductor technology.
tage in the both hard were and soft were technology and would facility computer added problems slowing with the help of
S – R. Gaonkar.
Topics Information Points Spot Hints
Charcterestic/ See computer feature , Speed, Automatic work, No See work without
Feature of IQ, Capacity etc. computer and work with
Computer computer
Compare computer work with human work
List The characteristic of computer
Write any three feature of computer in details
Write computer capacity in details
The developments of the computers are closely associated with the development in mechanical
technology, particularly the semi conductor technology.
Application: Now days there are the most widely used machine, education, Business,
Communication, Personal, and Fun.
Such system would integrate the advantage in the both hard were and soft were technology and
would facility computer added problems slowing with the help of organized information many
specialize area.
Reference: Early one chemical compute.
IBM PC CLONES – B Gonvindarajalu.
Next Lesson: Application of Computer.
Electricity billing by maintaining the list You can even get the status
Electricity of all the user name, connection number, update.
number of units and the amount to be
The complain does everything as per the instructions given by the programmer in his programmer. It
cannot think of its own like human being.
All large business are complain for calculating pay rules billing and processing inventories
Next Lesson: Concept of H/W & S/W
Installation any
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) What is Required to Install any Software
QUESTION (2) Describe Hardware and Software Issue
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Operating System
Block diagram and concept of
various machines on which
operating system
various types of operating
Interface between user and hardware systems are used - like
mainframe / mini, micro
features of O.S. - user friendly, ease
with which one can operate the comp-
uter system, no technical expertism
required to handle computer
Keyboard devices Allow data entry into a computer system by 101 keys QWERTY key
pressing a set of keys board is most popular.
SUMMARY : Input devices are the devices through which we can give instruction to
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) What is input device
QUESTION (2) Write & Explain input device feature
REFERENCE : Computer Operator & Programming Assistant – NIMI
NEXT LESSON : Output device & Their Feature
Topic / Aim :
Output device & their Features
* Introduction : various Output devices are used to give data to system & to get information from
Motivation :
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Output Device Used to rapidly point to and select a graphic
icon or menu item from multiple options
Monitor displayed on GUI of a screen.
Impact printers they use typewriting printing mechanism Dot-matrix and Character
wherein a hammer strikes paper through a printers fall under this
ribbon in order to produce output. category.
Non-impact printers printers do not touch the paper while printing. Inkjet, Deskjet, Laser,
They use chemical, heat or electrical signals to Thermal printers fall under
etch the symbols on paper. Inkjet, Deskjet, this category of printers.
Laser, Thermal
printers fall under this category of printers.
SUMMARY : output device gives the output of our given instructions .
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) What is the full form of VDU,LCD?
QUESTION (2) What is Soft Copy & Hard Copy?
(3) Explain it’s feature
REFERENCE : Computer Operator & Programming Assistant – NIMI
NEXT LESSON : Introdution to various type of memory
User can load and store “read-only” programs Also known as auxiliary
and data in it. memory.
User can erase information stored in it and chips Example : magnetic tape ,
can be reprogrammed to store new. CDROM , floppy disk ,
It has unlimited capacity. hard disk.
Speed is far slower than primary storage.
Used to store large volumes of data on
permanent basis.
SUMMARY : Input devices are the devices through which we can give instruction to
system. output device gives the output of our given instructions .
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) Describe Types of Memory and it’s Function
REFERENCE : Computer Operator & Programming Assistant – NIMI
NEXT LESSON : Memory Feature
SUMMARY : Input devices are the devices through which we can give instruction to
system. output device gives the output of our given instructions .
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) Describe Types of Memory and it’s Function
QUESTION (2) Give feature of any 2 memo.
REFERENCE : Computer Operator & Programming Assistant – NIMI
NEXT LESSON : Introduction to booting process & BIOS Setting
SUMMARY : Input devices are the devices through which we can give instruction to
system. output device gives the output of our given instructions .
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) Describe Types of Memory and it’s Function
QUESTION (2) What is key to Enter in BIOS setting
(3) What is use of BIOS Setting.
REFERENCE : Computer Operator & Programming Assistant – NIMI
NEXT LESSON : Basic Hardware & Software Issues & Software Installation
Topic / Aim : Basic Hardware & Software Issues & Software Installation
Objective : What is hardware and software, Types of Software and It’s
Installation Aids : Marker, White Board ,Duster ,Computer ,Projector
Preparation :
* Review : Types of Input / Output device & their Features
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) What is Required to Install any Software
QUESTION (2) Describe Hardware and Software Issue
Installation any
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) What is Required to Install any Software
QUESTION (2) Describe Software Issue
ASSIGNMENT/ : () Describe How format OS
REFERENCE : Computer Operator & Programming Assistant – NIMI
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ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) Describe How Loading OS
REFERENCE : Computer Operator & Programming Assistant – NIMI
NEXT LESSON : Introduction to Dos & It’s commands
APPLICATION To Develops the open source software like open office which is mostly work
as a Microsoft Office provided by Microsoft Corporation.
NEXT LESSON Introdution and feature of LINUX OS
Instructor Group Instructor Principal
Passwd command : This command is use to search particular E.g. $ grep ‘copa’ itibbr.txt
word in a file as well as display that word on a
screen. E.g. $ passwd
Syntax : grep [option] string file_name
APPLICATION Mostly used in different Linux based OS like ubuntu, fedora etc…
SUMMARY It Becomes very easy to work in a Character User Interface using all these
linux command
ASSIGNMENT/ 1. Explain Date and Ls command with all its option.
QUESTION 2. Explain mkdir and rmdir command with example..
NEXT LESSON Introduction To various application in office
REFERENCE : MS-Word is use to create application, letters and other attractive documents.
NEXT LESSON : Edit , View and Insert Menu of MS-Word.
File Menu. In file menu following item see. Detail discussion of all
New, open, close, save, save as, web page, option of file menu.
version, page preview, page setup, print
preview, send to, property
APPLICATION : Edit , View and Insert menu is useful for editing word document.
SUMMARY : View for Different view of document, Insert and Edit menu for editing
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) Work all short cut key of option of edit, view and insert menu?
QUESTION (2) What is the use of Header & Footer?
(3) difference between paste and paste special?
(4) How to add new page in document?
NEXT LESSON : Creating and saving document in ms word
APPLICATION : Edit , View and Insert menu is useful for editing word document.
SUMMARY : View for Different view of document, Insert and Edit menu for editing
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) Work all short cut key of option of edit, view and insert menu?
QUESTION (2) What is the use of Header & Footer?
(3) difference between paste and paste special?
(4) How to add new page in document?
NEXT LESSON : Format & Tools menu, Table and Windows menu.
Motivation : Window & dos base program like typing tutor ,Ms-Office etc.
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Format menu --> Font: This will change the font attributes of --> What is the use of font
either the currently selected text command?
-->Paragraph: select the text you wish to change
and then use this command to make the --> What is the use of
alterations, such as alignment, indentation, and borders and shading?
-->Bullets and Numbering: This is a handy --> What is the use of
command, it creates indented lists with various change case?
-->Borders and Shading: This command allows
you to create borders and shading on elements
within your Microsoft Word document.
-->Columns: The Columns command will split
the current document into the number of
columns you specify.
-->Drop Cap:This tool allows you to either add
a drop cap character to your document or
change an existing letter (at the start of a
sentence) to a drop cap.
-->Text Direction: This allows you to change
the text direction of a text object, for example a
text box.
-->Change Case: The Change case tool allows
you to alter the case of existing text.
-->Background: This changes the background
color of your Microsoft Word document. It also
allows you to add watermarks and use different
gradient effects.
Table menu -->Draw Table: This command opens the Tables --> What is the use of
and Borders dialogue box with the draw table merge cells?
tool active.
-->Insert: Allows you to insert a whole table or --> What is the use of split
just columns, rows and cells into the current cells?
-->Delete: Delete complete tables, columns, --> What is the use of sort?
rows and selected cells.
-->Select: This command allows you to select
the current table, column, row or cell.
-->Merge Cells: This tool will merge the
currently selected cells into one.
-->Split Cells: This will split the selected cell/s
into your chosen amount of columns and rows,
it will also offer (if more than one cell
selected) to merge the selected cells before the
-->Table AutoFormat: This command will open
the Microsoft Word Table AutoFormat dialogue
box, where you can choose from a number of
different table templates, including preset fonts
and cell background colours (colors).
-->Convert: This command will convert
existing text into a table format. The text will
have to have a common separator to indicate the
different columns, it will also needs new
paragraphs where you would like each row.
-->Sort: This opens the Sort Table dialogue box.
You can choose which column you would like
to sort and by what order.
SUMMARY : Thus, format,tools and table menu is very useful for making document
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) Explain mostly used commands of format menu in word.
QUESTION (2) Explain mostly used commands of tools menu in word.
(3) Explain mostly used commands of table menu in word.
NEXT LESSON : Introduction of EXCEL & File menu
Motivation : Window & dos base program like typing tutor ,Ms-Office etc.
Presentation :
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Format menu --> Font: This will change the font attributes of --> What is the use of font
either the currently selected text command?
-->Paragraph: select the text you wish to change
and then use this command to make the --> What is the use of
alterations, such as alignment, indentation, and borders and shading?
-->Bullets and Numbering: This is a handy --> What is the use of
command, it creates indented lists with various change case?
-->Borders and Shading: This command allows
you to create borders and shading on elements
within your Microsoft Word document.
-->Columns: The Columns command will split
the current document into the number of
columns you specify.
-->Drop Cap:This tool allows you to either add
a drop cap character to your document or
change an existing letter (at the start of a
sentence) to a drop cap.
-->Text Direction: This allows you to change
the text direction of a text object, for example a
text box.
-->Change Case: The Change case tool allows
you to alter the case of existing text.
-->Styles and Formatting: This will open
the Styles and Formatting toolbar, allowing
you create headings, lists and more.
Tools Menu -->Spelling and Grammar: This command will --> What is the use of
check the spelling and grammar of the current spelling and grammer?
Microsoft Word document.
--> Explain mail merge.
-->Language: The language tool has various
options, including setting the language of the explain macro.
document, translating text, open the thesaurus
and manage hyphenation.
-->Word Count: This will open the Word Count
dialogue box, enabling you to count the amount
Printing page
of words in the whole document, or the
currently selected text.
-->Protect Document: This command allows
you to control the protection of the document,
including tracked changes, comments and
-->Letters and Mailing: Gives you access to
various features, including the Mail Merge
Wizard, the Letter Wizard, the Envelopes and
Labels tool, and the Mail Merge Toolbar.
-->Macro: This opens the Macro Dialogue box,
allowing you to manage subsequent and existing
macros. We will be covering Microsoft Word
macros in a future tutorial.
-->AutoCorrect Options: Opens the AutoCorrect
dialogue box, enabling you to manage
capitalization, and also the replace text as you
type settings.
-->Options: This opens the main options
dialogue box in Microsoft Word. It allows you
to change many aspects of the current document
and Microsoft Word environment.
SUMMARY : Thus, format,tools and table menu is very useful for making document
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) Explain mostly used commands of format menu in word.
QUESTION (2) Explain mostly used commands of tools menu in word.
(3) Explain mostly used commands of table menu in word.
NEXT LESSON : Working with Inserting object.
APPLICATION : Edit , View and Insert menu is useful for editing word document.
SUMMARY : View for Different view of document, Insert and Edit menu for editing
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) Work all short cut key of option of edit, view and insert menu?
QUESTION (2) What is the use of Header & Footer?
(3) difference between paste and paste special?
(4) How to add new page in document?
NEXT LESSON : Template and other tools in word
APPLICATION : Edit , View and Insert menu is useful for editing word document.
SUMMARY : View for Different view of document, Insert and Edit menu for editing
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) What is the use of Header & Footer?
QUESTION (2) difference between paste and paste special?
(3) How to add new page in document?
NEXT LESSON : Page setup and printing document using word
Motivation : Window & dos base program like typing tutor ,Ms-Office etc.
Presentation :
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Format Page menu -->Borders and Shading: This command allows --> What is the use of font
you to create borders and shading on elements command?
within your Microsoft Word document.
-->Columns: The Columns command will split --> What is the use of
the current document into the number of borders and shading?
columns you specify.
--> What is the use of
-->Text Direction: This allows you to change change case?
the text direction of a text object, for example a
text box.
-->Change Case: The Change case tool allows
you to alter the case of existing text.
-->Styles and Formatting: This will open
the Styles and Formatting toolbar, allowing
you create headings, lists and more.
Motivation : Window & dos base program like typing tutor ,Ms-Office etc.
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Used all type menu All menu or tools are used to make smart --> What is the use of font
resume- command?
For example-
-->Borders and Shading: This command allows --> What is the use of
you to create borders and shading on elements borders and shading?
within your Microsoft Word document.
-->Columns: The Columns command will split --> What is the use of
the current document into the number of change case?
columns you specify.
-->Letters and Mailing: Gives you access to
various features, including the Mail Merge
Wizard, the Letter Wizard, the Envelopes and
Labels tool, and the Mail Merge Toolbar
-->Text Direction: This allows you to change
the text direction of a text object, for example a
text box.
-->Change Case: The Change case tool allows
you to alter the case of existing text.
-->Styles and Formatting: This will open
the Styles and Formatting toolbar, allowing
you create headings, lists and more.
Motivation : Window & dos base program like typing tutor ,Ms-Office etc.
Presentation :
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Introduction to excel Microsoft excel is a spreadsheet software and a --> What is the use of
software of micrsoft office suite. It is used to Microsoft excel?
sotore numeric data very easily. You can also
--> Explain different ways
add formula and function to analyze the data. to start excel
You can also add graphics like charts to
manipulate the data very easily. Excel files
called workbook. Each workbook has three
worksheets. Worksheets are the are where you
can enter data in tabular format. Each worksheet
have 255 columns ane 65536 rows. Excel files
are saved using .xls extension. Microsoft excel
is used for creating marksheets,payroll of
employees,production reports for companies.
You can start excel by start->all programs-
>Microsoft office-> Microsoft excel. You can
also open excel by typing “excel” in run menu.
Excel screens have different areas like
titlebar,menubar,standard toolbar,formatting
toolbar,formulabar,worksheet etc.
SUMMARY : Thus, Microsoft excel is very useful software for calculations on data.
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) Write short note on Microsoft excel
NEXT LESSON : Introduction to cell and its reference
Motivation : Window & dos base program like typing tutor ,Ms-Office etc.
Presentation :
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Introduction to cell . Excel files called workbook. Each workbook --> What is the use of
& its reference has three worksheets. Worksheets are the are cell ?
where you can enter data in tabular format.
--> Explain different ways
Each worksheet have 255 columns ane 65536 to use cell
rows. Excel files are saved using .xls extension.
Microsoft excel is used for creating
marksheets,payroll of employees,production
reports for companies. You can start excel by
start->all programs->Microsoft office->
Microsoft excel. You can also open excel by
typing “excel” in run menu. Excel screens have
different areas like titlebar,menubar,standard
toolbar,formatting toolbar,formulabar,worksheet
SUMMARY : Thus, Microsoft excel is very useful software for calculations on data.
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) Write short note on cell in Microsoft excel
NEXT LESSON : Formating Sheet
Auto correct :- It’s automatically corrects the E.g. Spelling ‘The’ is type
spellings or word if we specify it in auto correct Like “ Teh” then it will
option. automatically converted in
to “ The“ if we already
added that spelling into this
Macro:- If you perform a task repeatedly in
excel , you can automate the task with a macro. E.g. If you often enter long
It is a series of command and functions that are text strings in cells, you
stored in Microsoft Visual Basic modules and can create a macro to
can be run when ever you need to perform the format those cells so that
task. the text wraps.
DATA MENU : Sort :- Use to sort data according to specific How can you arrange data
sort order like ascending or descending. in particular order ?
If data in one column will be same
then it will checks the 2nd and 3rd column which
we specify in sort option of data menu.
Filter :- We can filter data as per our E.g. In result sheet we have
requirement. Sheet contains different cell values to see only those rows
in different rows but if we want to see particular which contains “Science”
cells which contains same value or value to as a stream then it should
above or below to specific criteria , then it be possible with filter
should be done only with filter option. option.
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) Explain mostly used formula bar menu in excel.
NEXT LESSON : Function in excell
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) Explain Various function in excell.
NEXT LESSON : Concept of sorting and filtering and validating
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) Explain Find,replace and goto option ?
NEXT LESSON : Analysing Data using chart
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) Explain mostly used commands of edit menu in excel.
QUESTION (2) Explain mostly used commands of view menu in excel.
(3) Explain mostly used commands of insert menu in excel.
NEXT LESSON : Introduction to table and its feature
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) What is row
QUESTION (2) What is column
NEXT LESSON : Introduction to report
NEXT LESSON Creating slide show
Name : Patil Dinesh B. Unit/Block No.: Proposed Lesson no. : 43
date .:.:
Trade : COPA Impl. Date: Time :
Data V/S Data From Latin Word “Datum” and -->Difference Between
Information Information From Latin Word “ Data and Information
Data is Formatted Information and
Information is result of Data Processing
Data may be meaningful and
Information must be Meaningful
Data consider as system input and
Information Consider as Data Output
Data is Basic Raw materials and
Information is Product.
Data require to process for
understanding and No need to require
for Information
Database Collection of Information with proper -->what is Database?
Collection of Arranged data in format --> Why Database?
Collection of Table
SUMMARY : Concept and Terminology of Data, Information, Database and DBMS
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) What is Data, Information and Database?
QUESTION (2) Explain DBMS with Advantages.
(3) Explain Difference Between Data and Information
Foreign Key
Unique Constraints
SUMMARY : Rules of Designing Table with Data Integrity and Relationship
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) Explain Rule of Designing Table .
QUESTION (2) Explain Data integrity .
REFERENCE : Microsoft Access -2003 by Dummies
NEXT LESSON : . Relation in table
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) What is the Network? (2) What is a client server network? (3) What is a
QUESTION peer to peer network?
It is Asynchronous device.
This device is placed at a network node
and interfaces with another network that
uses different protocols.
NEXT LESSON : Wireless n/w and Bluetooth technology
Instructor Group Instructor Principal
SUMMARY : OSI reference model is to make networks more manageable and to aid the
problem of moving data between computers.And communications
protocol is a system of digital rules for data exchange within or between
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) What is the full form of IP ?
QUESTION (2) Explain FTP
NEXT LESSON : Logical and physical address
• Utilizing ports:
67 – connections to server
68 – connections to client
Telephone Connection
Internet browser.
WWW(World Wide -->What is Full Form Of
Web): WWW is the acronym for the World WWW?
Wide Web.
APPLICATION : The Internet changed our life enormously; there is no doubt about that. The
computer is a fix part of every modern office, companies, schools etc and also
at our home and the greatest part has also an access to the Internet.
SUMMARY : The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1)Explain Application Of Internet.
QUESTION (2)What is Full Form Of WWW?
NEXT LESSON : Concept of Cloud Storage & Internet Security
Instructor Group Instructor Principal
APPLICATION : The Internet changed our life enormously; there is no doubt about that. The
computer is a fix part of every modern office, companies, schools etc and also
at our home and the greatest part has also an access to the Internet.
SUMMARY : The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1)Explain Application Of Internet.
QUESTION (2)What is Full Form Of WWW?
(3)Give Different Web browser
NEXT LESSON : Concept of Domain naming system
Instructor Group Instructor Principal
SUMMARY : -->Cloud storage is based on highly virtualized infrastructure and is like
broader cloud computing in terms of accessible interfaces, near-instant
elasticity and scalability, multi-tenancy, and metered resources.
-->The Internet represents an insecure channel for exchanging information
leading to a high risk of intrusion or fraud, such as phishing. Different methods
have been used to protect the transfer of data, including encryption.
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) What is Cloud Storage?
REFERENCE : "A History of Cloud Computing", Internet Security: Cryptographic Principles,
Algorithms and Protocols.
NEXT LESSON : Introduction to internet security ,threats and attack
Types of security
Network layer security
security token
Some online sites offer customers the ability to
use a six-digit code which randomly changes
every 30–60 seconds on a security token. The
keys on the security token have built in
mathematical computations and manipulate
numbers based on the current time built into the
device. This means that every thirty seconds
there is only a certain array of numbers possible
which would be correct to validate access to the
online account.
SUMMARY : -->The Internet represents an insecure channel for exchanging information
leading to a high risk of intrusion or fraud, such as phishing. Different methods
have been used to protect the transfer of data, including encryption.
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) What is Internet Security?
QUESTION (2) Explain Types of Security.
REFERENCE : "A History of Cloud Computing", Internet Security: Cryptographic Principles,
Algorithms and Protocols.
NEXT LESSON : Internet security on net and advantages
security token
Some online sites offer customers the ability to
use a six-digit code which randomly changes
every 30–60 seconds on a security token.
SUMMARY : -->Cloud storage is based on highly virtualized infrastructure and is like
broader cloud computing in terms of accessible interfaces, near-instant
elasticity and scalability, multi-tenancy, and metered resources.
-->The Internet represents an insecure channel for exchanging information
leading to a high risk of intrusion or fraud, such as phishing. Different methods
have been used to protect the transfer of data, including encryption.
ASSIGNMENT/ : (1) What is Cloud Storage?
QUESTION (2) What is Internet Security?
(3) Explain Types of Security.
REFERENCE : "A History of Cloud Computing", Internet Security: Cryptographic Principles,
Algorithms and Protocols.
NEXT LESSON : Concept of static and dynamic web pages.
Motivation : Improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the
specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple pages to share
formatting, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content.
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About CSS Cascading Style --> What is the full form of
Sheets (CSS). CSS?
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style
--> What is use of CSS?
sheet language used for describing the
look and formatting of a document --> What are the
written in a markup language. advantages of CSS?
CSS is designed primarily to enable the
separation of document content from
document presentation, including
elements such as the layout, colors, and
It can also be used to allow the web
page to display differently depending on
the screen size or device on which it is
being viewed.
Before CSS, nearly all of the
presentational attributes of HTML
documents were contained within the
HTML markup; all font colors,
background styles, element alignments,
borders and sizes had to be explicitly
described, often repeatedly, within the
You have learned how to use CSS to add backgrounds, format text, add and
format borders, and specify padding and margins of elements.
Motivation : Improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the
specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple pages to share
formatting, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content.
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How to insert CSS? External style sheet: An external style --> What is External and
sheet is ideal when the style is applied to Internal style sheet?
many pages. With an external style
sheet, you can change the look of an --> What is the use of
entire Web site by changing just one file. multiple style sheets?
You have learned how to use CSS to add backgrounds, format text, add and
format borders, and specify padding and margins of elements.
Motivation : Improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the
specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple pages to share
formatting, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content.
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SOFTWARE External style sheet: An external style --> What is External and
sheet is ideal when the style is applied to Internal style sheet?
many pages. With an external style
sheet, you can change the look of an --> What is the use of
entire Web site by changing just one file. multiple style sheets?
You have learned how to use CSS to add backgrounds, format text, add and
format borders, and specify padding and margins of elements.