This document contains a list of 46 words with their definitions. The words range from common terms like abbreviate to more obscure words like akimbo. Each entry includes the word, its part of speech, and a short definition.
This document contains a list of 46 words with their definitions. The words range from common terms like abbreviate to more obscure words like akimbo. Each entry includes the word, its part of speech, and a short definition.
This document contains a list of 46 words with their definitions. The words range from common terms like abbreviate to more obscure words like akimbo. Each entry includes the word, its part of speech, and a short definition.
This document contains a list of 46 words with their definitions. The words range from common terms like abbreviate to more obscure words like akimbo. Each entry includes the word, its part of speech, and a short definition.
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List of Words 1
1. abase (v.) - to lower, demean, degrade
2. abate (v.) - to lessen, to reduce in severity 3. abbreviate (v.) - to shorten, reduce 4. abduct (v.) - to kidnap 5. aberration (n.) - a deviation from the expected course 6. abhor (v.) - to hate, loathe 7. abide (v.) - to put up with, tolerate 8. abject (adj.) - of the most miserable or contemptible kind 9. abort (v.) - to give up unfinished 10. abridge (v.) - to shorten, cut down 11. abrogate (v.) - to abolish, often by authority 12. abscond (v.) - to sneak away and hide 13. abundant (adj.) - in great numbers 14. accede (v.) - to agree 15. accentuate (v.) - to emphasize, to highlight 16. accommodating (adj.) - obliging, helpful 17. accost (v.) - to approach or confront aggressively 18. acumen (n.) - keen insight 19. acute (adj.) - sharp, severe 20. affable (adj.) - friendly, amiable 21. affluent (adj.) - rich, wealthy 22. aggrandize (v.) - to increase or make greater 23. aggregate (v.) - to gather, amass 24. aghast (adj.) - struck by amazement or terror 25. agoraphobia (n.) - an abnormal fear of open or public places 26. akimbo (adj.) - with hands on hips and elbows extending outward 27. alacrity (n.) - speed, readiness 28. algid (adj.) - frigid, cold 29. allay (v.) - to sooth, assuage 30. alleviate (v.) - to relieve 31. aloof (adj.) - reserved, distant 32. altercation (n.) - an argument, dispute 33. amalgamation (n.) - a union, a merger 34. ambivalent (adj.) - having contradictory feelings 35. amble (v.) - to stroll, walk 36. ameliorate (v.) - to improve, to make better 37. amend (v.) - to change for the better, improve 38. amiable (adj.) - friendly, affable 39. amorous (adj.) - relating to or showing love 40. amorphous (adj.) - without shape or borders 41. anomaly (n.) - something that does not fit into the normal order 42. antechamber (n.) - a waiting room 43. anxiety (n.) – uneasiness 44. aphorism (n.) - a short saying 45. apocalypse (n.) - total devastation, the end of the world 46. apparitional (adj.) - ghostly, spectral