A Risk Assessment of Logical Attacks On A CEN/XFS-based ATM Platform
A Risk Assessment of Logical Attacks On A CEN/XFS-based ATM Platform
A Risk Assessment of Logical Attacks On A CEN/XFS-based ATM Platform
Abstract— Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) contain con- an attractive target for thieves and fraudsters [6]. Fraudulent
siderable amounts of cash and process sensitive customer data activities are not only attracted by cash, but also by data that
to perform cash transactions and banking operations. In the is required to conduct bank transactions. A further type of
past, criminals mainly focused on physical attacks to gain ac- ATM attacks addresses malicious activities that impair the
cess to cash inside an ATM’s safe. For example, they captured computer or the network of ATMs. Known as logical attacks,
customer data on the magnetic strip of an ATM card with there is the common opinion that they are becoming more
skimming devices during insertion of the card. These days, sophisticated and based on a well-organized execution. For
criminals increasingly use logical attacks to manipulate an example, representatives of malware, such as Skimer, Plou-
ATM’s software in order to withdraw cash or to capture cus-
tus, or Stuxnet are indicators that these attacks bring up new
tomer data. To understand the risks that arise from such logi-
challenges in securing ATMs and for providing secure bank-
cal attacks, we have conducted a risk assessment of an ATM
platform. This ATM platform is running in a real bank envi-
ing environments. Furthermore, the XFS specification – see
ronment and is built on the CEN/XFS specification. The result Section V – that represents the main reference for ATM en-
of this assessment has revealed the main issues that are respon- gineers, is out-of-date and missing two-factor authentication
sible for vulnerabilities of an ATM platform. The risk assess- for bank applications [7].
ment has identified effective countermeasures and has addi- We will show an approach for the above mentioned prob-
tionally provided a prioritization of activities for ATM manu- lems and present additional details for implementing a risk
facturers. assessment at an ATM. This risk assessment aims at provid-
Keywords— ATM security; logical ATM attacks; XFS;
ing information to select adequate countermeasures and con-
embedded system security; risk assessment. trols for mitigating the likelihood or impact of risks. We
have conducted the risk assessment concentrating on logical
risks of an existing ATM platform. While the scope of the
I. INTRODUCTION assessment is limited to logical risks, the used approach can
This paper represents an extended version of a previously easily be extended to physical risks and risks resulting from
published article [1]. It provides more details about the risk card and currency fraud. Early results of the risk assessment
assessment and discusses the findings in a broader sense. presented in this paper have been published previously at a
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) have their roots conference [1]. Here, we provide a more detailed view on the
back in the late 1930s, but they began to revolutionize the conducted risk assessment including a broader discussion of
banking environment in the 1960s [2]. With the integration the identified countermeasures. Besides, we use more recent-
of real-time terminals, ATMs have been developed to data ly published information on problems of the specification
processing units that contained commercially available com- that is used by ATM manufactures.
puters. Today, almost all three million ATMs around the In this paper, we will first provide an overview of attacks
world are running on the operating system (OS) Windows to ATMs as well as their countermeasures. We will then
[3]. On top of Windows, an ATM platform controls all pe- evaluate the countermeasures for logical attacks by a risk
ripheral devices and uses the OS to communicate with device assessment. As a result, we can confirm that suggested coun-
drivers. The ATM platform also provides an interface to termeasures work for the identified risks. Additionally, we
multi-vendor ATM software, i.e., bank applications that uti- prioritize these countermeasures and provide a guideline for
lize the functionality of the platform. Besides Windows, those responsible for ATM security.
ATMs use the Internet Protocol (IP) for communication in The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Sec-
the banking network [4]. Consequently, the ATM network is tion II provides an overview of criminal activities in context
part of the banking network, which in turn is part of the In- of ATMs and discusses traditional attacks and counter-
ternet. All in all, ATMs have developed from stand-alone measures. Section III concentrates on logical ATM security.
equipment with simple cash dispensing capabilities to a net- In Section IV, the used risk assessment approach is present-
work of connected devices for bank transactions. ed, which is then applied in Section V to determine the risks
ATMs contain a remarkable amount of cash for their dai- of an ATM platform. Findings are discussed in Section VI.
ly operation. Moreover, they are available around the clock Related work and a conclusion follow in Sections VII and
and often located off-premises [5]. They have always been VIII, respectively.
5) Risk Assessment Process ration files, focusing on the change of the user ac-
The utilized risk assessment process takes its cue from cess control model to gain more privileges.
the process recommended by NIST. A difference to the x Software Component Modification, modifying an
proposed process is that the definition of assets is in front of executable or an assembly of the ATM platform,
the threat source and threat event identification. Although assuming the adversary can decompile the target
NIST defines asset identification as part of the preparation, file.
this task is added as an additional step in order to point out x Test Utility Exploitation, exploiting test utilities
the assets that are worthy to protect. Consequently, the used by service technicians, IT specialists and ATM
applied risk assessment process consists of the following six platform engineers for maintenance.
a) Definition of Assets Eventually, the events were connected to threat sources
The main assets are sensitive data, cash and the compa- and logically ordered to create entire scenarios. As a result,
ny's reputation. Cash can be more precisely defined as real we have designed a directed graph for each threat group. For
cash represented by bills and coins as well as book money the graphical representation of the threat events, CORAS, a
transferred from one bank account to another. The general model-based method for security risk analysis [31], is used.
term of sensitive data summarizes data and information that By using this graphical approach, the risk assessment bene-
refers to an individual or is required to secure the system. For fits from several advantages.
instance, card data, personal identification number (PIN), For instance, CORAS improves the communication and
account data or secret keys belong to this category. interaction between the involved parties. Therefore, it pro-
vides a precise description of the system including its securi-
b) Identification of Threat Sources and Events ty features in a simple format. Additionally, CORAS pro-
We have derived threat sources by interviewing ATM vides a tool to support the risk assessment team in document-
platform engineers and customer solutions employees. The ing, maintaining and reporting the assessment result and as-
resulting sources are: attacker (or hacker), thief, cash in sumptions [31]. Figure 3 shows a snippet of the graph re-
transit (CIT) employee, IT specialist (in data center), bank garding the disclosure of sensitive data. With this graphical
clerk, helpdesk employee, service technician and employee visualization on the table, the relevance of all threat scenari-
of ATM manufacturer. Threat events were identified in form os was assessed and classified as either confirmed, likely,
of brainstorming sessions. Threats were grouped to catego- unlikely or not applicable. This is shown in Figure 3 by a
ries, which were derived from the primary objective of the label next to the threat source.
threat events or an important key passage in an entire sce- c) Identification of Vulnerabilities
In order to disclose vulnerabilities in the ATM platform,
x Denial of Service, making the ATM platform una-
we have analyzed the threat scenarios based on countermea-
vailable to a customer by dominating some of its
sures recommended in Section III. For instance, as is shown
in Figure 3 by the second of the two lock symbols, missing
x Malicious Software Injection, injecting malicious hard disk encryption may allow a thief or service technician
software, such as Trojan horses, viruses or worms to access and read data on an ATM’s hard disk.
at the OS level or the ATM platform level. d) e) Determination of Overall Likelihood and Magni-
x Sensitive Data Disclosure, gathering unprotected tude of Impact
cardholder data.
x Configuration File Modification, changing configu- We have derived the likelihood of occurrence from the
ration files of the ATM platform. characteristics of particular threat sources. These characteris-
tics had been determined in discussions with employees from
x Privilege Settings Modification, modifying configu-
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