Matthewson 2006 Presuppositions and Cross-Linguistic Variation
Matthewson 2006 Presuppositions and Cross-Linguistic Variation
Matthewson 2006 Presuppositions and Cross-Linguistic Variation
Lisa Matthewson
1. Introduction
This paper argues that languages differ in whether they possess pragmatic
presuppositions in the sense of Stalnaker (1974). I will argue for this somewhat radical
claim on the basis of data from St’át’imcets (a.k.a. Lillooet, Northern Interior Salish). I
will show that St’át’imcets displays no evidence for presuppositions which place
constraints on the common ground of the discourse. I will present an analysis according
to which St’át’imcets possesses presuppositions only in the sense of Gauker (1998).
The first main goal of this paper is to demonstrate that unlike speakers of English,
speakers of St’át’imcets consistently do not react to presupposition failures. A typical
example is given in (2). At the time of A’s utterance, B had just walked into A’s house
and there had been no prior conversation apart from greetings. In spite of this, B did not
I am very grateful to St’át’imcets consultants Beverley Frank, Gertrude Ned, Laura Thevarge and
Rose Agnes Whitley. I am also very grateful to David Adger, Seth Cable, Guy Carden, Gennaro Chierchia,
Henry Davis, Irene Heim, Angelika Kratzer, Chris Potts, Hotze Rullmann, Florian Schwarz, Martina
Wiltschko, a class at the 2005 LSA Summer Institute, and audiences at the UBC and NELS 36. This is still
work in progress and I have unfortunately not yet had a chance to address most of the insightful
suggestions I received at NELS. Fieldwork is supported by SSHRC grants #410-2002-1715 and #410-
Lisa Matthewson
B: iy
2. Background on Presupposition
One of the most influential theories of presupposition is that of Stalnaker (1973, 1974,
1978). The idea is summarized as follows:
In other words, a speaker presupposes P just in case s/he believes that P is in the common
ground (the set of propositions representing the shared assumptions of the discourse
participants). This has been termed the pragmatic presupposition approach; it places a
constraint on possible discourse contexts in which sentences may be felicitously uttered.
out one potential method right away, observe that it would be illegitimate to ask
consultants whether a sentence Q takes a proposition P ‘for granted’. Such questions in
effect ask the consultant to perform analysis.2 It would be even worse to fall back on the
theoretical claim that failed presuppositions give rise to truth-value gaps, and to ask
consultants for judgments about those. As discussed by von Fintel (2001; see also
references therein), speakers do not have stable intuitions about truth-value gaps.
However, the projection property does not in itself provide us with a way to test
for presuppositions. Imagine that we are trying to determine in a language L whether the
element which translates ‘stop’ has the same presupposition as the English item. We have
already rejected the method of asking consultants whether (5a) takes (5b) for granted:
Can the projection facts in (4) help us out? Unfortunately not. The fact that (4a-d) are
predicted all to presuppose that Ann used to smoke does not give us any way of
See Matthewson 2004 for the claim that there are only three legitimate kinds of native-speaker
judgments: grammaticality, and truth or felicity in particular discourse contexts.
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determining whether (5a) presupposes (5b), beyond asking whether (4a-d) take (5b) for
granted. This is the same illegitimate fieldwork technique we rejected for (5a).
In contrast, the wait-a-minute test, at least in theory, provides us with an easy and
reliable way to test for presuppositions. If a wait-a-minute response is appropriate in
cases of presupposition failure, we can assume that the relevant triggers place restrictions
on the common ground of the discourse.
As predicted, the wait-a-minute test can indeed be used as a fieldwork tool for detecting
presuppositions. For example, Conti (1999) tested a number of English speakers in real-
life discourse contexts. Conti intentionally used sentences containing the in contexts
where its presuppositions were not satisfied. She obtained many wait-a-minute-style
responses. Similarly, Matthewson et al. (2001) tested 25 adult English speakers on cases
of presupposition failure with the. They obtained ‘challenge responses’ 62% of the time.
Finally, recall that it is easy to hear wait-a-minute responses in naturally-occurring
English discourse; see (1) above. (6) provides another example. Here, the issue is the
failed uniqueness presupposition of the. (Speaker B happened to be three years old.)
(6) A: And then the flat car said to the little red caboose …
B: WHICH flat car?
A: This one.
B: Why not THIS one? (points to second flat car in picture)
I conclude from this that the wait-a-minute test is a reliable method for detecting
presupposition failure (and hence, the presence of presuppositions). Now let us turn to
The situation in St’át’imcets is very different from in English. For this study, the
following potential presupposition triggers were tested:
minute responses
iii. Attempting to construct wait-a-minute responses in St’át’imcets and
asking consultants to judge discourses containing them
iv. Explicitly discussing the test, using English to illustrate, and asking for
similar responses in St’át’imcets
When constructing the particular presupposition failures to be tested, one must not
make the presuppositions too uncontroversial. A very uncontroversial presupposition will
be too easy for the consultants to accommodate. If they accommodate the presupposition,
then obviously they will not respond with ‘wait a minute’. It is also advisable to construct
sentences whose presuppositions relate to the addressee. For example, saying ‘Have you
stopped smoking?’ to someone who has never smoked is more likely to elicit a challenge
than ‘I have stopped smoking.’ (The addressee will probably not be willing to
accommodate the presupposition that they themselves used to smoke.) Furthermore, the
presupposition should ideally concern something of importance to the addressee (such as
a missed phone call, as in (1) above).
Finally, it should be observed that the wait-a-minute test depends not only on
details of the particular discourse context, but also on subtle matters such as the closeness
of the relationship between speaker and addressee.3 For example, if A mentions to B, a
relative stranger, that she is on her way to meet her fiancé, B will seamlessly
accommodate the presupposition that A is engaged. On the other hand, if A utters the
same sentence to her mother, she will likely receive a wait-a-minute response if the
mother was previously unaware that A is engaged.
For the current research, I was unable to test discourses within a range of different
social relationships. My relationship with the consultants from whom data were obtained
is a friendly one, and I have known each of the consultants for between 12 and 14 years.
The following sentences were all offered in ‘out of the blue’ contexts to St’át’imcets
speakers. In all cases, the presuppositions failed and were not easily accommodatable.
The B utterances in each case are the consultants’ spontaneous responses to A.
Thanks to Irene Heim (p.c.) for discussion of this point and for the following example.
Lisa Matthewson
B: o, áma
oh good
B: o áma
oh good
B: stam’ ku s-záyten-s
what DET NOM-business-3POSS
‘What did she do?’
There are two pieces of potential evidence for a culture-based analysis. First, it is
true that the St’át’imc place a very high value on listening, rather than on questioning and
challenging. For example, if an elder explains something that one does not understand,
one is not supposed to ask for further explanation. One is supposed to figure it out for
oneself, and to continue listening (Maggie Adolph, p.c.; Albert Joseph, p.c.).
The other potential piece of evidence for a cultural explanation comes from some
very preliminary data suggesting that at least one consultant also does not give wait-a-
minute responses in English conversations. However, this speaker did not learn English
until she was 13 years old, so it is difficult to interpret the data conclusively. It could be
that her pragmatic parameters were set before she acquired English, and that her
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St’át’imcets grammar has affected her English. Further research is required here.
The major argument that culture is not the source of the observed cross-linguistic
difference is that St’át’imcets speakers do readily challenge other kinds of infelicitous
utterances. For example, discourse-initial utterances with unclear pronoun reference elicit
laughter and/or challenge responses. An example of this is given in (14).
Consultant’s comment (laughs): “It doesn’t make much sense. Sounds impossible.
Like I’m contradicting myself.”
B: swat ku snúk’wa7-su
who DET friend-2SG.POSS
‘Who is your friend?’
The data in (14-16) show that St’át’imcets speakers are willing and able to
challenge infelicitous utterances of various kinds. I conclude from this that their failure to
offer wait-a-minute challenges to failed presuppositions does not result from a cultural
prohibition against challenges in general. It must be something linguistic.
6. Analysis
B’s utterance here is not a wait-a-minute response to a failed familiarity presupposition induced
by a definite noun phrase. I have argued elsewhere (Matthewson 1998) that St’át’imcets possesses no
determiners which induce familiarity presuppositions.
Presuppositions and Cross-Linguistic Variation
analysis therefore should make the languages look different in some significant way.
This in turn means that Gauker’s analysis predicts a general absence of wait-a-
minute responses. Of course, this is exactly what we find in St’át’imcets.
What about English? It has been pointed out by von Fintel (2000) that Gauker’s
analysis has empirical problems for English. Specifically, it over-generates felicitous
discourses. Von Fintel observes (2000:14-15) that Gauker incorrectly predicts (17) to be
acceptable in an out-of-the-blue context:
(17) John can’t come to the meeting tonight. He is having dinner in New York, too.
For Gauker, on the other hand, (17) is predicted to be good. The hearer infers that
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the speaker’s take on the propositional context contains a proposition of the form x (
John) is having dinner in New York tonight. The hearer is not expected to know the entire
propositional context, so no infelicity is predicted (von Fintel 2000:15).
Strikingly, even sentences containing the equivalent of ‘too’ do not elicit wait-a-
minute responses in St’át’imcets. We have seen examples already above in (11,12,16). In
this respect, St’át’imcets obeys Gauker’s predictions, rather than Stalnaker’s. I therefore
claim that von Fintel’s analysis (a Stalnakerian one) is correct for English, while
Gauker’s analysis is right for St’át’imcets.
The reader may be wondering what the St’át’imcets elements being examined here could
possibly mean. Surely a presupposition is part of the basic meaning of a word like
‘again’? How can I even claim that múta7 means ‘again’ if it is non-presuppositional?
6.2 A Prediction
So far, we have seen that Gauker’s (1998) analysis predicts a general absence of wait-a-
minute responses. This prediction is incorrect for English, but correct for St’át’imcets.
Interestingly, however, Gauker does seem to predict a challenge response in one type of
case: where the speaker presupposes something so unusual that the hearer cannot believe
that the speaker could believe that proposition to be in the objective propositional
context. In that case, we predict – even in St’át’imcets – a wait-a-minute response.
A clarification is in order here. Recall that the important feature of the wait-a-
minute test is its ability to distinguish between presuppositions and assertions; unknown
Presuppositions and Cross-Linguistic Variation
presuppositions do, and unknown assertions do not, give rise to wait-a-minute responses.
I have just suggested that the use of bizarre presuppositions should elicit wait-a-minute
responses even in St’át’imcets. But very bizarre propositions can elicit challenges even
when they are part of the assertion. So we must beware of losing the critical contrast
between presuppositions and assertions when applying the test.
The prediction that challenge responses will emerge with bizarre presuppositions
is upheld. There is an element nukw in St’át’imcets which I analyze as introducing a
presupposition of non-maximality (Matthewson 2005). An example is given in (19).
Now let us test the above-mentioned prediction of Gauker’s analysis using nukw.
Although nukw will not usually give rise to wait-a-minute responses (even if the hearer is
unaware of the non-maximality of the referent), such responses should emerge if the non-
maximality presupposition is odd enough that the addressee cannot believe that the
speaker believes that proposition to be part of the propositional context. Here is a case:
The use of nukw in (20) indicates that A’s take on the propositional context
includes the proposition There are at least two suns. B finds this idea humorous.
(20) is important for another reason: it shows that St’át’imcets speakers are not
unable or unwilling to express surprise and hilarity at strange presuppositions. This
Lisa Matthewson
reinforces the claim made in section 5 that the general absence of wait-a-minute
responses in the St’át’imcets data is not due to a cultural effect.
The line being advanced here makes a further prediction, alluded to above. If
(20B) is really a wait-a-minute response to a bizarre presupposition, then the assertion
that there are two suns should not give rise to quite the same response. While data
collection on this point is unfortunately not complete at the stage of writing, there are
some hints that the prediction is upheld. One speaker assigns the two sentences in (21)
different grammaticality statuses; she states that (21a) is a good sentence, but is not true,
while (21b) is ‘not a very good sentence’.
Consultant’s comment: “But there’s only one. Sounds like there’s more.”
7. Implications
I have argued in this paper that typical presupposition triggers like ‘also’, ‘more’ and
‘stop’ fail to induce pragmatic presuppositions in St’át’imcets. In this section I briefly
investigate the consequences of this claim for parametric theory and for learnability.
Empirically, I can at least tentatively conclude that the facts support a macro-
parameter. Recall that the only element which displays a wait-a-minute effect is nukw. I
Presuppositions and Cross-Linguistic Variation
claimed above that nukw elicits a wait-a-minute effect only when the presupposition is so
bizarre that the hearer cannot countenance the speaker’s believing it to be in the objective
propositional context. Thus, nukw is analyzable as Gauker-style presupposition trigger.5,6
This scenario predicts that children will initially have problems with over-
generation of definites in English, at the stage where they have not yet learned that the
induces a pragmatic familiarity presupposition. In fact, there is a large literature
documenting exactly this phenomenon (Maratsos 1974, among many others). There is
also evidence from other areas of the grammar that children acquire presuppositional
phenomena relatively late. Schulz (2000) finds that English-speaking children do not
challenge presuppositions with factive verbs until the age of 7. In a similar vein, Bergsma
(2000) observes that Dutch-speaking children tend to ignore the contribution of ook ‘also’
up to age six (see Hollebrandse 2002).
Bergsma, W. 2000. Unstressed ook in child Dutch. Paper presented at Semantics Meets
Acquisition, Max Planck Institute, Nijmegen.
Conti, Rachel 1999. Presuppositions of the. Ms., University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Davis, Henry, Lisa Matthewson and Scott Shank. 2004. Clefts vs. nominal predicates in
two Salish languages. In Studies in Salish linguistics in honor of M. Dale
Kinkade, ed. Donna Gerdts and Lisa Matthewson. Missoula: University of
Montana Press.
von Fintel, Kai. 2000. What is presupposition accommodation? Ms., MIT.
von Fintel, Kai. 2001. Would you believe it? The king of France is back! Presuppositions
and truth value intuitions. In Descriptions and Beyond, ed. A. Bezuidenhout and
M. Reimer. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gauker, Christopher. 1998. What is a context of utterance? Philosophical Studies 91:149-
Hedberg, Nancy. 2000. The referential status of clefts, Language 76.4: 891-920.
Heim, Irene. 1983. On the projection problem for presuppositions. In Proceedings of the
Failed presuppositions with nukw, even non-accommodatable ones, do not usually give rise to
wait-a-minute responses. Space constraints prevent me from including the relevant data here.
Future research involves the elements í7wa7 ‘even’ and tsukw t’u7 ‘only’. It is also often
assumed that pronominal features are presuppositional (e.g., Heim and Kratzer 1998). However, see
Kratzer (2005) for a different proposal.
Lisa Matthewson
Department of Linguistics
University of British Columbia
E270-1866 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1