Dredging Management Plan

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The key takeaways are that this document outlines Boskalis' dredging methods and management plans for deepening the channel at Lyttelton Port in Canterbury, New Zealand. It describes the Boskalis Way of Working framework and covers topics such as work scope, dredging equipment and methods, environmental management, and health and safety.

The scope of work involves deepening the channel to achieve required depths and batters. Tolerances for the dredging works are also specified. Dredging quantities to be removed are provided.

The primary dredging equipment will be the trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) Oranje, supported by a sweeping vessel and backhoe dredge. Specifications and details for each vessel are included in attachments.

Dredging Management Plan

DOCUMENT NUMBER: 554-10023-02-04

PROJECT NAME: Channel Deepening Project Stage 1


CLIENT NAME: Lyttelton Port Company (LPC)




Doc. No: 554-10023-02-04 Title: Dredging Management Plan Rev. 1.0 06-Apr-2018 1 / 39

General document data

Document Title: Dredging Management Plan
Document Number: 554-10023-02-04
Project Name: Channel Deepening Project Stage 1
Project Number: 554-10023
Client Name: Lyttelton Port Company
Client Reference: Contract 1892
Client Revision Number: 2.0
Boskalis Entity: Boskalis Australia Pty. Ltd.

Revision status
Revision Number: Rev. 2.0
Revision Date: 20-Jun-2018
Approval Status: Issued for Approval
Prepared By: Irena Doets Role: Environmental Engineer
Reviewed By: Paul Bartley Role: Project Manager
Interdisciplinary Check: Chris Tombolato Role: Tender Manager
Approved By: Pieter Jan Stuiver Role: Project Manager

Change log
Revision Section Change
Rev. 0.1 All Issued for internal review
Rev. 0.2 All Revision after internal (BKA) review
Rev. 1.0 All Revision after external (LPC) review, issued for Approval of Consent
Rev 2.0 Cover Page Added “Environment Canterbury Certified’’

This document has been jointly prepared by Boskalis and Lyttelton Port Company. This Dredge
Management Plan is required by Condition 4 of the resource consent (CRC 172455/CRC172522 and
describes Boskalis’ dredging plant, work method, and management systems used for the delivery of the
Lyttelton Port of Christchurch Channel Deepening Project Stage 1.


This document forms part of the Boskalis Way of Working, the integrated quality management system
applicable to all operations in Boskalis. The Boskalis Way of Working is structured around four Phases
as pictured below. This Dredging Management Plan is typically prepared in the PLAN Phase, where the
main implementation is taking place in the EXECUTION Phase.

More detailed information about the Boskalis Way of Working can be found in the Group Manual and the
User Guide. A dedicated website with all supporting materials is available at wow.boskalis.com


1.1. General 6
1.2. Purpose 7
1.3. Scope of Document 7

2.1. Project Overview 8
2.2. The Works 9
2.2.1. Dredging Limits and Depths 9
2.2.2. Batters 9
2.3. Tolerances 9
2.4. Dredging Quantities 10

3.1. Mobilisation and Preparation 11
3.2. Pre-Dredge Survey 11
3.3. Selection of Work Method 11
3.4. Equipment 11
3.4.1. Primary Dredging Equipment 11
3.4.2. TSHD overflow with ‘Green valve’ 13
3.4.3. Supporting Dredging Equipment 13
3.5. Dredging Method 13
3.5.1. TSHD dredging works 13
3.5.2. Channel Widening 15
3.5.3. Sweeping method 15
3.6. Dredge Spoil Method 16
3.7. Regulations for Dredging Equipment 17
3.8. Plant Operating Hours 17
3.9. Demobilisation 17



5.1. Voyage Planning – Commercial Traffic 19
5.2. Voyage Planning - Recreational Traffic 19

6.1. Contractor’s corporate statement with respect to environment 19
6.2. Adaptive Management 20
6.3. Outdoor lighting 21
6.4. Environmental training 21
6.5. Waste Management & Hazardous Substances 21
6.5.1. Hazardous waste 22
6.5.2. Waste Management Measures 22


7.1. Dredging Control TSHD 23
7.2. Survey 24


8.1. References 25
8.2. Abbreviations 27
8.3. Definitions 28

9.1. Specifications TSHD Oranje 29
9.2. Specifications TSHD Fairway 31
9.3. Specifications Sweeping Vessel 33
9.4. Specifications Backhoe Dredge 35
9.5. Specifications Crew/Survey Vessel 38

1.1. General
Lyttelton Port of Christchurch (the Port) is located on Banks Peninsula on the east coast of the South
Island (Figure 1.1). It is the largest port in the South Island and the third largest in New Zealand.
Lyttelton Port Company is the operator of the Port and is currently 100% owned by the Christchurch City
Council through its investment arm, Christchurch City Holding Limited.

The Port is currently New Zealand’s third largest deep-water port, and the largest port in the South
Island, and provides a vital link to international trade routes and a key role in the global transport
network. The Port Lyttelton Plan (PLP) has been developed and is the first step in developing a 30-year
vision for the Port.

As a result of the Canterbury earthquakes in 2010 and 2011, the Port sustained significant and
widespread damage to infrastructure. While these events have had a significant impact on the LPC’s
ability to meet existing service demands in relation to throughput, productivity and customer service it is
now the driving force behind the redevelopment program.

The current access channel does not have the draught to cope with the international trend for increasing
vessel sizes. Deepening and widening the channel will allow the Port to keep up with international trade
demand which is a key facilitator of the regional and national economy.

The existing channel is 180m wide, 11.9m deep and approximately 6.5km in length. Stage 1 of the
Channel Deepening Project (CDP) will see the channel widened to 200m, increased in length to
approximately 9km and increased in depth by approximately 2m (Figure 1.2). The swing basin is also
being deepened and enlarged increasing the width from approximately 450m to 615m. The dredged
material will be discharged at a designated dredge spoil ground, located approximately 5 nautical miles
offshore of the Harbour Heads.

Figure 1.1 Lyttelton Port of Christchuch, South Island, New

Figure 1.2 Overview Dredging and Dredge Spoil Area

1.2. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to describe Boskalis’ dredging plant, work method, and management
systems used for the delivery of the Lyttelton Port of Christchurch Channel Deepening Project Stage 1.

This Dredging Management Plan (DMP), together with the Environmental Monitoring and Management
Plan (EMMP) [14], the Marine Mammal Management Plan (MMMP) [15] and the Biosecurity
Management Plan (BMP) [16], specify how Dredging practices and procedures will ensure that any
actual or potential adverse effects on the marine receiving environment are avoided or otherwise
mitigated to the greatest extent practicable.

The content and scope of the DMP has been guided by Boskalis’s normal best practise dredge
management and the scope and requirements for the DMP as set out in condition 4.4 of Resource
Consent CRC 172455 and CRC 172522.

This DMP has been prepared by Boskalis, with input from LPC. The Boskalis personnel who prepared
and reviewed this DMP have significant experience in both the operation of the proposed dredge
equipment and the management of environmental effects of dredging.

1.3. Scope of Document

This document entails:
 The Scope of Work, including dredge and disposal locations, dredge tolerances and quantities
(Chapter 2)
 The Work Method, including number and type of dredges used, dredge methodology, mobilisation
and demobilisation (Chapter 3)
 Equipment maintenance (Chapter 4)
 Safe Implementation of Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) (Chapter 5)
 Environmental management (Chapter 6)
 Dredging control & Survey method (Chapter 7)
More detail on the environmental management and adaptive management approach is given in the
EMMP [14]. Detail on monitoring and mitigation measures for marine mammals is given in the MMMP
[15]. For detail on the biosecurity management, reference is made to the BMP [16]. For more detail on
the Health and Safety management reference is made to the HSE Plan [29]. Finally, a detailed
description of the Survey method is given in the Survey Method Statement [32].


2.1. Project Overview

The Works require the Contractor to widen and deepen the existing channel and swing basin as outlined
in the Drawings.

The existing channel is 180m wide, 12.2m deep and approximately 6.5km in length. Stage 1 of the
Channel Deepening Project will see the channel widened to 200m, increased in length to approximately
9km and an increase in depth by approximately 2m. The swing basin is also being deepened and
enlarged which will increase the width from approximately 450m to 615m. All dredged material is to be
transported to and disposed of within the designated dredge spoil ground.

Areas to be dredged and the applicable design depths required are shown in Table 2.1, Figure 2.1 and
Figure 2.2.

Table 2.1 Dredge Areas and Design Depths

Dredge areas
Description Area Design Depth (m below CD)
Swing Basin A -13.3 (note Cruise Berth Pocket is -11.5)
Te Awaparahi Bay B -13.3
Inner Channel Areas C to G -13.6 to -15.0
Outer Channel Areas H to J -14.5 to -14.0

Figure 2.1 Overview of dredging areas

Figure 2.2 Overview of dredge area and spoil ground

2.2. The Works

2.2.1. Dredging Limits and Depths

The dredging limits are defined on the Drawings. The dredge depths specified on the Drawings are the
minimum depths, which are to be achieved over the entire extent of the various dredge areas for
clearance sounding purposes.

2.2.2. Batters
Batters shall be constructed to the slopes as detailed on the Drawings. If during the execution of the
Works, material is encountered which requires batter slopes flatter or steeper than specified, the
Employer may issue a written direction to carry out the dredging to other slopes. Batters shall be formed
as follows:

Table 2.2: Proposed Batter Slopes per Dredge Area

Batter Slope
Area Batter Slope
A 1:4 to 1:5
B to D 1:3
E to J 1:2

2.3. Tolerances
The Contractor shall achieve the required design depth and profile at all locations. The Contractor shall
dredge all areas so as to leave the seabed surface as level as possible.

Maximum permitted tolerances to achieve design depth for the different dredge areas are given in Table
2.3 and Figure 2.3.
Table 2.3 Dredge Tolerances

Dredge Tolerances
Dimensions Location Tolerance To Dredge Design
Deeper: 0.5 m
Vertical All areas
Shallower: 0.0 m
Plus: 5.0 m (i.e. outside design line)
Horizontal All areas
Minus: 0m

Dredge Clearance Level

Design Slope

0.5m Vertical OD

0 to 5.0m Horizontal Tolerance

Dredge Tolerance

Figure 2.3 Dredging Tolerances

2.4. Dredging Quantities

The dredge volumes per area are given in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4 Dredge Volumes per Dredge Area

Dredge Volumes
Dredge Area Net Volume (m3) Gross Volume (m3)
A 1,812,500 2,277,160
B 237,900 354,456
C 294,400 393,240
D 446,000 583,332
E 501,600 629,486
F 253,100 316,672
G 312,600 377,486
H 634,600 798,537
I 245,800 377,346
J 33,100 104,145
TOTAL 4,771,600 6,211,860

3.1. Mobilisation and Preparation

Mobilisation of all dredging equipment will be in accordance with the requirements of the relevant
authorities such as the Ministry for Primary Industries, Customs, legislation that is in force in New
Zealand and the Consent Conditions. The requirements of the Consent Conditions and the management
thereof are outlined in the BMP.

3.2. Pre-Dredge Survey

Prior to start of works the survey system will be set up and a pre-dredge survey will be done of the
dredge and disposal area to assess the actual depths. For more detail reference is made to section 7.2
and the Survey Method Statement [32].

3.3. Selection of Work Method

The proposed work method is based, amongst others, on the following:

 Our interpretation of available information (geotechnical, metocean conditions);

 The need to complete works in accordance with environmental approvals (the Resource Consents)
for the works;
 Accessibility;
 Sailing distance to the spoil ground;
 The date for Practical Completion;
 Environmental objectives and limitations on the dredging process;
 Prevailing metocean conditions and their effect on the workability of proposed equipment.

With this in mind the optimal work method for the works consists of a large Trailing Suction Hopper
Dredge (TSHD) installed with draghead side jetting nozzles supported by a Sweeping Vessel.
Additionally, areas consisting of hard soil may be dredged with the use of a Backhoe Dredge (BHD).

3.4. Equipment

3.4.1. Primary Dredging Equipment

The primary dredging equipment selected for the works is a Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD) as
shown in Figure 3.1. A large or medium-sized hopper dredge will be used with a capacity of respectively
35,500 m3 or 15,961 m3. Specifications of the TSHDs which may be used, or similar, are given in section
9.1 and 9.2.
Figure 3.1 TSHD Fairway

These TSHDs are selected based on their hopper capacity, twin pipe configuration and proven
draghead design leading to the following advantages/benefits:
1. The large hopper capacity and the relatively short sailing distance to the spoil ground virtually
negates the need to overflow during hopper loading as overflow will result in no or little production
advantage in the anticipated material. This also proves beneficial from an environmental
perspective. Regardless, any overflow water from the hopper will be via the “green valve”, explained
in detail in section 3.4.2;
2. The twin pipe configuration will allow greater accessibility to areas regardless of sailing direction;
3. The dragheads on the TSHD can be installed with side jetting nozzles, shown in Figure 3.2, to
assist with dredging alongside quay walls and also for dredging channel batters.

Side jet
Figure 3.2 Draghead with side jetting nozzle

The TSHD will be used to dredge all materials encountered within the dredging envelope. These are
generally expected to be predominantly fine grained sediments, comprising clayey silt with lesser silty
clay which are of low to medium plasticity that can be dredged relatively easily. The TSHD will be used
to gradually deepen and widen the channel and basin as per the specifications and drawings.

The TSHD will be supported by a Sweeping Vessel and, if required a Backhoe Dredge as described in
sections 3.4.2 & 3.4.3 respectively.
3.4.2. TSHD overflow with ‘Green valve’
The TSHD hopper overflows are fitted with ‘green valves’. ’Green valves’ are devices installed on the
overflow that reduce turbidity by preventing entrainment of air into the overflow. When dredging in
normal mode, the overflows are fully open and the water mixture including fine sediments, which have
not settled in the hopper, makes more or less a free fall down the overflow until it reaches seawater
level. During this free fall, air gets entrained. The main part of the fine sediments will settle directly to the
seabed due to differences in density. However, a part of the mixture will be pulled towards the water
surface by the rising air bubbles creating a visible plume.

When using a green valve, the overflow is partly closed (right picture in Figure 3.3), preventing the free
fall of the water sediment mixture. This results in hardly any air being entrained, bringing less fine
sediments in suspension in the upper part of the water column. Because a larger part of the fine
sediments in the mixture settles to the seabed more rapidly with the use of a green valve, the turbid
plumes are smaller, of shorter duration, and mostly confined to the lower parts of the water column
where currents have less power for sediment dispersion.

Figure 3.3 the ‘Green valve’

3.4.3. Supporting Dredging Equipment

A Sweeping Vessel will be utilised to assist the TSHD by moving materials from areas that are difficult to
access with the TSHD as described in further detail in section 3.5.3. It will also be used to level any
ridges remaining from the TSHD dredging process.

At some locations within the Dredge Area the soil may be too hard to dredge with the use of a TSHD. In
these areas a Backhoe Dredge (BHD) may be required.

In addition, various auxiliary craft will be used to support the dredging operations including a crew
transfer vessel (CTV) and a hydrographic survey vessel. Typical crew/survey vessels are available
locally and will be chartered for the duration of the works.

Specifications of a Sweeping Vessel, BHD and crew/survey vessel which will be used, or similar, are
given in section 9.3, 9.4 and 9.5.

3.5. Dredging Method

3.5.1. TSHD dredging works

To start dredging operations, the TSHD will sail to the dredging area. Dredging area for that time will be
selected based upon the construction programme, metocean conditions and current turbidity regime in
the harbour/offshore. Once in the dredging area, the suction pipe(s) are lowered to the seabed, the
dredge pump(s) are started and dredging commences.
While dredging, the draghead(s) scrape over the seabed and loosens the sediments. The sediment-
water mixture is brought up through the suction pipe and pumped into the hopper well. During loading
with its draghead(s) on the seabed, the TSHD sails fairly slow. The trailing speed depends on local
conditions and the material being dredged and will generally not exceed 1-3 knots. Figure 3.4 shows the
TSHD during the loading process.

Pipeline system in use Pipeline system not in use Valve open

Valve closed Inboard pump Direction of flow Overflow in highest position
Target level


Figure 3.4 TSHD loading process

The dredged material settles out in the hopper and the excess transport water is evacuated through the
overflow system. This overflow system can be adjusted, in order to optimise production and minimise
losses. In the cases where use of the overflow is not advantageous (e.g. no increase in production) or
not permitted, the hopper is only filled up to the overflow level.

When the draught of the vessel reaches the dredging load mark or when circumstances do not allow
further loading, dredging will be suspended and the suction pipe(s) will be hoisted on deck. The vessel
then sails loaded with dredged material to the approved disposal ground.

The general sequence of actions when dredging in the work areas are described below and will depend
on actual current directions, wind speed and direction and at the Dredge Master’s discretion:
 TSHD will approach its pre-planned dredge target location;
 THSD will reduce speed within 2000 meters from the dredging area;
 TSHD will reduce speed to 6 knots within 1000 meters from the dredging area;
 TSHD will further reduce her speed to 3 knots within 500 meters from the dredging area;
 TSHD will have reduced her speed to 0 -3 knots upon arrival at the dredging area;
 Upon arrival at the dredging area, the dredge pipes, fitted with a ‘normal’ multi-purpose draghead,
will be put overboard and lowered to the seabed by the winches;
 When the draghead has reached a depth of 5 meters above the seabed, the pumps will be started;
 The TSHD will start "trailing" in Dynamic Positioning and Dynamic Tracking (DP/DT) mode with an
operating speed of 0.5 – 3knots;
 Simultaneously the draghead will be lowered onto the seabed and dredging commences;
 The TSHD will continue “trailing” until the draghead has reached the end of a particular stretch, after
which the draghead will be hoisted clear above the seabed and the “trailing” will be stopped;
 The TSHD will then go astern to the starting position, or turn around, or proceed to different area.
 If loading has not been completed yet the TSHD will relocate to an appropriate stretch for
completing the loading;
 Draghead will be lowered on the seabed again;
 Sequence will be repeated as described above.

3.5.2. Channel Widening

Channel widening of the designated areas will take place by dredging along the toe line of the proposed
channel alignment allowing materials to progressively flow down the slope and form a natural batter.
Widening of the channel and the creation of batter slopes will be with the assistance of draghead side
jets to loosen and encourage material to flow down the slope for retrieval by the draghead as shown in
Figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5 Dredging slopes with side jetting

3.5.3. Sweeping method

When an area is dredged by the TSHD or has a small amount of material above the design level, the
area will be bed levelled by a Sweeping Vessel. The Sweeping Vessel will also be used to assist the
TSHD by moving materials from areas that are difficult to access with the TSHD.

The Sweeping Vessel consists of a tug on which an A-frame and bed leveller are installed. By lowering
the bed level bar to a certain level (Figure 3.6), the tug will start to sail and the material above the cutting
edge of the bar will be gathered and will be swept and deposited in lower areas.

Onboard the Sweeping Vessel, Boskalis inhouse DV2 survey system will be installed to enable accurate
positioning and operation of the bed levelling vessel.
Figure 3.6 Typical Tug and Bed leveller Setup

3.6. Dredge Spoil Method

Dredged materials will be transported in the TSHD from the dredging locations to the spoil deposition
site. During the discharge of the hopper the speed of the hopper will be kept to a minimum in order to
accurately place the material. The hopper doors will only be opened once above the designated area of
the deposition site and will be closed prior to departing this area. The opening of the bottom doors will
generally take around 5 to 10 minutes.

Figure 3.7 TSHD discharging through bottom doors

The TSHD will be equipped with:

 ship-borne automated identification system (AIS);
 a DGPS system enabling monitoring and registering of the status and location of the vessel. (open
or closed).

Dredge spoil plans will be based upon a grid of boxes (see Figure 7.2) representing the size of a hopper

For the placement of the material the following will be reported:

 trip number;
 date and time of discharge;
 dredging plant;
 dredged location;
 name of vessel;
 coordinates of the discharge location;
 estimate of the amount of material in m3.

3.7. Regulations for Dredging Equipment

During the Channel Deepening and Widening works the following documents/ procedures (beyond that
set out in the Resource Consent) will be applicable:

 LPC Inductions
 Port Operations Harbour Masters Directions
 Notices to Mariners
 Admiralty Charts
 Local knowledge and pilot exemptions
 Communication with LPC Port Control
 Priority of commercial shipping
 Restrictions for cruise shipping
 Caution with recreational craft
 AIS requirements.

3.8. Plant Operating Hours

Dredging equipment utilised on the project will operate on a 7 day x 24 hour basis, stopping only for
maintenance and bunkering requirements. Auxiliary vessels will operate on an as and when required

3.9. Demobilisation
Specific equipment will be demobilised from site after it has completed its tasks for the Works.
Demobilisation will be in accordance with the procedures and regulations of the relevant authorities and
contract conditions.


During the works, regular maintenance will take place of all equipment. The purpose of the maintenance
is to ensure proper and efficient operation of the dredger and to minimise potential effects on the
environment (i.e. underwater noise and possible leakage of hazardous substances).

Boskalis vessels and equipment follow the Boskalis Fleet Management System (FMS), which is based
on the International Safety Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution
Prevention (ISM-code). All main vessels and equipment of Boskalis are managed centrally by
Fleet Management Dredging (FM). To keep track of repair, maintenance and stock of each vessel
in the fleet Boskalis uses IBM Maximo Asset Management software. Required intervals of routine
inspections, repairs and refits are shown in the system. This also helps plan necessary quantity of
assets to stock on the vessels before they leave the port.

Specific attention is made to ‘Critical Equipment’, which is defined as equipment that is vital for the
safety of the Fleet and its crew. FM-430 ‘Critical Equipment’ describes the control, preventive
maintenance, purchasing and logistics of these Critical Equipment. For each vessel a general criticality
assessment matrix is made for each equipment based on seven parameters:

1. Class
2. Environmental
3. Risk failure start-up
4. Risk failure in operation
5. Effect on production
6. Complexity
7. Cost re-install/change-out

Scores per parameter are based on the next table:

Analyse - Critical value of equipment

Definition Score = 1 Score = 2 Score = 3 Score = 4

Class Is the equipment under Class? N Y

What is the impact of the failure of

Environmental the equipment on the N Moderate Considerable Extremely

Are there safety risks for the

ISM Criti
Risk failure installation/personnel when the Extremely
start up equipment fails to start N Low High high

Are there safety risks for the

Risk failure in installation/personnel when the Extremely
operation equipment fails during N Low High high

Moderate Considerable

al Critical
Effect on What is the influence of the reduction of reduction of Stop of
production equipment on the production ? N production production production

Moderate Considerable Extremely
Complexity How complex is the installation? Simple complex complex complex
How high are the costs of repair/
Cost re-install / replacement in case the installation Extremely

change-out fails? Minor Moderate Considerable high

For all equipment, a critical value is calculated:

1. Based on the 4 first parameters, all equipment with a critical value above 80% is considered as
ISM critical.
2. Based on the 4 last parameters, all equipment with a critical value above 50% is considered as
Operational critical.
3. Based on all 7 parameters, all equipment with a critical value below 50% is considered as non-

For all ISM Critical Equipment, a Preventive Maintenance Schedule has to be implemented to increase
the reliability of the equipment. This schedule includes planned maintenance, corrective maintenance
and a planned testing and inspection regime. For Operational Critical Equipment, the Preventive
Maintenance scheme is based on regular inspections, experience and wear & tear.

Defining the criticality of each equipment on board of the vessel allows to assess the critical equipment
of each vessel and the required maintenance. The critical value of the equipment is displayed in Maximo
and all maintenance activities on Critical Equipment is registered in Maximo. In case of failures of
Critical Equipment, the Captain shall directly inform the Fleet Management Team. The Fleet
Management Team and the Captain shall jointly and as soon as possible initiate the necessary
mitigating actions to limit the risks involved.

As an example, equipment for the TSHD Fairway assessed as ISM critical (critical value above 80%) are
i.a.: CO2 system, Foam Fire Fighting System, Water Mist Installation, Engine, Rudder, Propulsion,
Thruster, Oil Pollution Prevention, Pilot ladder, Radar and Magnetic Compass.

Routine maintenance activities conducted on the dredge vessels to prevent biofouling will be elaborated
further in the BMP [16].

The Channel Deepening and Widening works require interaction with multiple port users. Maintaining a
safe environment for the current port users and operators is paramount. This includes but not limited to
onshore operations, shipping, associated ancillary vessels and labour.
A SIMOPS plan will be used to illustrate the measures that will be taken to ensure safe implementation
of Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) and Interface Management during the works.

The document serves the following main functions:

 To prevent any incidents/ near misses from occurring as a result of dredging activities.
 To prevent any delays from occurring for commercial operators in and around the port as a result of
the dredging activities.
 To describe the measures to be taken for the coordination, cooperation, and communication of
multiple contractors/operators working in close proximity to each other.
 To act as a controlling document, highlighting the responsibilities and timetable for the completion of
all aspects of the SIMOPS for Marine Construction Activities.

5.1. Voyage Planning – Commercial Traffic

Voyage planning will be an integral component of the SIMOPS plan to ensure continuous and open
passage for commercial vessels entering and leaving port. Hopper transits between the dredging and
deposition sites will be planned around shipping movements.

The TSHD will sail under its own power and will therefore be able to relocate relatively easily to an
alternate dredging area or sail to the deposition site prior to the arrival or departure of traffic.

5.2. Voyage Planning - Recreational Traffic

Recreational sailing/boating and yacht races are conducted in Lyttelton Harbour/ Whakaraupō on a
regular basis (typically Wednesday nights 5:30-8pm and Saturday/Sunday afternoons) mainly during
summer months. It is expected that during the Project execution period (winter 2018) the recreational
traffic activity in the harbour will be minimal with formal yacht racing only likely on some Sundays.

However, prior to the start of the Project the Employer and Contractor will meet with the Naval Point
Club Lyttelton and Charters Bay Yacht Club to ensure that the Project activities will not intervene with
any yachting events in the Project Area. Notices will also be placed on the local boat ramps to provide
project information and navigations recommendations for the general boating public. The local fishing
fleet and general Port users will also be provided information on the project and navigation hazards via
LPC’s normal customer communications and formal central government Notices to Mariners.


It is the Employer and Contractor’s aim to minimise any negative impacts of the dredging and associated
discharge of dredged materials on the marine receiving environment. This includes measures related to
minimising turbidity as described in detail in the EMMP [14], monitoring of marine mammals as
described in the MMMP [15], biofouling as described in the BMP [16] and management of waste,
hazardous substances and refuelling as described in the HSE plan [29]. This section describes
environmental measures related to dredging in line with the Consent conditions for the DMP which are
not covered in the aforementioned plans.

6.1. Contractor’s corporate statement with respect to environment

As Boskalis operates in environmentally sensitive areas, we adhere to:

 Complying with the applicable statutory environmental provisions and regulations and, wherever
possible, going further than required;
 Focusing policy on the permanent prevention or limitation, as far as possible, of pollution of soil,
water and air, sound creation, creation of waste products and use of dangerous materials;
 Collecting and having waste processed separately, and using water and energy efficiently;
 Translating policy into clear practical guidelines and, furthermore, ensuring that the policy and the
guidelines are implemented in practice;
 Permanently ensuring that the environmental awareness and motivation of the employees and
others who work on the premises of Boskalis is such that environmental protection - although
primarily the management's responsibility - is everybody's concern;
 Optimising our environmental management system according to ISO 14001 standard, to achieve
continuous improvement of our environmental performance SHE-Q structure.

6.2. Adaptive Management

The Project’s environmental philosophy is based on an adaptive management approach. An adaptive
management approach seeks to develop strategies to assess the system, predict the impact and cater
for uncertainties (Figure 6.1). In general, levels of uncertainty about the construction-related impacts will
decrease over the course of the Project as more accurate information is collected.

By monitoring throughout the construction activities in combination with reviewing the process (for
example dredging cycle, production rates, bathymetric surveys etc.) opportunities can be identified d to
amend the activities to reduce impacts and increase efficiency.

Figure 6.1 Adaptive Management

The adaptive management approach and mitigation measures for this Project consist of:
 Continuous real-time turbidity monitoring and associated trigger/compliance levels as described in
detail in the EMMP [14].
 Use of a ‘green valve’ to reduce turbulence in the overflow system, described in section 3.4.2.
 Assurance monitoring, undertaken by LPC, to monitor potential longer term effects, by a
comprehensive set of ecological monitoring prior, during and post-Dredging as described in detail in
the EMMP [14].
 Marine mammal monitoring to prevent collision with marine mammals and impact from underwater
noise, as described in detail in the MMMP [15].
 Management of biofouling as described in [16].
 Minimisation of outdoor lighting to reduce the potential for bird strike as described in section 6.3.
 Waste management and handling and storage of hazardous wastes, as described in section 6.5 and
in further detail in the HSE Plan [29].
 Training to relevant personnel consisting of general environmental induction, marine mammal
monitoring and identification of potential archaeological material as described in section 6.4.
 Measures to prevent any conflicts between the Dredging program and organized sporting events in
the Lyttelton Harbour/ Whakaraupō as described in section 5.2.

6.3. Outdoor lighting

As part of the application process for the Consent Order a study has been carried out on the effects of
dredging on marine avifauna [19]. The following marine birds have been identified in the area: Little Blue
Penguin, the Yellow-Eyed Penguin, the Spotted Shag, Pied and Little Shags, Gulls, various types of
Oystercatchers, Reef Heron and White-faced Heron.

The effect of the Project on marine avifauna is assessed to be low to very low for most species, due to
the mobile nature of these species, the large foraging area available, the restricted spatial extent and
short-term nature of any effects.

However, to minimise any effects of bird strike associated with vessel lights, lighting on the vessels will
be kept to the minimum required to ensure safe operations and navigation. As a standard all lighting will
be faced downwards, whenever practicable. Lighting on the vessel will comprise of:
 Deck lighting;
 Navigational lights;
 Lighting on the trailing arm and draghead such that the Dredge Master can visually locate the
dredging equipment during deployment and retrieval.

6.4. Environmental training

The following environmental will be provided during the project:
 General induction will be given to all project personnel including environmental awareness specific
to the Project.
 Operational staff will be trained in the contents and operation of the EMMP, particularly the use of
the online monitoring website and trigger level system.
 Marine mammal monitoring induction to all dredge and auxiliary vessels in the harbour, described in
detail in the MMMP [15].
 Training to a crew member on board the dredge vessel dedicated as marine mammal observer,
described in detail in the MMMP [15].
 Training to a dedicated person on board the dredge vessel to recognise any potential archaeological
material including koiwi tangata or taonga. Training will be provided by a local runanga
representative and a trained archaeologist from LPC’s archaeological consultant (Underground

6.5. Waste Management & Hazardous Substances

All Contractor vessels, owned or chartered will be fitted with proper disposal containers for segregation
and collection of on-board wastes. The containers are fitted with lids to prevent material being
blown overboard during either storage or handling. A licensed contractor will be appointed to collect
and dispose of project waste materials.

The various types of solid and liquid wastes that may be generated during the dredging activities
 Liquid waste;
 Hazardous waste;
 General solid waste (putrescible);
 General solid waste (non-putrescible);
 Recyclables.
6.5.1. Hazardous waste
No bulk hazardous materials are planned to be used during the course of the Project. The Contractor
Project Manager will ensure that any hazardous materials used during the project are controlled and
appropriately managed. An inventory of any hazardous materials will be maintained on the respective

The Contractor will ensure that the Employer is provided with details of chemicals and hazardous
substances proposed to be used in execution of the project. Information on all chemical and hazardous
substances will be provided by reference to the appropriate Safety Data Sheets (SDSs).

Physical storage, handling/transport and usage shall comply strictly with the procedures as defined in
the product MSDS guidelines and New Zealand legislative requirements. Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE) will be provided to the workers and extra precautionary measures shall be taken where
necessary. Welding, cutting or grinding operations will not be permitted in the vicinity of flammable
substances storage.

All project personnel are responsible for making themselves aware of and applying the controls and
precautions as per manufacturer’s instructions/recommendations when working with hazardous
materials, this includes Environmental controls.

6.5.2. Waste Management Measures

 Where practicable, Contractor will separate waste streams and re-use, reduce and recycle waste
to minimise the impact on the environment.
 Only approved and licensed waste contractors will be employed for waste disposal.
 Any chemicals and hazardous substances used during all phases of the Project will be selected and
managed to minimise the potential adverse environmental impact associated with their transport,
transfer, storage, use and disposal.
 Safety data sheets (SDSs) will be available at the facilities to aid in the identification of appropriate
spill clean-up and disposal methods.
 Waste will be stored in the designated waste stations and appropriately segregated into categories
as specified in the EPA waste classification guideline.
 Bins or other putrescible wastes will be covered to prevent scavenging by animals or infestation by
 All hazardous liquid wastes will be stored over a bund in leak-proof sealed containers.
 All waste receptacles will be clearly labelled as to the nature of the materials that may be placed in
them in order to avoid contamination

Dredge vessels adhere to i.e. the following Standard Code of Practices:

 International Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes or Other
Matter 1972 [9]
 International Convention for the Pollution of Pollutions from Ships (MARPOL) 2005 [10]
 International Ships Management (ISM) Code
 Maritime New Zealand Code of practice for health and safety in port operations, published by
Occupational Safety and Health Service – Department of Labour. Dated May 2004 [4]
 Occupational Health & Safety Policy Statement.

For more detail on waste management and storage and handling of Hazardous substances reference is
made to the HSE plan [29].

7.1. Dredging Control TSHD

Controlling the dredging process is supported by means of the TSHD’s Dredge View 2.0 – Hopper
Monitoring System (DV2-HMS), a Boskalis’ in-house development. The computer system monitors and
displays all the dredging processes such as the position and level of the draghead, pump settings,
power control and bottom doors.

Input variables for DV2-HMS are:

 Positioning in vertical and horizontal planes, based on a commercially available DGPS signal or
using more accurate RTK-DGPS signal (see chapter survey);
 Tide signal receiver, providing the real-time water level;
 Heading of the TSHD, derived from a gyro-compass.
 List, trim and draft measurements on the TSHD;
 Suction tube position monitoring system (STPM); this is a system comprising of pressure sensors
and angle transducers, which enable calculation of horizontal and vertical co-ordinates of the
draghead(s), relative to the vessel;
 The Digital Terrain Model (DTM) comprising at least of the following layers:
- Design, which is the desired situation, as defined by the Contract;
- In-survey, which is the initial situation of the seabed as observed at the start of the works;
- Intermediate survey, which is the situation of the seabed at regular intervals during the actual
dredging campaign.

The positioning system determines the actual vessel and draghead position(s) and presents the results,
relative to the area to be dredged, on navigational displays. The vessel and draghead position results
are derived by calculation from the X, Y, Z inputs from the RTK-DGPS positioning and tide gauge
systems together with the data from the angle transducers, the pressure sensors and the vessel’s gyro

The position of the vessel and draghead(s) are visualised on screen against a background of
bathymetric data, obstacles, buoys and special features such as the presence of existing cable(s) or
pipeline(s). For example a plan view is displayed with a coloured differential chart showing the areas to
be dredged, together with a longitudinal and cross sectional profile indicating the seabed level and
design. The graphical display can also visualise the tracks the TSHD has sailed previously.

DV2-HMS allows the operator maximum control over the dredge area, both in the horizontal and vertical
planes. Impressions of the DV2-HMS’s operator’s displays are given below.

Figure 7.1 DV2-HMS TSHD control displays. Suction tube display, suction production display and main navigation

Dredging tolerances are an accumulation of positioning and tracking accuracy, soil characteristics, swell,
tide, data errors and operator’s skills.
For discharging via the bottom doors, it is possible to pre-define so called ‘discharge-boxes’ in the DV2-
HMS module. These boxes enable the helmsman to accurately position the TSHD above a specific
target, in order to discharge the dredged material in that particular box. This is illustrated in the figure
below. The location of the boxes can be defined during preparation of the works by the surveyor,
superintendent and TSHD’s Captain.

Figure 7.2 DV2-HMS TSHD control display of discharge boxes

7.2. Survey
Dredged spoil material will be discharged in the designated disposal ground by means of TSHD bottom
dumping as described in section 3.6. The disposal ground is located approximately 5 NM offshore of the
Harbour Heads, located as shown in Figure 1.2.

The disposal area will be subdivided by the Contractor into various disposal boxes as described in the
previous section. To ensure the dredged material is always discharged within the boundaries of the
Dredge Spoil Disposal Area each box will be subdivided into smaller disposal boxes. The size of each
individual disposal box will be adjusted to the discharge footprint of the vessel, therefore ensuring that
the TSHD has disposal boxes suitable for its specific dimensions. The additional subdivision of the main
boxes will allow for control of distribution and gradual build-up of the material within the disposal area. A
100m buffer zone where disposal will not occur will be maintained along the edge of the Dredge Spoil
Disposal Area as a safeguard.
The disposal location of each load will be logged and recorded. Regular progress surveys will be
undertaken to ensure all vessels are provided with accurate bathymetrical data. The vessel will
discharge its load evenly across the dedicated discharge boxes. In practice this means that the vessel
will be discharging at slow speed to ensure the load is spread and no unwanted high spots are created.
Based on the sediment behaves during disposal (informed by the progress surveys) the disposal
process may be further optimised to ensure even deposition by altering the vessel speed whilst
depositing the load.

8.1. References
Controlled Legislation
No. Document No. Document Title
[1] CRC172455 Coastal Permit under section 12 of the Resource
Management Act 1991
[2] CRC172522 Discharge Permit under section 15, 15A and 15B of
the Resource Management Act 1991.

[3] Canterbury Regional Council Navigation Safety

Bylaw 2016 and Controls
[4] Maritime New Zealand Code of practice for health
and safety in port operations, published by
Occupational Safety and Health Service –
Department of Labour. Dated May 2004
[5] Maritime Transport Act 1994
[6] Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992
[7] Resource Management Act 1991
[8] Resource Management (Marine Pollution)
Regulations 1998
[9] International Convention on the Prevention of
Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes or Other
Matter 1972.
[10] International Convention for the Pollution of
Pollutions from Ships (MARPOL) 2005

Client Documents
No. Document No. Document Title
[11] LYT263462 5982618.6 Request for Tender – Channel Deepening Project
Stage 1 - September 01, 2017

[12] LYT263462 5982619.6 Contract 1892 - Channel Deepening Project Stage

1 - September 01, 2017
[13] 301311-09433-CS-SPC-001-0 Channel Deepening Technical Specification –
Dredging and Spoil Disposal – September 01, 2017
[14] Enviser 1006 Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan
[15] TBA Marine Mammal Management Plan
[16] TBA Biosecurity Management Plan
[17] Application CPDW Coastal Marine Area Lyttelton
Harbour Appendix 9 - Plumes During Dredging,
May 2016
[18] Application CPDW Coastal Marine Area Lyttelton
Harbour Appendix 10A – Plumes During
Client Documents
No. Document No. Document Title
(Capital), March 2016
[19] Application CPDW Coastal Marine Area Lyttelton
Harbour Appendix 17 – Effects on Marine Birds,
September 2016
[20] GEOPLCOV00220AA-AB Coffey 2015, Te Awaparahi Bay - Marine
Geophysical Survey - Land Reclamation at Te
Awaparahi Bay - Stage 1
[21] GEOPLCOV00220AC-AC Coffey 2016, Proposed Deepening and Extension
of Lyttelton Port Approach Channel - Report of A13
Capital Dredge Geophysical Investigation
[22] GENZCHRI15656AL Coffey 2017, Lyttelton Port of Christchurch Te
Awaparahi Bay Ground Investigation - Factual
[23] OCEL 2006, Geotechnical Investigation of the
Hard Layer in the Lyttelton Harbour Navigation
[24] OCEL 2009, Deepening and Extension of the
Navigation Channel - Capital and Maintenance
Dredging Impact on the Physical Environment
[25] OCEL 2016, Geotechnical Investigation for the
Dredging Required to Extend and Deepen the
Lyttelton Navigation Channel – Preliminary Results
[26] OCEL 2016, Capital Dredging Geotechnical
Investigation Report
[27] 301311-09433–SS-REP-001 Worley Parsons 2017, Channel Deepening
Geotechnical 2016/2017 Site Investigation Factual
[28] 301311-09433–SS-REP-002 Worley Parsons 2017, Channel Deepening
Geotechnical Interpretive Report

Boskalis Documents
No. Document No. Document Title
[29] 554-10023-02-01 Health, Safety, Environment Management (HSE)
[30] 554-10023-02-02 Quality Management Plan
[31] 554-10023-02-03 Emergency Response Plan
[32] 554-10023-14-01 Survey Method Statement
8.2. Abbreviations

Abbreviation Full meaning

ADP Accidental Discovery Protocol
AIS Automatic Identification System
BHD Backhoe Dredge
BKA Boskalis Australia Pty Ltd (Contractor)
BMP Biosecurity Management Plan
CD Chart Datum
Consents Consent CRC172455 and CRC172522
Consent Authority Canterbury Regional Council
CTV Crew Transfer Vessel
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
DMP Dredging Management Plan
DP/DT Dynamic Positioning & Dynamic Tracking
DTM Digital Terrain Model
DV2-CMS Dredge View 2.0 Monitoring System
EMMP Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan
HSE Health, Safety & Environment
ISM International Ships Management
km Kilometre
LOA Length Over All
LPC Lyttelton Port Company
m Metres
MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
MMMP Marine Mammal Management Plan
NM Nautical Mile
NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units
PLP Port Lyttelton Plan
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
rev Revision
SHE-Q Safety, Health, Environment and Quality
SIMOPS Safe Implementation of Simultaneous Operations
TSHD Trailing Suction Hopper Dredge
WoW Way of Working
8.3. Definitions

Definition Full meaning

Employer Lyttelton Port Company
Contract number 1892
Contractor Boskalis Australia Pty. Ltd.
Project Channel Deepening Project Stage 1
Project number 554-10023
Subcontractor Companies contracted by Contractor to perform a specific portion of the work.
Supplier A company that is requested to supply (temporary) materials or services on
behalf of Contractor

9.1. Specifications TSHD Oranje

9.2. Specifications TSHD Fairway
9.3. Specifications Sweeping Vessel

Figure 9.1 Sweeping Vessel “Capricorn Alpha”

Name Capricorn Alpha

Type Ocean Going Tug
Class BV – Tug, Unrestricted navigation - MNZ – Restricted Coastal
Official and MNZ 876460 MNZ135729
Operators Heron Construction Company Ltd
Port of registry Auckland, New Zealand
Call Sign ZMG 3155
Gross tonnage 196
Nett tonnage 59
Length overall 26.0m
Breadth 8.0m
Max draft 3.0m
Main engines 2 x Yanmar 6AYM-WET
Power 2 x 610Kw (1220Kw)
Auxiliaries 1 x 6BT Cummins, 1 x 4BT Cummins.
Propellers Twin screw, 4 blade + kort nozzles
Bollard pull 22.5 tonne
Towing specifications Tow winch 500m x 32mm IWC Wire
20 tonne SWL – suitable for anchor recovery, bed levelling
Hydraulic A-frame
Compass Furuno Satellite Compass, Saura Keiki Magnetic Compass
GMDSS Equipment Furuno
Radar Transponder Kannad Rescuer
Radar Furuno 24 Nm
Plotter TMQ GPS Plotter (C Plot)
Name Capricorn Alpha
Echo Sounder Furuno LS 6100
Auto Pilot TMQ Auto Pilot
9.4. Specifications Backhoe Dredge
Doc. No: 554-10023-02-04 Title: Dredging Management Plan Rev. 1.0 06-Apr-2018 37 / 39
9.5. Specifications Crew/Survey Vessel

Figure 9.2 Typical Crew Transfer/Survey Vessel “Star

Keys” Table 9.1 Specifications Typical Crew Transfer/Survey Vessel “Star Keys”

Classification Survey/Patrol/Crew/Research
Year built 1998
Length O.A. 19.10 m
Beam 5.4 m
Draft 1.9 m
Builder Image Marine Group WA
Construction Aluminium
Maximum Speed 24 knots
Transit Speed 10 knots
Fuel 6,000 litres
Fresh Water 600 litres + Water Maker
Deck Area 45m2
Tender IBC RIB, 25HP
Radar, Autopilot, Depth Sounder, Radios, Magnetic Compass, GPS, SSB,
Plotters, AIS.
Other Towing Post, Survey Pole
Main Engines Caterpillar C32 Total 1,099 HP
Generators 1 x Onan 27 kVA
Deck Power
3 Phase, 400V/20A/5 Pin
Classification Survey/Patrol/Crew/Research
Propulsion Single Screw 4 Blade, Bowthruster
Deck Machinery Palfinger PK 11001 crane (aft), Pot Hauler
Bollard Pull 5T
Helm Stations Bridge/Fly Bridge/Deck
Enclosed &
42 POB, Passenger
Inshore (12 miles)
Coastal (50 miles) 10 POB, Non-Passenger
Offshore (200
10 POB, Non-Passenger

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