century helped in the spread and boom of trade and politics. Also, in the
observed that the English language usage in Nigeria over the last three
decades is that the professional and middle class who are bilinguals as well
home with the result that the children speak English as their first language
ever before learning their parents’ mother tongue for those who bother to
do so.
interrelated. Mike (2010) writes that language and culture are closely
knitted together. They relate and depend on each other. Language is
Leveridge (2011) in providing more impetus for this, said that language is
used for the expression of and display of cultural heritage and history. It is
bringing out the breadth of human thought and endeavour. One is marveled
world views, literatures and ways of life of the people. Onwukwe (2012:4)
like literature is poetic and that it could be used to create aesthetic pleasure
foreground the features of a text and reveal implied meanings and context
in a text.
create pleasant sounds – using language because of the sheer delight one
derives in the sounds of the words – is the sonic function of language.
found in the entertainment industry and the sole aim is to make viewers
words that appeal to the five senses; symbolism, imagery loaded with
thought, he writes, that tone determines the attitude of the author towards
his subject matter, his audience and life in general. In written literature, we
do not hear the author speak, we hear him through the written medium and
the hearing is through the mind’s ear. Depending on what he is saying and
to whom he is speaking to. His tone may be seen as soft, harsh, humorous,
Whenever, we engage in different activities of life either in spoken or
written forms, we often use devices of thought and the rules of language.
And there are variations to say same thing in different ways – this is style.
language in different ways, all for the purpose of achieving a common goal
and so it is essentially the way a speaker or writer selects and employs his
words, phrases and sentences to achieve his desired effect in any give
context. And Opara (2019:3) is of the opinion that style is generally the
account for the interpretative effects of a text through a close study of its
1.2 Statement of the Problem
utterances are fore grounded. They are expressive devices and figures of
stylistic approach. For instance, lexical stylistics deals with various aspects
the language.
linguistic items in text are significant for meaning. And Haynes (1995:48) in
only the important details that are of meaningful contributions to the text.
Alowonle (2011) warms that “the significant features identified at one level
of analysis have the potential of reinforcing features at other levels and the
differs from another even when they are saying the same thing. So it is
pertinent that the analyst be interested in language since stylistic enterprise
literary texts. So, to appraise the language of a text, one should proffer
possible reasons why the writers’ choice of words or language variety were
used and try and read the mind of the writer so as to decode exactly the
message conveyed. Again, the analyst sometimes forgets that there can be
is different from literary analysis but they complement each other. Ejele
(1992) opines that the literary or traditional approach (the two words are
teacher will not reveal to his students the peculiar nature of a literary work
there is need for a stylistic analysis of a work of art. Any analysis that is
or second language. However, language is dynamic and changes with time
and environment. Hence, it can be socially (with the culture of the people
who use it) and internally and these changes remain in the language.
branch of linguistics which deals with the major units of language that carry
words, the images hidden in their root and their stylistic properties, the
and imagery one feels but because of the understanding of the message as
the language used may lack exact meaning and fail to convey the actual
of language that he feels is appropriate to the context could be unwittingly
of writing from another and a writer’s style often varies from work to work.
verbal meanings and meaning is not attached to words only but correlates
with all of them. Hence, the researcher faces this challenge as practically
all stylistic effects have the interplay between different kinds of meaning on
different levels. This means that there are many types of linguistic
text. The fact that stylistic analysis can be applied to a variety of texts
makes it important and useful. In other words, the researcher must have
noun, the linguistic code is broken and this gives rise to category rule
1.3 Scope of the Study
and the scope of this work is the lexical stylistic approach, it is pertinent to
that linguistic stylistics has to do with a stylistic study that relies heavily on
the scientific rules of language in its analysis. Such rules embrace the
properly done has as its end the clarification of the full meaning and
And this is why Chapman (1971) has opined that, every analysis of
underpin the choice a writer has made. Agreeing, Obadan (2017) writes
mode of analysis for learning language and developing awareness for the
the view that there are principles and approaches for the study of stylistics.
For her, the stylistician uses the principles of general linguistics to find out
contexts and to account for the reasons why such features are used and
On the other hand, lexical stylistics studies the choice of words and
its relation in the context of the text. Lexical analysis account for the
paradigmatic relationships.
and discussed as stylistically significant features. According to Opara
(2019), lexical stylistics studies functions and figurative meanings and how
their behaviour in the text. Confirming the fact, Obadan (2017) writes that
language in all aspects and relation to the drama texts of Tony Duruaku’s
works has been selected for this study namely: A Question of Choice,
(1) The stock of words used by the writer in text i.e. vocabulary.
(3) Find out if there are lexical deviations and to what extent.
(5) Find out semantic deviation because context and meaning are
(6) Writer’s competence in managing the syntagmatic relations of lexical
(3) What extent does the writer use Nigerian English lexical items,
(5) What relevant lexical items are in the text and how are they used?
(6) What are the lexical innovations and creativity that can be identified
(7) What aesthetical stylistic is infused in the setting to add cultural flavor
to the text?
(8) Have loan words from the local languages been applied, especially
(9) What are the lexical items with their conventional and extended
(10) What extent have these lexical items reflected the Nigerianness in the
It is important to note that at the end of this study, the analysis will
bring to limelight and project the extent of improvement in the field of study
(1) The findings of this study will serve as useful instrument in the
(2) It will enlighten the reader and make one appreciate the level of
1.6 Summary
has lexis and stylistics into analysis. Although lexis deals with the various
linguistic orientation.
More so, style from which stylistic is derived is the way in which
language is used in a given context by a writer. This study captures the use
the work. Lawal (1997) fully captures the meaning of style as concerns this
choices of words, phrases sentences and linguistic materials in relation to
For Polikarpov and Kurlov (1994), there are three basic factors that
form the basis for the fundamental stylistic qualification of vocabulary units;
art and this cannot be over – emphasized because their creative ability is
put to task.
2.1 Introduction
something, we often use our imagination, thought and language but there
ways. This is style. And Obadan (2017) writes, the concept of style is
based upon the use of language in different ways, all for the purpose of
view, literary view to linguistic view as the case may be. Whereas some
creative imagination of the reader (p. 38). Concluding, she opined that the
current view of style is that it is seen as a deviation, coherence and as
language levels to find out what is implied by the speaker as being different
from what the hearer may conclude. Again, she writes that “style is distinct
in that it is a language usage that stands out within the text”, whereas
holds that style has often grown from linguistics and sometimes from other
very important because the study of language and literature has a common
According to him, ancient linguists use the term style while the modern
to Opara (2019) with great potentials. Continuing, she writes, it is also
context and allows for multiple simultaneous relations between the parts of
discourse. In effect, it studies principles and effect of choice and use lexical
lexical stylistics studies functions and figurative meaning and how the
at by the analyst and he tries to see if a word was being used uniquely by
is also a way to write or use words beautifully. Since language and style
can be combined, then the study of both fields called stylistics appeared.
a language style study. Since the main study of stylistics is language, then
analysis and literary criticism. Objects which are investigated are prose and
Simpson (2004: 2-3) states that the preferred study in stylistics is literary
Now, the study of stylistics can be used by more circles and it is being
Leech and Short (2007: 11) state that the study of stylistics aims to
give an explanation of the language use and artistic function. They also
affirm that every analysis of style is an attempt to find the artistic principles
stylistics is to explore language and creativity in language use (Simpson,
2004: 3).
will not be apart from linguistic aspects. Leech and Short in their book—
Style in Fiction (2007: 61) mention that stylistics has four categories of
items contained in the text. In the text, lexical items have many types, i.e.
Short, 2007: 62). The third is cohesion and context. Cohesion and context
also have a significant role that can be analyzed in the study of language
while context is a place where the text stands. In language, a text becomes
a discourse when there are cohesion and coherence in it. The fourth is
figures of speech. Figures of speech are the forms of speech which are
different from common speech in use. By the use of figures of speech,
in words and structures. And so, the writer uses language to communicate
letters used to represent them, the words and the syntax all play a role in
the message of any literary work. The choice of words and their distribution
meanings are realized in texts through the appropriate lexical choices. For
examination of graphological, phonological, syntactic, lexical and semantic
meaning. It is the meaning which the mention of that name calls up in the
beings have known about “the world of objects, event and relations”.
Supporting Opara (2016) who opines that, context is the substance, the
use influences the meaning of the message of a text. This is style. Opara
prepositions are grammatical words and lexical words are concrete words
that have inherent contextual meaning. They carry the lexical property of
the context which comprises the meaning of words. Sometimes, they can
the semantic rules of the language. For John Saeed (2007), composition as
the meaning of its component part and the way in which they are
2.2.2 Figurative Meaning of Words
schemes, and lexical schemes (Leech and Short, 2007: 63). Phonological
and what is meant. He said that figurative language surprises the reader
because the statement or idea expressed does not make sense on the
required before the intended meaning becomes clear. The emphasis is
the qualities which they have or do not have generally. From Wikipedia,
the use of words or phrases that implies a non – literal meaning which does
make sense or that could also be true. Also it is the use words in a way that
more complicated meaning or heightened effect. It has the same view with
literal or non – literal uses of language, arguing that speakers shift the
between a literal speaker who is factual and natural and a speaker who
(a) I am hungry.
(b) I am starving.
showing literal and non – literal use of words. The author’s style can also
be seen from the use of figurative language in the literary work. According
Furthermore, Shaw (1985: 251) states figurative language is often vivid and
imaginative, so it can add color and clarity, vigor and effectiveness to
Then, Thomas R. Arp (in Perrine, 1984: 62) states that figurative
the word to have extra dimensions. He also states that figurative language
since the word used in figurative language itself does not give sensible
Irony. To limit the analysis of the speech, this thesis focuses on the
The Functions of Figures of Speech
can make human feel pleasure with imagination, which means that
For example, the expression I paddle my canoe in the river that flows
slowly, in a sunny day, under a cloudy sky, with a wind blowing slowly
the situation in a sunny day, under a cloudy sky, with a wind blowing
slowly mean more than what they are. Besides, this sentence can
afford imaginative.
Someday, my plane will fly high. With these two firm wings, with this
great and sturdy body, the words plane and fly high implied
the humans’ sense in visual term by imagining the parts of the plane;
the strength of each parts of the plane which visualize how strong the
the expression The world wants you to speak, right now!!! Implies
make a decision exactly at that time like there is no more time, like
4) To say much in a brief compass: Figures of speech are also the
speech, the writer or the speaker can communicate his or her idea
your balance, you must keep moving (Albert Einstein). The first
between life and riding a bicycle. Moreover, this simile is used to say
much in a brief way. In riding a bicycle, the more people slow down
their bicycle, the more people will be difficult to remain standing. And
if they stop, they will fall. They need to keep riding their bicycle
2.2.3 Connotation
the decoder. This means that connotative meaning differs with the
connotation culturally.
usually the meaning which derives from the semantic extension or change
and semantics (meaning). Lexis or words is, thus, one of the levels of
language study. The term originated from Greek and came into prominence
synonym “lexicon””. Supporting Alo (1995:18) defined lexis as, “…the level
of linguistic analysis and description concerned with the way in which the
storage of language in our mental lexicon as prefabricated patterns that
can be recalled and sorted into meaningful speech and writing. Thus, lexis,
language from which writers and speakers make choices for self-
words, neologism, adjectives and prepositions, etc. The point is that the
rationale for studying the nature and functioning of the vocabulary of a text
signifiers). This notion is echoed by McCarthy and Carter (1988) when they
averred that, most scholarly works on lexis over the years have discussed
the term within semantics. For, as Socrates put it, “words have the power to
reveal…, conceal and signify all things; they… also turn things this way and
that” (See Eyoh, 1997:90). Alo (1998) shares a similar viewpoint viz: “As a
level of language study, lexis seeks to elucidate how words mean and how
Fundamentally, a writer taps from and exploits the vast resources of
language for his imaginative creations. Lexical items help the writer to
crystallize his thoughts, express certain emotions and create images all of
which give literature its peculiar expressive beauty. In this regard, writers
choices with great care to achieve the delicate target of conveying meaning
in the best way possible. In fact, an artistic effort must achieve a fusion of
Hence various scholars have defined the term in terms of its social
in any given context. The functions of language cover six basic
(1998:5), the term function has two meanings: Firstly, it refers to the
specific uses to which the writer or speaker puts the language (e.g.
This means that the context of use determines the meaning of the word or
context, and another in another context. This view tallies with Halliday’s
potentials to shape its use. Halliday (1978) labeled language as a ‘social
which people deploy language to serve communicative needs can shape its
Sometimes, lexical field and semantic field mean the same for some
linguistics, Siegfried Wyler differentiated the two items as, “a lexical field is
segment of related words and these words are in a semantic field having a
semantic property. These words invariably are mutual, marking the area
within the semantic area. In order to mark the semantic domain or area,
unmarked words maybe marked and marked words maybe unmarked,
comprehend and more accessible while the marked words are made up of
many lexica words and sometimes show subtype of the unmarked one.
landforms, colours, foods, body parts and kinship relations. Opara, S.C.
quoting Zequan (2002) states that “meaning support themes and indicate
words and structures “that are used in the realization of these meanings”.
Continuing, she said that in the domain of context of situation, there exists
different types of register and they are found in all the dimension of
organization of the language. They also have rank, axis and delicacy as
and occupations indicate field” (Opara, S.C. 2012:70). And she further
differentiates the difference between lexical field and set as she writes that
concepts denote lexical sets (Opara, 2017:70). Register can also consists
of the nature of topic discourse in the environment by which the language is
another eve in mid – sentence. This switch is usually brought about by the
changes that come from vocabulary, structure and intonation as the case
between them, that is, there exists between lexical fields and sets a bond
involving an addition into a group of lexical set in lexical fields. The items in
a particular lexical set belong to the same semantic field because they
For example, parts of the face, parts within the field include nose,
eyelid, mouth and so on and lexical sets like, nose or eyelid or mouth have
the same semantic domain. The meaning of these lexical sets is deduced
from the semantic field in which they occur. Each lexical set has its
meaning or referent as well as the meaning of the lexical field in the same
semantic field.
2.2.4 Expressive Means
linguistic forms and features that the capacity to make a speech emphatic.
and morphology.
because all stylistic tools belong to expressive means of language and not
all expressive means belong to stylistic tools. Phonetic concepts like, vocal
pitch, pauses, logical stress and pronunciation can be expressive and not
stylistic tools. Morphological items or words that are suffixes may have
However, according to classical scholars, expressive means is
divided into three: tropes, figure of speech and parts of speech. According
means of language.
2.2.5 Neologism
use and have not fully accepted as vocabulary of language. They are often
describes neologism as descriptive coinage and these are lexical
constructed to describe certain socio – cultural elements that are not found
in Standard English used by original users but found in their target country
such as found in Nigerian English vocabulary. For example, “Go slow”. This
the word, “brunch” which is got from breakfast and lunch. Words can be
extensions or semantic loans are those words whose meanings have been
These words can be accepted or made prominent or popular through
literature, mass media, internet and constant usage and they may
meaning hence the new status and neologism is different from a person’s
when the user is not aware of the right word or term to use.
words or terms that have numerous meanings. They can easily become
and loan translation. Usually, when translating a neological word or phrase
(3) Pop – Culture: These are words/phrases from mass media which
(6) Nonce Words: These are words or phrases created to designate
(7) Inverted: As the name implies, these are neological words or phrase
take long years to be obscure but the length of obscurity differs from
person to persons.
The word ‘dialect’ came from the Latin word dialectus which in turn
group of people occupying a particular linguistic entity. The varieties in this
linguistic entity are closely related and are mutually accepted. Apart from
social class, ethnicity and region. If it is associated with social class we call
cannot evolve closely with the main dialect within the same linguistic entity.
by using the terms, ‘standard and non – standard dialect’. Two dialects
the comprehension of the other dialect, otherwise there exist two different
languages. In socio linguistic notion, the dialects are of the same language
A dialect is a different way of interaction within a speech community
speaking situations for his characters. To achieve this, the writer will use
specific dialogue suitable for that particular character. The characters are
character in the same speech community. The use of these dialectal words
In conclusion, Osuagwu & Co. (2007:99) opine that, ‘nevertheless,
there may be a more or less clear dialect boundary, where the occurrence
another) indicates that there are a number of features in which the dialects
on either side differ from each other: however, the continuum is not entirely
in lexical relation. Thus, the idea known about a word can help in finding
the meaning that exists in the other. And the meaning of the lexical words
information about category, form and meaning of lexical items. The
meaning of these lexical items can be identified based on their singular unit
opposite relation and some are distinctly different. Upon these similarities
and differences, words are sorted out using these semantic relations or
2.3.1 Synonymy
These are words that have similar meaning and it is one of the most
The irony in this assertion is that some words in this relationship cannot
meaning. But however, when they have the same meaning, they can
(b) Work and duty.
Words that are in similar meaning that are replaceable – quick – fast
– speedy.
2.3.2 Antonym
Categorical Meaning:
This means that words in this distinction have contrasting value that
is words contrast each other. For instance, fire/water. The word ‘fire and
water’ are in contrast because less fire does not indicate more water or vice
Continuous Meaning:
Opposite words that have construction value are continuous and this
is because of the relative nature of these words. For instance, words like
‘big and small’. When one calls an elephant is small, it is relative to another
elephant and when it is further compared, it may be big. Thus, the meaning
Types of Antonyms
directional opposites.
when their pairs show absolute opposite. It simply means the call
(b) Teacher – Pupil
(iii) These are opposites that denote the notion of motion in words that
(b) Down – Up
(c) Go – Come
(c) Cold – Hot
In conclusion, in these opposites, the denial of one does not imply the
assertion of the other. Generally, antonyms when they are used literally in a
2.3.3 Hyponymy
another form that shares the same semantic features. For example; words
like cow, goat, sheep, monkey, elephant which have the same semantic
feature of animal have animal as their hyponymy. Also words like slap,
beat, injure, stab have wound as their hyponymy. Hyponymy has hierarchy
another. For example, animals classified in contrast with vegetables to
However, there are technical words that are used to designate the
co – hyponymy. For example, words like ‘dog and cat’ are called co –
2.3.4 Homonyms
The words in this semantic relationship have the same spelling and
that sound the same but different in form (spelling), meaning and origin’.
(a) Knew – New
(d) Know – No
(Opara, 2017:59)
which differs slightly. For example, words like ‘address’, ‘and’ and ‘back’.
2.3.5 Polysemy
have one form (written or spoken) having many meanings which are all
(polysemic), then there wil be a single entry with a numbered list of the
different meanings of the word. If two words are treated as homonyms, they
(b)Mouth – Part of the body, where river flows into the sea, entrance of a
Omorodion (2011:128)
government, law and religion. Although, it can be informal and in this case
literary artist, if it is for a poem, the artist uses such deep structural devices
meaning or thought.
(Opara, 2019:28).
finding out the author’s style; it looks for relationship between the author
style and the language of the work. A writer adapts text to the style as
form has a standard in both spoken and written modes. When we talk of
an important area of research, which is due to the increasing importance of
2003). Thus, the research on the forms of address in Polish and Russian in
the examples heard and recorded in a written form. They used parallel
corpora including texts the 20th and 21st century as well as existing paper
2.5 Sociocultural Meaning of Language
2.5.1 Mediation:
mental principles through the use of tools skills (Minick, 1987). Vygotsky
explained further through his theory that what this means is that children
who poorly remembered list of some words before were able to remember
fully these lists of words through the use of picture cards to facilitate the
processes. Adults can use mental pictures or images in the brain and
will guide and support the children in remembering of all the forms symbolic
2.5.2 Meaning:
In his theory, he found out that apart from mediation, that human
allowing social interaction across context use. And humans are given by
communicate in various settings, they are able to generalize and remember
possible through language and linguistic mediation when they interact with
with semantic level analysis as well as being fascinated with the theoretical
2.6 Informal Language
part of all the learning that all of us do every day of our lives. On the
based. Other researchers (Lightbown & Spada, 2001; Marsick & Watkins,
1990) have also described formal and informal language learning in the
same way.
say, the source of language input for acquiring the language particularly in
informal setting in both EFL and ESL contexts should not be neglected.
(Rogers, 2004). In other words, learners can have interaction with other
contribute to SLA.
and Spada (2001) describe informal setting as the contexts in which the
social interaction, and formal settings as the contexts where the target
learners interact with native speakers in the target language country, use
listening to a song in informal settings, language learners indirectly get
involved in the language learning process when they try to understand the
other than Europe from the 16th through the early 19th century and often in
populations that use them during occasional trade contacts maintain their
often reduced systems. Among other things, they often lack inflections on
verbs and nouns, true articles and other function words (such as
Some of the pidgins that have survived for several generations are
more plausible explanation for the distinction is the fact that in their
histories pidgins have not been associated with populations that consider
themselves to be ethnically Creole.
2.6.2 American Language
English is not only known as the
language of the English people, but
also as the language spoken by people
many countries. English began in what
is now the British-Isles. At the
beginning of the fifth century, Britain
invaded by three tribes from Northern
Europe: the Angles, Saxons and Jutes.
These three tribes settled down on the
island and merged into one people.
The three dialects they spoke naturally
grew into a single language, the
English is not only known as the language of the English people, but
what is now the British-Isles. At the beginning of the fifth century, Britain
was invaded by three tribes from Northern Europe: the Angles, Saxons and
Jutes. These three tribes settled down on the island and merged into one
people. The three dialects they spoke naturally grew into a single language,
say, English has developed a character of its own, reflecting the life and the
spreading of English to the world, there are changes that have occurred as
a result of individuals who have come from different areas in England, who
have moved around the world and taken with them their regional
which stands beyond, behind and within the passing flux of immediate
Ramsey forget the things in the future or those yet unseen. This is because
religion has to do with the whole of human existence and not merely with
2.7 Monologues
literary device often found in dramatic plays, films or videos and sometimes
asides. Although, they are different from each other. Also, it has similarity
not from dialogue but dialogue came from monologue as a dramatic device.
performance by speakers and writers. The fact as Alo (1998:1) puts it is,
“The verbal style includes all the devices of language that are used to
different scholars. The Russian formalists and Prague school of the 1920’s,
Bennett, 1979; Lemon and Reis, 1965). Also with the structuralists of the
1960’s (Hawkes, 1977; Culler, 1975), they stress the importance of the
the “poetic function” of language i.e. forms of language that draw attention
subdivision into preverbal and verbal choice i.e. the thinking process of the
writer/speaker and the actual usage of language in the verbal form. The
means that style implies saying something in different ways and also
systemic functional grammar that provides the theoretical framework for the
functions in texts and the nexus between language and what it is used for,
or to achieve. It is factual that whatever linguistic resource that is worth
describing must be put to use, in the sense that the description and
prompted its use. For Oha (1994:730) he posits that the approach
and that the latter should not be subjected to second fiddle position, or
propositional content of the text and the context of language use i.e. is it a
function, at another level, refers to the tenor of discourse i.e. the social
“…ways of using language to organize, understand and express
information for effective communication” (see Opara, 2005). The main point
shall see in the present study. The grammatical aspect on the other hand,
languages. Adejare (1992) writes that traces of African mother tongue are
critical focus on African poetry has been on the traditional literary and
thematic features of texts. Linguistic/stylistic studies are generally sparse
(see Eyoh, 1997). Vincent (1979:220) hints at a general and more acute
problem about the lexical aspect of language use in poetry viz: “one main
insensitivity of the average reader to words”. The few works that attempt a
poetry has not been given intensive linguistic enquiry like other African
poets, such as Soyinka and Osundare. In fact, Eyoh’s (1997) J.P. Clark-
scale work that applies linguistic insights and methods to the study of the
texts. The crux of the model is that, as Opara (2005) put it, “while
Discourse analysis analyses WHAT is communicated in Discourse,
Stylistics examines the form and function of linguistic constructs which are
explored in the given discourse. The critical point is that, the model enables
the analyst to establish both the discourse and stylistic features in the text,
linguistic features, which help the text not only to mean, but also to achieve
meaning and action (Schriffin, 1987). The concept originates from the
as the analytical model for this analysis, in that it also relates formal
The definition of stylistics is proposed by Short (1996: 1) as an
Stylistics spans the borders of the two subjects, literature and linguistics.
at it. In line with Short‟s statement, Widdowson (1975: 3) also describes the
to interpret and evaluate literary writings as works of art whereas the main
messages are of interest in so far as they exemplify how the codes are
use and its contribution for meaning construction. This method of inquiry
because it often explores texts where those rules are bent expanded or
people’s ways of thinking about language and exploring language offers a
defined as „the study of style.‟ The concept of style has been greatly
aspects. Lehman (1996: 303) proposes that the term style can be applied
to individuals, to genres, to periods or to languages. Scholars, for example,
who read Shakespeare‟s writings, ascribe them to him because of his style.
to languages, the term style then still have wide array of applications. In
line with the above idea, Leech and Short (1981: 52) define the term style
in terms of the domain of the language use e.g. what choices are made by
say style is the way in which language is used, it belongs to the linguistic
particular language and the langue is studying about the total properties of
a particular language. This means style in this context is the way language
communicative by members of group. Abrams (1981: 385) defines the term
analyzed in terms of its diction or choice of its words, its sentence structure
and syntax, the density and types of its figures of langue etc. Hence,
people can understand that style in literature mainly concerns the linguistic
that concern forms of expression that are used to put thoughts into words.
From the above scholars definition, it can be inferred that style is the way
fictional work. That means it denotes the writer’s choice of words (diction)
and the way such choices are arranged in sentences and longer units of
philology students are familiar with: phonetics, lexicology and grammar due
to the common study source. The term semantics is also widely used in
level of the word only, or for that matter to one level at all but correlates
with all of them – morphemes, words, phrases or texts. This is one of the
most challenging areas of research since practically all stylistic effects are
levels. Suffice it to say that there are numerous types of linguistic meanings
mentioned more than once already. Literary stylistics will inevitably overlap
with areas of literary studies such as the theory of imagery, literary genres,
culture studies in the broad sense of that word including the history of art,
new textbooks, dictionaries and manuals. In order to fulfill these goals one
contained in this study is very factual because there are no perfect works
that can fully describe literary stylistics. The main goal of the work is to
The practical value of the research is that the material and the results of the
given qualification work can serve the material for theoretical courses of
Theories are formed to explain, predict and comprehend phenomena.
definitions and existing theories that are relevant to the particular study.
theory or concept that is relevant to the topic of the study and that will in
turn relate to the broader fields of knowledge in the study taken. This is not
(b) To open the creativity and connection of the researcher with the
(e) Having a theory helps the researcher to know and identify the
the meaning, nature and challenges of a concept and can use those
theories and findings but the more appropriate and relevant to this study is
society. This means that language changes in relation to the needs and
wants which is derived from the structure of the context. The Systemic
Kasper Malinowski, John Firth and Benjamin Whorf. This, in turn took its
root from anthropological linguistics and this further formed the background
of Halliday’s inspiration. Another influence during the time was the Sapir –
However, this hypothesis faced serious criticism which led to the apparent
This study adopts this approach because the study is largely focused
Toni Duruaku dramatic texts account for textual features in the drama texts.
deals with the theories and methods of modern linguistics in the analysis of
Kin and Yoon (2014: 35), said that, the Systemic Functional
specifically with the lexical choices and cohesive devices as the title signify.
functions of language.
mere rules and the systems help the researcher to make good choices.
The nature of this linguistics makes the use of language possible for people
to carry out the social functions of language in relation with others in the
Continuing (2019: 16), language connects its use and the artistic roles in
configuration is concerned with the selection of linguistic items from a
choices given to language users is made available within the use of system
grammatical network.
For example;
Diagram 1:
Non – Finite
Prepositional Phrase
From the diagram above, the choice to use a nominal group instead
that for one to choose a finite (verb) a subject and finite item must be
present. Hence, the subject is a nominal group or noun and the finite is a
language. These are prominent in phonology and grammar. They are unit,
structure, class and system which are rated in scales of rank, experience
and delicacy.
For example, a sentence is made up of a main clause, a subordinate
or two as the case maybe. While the clause has the subject,
component within the clause. The group can also have modifier, head,
Functional Linguistics accounts for unit, class, structure and system of the
However, within the structure of the group there is the word. And the
word consists of the base, prefix, infix, ending and addition while the
Ladder Form.
Diagram 2:
Group Phrase
and hierarchical. This is evident in the five units found in grammar showing
the hierarchical property of language while the rank scale holds them
together. Tomori (1985: 112), in Opara (2016: 10) also opines that the
“syntactic structure of a speech has the grammatical units starting with the
sentence, the clause, the phrase, the word and the morpheme as the
lowest/last rank.
Hence the grammatical rank scale according to Opara (2016: 10)
Communicative Act
And that is why language is horizontal and vertical. The vertical
sentences and utterances that relate to change, style, choice and clause.
the case maybe because words and sounds could be organized to form
new words which can make meaning change and new symbols created.
appear + ing (Opara, 2016: 11). Thus, the unit of sound at the lowest stage
in the order combine to form units at the next stage in the order until it
of networks and choice relations having horizontal rules that hold its
networks for communication. This can be powerful instrument that can
make humans risk their lives or take the lives of others. According to Opara
(2016: 11) words like “queer and nigger” are symbolic. These words are
highly symbolic in America because they are emotional. Also, the English
word “sheep”. Symbolic words are seen as things that donate or represent
arbitrarily through meaning. This means that if one does not know the
meaning of a word, the mention of the word will not explain the meaning.
example, the mention of the word table, one would not by its sound know
the meaning of the word. This means according to Opara (2016: 12) that “a
This is why Unoh (1995: 121) in Opara (2016: 14) states that there
are three dimensions of language which are form, content and function. He
arbitrary vocal sounds and signs into meaningful utterances and these
explains and describes the method used for data collection and analysis of
and figurative features that occur in the drama texts. This is done by listing
and writing down the translation of each of the selected tools as appeared
in the selected chapters of the drama texts using tables to ascertain and
account the validity of the data. Therefore, in each of the selected stylistic
device, each aspect of the text is used for the purpose of illustration. The
data used in this study is an analysis of related materials from the textual
and writing down the translation of each stylistic devices in a text as the
This study because of its scope and nature is text – centered since it
is textual analysis. It uses the sampling method that draws its components
from the extracts from these drama texts namely, A Question of Choice,
These drama texts have incidents as chapters and it is only the text called
A Matter of Identity that has different settings in its plot. The drama text is
divided into, the meeting in Incident One, the order (Incident Two), the
consent (Incident Three), before the trip (Incident Four), departure (Incident
Five), judgment (Incident Six), the return (Incident Seven), post mortem
(Incident Eight).
researcher from these four drama texts and these texts extracts are
described based on Leech and Short’s checklist which has four categories.
With the help of this model, the researcher was able to fully bring to
The micro and macro levels of text analysis are adopted by this study
research method that has the organization of all the evidences from the
framework of this study and analysis. For this study in order to fully analyze
the textual qualities of these drama texts, the study considers the
The random selection of extracts from the drama texts are analyzed
Furthermore, the extracts for analysis are organized and analyzed based
The items used in this study are called Data and it came from
extracts of conversation in the drama texts and speech from the text. These
data collected are analyzed at the level of lexis. This helped to bring to
selecting from the population of the study. The study population was done
to cover the whole incidents found in the texts into a manageable size to
achieve the desired result. And this purposive random sampling are
4.1 Introduction
evident in the drama texts under study. These writer’s experiences also
include the writer’s culture and background which he shares with the
language used by the writer shows the language of the people in which it is
African writers often produce work that sometimes during translation from
setback…” This can make the writer describe situations which are not
language of a people conveys their culture. For example, the word Daddy
Hence, this chapter clearly illustrates what exists between the style and the
culture which specifically brings to limelight the distinct features of his
drama texts.
office and Lingua Franca of Nigerian after the reign of our colonial masters.
This has made many Nigerian writers to use English language to depict the
Linguistic community by which their works are based. For example, Ken
these texts, they featured characters that used pidgin expressions and in
some character like “Mene” used Nigerian English with Broken English.
Others use local imagery and transliteration which show their culture and
in their works.
texts. Wole Soyinka does this in Madman and Specialists and The Lion and
the Jewel. Many people including the teachers and pupils do this because
they cannot find equivalents in English and are afraid that in even trying to
translate, they might lose some of the nuances of meaning in the texts and
Bamgbose (1995:11) states that “Nativization of English in Nigeria is
the language”.
in Nigeria using language to suit or represent their culture and beliefs, way
of life and the social – cultural norms of the people. This nativization or
express the linguistic and socio – cultural desires of their people. Some use
their native or local vernacular to add vigour to English language like in the
use of idioms.
novels and found out that the works of seven writers clearly depicts the
idioms, images, proverbs and culturally rich expressions to English
choices can be influenced by the subject matter and the social and
socio – cultural contexts of people living in Nigeria. And these make their
lexicology and stylistics. The definition of lexicology simply means the study
linguistics which deals with the major units of language that carry the
more larger linguistically than the traditional lexical items used by writers to
linguistically. For Leech and Short (1981:10, 11), “it refers to the way in
and so on”. Also, that “it is selection from a total linguistic repertoire”.
that deals with the choice of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences and
linguistic tools as it relates the theme and the context which has socio
way one individual uses language differs, sometimes significantly, from that
of another even when they are talking about the same thing. The way a
writer presents his message to his readers is often referred to as the ‘style’
of that writer”. Furthermore, three main factors form the basis by which the
and Kurlov (1994). Ogunsiji (2000), holds almost the same view as the
linguistics the stylistic analysis of text involves the graphological,
nature which means that the nature carries a particular meaning, effect or
value. Thus, lexical features are analyzed with their functional parts in this
study as it relates to the contextual use of these items. This is because the
linguistic choices made by the writer are regarded as the most important
the writer.
4.4 Methodology
gave Tony Duruaku’s drama texts its uniqueness. In this research, the
explained on their association that is based on the time, context and setting
and language background of the writer and other features with their
from the texts are analyzed in tables because they are in sentences. This
(b) Proverbs/Idioms
(e) Coinages/neologisms
the five selected drama texts where these features namely; lexical items,
consideration of the ten point description of the components involved in the
They are;
(1) The genre or type of event (e.g. jokes, story, lecture, greeting,
(3) The purpose or function of the event in general and in terms of the
(4) The setting, including location, time of day, season of year and
(5) The participants, including their age, sex, ethnicity, social status,
(6) The message form, including both vocal and non-vocal channels
and the nature of the code which is used (e.g. with what language
is communicated about.
(9) The roles of interaction, or what properties should be observed.
literally, etc.
In this discussion, the texts are analyzed one by one according to the
(b)Silhouettes (1993)
employment in the big town where he “enjoy the good things of life”. He
employment in the big town. He, then realizes the truth about life, country
and what is gives. This work criticizes the misguided, overzealous and the
“easy – pather” of the present society. It brings to limelight the brutality and
realities of quest for white collar job in the country. According to the writer
“A Salute to industry, patience, foresight… and those who are able to still
get up from a bad fall…”. This drama text features the following categories,
i. Lexical items
See Appendice 1
These items are loan words that are Nigerian way of showing
referred to as Loan Words. These are words that are used directly by the
loan words and loan blends is that a loan blend is a combination of a native
or indigenous item and a loan word item. Again, loan expressions are
into English. The important lexical words in the texts are selected with their
conventions in every society. As can be seen, in this text the lexical word
“Dede” does not have in it’s entirely the concept the writer wants to express
the respect and tone will be captured adequately. Instead, the writer would
have used senior/elder brother or uncle as the case maybe. More so, it
shows the respect that is accorded to elders in African especially the
It has been noticed that Nigerian pidgin has not been codified and that
grammar of the pidgin language. Meanwhile, African writers tend to use this
made a creative work its peculiarity and expressive beauty (Yubo, 2011).
However, imagery can be explained or discussed in two levels namely
“An elder does not watch the goat struggle itself on the rope” (pg 7)
what he important
studied in in all their
the discussion
Amadi. Amadi has been trying to convince his younger brother to establish
in the village as an agriculturist not to go to the town for white collar job.
Amadi told him how he has tried endlessly to make Sam stop planning to
go to the city to look for job while he (Amadi) has all it takes to establish a
“A fly that does not listen to advice, follows the corpse to the grave”
(pg 20)
and help in an elder
the family
Note: Ogbonna confronted Sam and told him the need to accept what his
elder brother Amadi has offered him. Also, that he should recognize and
realize his elder brother assistance to him because there is need for him to
show his elder brother appreciation by helping in the family upkeep and
“When blood masquerades like water, then you treat it as water” (pg
Note: Amadi told Ogbonna how stubborn Sam has been and his bad
longer tolerate them. But Ogbonna was telling him also that he should not
relent because Sam is his blood and as such, he advised, “that blood is
writer’s exhibits code – mixing/code switching in their work of art. And this
show the speakers educational level and exposure. Hence, the evidence in
this analysis.
(1) “All right. We shall see who will tire first. Let him sit here and eat food
We shall see who will “”tire first” is an example of code mixing. The
writer used two languages in the above statement and that is English
and pidgin. This is equally a code switching because Amadi switches
(2) “God forbid! It’s a family wahala”. This is also code – mixing/switching
language situations.
succession in this town, was clearly stated but the new trend of modernity
and economic success (affluence) by one of their sons, Nwaeze fueled the
crisis in the drama as Nwaeke and group demand for a referendum. The
quarrel began when the guardian of the stool refused that the succession
rule be adhered to. There was chaos in the town as their past confronts the
i. Loan words/blends/expressions
iv. Idioms
v. Coinages/neologisms
7 Papa (Igbo) 46 4 Father
8 Kobo (Igbo) 62 1 Smallest denomination
of our currency
9 Ogu na ofo (Igbo) 68 1 Symbol of fair play and
10 Odejimjim (Igbo) 77 1 Local vigilante group
clause can share elements that can form component structure of the first
clause. And the elliptical clauses from the texts are as following;
(1) “Nwaeze, your acolyte disgusts me, but I shall answer…” (Pg 1)
but I shall answer you when the time comes. The ‘you when the time
represented thus:
(2) “And you want me to fault now… to fail in my duty and shame this
It is supposed to be “And you want me to fault now and shame
this family”. The elliptical is that the other part of the clause was later
“To fail in my duty and shame this family” is the answer for the first
clause of (2).
(1) “Chai! I have eaten shit. Okay, we shall see who laughs last. Today
Text 2.4: Idioms
These are wise sayings that are used to express thoughts or ideas. It
Text 3: Selected Extracts from Cash Price
The text Cash Price is a story about the problems that befall a society
that besets a social structure which places values on money. The story
revolts round Chinwe the victim, Uche the husband and Obinna, the master
planner. The young men want already made cash, the girls go for easy
cash, and the young women are not left out either. Some get away with it
while some are entrapped and doomed. This is a replay of our present day
ii. Coinages/Neologisms
(1) “A hoe that is taken to the farm must till the soil; otherwise it is a
(Pg 2)
turn to get money and where to turn for ordinary applause”. (Pg 3)
Utterance (a) means that when something of importance loses its value, it
whereas they know when or how to get what they actually wanted. These
utterances show the socio-cultural situation of the Igbo people and they are
Fall Apart” (1988), this idiomatic utterance is formal and uses metaphorical
Translation: Electrician
(2)Kick starter – repairing (Pg 5)
Translation: Up – keep
Translation: Ancient
Translation: Possession
Translation: Uncontrollable
Translation: Concubines
Translation: Cheap
Translation: Boutique
Translation: Difficult
(12) Razzle – dazzle (Pg 18)
Translation: Obstinent
Translation: Unfaithfulness
The lexical words listed above are called descriptive coinages. They
Husband – snatchers
Knock – out
particular of any compound word. Thus, the items are already identified as
contextually Nigerian.
According to Opara, S.C. (2019: 34), ‘Pidgin though a ‘language’ of its own,
it has a combination of both the African language and borrowed items from
It differs from the sub-standard Nigeria English called broken English
“So I go dey for door dey watch una make una finish chop. Sunday no do
that one o. sometime, you go buy bell dey ring am so I go hear am for my
room. But to come tanda for door for sake say I go see when you go eat
and found that he house boy Sunday was around. He started talking to no
the houseboy emerged from inside the room to interrupt their discussion.
He pretended that he was present while Chinwe was eating or as if she just
finished eating.
“Because him get money, him think say everybody go do bow foram (spits)
yeye man. I dey happy with small one I dey get see madam say him dey go
church. Which kin church she fit go with that man. When she come back
you ask me wetin them talk for gospel, him no go fit sabi. (Laughs
If you look at the tone of the speech, you will realize that Sunday is
not happy and have noticed the relationship between Obinna and Chinwe
without them knowing it. Meanwhile, Obinna has earlier annoyed him by
reprimanding him for not cleaning the furniture before going to church.
discusses with Chinwe in her matrimonial home. The writer used Sunday to
“Believe am Sir. And since you tell me make I dey observe, I see say the
man dey live for one big house for 5 Independence Layout Road.
claim on the Madam ‘Chinwe’ and also as a code – mincing of pidgin and
Igbo language.
for example, Warri or Portharcourt. This is well understood by the average
a linking feature between the lexical items contained in a text. For Scott
speech have some components which form the structural part of the first
“I don’t think you know the quality of the fabric. Place it on your skin and
The clause “place it on your skin and feel the coolness; feel…” which
has the elliptical version as “feel the coolness of the fabric”. The sentence
pattern is thus;
V + A + O (Noun)
“Feel the coolness of the fabric”
determination. A story about Umukwenu clan. This clan was forbidden from
holding their annual festival by the very gods that made the festival
mandatory. And that is why, the elder, Ntagbu said that, “And yet we have
been ordered not to hold the festival. The gods are indeed playing ‘nchoro’
with us….”.
and dug out holes. The solution according to the gods is for them to select
provokes thought on “who we are and how to retain that which makes a
society different or unique. A Matter of Identity and what we are known for.
The following categories feature;
ii. Proverbs
Text 4.2: Proverbs
NB: The four elders were patiently arguing with each other especially the
two rivalries, Ntagbu and Obiocha. They do not seem to agree in any way
rather they antagonize each other with offensive words. Therefore, when
kolanu was eventually presented and the palm wine by Okoli, Ocheze
accused Ntagbu and the one that is supposed to bring the kolanut and the
palm wine since he is the head of the host village. Ntagbu jokingly used this
proverb top buttress while the argument among happened since they did
not do the right thing at the right time. That is Igbo culture.
“If a man does not die young, he will surely eat bearded meat”. (Pg
NB: The emissary to the “Never Never Land” the boy Okoli is Mbagwu’s
always insinuating things among others. When the elders realized that they
have not started the meeting officially because there were kolanuts and
palm wine, they started looking for him to blame. Meanwhile, Mbagwu has
asked his nephew, Okoli to go and get the palm wine, he stayed back
where his age mates were rehearsing the dance they wanted to present
during the festival without them knowing that they gods do not approve
these emissaries sent. Ocheze accused Okoli of fooling around while the
maidens which was true while Mbagwu supports him because he said that
he is of age.
“A hot coal given to a child by his elder cannot scorch him”. (Pg 19)
NB: This was said when they gave Ntagbu kolanuts to pray over before
they eat. They started an argument as to whom the kolanut will be given to
bless. Mbagwu presented the kolanuts and showed them to his kinsmen.
Ocheze said that the kolanuts should be given to the eldest while Ntagbu.
Obiocha said that it doesn’t matter even though they are not in his house.
Besides, they are in his village and his person who brought the kolanuts.
Ntagbu now consented with this proverb to further ask him to continue
cultural Communication”.
(1) “But we are quick to remember even the tiniest shortcoming. Tufia!”.
(Pg. 16)
(2) “Where is his sense of humour? Is it this small njakiri…” (Pg. 16)
utterance (1) there is a mixture of English and Igbo. The main utterance is
In the second utterance (2), the main idea is spoken in English
language while the concluding word is Igbo language. And that carry’s the
language. However, the writer uses these Igbo words not that it doesn’t
have the English counter paid or word but because he considers the
native speaker of in the environment of use. About from this reason, the
writer may have according to Opara, S.C. (2016:93), that writers may have
words or speech in the texts resort to their first language. However, it could
be a style of the writer like this writer under study. In effect many African
English language has placed on them to create and coin their words to suit
in Yankson (1987:15) writes, “At the heart of literary creation is the struggle
to device patterns of language which will bestow upon the linguistic items
concerned just those values which will convey the individual writer’s
personal vision”.
Continuing, they observed that for the writer to convey his thoughts or
ideas, there must be a kind of struggle between the words and meanings of
The text A Mirage for a Dream is a swipe at widow abuse and poor
life. The story of an ambitious man who in spite of agitations from his wife,
impatiently jumped into danger because of wealth and what it could give.
joined the Sahara passage and met his death. The organ harvesters ripped
out his kidney and he died. The situation the youths find themselves in the
country where many die and some come back alive loaded with currency.
i. Loan words/blends/expressions
iii. Coinages/neologisms
v. Code mixing/switching
Text 5.1: Loan Words/Loan Blends/Loan Expressive
(1) ‘Ekwueme! You said you will kill him and you have done it. O na –
(Meaning: Prostitute)
(Meaning: A tout)
(Meaning: Is that so!)
(Meaning: It is wonderful)
setting and also a local and cultural feature that depicts Nigerian burial
are local substitutes. And Abioye, T. & Ajiboye E. (2014) quoting Hoffer,
2005; Durkin, 2009, writes that in a text where this kind of sociolinguistic
features occur, borrowing is in inevitable. Secondly, language is truly a
This is why some of these lexical items used by the writer are either
from the indigenous language like Igbo directly or from Pidgin English to
capture exactly the expression of the writers thought. For example, items
like ‘Eruru’, ‘Ocho passenger’, ‘sho!’, ‘Ashawo!’, ‘Keke boys’ and so on. The
effect of these items will present to the reader will have being awkward if
different from the environment of the work. More so, it shows a typical of
‘ocho’ is an Igbo word for looking and passenger is an English word for a
person who board a commercial bus. The two items completely change
These are some lexical items provided with their semantic meaning.
protest by workers.
Extended meaning: Commercial tricycle.
Meaning: A small salary job that cannot fetch good live hood.
6. ‘Hard – earned money’.
Meaning: A Nigerian slang for people who travelled to Europe and come
back rich.
Many of these items are descriptive coinages intended to describe
the socio – cultural elements surrounding the environment of the story. The
The conversation between Chimdi and the banana seller in the park
(Pg. 4).
Chimdi: This one wey dey four. How much? Wait make I touch am now.
The bargaining between the two people Chimdi and banana girl
uneducated in Nigeria because many of them are either touts, petty traders
or driver’s mate. Chimdi was asking the banana girl if it is ripe enough for
him to buy and eat. And the best way for him to know that is by touching
There are also lexical pidgin items used and they are as follows;
2. ‘Abi’. (Pg. 4)
4. ‘Sho!’. (Pg. 8)
English: Nag
8. ‘Wahala’.
English: Problem
Text 5.5: Code – Mixing/Code Switching
1. ‘Ah Ah! Madam. Na that one wey I wan take, na him you want? Haba!’
(Pg. 5)
There is code mixing and switching as two languages are used. The
local language.
There is two languages here and it is Igbo and pidgin and like the
3. ‘The man no fill form o. E no fit write anything. Wey the man kwanu?
4.6 Summary
The lexical stylistic analysis of Toni Duruaku’s drama texts has been
writer in these drama texts and the environment in which these texts are
eastern part of Nigeria. This can be deduced from the writers use of loan
argument. The reader is made to express the right signal the writer wants
direct images which is available easily to the reader by writer. Hence, the
and images are provided by the writer. Also, there are prominent evidences
domesticated and acculturated in Nigeria. This makes it more acceptable
and relevant in Nigeria as they capture the characters as well as the social
Thus, this study found out that these literary works of Toni Duruaku is
are aesthetic which further enhances the quality of the texts analyzed.
From this study, it is established that the socio – cultural and linguistic
texts have the capacity of producing the features that portray literature as
educative and entertaining. Alowonle, F.K. (2010: 20) quoting Short (1996:
27) agrees that “detailed and systematic analysis can be seen as an aid to
Cash Price, and A Mirage for a Dream. Pidgin English in Nigeria has
Rivers State, Benin, Calabar and some people in Lagos State. It has
no accepted word composition and rules of the grammar that govern its
between the educated, highly placed and non-educated and lowly placed.
This can be found in the character ‘Sunday’ in Cash Price and ‘Chimdi and
Co’ in A Mirage for a Dream. This truly simulates the socio – linguistic
Code – Mixing/Code Switching
For instance, in these two utterances from the three texts, the writer
‘Dede! Welcome! You have come at the proper time. Join us.’
‘Oh! Dede.
Cha! I don chop shit. Look me o. Ordinary girl dey talk to me like this.’
Cha! Is an Igbo exclamatory word and the speech is in Pidgin
(2016:92), “Code mixing is the ability to use two languages within the same
language of the world and its place and function in Nigeria as their official
and Lingua Franca made many Nigerian writers to be neatly skillful and
which their works of art are built. In Toni Duruaku’s dramatic texts: A
Question of Choice and A Mirage for a Dream used the houseboy ‘Sunday’
and imagery to the fullest extent possible, I am of the opinion the only way
to use them effectively is to translate them also literally from the African
must stress such a language, stretch it, impact and compact it, fragment
between the English language and the Nigerian culture, the language has
linguistic demands and wants. In other to show this Nigerian writers like
Toni Duruaku use their vernacular to add vigour and aesthetic in their
works. In these dramatic texts Toni Duruaku used his native or local
imagery in his environment and expressed them through language. These
One of the hall marks of Toni Duruaku’s style is its influence by native
“You cannot tell what the mouth smells like until the nose ventures
near it”.
It simply means that you have to encounter something before you can
access it.
Meaning: that the son of Obialor Chidi should respect him and allow
Nigeria. Because of this, this research study has found out the adequate
use of these traditional proverbs and idioms or imagery helped the writer to
professional express the culture heritage of the text society so that one can
comfortably identify the setting and society. Also, choices are made from
Another style prominently used in all his works is his use of colloquial
(a) A Question of Choice: [Don’t, he’ll, she’s, I’m (Pg. 2, 3, 6 and so on)].
(b) Cash Price: [Let’s, won’t, mhh mmh!, can’t (Pg. 4, 8, 9 and 10)].
These are also found in all the other texts. There are evidence of
used for address. The most important thing is that the choices made by the
writers may be influenced or not by the theme and the socio – cultural
Secondly, the main approach used in this research study as stated
has shown that the writer Toni Duruaku like other African writers has used
This reveals the linguistic choices used by writer to proficiently convey his
5.2 Recommendations
Toni Duruaku and found out the stylistic choices made, these choices
made produce effect that are impressive and worthwhile. The writer choice
discipline that donates logical and creative thinking which can be used to
and important discipline. It is a known fact that stylistic study is science that
has links with other discipline because of the study source. There is a
correlation between the levels of linguistic features and meaning. It is
challenging to note that since all stylistic effects are correlated, there are
literary stylistics will eventually overlap with other areas of literary students
like the theory of literary genres, art of composition and imagery. For a
be conversant with or know every field of linguistics. While the main aim of
this study is to analyze and find out the uniqueness, aptness, personal and
informal communicative ability of the writer and its relationship with other
writers in his environment. From the foregoing, the English language used
by all group have in common this Nigerian English. This in turn shares
opinion, this Nigerian English should be taught and used official to examine
and evaluate students. Scholars should not look down on this language
since it is replay of the culture and social heritage. And they are used in
outside world. Our own language just like other English’s of the world. The
important practice aspect of this research study is that the materials and
the result of findings can serve as the lexical stylistic tools for theoretical
(2) The study is able to identify that human languages rob off on one
5.4 Conclusion
Toni Duruaku has been able to provide adequate stylistic tools for
It is also evident from the analysis that it is a show of the cultural and
sociolinguistic environment of a people and this determines the right
language to use. In fact, in any public gathering or meetings like in any Igbo
society, he provides the right proverb/idiom that depicts the status of the
vivid imagery which is familiar to the reader thereby sustaining his interest
and concentration. These stylistic tools found in these texts are meaningful,
Among other things explained and discussed, these devices deepened the
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