ACI 311.5 - Guide For Plant Inspection & Testing of Ready Mix Concrete (2004)

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Guide for Concrete Plant Inspection and

Testing of Ready-Mixed Concrete

This guide is intended for use in establishing basic duties and reports Keywords: batch plants; contract documents; curing; high-shength concrete;
required of inspection personnel. It can be used for all types and sizes of quality control; ready-mixed concrete; test.
projects but should be supplemented with additional inspection requirements
when the complexity of the project so dictates. Refer to AC1 311.4R for guid-
ance on additional requirements and to SP-2 for more detailed information
on concrete production practices and inspection and testing of concrete.
This guide recommends minimum requirements for inspection at the
concrete plant when such inspections are required by speci3cations or the
ownex It also recommends minimum requirementsfor field and laboratory
testing of concrete. It is intended for use by specifiers, architects, engi-
neers, owners, contractors, or other groups needing to monitor the ready-
mixed concrete producers' activities at the concrete plant and concreting
activities at the project site through the use of an independent inspection <; El;3 p.:$?
2....qest i?$g of r*?'a&..$Y$ <>Q nc; r&e ~

agency or in-house inspection organization. p. 3'13 -5-3

This guide also recommends minimum testing laboratory qualifications, 2.1-Introduction and scope
minimum inspector qual$cations, duties, and reports. 2.2-Qualifications
2.3-Testing laboratory
AC1 Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and 2.4-Duties
Commentaries are intended for guidance in planning, 2.5-Testing high-strength concrete
designing, executing, and inspecting construction. This 2.6-Reports
document is intended for the use of individuals who are
competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its
content and recommendations and who will accept (>
I. . y 3... qcs$.s
t>**a .s\y y
r.\..rbhbhr+. .,...g > p. 311,5-5

responsibility for the application of the material it contains. 3.1-Referenced standards and reports
The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and all 3 . 2 4 t h e r references
responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall not 3.3-Laboratory evaluation and accreditation agencies
be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom.
Reference to this document shall not be made in contract
documents. If items found in this document are desired by the CHAPTER 1-PLANT INSPECTION OF
ArchitectíEngineer to be a part of the contract documents, they READY-MIXED CONCRETE
shall be restated in mandatory language for incorporation by 1.l-Introduction and scope
the ArchitectíEngineer. This chapter recommends minimum requirements for
inspection of the concrete plant when required by specifica-
It is the responsibility of the user of this document to tions or the owner. It is intended for use by specifiers, architects,
establish health and safety practices appropriate to the specific engineers, owners, contractors, or other groups interested in
circumstances involved with its use. AC1 does not make any monitoring the ready-mixed-concreteproducers' activities at
representations with regard to health and safety issues and the
use of this document. The user must determine the
applicability of all regulatory limitations before applying the
document and must comply with all applicable laws and
regulations, including but not limited to, United States
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
health and safety standards.

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311.5-2 AC1 STANDARD

the plant through the use of an independent inspection manner that does not interfere unnecessarily with the manu-
agency or in-house inspection organization. This chapter facture and delivery of the concrete. During the first batch
recommends: being shipped to the project under the inspector’s jurisdic-
1. Minimum qualifications of an inspector; tion, the inspector should be present at the batching console
2. The minimum duties of an inspector; and to verify that the specified type and amount of materials,
3. The type of reports that should be made. conforming to the approved design mixture proportions, are
The scope and responsibility involved in plant inspection batched and delivered to the mixer.
should be established in the contract documents, which If the operation is automated and recorded, the inspector
should also define the relationships between the owner, should make observations as often as possible, preferably on
concrete contractor, concrete supplier, and the inspector. a continuous basis, but at least once per hour.
If the batching operation is manual, the inspector should
1.2-Inspector qualifications be present at the batching console during all batching. The
The plant inspector should be qualified by education, inspector should verify that quantities of materials for each
training, and experience to perform the minimum duties set batch fall within the tolerances set forth by the project spec-
forth in this guide. The inspector should have a technical ifications.
understanding of the materials used to produce concrete 1.3.5 The inspector should verify that coarse- and fine-
along with the principles involved in concrete batching and aggregate gradation tests are being performed in accordance
should know the basic operating sequence of the concrete with ASTM C 136 and that the results meet the project
plant. The inspector should provide evidence of his or her requirements. If deviation occurs, batch plant personnel and
training and experience. AC1 inspector or technician certifi- the client should be notified immediately, or previously
cations, Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector Certification authorized action should be taken.
(co-sponsored by AC1 and various building code organiza- 1.3.6 The inspector should verify that aggregate moisture
tions) or appropriate state agency certifications are accept- contents are properly determined in accordance with ASTM
able evidence that the person has completed minimum C 566, and that the batch quantities of materials are adjusted
training and examination requirements for specific areas of to compensate for free moisture in the aggregates. If aggre-
inspection and testing covered in this document. The gate moisture contents are being measured by rapid methods,
inspector should also have and become familiar with the daily correlation tests following ASTM C 566 should be
published standards referenced in this guide and with project conducted.
specification requirements. 1.3.7 The inspector should determine that the trucks are in
The authority of the plant inspectors and to whom they good operating condition and not loaded beyond their rated
report should be established before the start of the project. capacities for mixing and agitation. Trucks should also be
inspected (safety regulations regarding confined spaces
1.3-Inspector duties should be followed, if applicable) for blade wear, build-up of
1.3.1 To determine required inspections, the inspector concrete on the blades, and for proper mixing speed as
should review and fully understand the project specifica- described in Section 3 of the NRMCA Quality Control
tions, plans, and other project documents. The inspector Manual. Truck mixers should be equipped with counters or
should observe that the facilities, scales, and truck mixers similar means to enable verification of the number of revo-
meet the specified project requirements. The provisions of lutions applied to the drum.
the following documents should normally be incorporated in 1.3.8 The inspector should verify that the scales and other
the project specification: measurement systems have been properly calibrated within

AC1 301; the time period specified by the project specifications or
ASTM C 94/C 94M; referenced documents
Plant qualification in accordance with the National 1.3.9 The capability of the production facility to produce
Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) check- concrete within the temperature limits of the project specifi-
list for certification of ready-mixed concrete production cation should also be evaluated and verified. In cold weather
facilities; and this generally requires a water and aggregate heatin
Local, state, or federal agency specifications. capacity of 15 boiler horsepower per 100 yd3 (76 m ) ?
1.3.2 Inspectors should conduct activities in accordance production. In hot weather, this generally requires a system
with all safety policies, health standards, and safe work prac- for spraying and cooling aggregates and a system for effi-
tices in effect at the job site. ciently weighing and deliverin crushed ice to the mixer in
1.3.3 The inspector should verify proper storage of all
the range of 40 to 100 lb per yd (18 to 45 kg per m3).
materials on a daily basis. All storage areas should be clean 1.3.10 For each batch of concrete the inspector should
and free of contamination. Cementitious materials should be verify that the concrete plant is furnishing to the purchaser a
stored in weatherproof silos or similar structures. Aggregate delivery ticket conforming to ASTM C 94/C 94M. A place
storage areas should provide for separation and free draining should be provided on the ticket to reflect the following
of stockpiled materials. Storage areas should be equipped information:
with water spray systems for maintaining aggregates in a Name of the concrete plant;
saturated condition. Means for protecting and preventing Serial number of the ticket;
freezing of aggregates during winter production should also Date;
be provided. Admixture storage areas should be suitably Truck number;
insulated or heated to prevent freezing. Name of the purchaser;
1.3.4 All tests and inspections should be conducted at the Project designation (name and location);
frequencies required by the project specifications in a Class or designation of concrete;
Copyright American Concrete Institute
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Amount of concrete batched; Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), the American

Time batched; Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA), or similar
The amount of water added by receiver of concrete and programs as approved by the owner.
receiver’s initials;
The amount of water withheld during batching, if any, 2.4-D ut¡es
and the admixtures that may be added at the jobsite; 2.4.1 The field technician should check each delivery
and ticket to verify that the mixture with the correct designation
Any additional information required by the purchaser is being delivered and, if possible, determine whether adjust-
or the project specification. ments to proportions, such as admixtures, have been made.
Immediate action should be taken, as authorized, in the
1.4-Reports case of a discrepancy. Immediate verbal notification should
1.4.1 The inspector should sign the delivery ticket, issue be given to the placing contractor and the concrete supplier.
an inspection report, or supply other evidence that the 2.4.2 The field technician should determine that:

concrete batching has been inspected. Truck mixers are not loaded in excess of mixer plate
1.4.2 The inspector should issue a daily inspection report capacity;
showing all test results and documenting observations made Concrete appears to be uniform and adequately mixed
during the day. Deficiencies and to whom they were reported before discharge at the project site;
should be clearly identified. The ACZ Manual of Concrete Field additions of water, admixtures, or fiber reinforce-
Inspection (SP-2) contains guidance on reporting and ment are properly conducted and documented;
samples of reports. Concrete delivery and placement falls within the time
constraints of the project specifications; and
CHAPTER 2-TESTING OF READY-MIXED All data required by ASTM C 94/C 94M, the purchaser,
CONCRETE or the job specification are included on the delivery
2.1-Introduction and scope ticket.
This chapter recommends minimum requirements for the Immediately report any discrepancies to the placing
testing of ready-mixed concrete at the project site when contractor and the concrete supplier.
required by specifications. It includes requirements for 2.4.3 The technician should cast at least one set of strength
curing of specimens, testing of specimens for strength, and test specimens in accordance with ASTM C 31/C 31M for
qualification requirements for testing technicians and labora- each 100 yd3 (76 m3), or fraction thereof, of each class of
tories. It is intended for use by specifiers, architects, engi- concrete placed in any one day. Tests of concrete that should
neers, owners, contractors, or other groups interested in be conducted whenever strength specimens are cast include
monitoring the concreting activities at the project site the following: slump, air content, temperature, and density
through the use of an independent inspection agency or (whenever yield is to be calculated or as required by project
in-house inspection organization. specifications).
When sampling concrete, a composite sample repre-
2.2-Qualif ications senting concrete conditions as delivered to the forms should
Technicians conducting field tests of concrete are required be obtained in accordance with ASTM C 172, and the date,
by ASTM C 94/C 94M to be certified as an AC1 Concrete time, placement location, truck number, and ticket number
Field Testing Technician-Grade I, or equivalent. For labora- should be reported.
tory testing, AC1 certification as a Laboratory Testing Techni- 2.4.4 The first truckload of concrete should be tested for
cian or Concrete Strength Testing Technician, or equivalent, is slump, concrete temperature, air content, and, if specified,
required. Technicians should also be furnished with and density, so that any necessary adjustments can be made at the
become familiar with published standards as referenced in this plant to bring concrete within specifications immediately.
guide and with project specification requirements. 2.4.5 The technician should measure slump in accordance
Before the start of the project, the owner should establish with ASTM C 143/C 143M for composite samples used to
the technician’s scope of authority and the requirements for cast strength test specimens and whenever the consistency of
submittal of reports and notification of deficiencies. the concrete appears to vary.
2.4.6 The technician should determine the air content of
2.3-Testing laboratory composite concrete samples for each strength test in accor-
All required laboratory acceptance tests (that is, laboratory dance with ASTM C 173, ASTM C 231, or ASTM C 138, and
curing and testing of concrete strength specimens) should be density (when required) in accordance with ASTM C 138.
performed by an independent testing laboratory or by the 2.4.7 Specimens for determining equilibrium density of
owners’ in-house testing personnel. The laboratory low-density concrete should be cast and tested in accordance
conducting acceptance testing shall meet the requirements of with ASTM C 567.
ASTM C 1077. To comply with ASTM C 1077 the labora- 2.4.8 The technician should determine the ambient air
tory must be inspected by an independent agency such as the temperature and the composite concrete sample temperature
Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) or the at the time of sampling for each strength test in accordance
AASHTO Material Reference Laboratory (AMRL) within with ASTM C 1064.
the last 3 years and should show that any deficiencies 2.4.9 For each test age specified for acceptance, the tech-
mentioned in the report of that inspection have been nician should cast a minimum of two strength specimens
corrected. according to ASTM C 31/C 31M from each composite
The laboratory should be accredited by the AASHTO concrete sample. Casting of additional specimens for infor-
Accreditation Program (AAP), the National Voluntary mational testing at other ages may also be required.
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311.5-4 AC1 STANDARD

2.4.10 The contractor should provide a suitable area or ratory testing practices that may need to be implemented to
container at the project site for initial storage and curing (up maintain accuracy and consistency of test results.
to the first 48 h after molding) of specimens cast for accep- 2.5.2 Field sampling and testing of high-strength concrete
tance testing purposes. Specimens should be stored under is conducted using the same standard testing procedures
conditions that maintain the temperature immediately adja- noted previously in this guide. The effects of any deviation
cent to the specimens in the range of 60 to 80 OF (16 to 27 OC) from established testing procedures becomes magnified as
and which prevent damage and loss of moisture from the the compressive strength of concrete increases.
specimens. Initial curing should meet the requirements of 2.5.3 Obtaining accurate and consistent compressive
ASTM C 31/C 31M. strength results for high-strength concrete is, to a large
2.4.11 Where verification of in-place concrete strength is extent, dependant upon the end preparation of specimens
required before removal of forms, shoring, or placement of before testing. Capping systems described in ASTM C 617
the structure in service, additional specimens should be cast and ASTM C 1231/C 1231M are subject to restrictions and
for field curing in accordance with ASTM C 31/C 31M. limitations when used for testing high-strength concrete.
Specimens should be stored as near as possible to the structure ASTM C 617 presently requires qualification test data to
and protected in a manner similar to the structure until they be supplied by capping material manufacturers for sulfur
are transported for testing. mortar, high-strength gypsum plaster, and other materials,
2.4.12 In accordance with ASTM C 3 1/C 3 lM, the testing except neat cement paste, that are used to test concrete
laboratory should pick up and transport specimens cast for having strengths greater than 7000 psi (50 MPa). Compres-
acceptance testing within 16 to 48 h after molding. If the sive strengths of capped cylinders are compared to strengths
specimens are not transported to the laboratory within 48 h, of companion cylinders whose ends have been capped with
the molds should be removed within 16 to 32 h, and the spec- a suitable neat cement paste or to cylinders whose ends have
imens should be moist cured at 73 3 OF (23 2 OC) until * * been ground plane to within 0.002 in. (0.05 mm). Table 1 of
ASTM C 617 additionally requires that caps used in testing
they are transported. The transportation time should not
exceed 4 h. Specimens should be protected from damage, concrete greater than 7000 psi (50 MPa) have a maximum
moisture loss, and freezing during transport. Within 30 min average thickness of U8 in. (3 mm).
after removal from the molds, the specimens should be ASTM C 1231/C 1231M presently requires qualification
stored at a temperature of 73 3 OF (23 2 OC) in moist * * testing of elastomeric unbonded capping systems by the
supplier or by the user before testing concrete in the range of
rooms or saturated lime-water tanks conforming to the
requirements of ASTM C 5 11. Moist rooms should be main- 7000 to 12,000 psi (50 to 80 MPa). The compressive strengths
tained at a minimum relative humidity of 95%, and free of cylinders tested using unbonded caps are compared to
water should be maintained on the specimens? surfaces at all strengths of companion specimens whose ends have been
times. Beam specimens that are cured in moist rooms should capped to meet ASTM C 617 or ground plane to within 0.002 in.
be moved to saturated lime-water storage for 24 4 h before * (0.05 mm). Use of unbonded caps is not permitted for testing
concrete strength in excess of 12,000 psi (80 MPa).
2.4.13 The testing laboratory should test compressive AC1 362.2R states that ?The problems associated with
strength specimens in accordance with ASTM C 39/C 39M capping can be eliminated by grinding the ends of test cylinders
and test flexural strength specimens in accordance with using equipment made for that purpose.? Studies evaluating
ASTM C 78 or ASTM C 293. Before testing, ends of the effectiveness of various end preparation techniques are on-
compressive strength specimens and contact surfaces of going, and it is likely that additional changes to the referenced
beams may need to be sawed, capped, or ground to meet ASTM standards will need to be made as new information on
bearing surface requirements of the applicable test proce- testing high-strength concrete becomes available.
dure. A minimum of two specimens should be tested at the
designated age for determining conformance with the speci- 2.6-Reports
fied strength. Additional specimens may be tested at other 2.6.1 The technician should issue a daily inspection report
ages for information. A test result is obtained by averaging of all field test results and document observations made
the strengths of the specimens tested at the age designated during the day. Items not conforming to specifications
for determining conformance with the specified strength. should be reported immediately to the technician?s super-
visor and to the client.
2.4.14 In accordance with AC1 3 18/318R, the strength
2.6.2 The technician should complete a concrete data
level of an individual class of concrete is considered satisfac-
report for each set of concrete strength specimens to be
tory if both of the following requirements are met:
tested by the testing laboratory.
(a) Every arithmetic average of any three consecutive 2.6.3 The testing laboratory should issue timely reports
strength test results equals or exceeds the specified strength containing:
of concretef,? ; and Project name;
(b) No individual strength test (average strength of test Client;
specimens) falls below the specified strength of concrete by Concrete supplier;
more than 500 psi (3.4 MPa). Date sampled;
Sampled by, with certification number, if applicable;
2.5-Testing high-strength concrete Truck number, ticket number, or both;
2.5.1 High-strength concrete is usually defined as concrete Time batched and time sampled;
having a specified compressive strength of 6000 psi (40 MPa) Air temperature and concrete temperature at time of
or greater. AC1 363.2R provides extensive commentary and sampling;
recommendations on adjustments to standard field and labo- Results of slump, air content, and other specified tests;

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Specified strength of the concrete; C 511 Specification for Moist Cabinets, Moist
Concrete mixture designation, with identification of Rooms, and Water Storage Tanks Used in the
any optional admixtures batched; Testing of Hydraulic Cements and Concretes
Location of placement and location of sample batch; C 566 Test Method for Total Moisture Content of
Type and amount of admixture or water added after Aggregate by Drying
leaving the plant; and C 567 Test Method for Density of Structural Light-
Elapsed time between the start of mixing to the comple- weight Concrete
tion of placement, and a description of any conditions C 617 Practice for Capping Cylindrical Concrete
encountered before, during, or after the placement that,

in the opinion of the inspector, may affect the concrete
quality. C 1064 Test Method for Temperature of Freshly
2.6.4 The testing laboratory should issue timely lab testing Mixed Portland-Cement Concrete
reports containing the following information: C 1077 Practice for Laboratories Testing Concrete and
All information for cylinders required by ASTM C 39/ Concrete Aggregates for Use in Construction
C 39M, including the date tested, specimen identifica- and Criteria for Laboratory Evaluation
tion number, diameter, cross-sectional area, maximum C 123U Practice for Use of Unbonded Caps in Determi-
load, compressive strength, type of fracture, defects, C 1231 M nation of Compressive Strength of Hardened
and the age of the specimens; and Concrete Cylinders
All information for beams required by ASTM C 78 or
ASTM C 293, including the date tested, the specimen
National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
identification number, average width, average depth,
span length, maximum load, modulus of rupture, and Quality Control Manual, Section 1-Ready-Mixed Concrete
curing history. Information should also be included on Quality Control Guide
the use of capping, grinding, or leather shims; whether Quality Control Manual, Section 2-Ready-Mixed Concrete
the specimens were sawed or molded; whether defects Quality Control Checklist
are present; and the age of the specimens. Quality Control Manual, Section 34ertification of Ready
Mixed Concrete Production Facilities
3.1-Referenced standards and reports The above publications may be obtained from the
The documents of the various standard-producing organiza- following organizations:
tions referred to in this document and other recommended refer-
ences are listed below with their serial designation. The latest American Concrete Institute
version should always be used unless specified otherwise. P.O. Box 9094
Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094
American Concrete Institute (ACI)
30 1 Specification for Structural Concrete ASTM International
100 Barr Harbor Drive
318/318R Building Code Requirements for Structural
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959
Concrete and Commentary
363.2R Guide to Quality Control and Testing of High- AASHTO Material Reference Laboratory (AMRL) or
Strength Concrete Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) at the
SP-2 AC1 Manual of Concrete Inspection National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
ASTM International (301) 975-6704
C 3 1/C 3 1M Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test
Specimens in the Field 3.2-Other references
C 39/C 39M Test Method for Compressive Strength of AC1 Committee 116,2000, “Cement and Concrete Termi-
nology (AC1 116R-00),”American Concrete Institute, Farm-
Cylindrical Concrete Specimens
ington Hills, Mich., 73 pp.
C 78 Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete AC1 Committee 304, 2000, “Guide for Measuring, Mixing,
(Using Simple Beam With Third-Point Loading) Transporting, and Placing Concrete (AC1 304R-00),” American
C 94/C 94M Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete Concrete Institute, Fannington Hills, Mich., 41 pp.
C 138 Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield AC1 Committee 304, 1997, “Batching, Mixing, and Job
and Air Content Gravimetric) of Concrete Control of Lightweight Concrete (AC1 304.5R-91) (Reap-
C143/C143M Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic Cement proved 1997),” American Concrete Institute, Farmington
Concrete Hills, Mich., 9 pp.
AC1 Committee 305, 1999, “Hot Weather Concreting
C 172 Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete
(AC1 305R-99),” American Concrete Institute, Farmington
C 231 Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Hills, Mich., 20 pp.
Concrete by the Pressure Method AC1 Committee 306, 1988, “Cold Weather Concreting
C 293 Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (AC1 306R-88) (Reapproved 1997),” American Concrete
(Using Simple Beam With Center-Point Loading) Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., 23 pp.
Copyright American Concrete Institute
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311.5-6 AC1 STANDARD

AC1 Committee 3 11, 2000, “Guide for Concrete Inspection ASTM D 75, 1997, “Practice for Sampling Aggregates,”
(AC1 3 11.4R-00),” American Concrete Institute, Fannington ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa., 4 pp.
Hills, Mich., 12 pp.
ASTM C 33, 2002, “Specification for Concrete Aggre- 3.3-Laboratory evaluation and accreditation
gates,” ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa., 11 pp. agencies
ASTM C 70, 2001, “Test Method for Surface Moisture in The following organizations may be contacted for infor-
Fine Aggregate,” ASTM International, West Conshohocken, mation on laboratory evaluation inspections and accredita-
Pa., 3 pp. tion programs:
ASTM C 125, 2000, “Terminology Relating to Concrete
and Concrete Aggregates,” ASTM International, West AASHTO Accreditation Program
Conshohocken, Pa., 4 pp. American Association of State Highway and Transportation
ASTM C 127,2001, “Test Method for Specific Gravity and Officials
Absorption of Coarse Aggregate,” ASTM International, West
444 N. Capital Street, N.W. Suite 249
Conshohocken, Pa., 6 pp.
ASTM C 128, 2001, “Test Method for Specific Gravity Washington, DC 20001
and Absorption of Fine Aggregate,” ASTM International, (202) 624-5800
West Conshohocken, Pa., 6 pp.
ASTM C 136, 2001, “Test Method for Sieve Analysis of American Association for Laboratory Accreditation
Fine and Coarse Aggregates,” ASTM International, West 656 Quince Orchard Road
Conshohocken, Pa., 5 pp. Gaithersburg, MD 20878
ASTM C 150,2002, “Specification for Portland Cement,” (30 1) 670- 1377
ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa., 7 pp.
ASTM C 173/C 173M, 2001, “Test Method for Air Content National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method,” U. S. Department of Commerce
ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa., 9 pp. National Institute of Standards and Technology
ASTM C 192/C 192M, 2000, “Practice for Making and Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory,” ASTM
International, West Conshohocken, Pa., 8 pp.
ASTM C 494/C 494M, 1999, “Specification for Chemical National Ready-Mixed Concrete Association
Admixtures of Concrete,” ASTM International, West 900 Spring Street
Conshohocken, Pa., 9 pp. Silver Springs, MD 20910


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