Midterm Project No.1 Math
Midterm Project No.1 Math
Midterm Project No.1 Math
1. Interview two mathematics teachers. Ask them about the stages of the teaching cycle that they
follow. Then, create a diagram illustrating their common answer
Mathematical lesson plans for Learning experiences for This point corresponds to
children should include children that reflect the what are often known as
opportunities to encourage application of mathematics to utilitarian goals. We teach
problem-solving strategies as other curriculum areas could mathematics because it is
well as an emphasis on the include, Collecting, useful in meeting the
child's intellectual organizing, representing, and demands of daily life for
development. deductive interpreting data originating everyone. The priority
reasoning, which entails from science experiments or statement for the National
logical and systematic inquiries into historical, Curriculum, for example,
reasoning, and creative geographical, and social mentions teaching children
thinking which is understanding, for example, "concepts, abilities, and
characterized by innovative building up plans and meeting cognitive techniques that are
and varied thinking inductive the demands for precise important in everyday life
reasoning that leads to the measurement in technology Many everyday transactions
expression of patterns and and in design, employing and real-life problems, as well
generalizations, and spoken mathematical concepts to as most types of employment,
and written communication of encourage and assist pattern necessitate confidence and
mathematical ideas utilizing exploration in art, dance, and competence in a variety of
formal and informal language, music, as well as cross- basic mathematical skills and
as well as diagrams and curricular subjects like knowledge such as
symbols "transport" . measurement, manipulating
shapes, organizing space,
handling money, recording
and interpreting numerical and
graphical data, and using
information and
communications technology,
to name a few.
2. How is the diagram you created in #1 similar or different from the cycle that was presented
in this lesson?
- The only distinction is that the Cycle of Effective Instruction is made up of four components.
Active Instruction, Teamwork, Assessment, and Celebration are the components. can be put to
use to tackle a specific issue. Using instructor "think-alouds" to mimic the problem-solving
thought process.