What To Say When You Talk To Yourself by Shad Helmstetter

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When I was quite young I had a soaring imagination.

Long before I learned what we could not do, I

dreamed of doing what I knew we could.
I could reach out and touch those stars. I
could imagine any dream and see it come true.

It makes no difference whether

we believe it or not. The brain simply believes what
you tell it most. And what you tell it about you, it will
create. It has no choice.

Since the old programming controls the habits, it is

the old habits which once again take over.

Of all the self-help concepts I have uncovered, the

concept of "programming" the brain with a more
successful "new picture" of yourself is the most sensible.

What adults tell us as children has an incredibly

important effect on us. It forms what we believe about
most of what is going on around us and almost everything
that we come to believe about ourselves.
On programming your brain Some of our programming is obvious. It stands
up, gets our attention and demands our
response. But much of our programming is not
nearly so apparent. Most of it has been much
more subtle.

Every day each of us receives an endless stream

of commands, directives, controls, inducements,
and expectations from others. Everything around
us nudges, demands, or persuades.

Much of the programming which each of us

received was the wrong kind; that as much
as seventy-five percent or more of
everything that is recorded and stored in our
subconscious minds is counterproductive and
works against us-in short, we are
programmed not to succeed!

We Learn to Believe You can reprogram. You can erase the old negative,
counter-productive, work-against-you programming
and replace it with a healthy, new, positive, productive
kind of programming. And it's easy. Erase and replace.
All you have to do is learn how to talk to

1) The first missing ingredient is permanence. All

"external" solutions are temporary. Even the best of
the ideas work only for a time. Without constant
attention and effort, even the most exciting success
breakthroughs run their course and eventually end up
on our list of "good ideas" and "good intentions.

2) The second ingredient missing from most of the

success literature is a knowledge of the physiological
processes of the human brain-based on what we now
know about actual mind/brain functions. Without an
understanding of the actual process by which the
The Missing Ingredients from human brain accepts information (programming) and,
many self-help and business in turn, responds, directs and controls us, it would be
books difficult (or impossible) to create any success plan that
worked and kept working indefinitely.

3) The third missing ingredient, and the most important

What To Say When You Talk To Yourself of all, is a new, word-for-word set of directions, new
programming to the subconscious mind
Shad Helmstetter (the control center of the brain). That means a specific
"programming vocabulary" which is worded in a specific way,
that anyone can use at any time, to erase and replace the old
negative programming with positive, productive new directions.

All external motivation is temporary. External motivation is the kind that may wake you up, but
it will not keep you awake for long. External motivation is motivation which comes to you from
the outside. It may influence you to make a change, but it cannot make the change for you.

The step that most directly controls our success or

failure is our behavior-what we do or do not do.
Behavior means our actions. How we act, what wedo,
each moment of each day will determine whether or
not we will be successful that moment or that day in
anything that we do.

The reason we don't heed even our own advice is

1. Behaviour
because of something else which affects, directs, influences,
or controls all of our actions. That something
that makes us do what we do is called our feelings.

Every action we take is first filtered through our feelings. How we feel about something will
always determine or affect what we do and how well we do it.

But what causes you to have the feelings which are

2. Feelings so much a part of you? Did you get them by accident?
What creates the way you feel about anything?
Chance? Never. Your feelings are created, controlled,
determined, or influenced by your attitudes

Your attitudes are the perspectives from which you

view life. Some people seem to have a good attitude
about most things. Some people seem to have a bad
attitude about everything. But when you look closer,
you will find that most of us have a combination of
attitudes, some good, some not so good.

But where do we get our attitudes? Are we born

3. Attitudes with them? Or do they just appear out of nowhere?
Our attitudes are no accident. They don't just happen.
The five steps that control Our attitudes are created, controlled, or influenced
our success or failure. entirely by our beliefs.

What we believe about anything will determine our

attitudes about it, create our feelings, direct our
actions, and in each instance, help us to do well or
poorly, succeed or fail. The belief that we have about
anything is so powerful that it can even make something
How To Program your brain with self-talk appear to be something different than what it
really is! "Belief" does not require that something be
the way we see it to be. It only requires us to believethat it is.

What makes us believe? Do our beliefs just one day spring out of nowhere? Were our beliefs
handed to us on the day of our births, like birthmarks of our heredities
4. Beliefs to be kept forever? Do we create them ourselves?
Our beliefs are not accidents
of nature. Our beliefs are created and directed entirely
by our programming

We believe what we are programmed to believe.

Our conditioning, from the day we were born, has
created, reinforced, and nearly permanently cemented
most of what we believe about ourselves and what we
believe about most of what goes on around us.
Whether the programming was right or wrong, true or
5. Programming false, the result of it is what we believe.

Most of our self-talk is unconscious; we are not even aware of it.

At times our self-talk comes in feelings that can't quite be put into words. At other times it
comes in little flashes, flickers of thoughts which never
How about being your own motivator? How quite catch fire or glow bright enough or last long
about taking charge and putting yourself back enough to become ideas, clearly thought out and understood.
in control? You can, just by learning that all
true motivation-the only kind that lasts, the If everything you tell yourself about
only kind you can count on-is internal yourself becomes a directive to your
motivation. subconscious mind, then any
time you make a statement about
Imagine having a coach that stayed with you, yourself that is negative you are
season after season and every day in directing your subconscious mind to
between. Imagine not needing to wait for make you become the person you
someone else to get you charged up and just described negatively!
moving. Imagine being able to rely on
yourself to always automatically and The subconscious mind does not see the difference
unconsciously energize your spirit, focus your between the statement that we are clumsy and the
attention, and keep you in tune, on top, in statement that we are graceful, well-coordinated, and
touch, and going for it! Can you imagine never in control. It does not know the difference between
again needing someone else to prod or push being told that we are poor, and the statement that we
you into activating your own best efforts? are wealthy. It accepts our programming just as we
give it.
Your own internal coach is waiting to do just What is self-talk
Because we learned our programs from people
around us, it is natural that we also pass the same kind
of programming on to others. Unless we learn differently,
we end up giving the same programming to our
own children. I have collected dozens of examples of
statements and comments which loving parents have
told their children without once realizing that they
were creating a self-belief in that child that would
create failure instead of the happiness and success
they were trying to bestow.

We have learned that what we put into our brains is

what we will get back out. We also have learned that
the subconscious mind will believe
anything you tell it. It will even believe a lie. If you
tell it often enough and strongly enough. The brain
makes no moral judgments, it simply accepts what you
tell it.

Level 1 self-talk represents everything from our

simplest misgivings to the worst fears we have about
ourselves. It is our way of telling ourselves to hesitate,
question our capabilities, and accept less than we
know we could have done, had we only given ourselves
Level 1 a chance.

Level 2 self-talk is characterized by words such as,

"I need to. . .," or "I ought to. . .," or "I should. . . ."
Why does that work against us? Because it recognizes
Level 2 a problem, but creates no solution.

Level 3 Self-Talk is the first level of Self-Talk that

works for you instead of against you. In this level you
recognize the need to change, but also you make the
decision to do something about it--and you state the
decision in the "present tenst" though the change
has' already taken place.
Level 3 is characterized by the words, "I never . . .," or "I no longer."
In this level you say, "I never smoke!" "I no longer have a problem dealing with
people at work." "I never eat more than I should." "I
never get upset in traffic." "I no longer put off doing
Level 3 anything I want to get done."
The Five Levels of Self-Talk
Level 4 Self-Talk is characterized by the words, "I
am..." "I am organized and in control of my life. I
am a winner! I am healthy, energetic, enthusiastic, and
I'm going for it! Nothing can stop me now. I like who I
am. I am in tune, on top, and in touch. I have determination,
Level 4 drive, and self-belief.

Self-Talk This level of Self-Talk has been spoken for thousands

of years. It is as old as the ancient religions
which inspired it. It is the Self-Talk of "oneness" with
God. This level of Self-Talk speaks of a unity of spirit,
a divine and timeless cosmic affinity which transcends
all worldly things and gives meaning to our being.

It is still important, however, that we take care

today of the things that are required today. So 1 urge
you to begin to use the Self-Talk of Level 3 and Level
Level 5 4. If it's right, Level 5 will come in due time. For
now, learn the Self-Talk that will get you to work on
time, help you fix your family ties, give yourself the
self-image you deserve, and get the basic things in this
life in order.

This is the Self-Talk that goes on all of the time,

although we are usually not aware of it. Silent Self-
Talk can be either a conscious or an unconscious
internal dialogue. When you begin to replace old self talk
with positive new Self-Talk, this is one of the
Silent Self-Talk easiest and most natural techniques to use.

Anything you say out loud to yourself, or to someone

else about yourself, or about anything else, is part
of your self-talk. What you say when you are speaking
makes up an important part of the pictures and directions
Self-speak you are feeding to your subconscious mind.

This form of Self-Talk is one of the easiest to use,

and it can also be a lot of fun. Self-conversation is the
technique of actually talking to yourself out loud and
holding down both ends of the conversation all by
yourself! Self-conversation is one of the most effective
There are five different methods for using Self-Talk; forms of Self-Talk because it engages more of your
you may choose to use some or all of them senses and puts more of you to work programming
yourself in the new way. When you have a self conversation,
Self-Conversation more of you gets involved!

Self-write is the kind of Self-Talk that you write out,

word for word, for yourself. It is Self-Talk that is
phrased in specific Self-Talk statements which deal
directly with the most important new instructions you
want to deliver to your subconscious mind-the new
Self-Write programming you want to work on most.

Each morning I read the cards, one by one, and I

began to notice their effect. They were starting to
work. Slowly but surely I was beginning to believe
what the cards were telling me.
How to implement self-talk The better way is to record self-talk and play it to yourself over and over again.

1. Is your self-talk stated in the present tense?

2. is it specific?

Always add Self-Talk which directs you to achieve

your objectives in a healthy and beneficial way.

Make sure the words you give yourself tell your subconscious
mind to get the job done in a way that is
healthy and beneficial for all concerned.

3. Does it get the job done without creating any unwanted side effects? Make sure the words you give yourself tell your subconscious
mind to get the job done in a way that is
healthy and beneficial for all concerned.

It should be easy to recall and use any time you need it. If it isn't, you
4. Is it easy to use? won't use it.
The self-talk check list You can even go beyond what you once thought you
could attain-and you should! But don't start demanding
miracles of yourself until you have learned how to
fix some of the everyday problems and reach some
readily attainable goals. If you get really good, there
5. is it practical? will be time enough for miracles later.

The only way to stop yourself from reliving the

roadblocks that have stopped you in the past is to be
6. Is it personal and is it honest? honest about them.

Just as it is important for each of us to keep our feet

on the ground, it is important to expect from ourselves
7. Does your self-talk ask enough of you? the best that we have to offer.


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