What To Say When You Talk To Yourself by Shad Helmstetter
What To Say When You Talk To Yourself by Shad Helmstetter
What To Say When You Talk To Yourself by Shad Helmstetter
We Learn to Believe You can reprogram. You can erase the old negative,
counter-productive, work-against-you programming
and replace it with a healthy, new, positive, productive
kind of programming. And it's easy. Erase and replace.
All you have to do is learn how to talk to
All external motivation is temporary. External motivation is the kind that may wake you up, but
it will not keep you awake for long. External motivation is motivation which comes to you from
the outside. It may influence you to make a change, but it cannot make the change for you.
Every action we take is first filtered through our feelings. How we feel about something will
always determine or affect what we do and how well we do it.
What makes us believe? Do our beliefs just one day spring out of nowhere? Were our beliefs
handed to us on the day of our births, like birthmarks of our heredities
4. Beliefs to be kept forever? Do we create them ourselves?
Our beliefs are not accidents
of nature. Our beliefs are created and directed entirely
by our programming
2. is it specific?
Make sure the words you give yourself tell your subconscious
mind to get the job done in a way that is
healthy and beneficial for all concerned.
3. Does it get the job done without creating any unwanted side effects? Make sure the words you give yourself tell your subconscious
mind to get the job done in a way that is
healthy and beneficial for all concerned.
It should be easy to recall and use any time you need it. If it isn't, you
4. Is it easy to use? won't use it.
The self-talk check list You can even go beyond what you once thought you
could attain-and you should! But don't start demanding
miracles of yourself until you have learned how to
fix some of the everyday problems and reach some
readily attainable goals. If you get really good, there
5. is it practical? will be time enough for miracles later.