Tax Invoice: Product Description Qty Gross A Mount Discount Taxable V Alue Igst Total
Tax Invoice: Product Description Qty Gross A Mount Discount Taxable V Alue Igst Total
Tax Invoice: Product Description Qty Gross A Mount Discount Taxable V Alue Igst Total
Order Date: 10-06-2020, 04:55 P M Invoice Date: 19-06-2020, 10:01 AM P AN: AADC A9587C
Sold By Shipping A DDRESS Billing A ddress
AVRO INDIA LIMITED, Abhinav Malhotra, Abhinav Malhotra,
A-7/36-39, South of G.T.Road Industrial Areas ( Opp. house no.570, house no.570,
Rathi Udyog Ltd), Sector-11, Sector-11,
Electrosteel Casting Compound, verka booth, verka booth,
GHAZIABAD - 201009 C handigarh - 160011, IN-C H Chandigarh - 160011, IN-CH
Gross Taxable
Product Description Qty Discount IGST Total
A mount V alue
AVRO furniture 9955 MATT C HAIR (Set Of 2
C hairs) P lastic Outdoor C hair Brown 9955-brown-2
HSN: 94037000 | IGST: 18% 1 2299.00 -0.00 1948.31 350.69 2299.00
P P (P olypropylene) | 9955-Brown-2 | 10 day
Replacement Guarantee **
Shipping Charge 1 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOTA L PRICE: 2299.00
All values are in INR
** Conditions Apply. Please refer to the produc t page for more details Ordered Through
E. & O.E.
Authorized Signature