Dynamic Love by Davide de Angelis
Dynamic Love by Davide de Angelis
Dynamic Love by Davide de Angelis
If you don’t fit this description then read this anyway: you
can’t loose!
ISBN 978-0-9565437-2-1
Ultra Simplicity
The Layout
Your Life
Living Actualized
However I will say that when you are fully present and expressed
in your life, I suspect that you won’t care what happens after you
die, or if there’s a God, or if you’re eventually going to ‘make
it’… You will be too busy enjoying your life, making it: you will
be fulfilled: you will be ready to create.
I’m claiming that what I share – the simple instruction - will bring
about a truly radical shift in how your life transpires. I claim that
you will take actions based on a fundamentally different way of
being. I claim it will ignite a deep passion for life – your life!
Big claims…
So if you gain tremendous benefit from what I share and your life
dramatically improves then you have made a very wise investment
of your time and energy. If you do what I suggest and nothing
happens, don’t come to me with your complaints: go back and do
it again, you have still made a very wise investment.
The layout
As a small child you explored and created in the completely
natural, radiant flow of life. You didn’t need hundreds of pages of
text or long discourses to simply be fully alive and present to
whatever was occurring. There was no need or demand to
meditate or quieten your mind because your mind was actually
totally quiet and spacious with everything arising and falling back
into that quietness.
Only later when language was established did you become heavy
with thoughts, ideas, beliefs…meanings. At some point you came
to rely on a voice in your head to mediate between existence and
you. This all just happened without any volition on your part.
For the most part, our lives are played upon a stage of assumptions
that on the surface appear to be the way things are.
You don’t create thoughts; you simply see the effects of a system
claiming thoughts and creating meanings out of them. You
experience such an intimate sense arising that they are your
thoughts and your meanings. Almost without exception, despite
countless slices of reality being fully available to be experienced,
you see what appear as your thoughts and only this.
Look honestly and deeply and see if this isn’t true for you. Beyond
the normal function of memory that is naturally needed for our
survival, why are countless numbers of people ashamed, regretful
and anxious about what has taken place in the past? And why are
literally billions of human beings desperately trying to avoid the
spectre of some imagined future?
It’s important to bear in mind that those who appear to have power
and control the world systems are also helplessly caught like
suited flies in the complex web of assumptions. This isn’t the web
of the Great Goddess of Nature in all her glory; it’s a nasty, sticky
web with an unimaginably unpleasant ‘something’ lurking at its
You are about to discover through your own experience that true
power is effortless and joyful in its flow. It never needs to be
exerted because it moves naturally of its own accord. You will
possess no power, yet live and act with power.
You will almost certainly stop looking for approval and validation
from others because your own inner sense of direction will be
active. You may call this ‘intuition’. Whatever the case, it will
grow stronger and cease to become something that you need to
constantly monitor or question to see if it is true or false.
The switch to a fundamentally expansive operating system
happens instantaneously: it is not an ‘occurrence’ in time,
although its effects appear to us in time and play out in time.
Please don’t mistake what I’m saying here. All your problems
perceived or otherwise won’t disappear overnight. You will not
instantly be transported to a shinning realm where all the
vicissitudes of life have been wiped clean. To your surprise you
may discover that you are no longer interested in such notions.
There’s absolutely no way of telling what shape your life will take
except to know it will always be better than a life run by the
operating system of a limited self: an unreliable system. You may
discover that you no longer desire people and situations to be
different. Instead you will choose what you want to create. Your
life, as it is, becomes the raw materials from which you can create
what you want. It becomes fun to have all the wild diversity of
your life to create something with.
Often the first sign that the switch to a new operating system, what
I call THE GUIDING PRINCIPLE, has taken place appears as
an absence of habitual, unrewarding patterns of behaviour. You
suddenly notice that there is no longer any desire to do the same
tired old things that have never delivered anything other than
anxiety and struggle: there is a relaxation which can feel quite
strange at first – even alien.
Most people I share this with tend to laugh a lot more. They catch
themselves struggling for no reason, trying to get something that
they don’t actually want. Laughter bubbles up, they stop and are
gifted back their life in that instant. Some people I’ve worked with
tell me that life itself appears to be laughing.
After a while you will loose interest in the ideas and actions that
reinforced the little personality that once seemed so visceral, so
real. You will see that what you had once taken to be you, a solid,
separate identity sitting at the core of everything is a movement
that constantly claims and manufacture false meanings and stories.
There will be little interest in servicing it.
This new form of you will have access to many more viewpoints
and possibilities because it will be running what I describe as a
‘radiant’ operating system (The Guiding Principle): a system of
‘being’ that constantly opens and fully embraces life instead of
closing and restricting.
I have now worked directly with a great many people, taking them
though the simple actions which are required to catalyze this
profound shift. Everyone who fully committed, took this on, and
actually did what I share, experienced a very tangible shift in how
they experienced their lives: a fundamental shift in the actual
‘quality’ of their life experience. They also reported that often for
the first time in their lives, they felt truly powerful and effective in
the world. They no longer operated through the old fear-based
paradigm and were able to bring things to life in creative ways:
ways that were previously impossible or completely unknown to
them. At last they could simply choose what to create and act from
that choice: there was the courage and strength to take the
important actions. I believe that once you ignite this shift, things
just continue to get better and more miraculous as time goes on.
There is what can be called a Universal Will, a Will of Nature:
the very will of things to exist, which emanates from a radiant
ever-present base of Love.
The more one wishes to look, this Will of Nature appears to seed
both the visible and invisible Universe with the capacity to
imagine anything and move to become what is imagined. In this
way, you move towards what you imagine. This movement
towards what you imagine, as you will discover for yourself, can
be either conscious or unconscious. Whatever the case, this
process is all part of just one universal movement.
In this way our faith resides in the failed system of a small self; a
system that by its very nature must sow and reap the agitation and
fear upon which it feeds.
By using the power of our own small will to move our attention
inwards to touch and unite with the raw sense of our own
existence - the always present knowing that we exist, the very will
to exist that flows through the core of our being - a profound
transformation is ignited.
This deliberate act of using the power of your own will to redirect
your attention away from the swarm of thoughts and feelings
towards the simple unceasing, unquestionable sense that you exist
turns your life over to The Guiding Principle. The Will of Nature
is awakened in your life and awakened to your life. You become
an instrument for Life to use in a fundamentally different way: its
Will becomes your Will, the power of your Will. There is a will to
go in, a willingness to turn back to the source for guidance.
At first you may not even notice that this shift has taken place, and
yet it will begin to show up in your life.
Your only job is to be ready - not tense and searching - but simply
ready to recognize it and above all take action, allow yourself to
be moved.
The voice in your head may even say things that are empowering
and useful.
Many have reported that they are literally gifted the energy to take
important actions and have no energy to take any actions that are
not in alignment with their highest potential and the greater good
of Life (this has been my own experience). It is very common and
when you are ‘ready’ for this to happen, when you have taken the
actions I share, this can play out in your life, it will simply feel
natural: you become a conscious participant in the evolving
movement of Love.
Ultimately, as you ease deeper and deeper into your life, you will
have the capacity to go directly to The Guiding Principle: you will
know it and move from it more intimately than you could ever
know or take action from the constructed, conditioned personality
that had previously felt so convincingly like you.
You get to really Live in your life - totally immersed in your life.
In the small self modally we cannot see past the deep mistrust and
fear of life projected onto the screen of our reality by those blind
energy patterns: we literally become a slave to their effects. The
ingredients of our life simmer away forming a bland-tasting broth,
or a slightly bitter soup of discomfort with the odd bit of
sweetness. And of course for many unfortunate souls those
ingredients turn into a foul-tasting poison.
With the tangle of blind patterns creating the mix, we have no
access the higher realms where powerful meanings can be created
and lived through.
The same ingredients: the same life, with all the previously
perceived problems and limitations, becomes potent - fecund with
possibilities. We clearly sense that the ingredients of our lives can
be arranged with Love and there is power, a new courage, a
greater will to seek out the combinations that are nourishing to
Life - creative, beautiful, in service to Life.
We willingly bring our intelligence, our creativity and
experience fully into play. This is not about blindly trusting, it
is about working right in the thick of your life.
Just notice this. You don’t need to sit quietly or try to evoke this
because you totally know it. You can be walking, running, reading
these words: it doesn’t make any difference.
This one action is a radical act. Up until now, your attention hasn’t
been willed directly into the pure sense that you exist.
You don’t have to tread lightly; it’s not something that will
disappear unless you approach it properly: you can approach it
from any conceivable perspective. Go there again. You don’t have
to be anything other than alive. It makes no difference if you think
you are a bad person, an angry person, a peaceful person, a happy
person or a sad person, a cleaver person or a stupid person, a
spiritual person or an atheist.
The tangible sense that you have the ability to direct your attention
and to do this is all that’s needed: move your attention. No matter
what is appearing or not appearing you ‘know’ that you exist. An
unquestionable sense of existence is prior to everything. Find it
Close your eyes and it is there, open them and look at something
and it is there percolating up from the depth of your being. It is
there, present in every movement and it is there in your mind at
the root of every thought. It is there in the midst of pain and
pleasure: it is the underpinning of you and everything that appears
to be separate from you – every person, every object, every sound
and every image appearing in your mind’s eye.
You are here, alive and have everything you will ever need to feel
completely at home in your life. This total security is present
without any requirements other than your aliveness.
In the same way that you don’t have to believe in lifting weights
for them to build muscle, you don’t have to believe any of this for
it to revolutionize your entire life. You simply have to do it. My
guess is that you have absolutely nothing to loose.
There will come a time when your attention naturally goes there
simply because it knows to go there, your life will emanate from
the core of your own existence, The Guiding Principle.
Your fullest persona – the pattern of life that arises as you – will
open and keep opening. The anxious little personality - mostly
wrong about everything - that had previously filled the entire
screen of your consciousness will seem like a small part of an
ever-evolving rendition of life.
Doing what I have just shared will revolutionize your mind, your
body, your relationships, your work.
The Guiding Principle will take on the direction, this will be a joy
because it will be like the most intimate part of your being –
knowing what is good - moving you through life, recreating you,
realizing the patterns that flower into your human potential.
You will practice the art of dissolving the past and the future.
There is just the next action. If the next action is to create a goal,
then a goal is created. Then there is the next action. There is no
long road to your destiny. There is no book of fate with your name
written across it. You are made real in your actions. In a
‘choiceless’ life you paradoxically create and experience the
appearance of personal power and choice.
Time takes on a new form and meaning: it works for you instead
of relentlessly draining your life away. Whatever age you may be,
you have plenty of time. There is the active ‘Will’ to express
yourself fully: there is courage to do what you need to do in order
express the potential encrypted into your unique life.
There is no need to know, go to The Guiding Principle and then
feel the choice, make the choice. Take the next action: the very
thing that you most need to do for your life to be fully expressed.
The action that supports what you want to create. That next action
will become compelling. It is the end of being a slave to time.
What’s important will be right there: you will see it. What needs
to be done will simply get done, it will just be an action instead of
a vast story demanding huge amounts of emotional energy.
You will discover the information you need in order to bring your
actions to life. Everything that’s unnecessary will be stripped
away and forgotten, cleansed by the radiance of your own
Take some time out each day to wonder at the miracle of your life
as it becomes incredibly economical and enjoyable.
He has worked for some of the most innovative companies and leaders in the
world, including Apple, Virgin, Sony, and for seven years with the iconic David
Bowie, creating album art, fine art and a diverse range of creative projects.
His art and graphic design are renowned for their extraordinary ways of using
language and images to powerfully communicate ideas and radical possibilities.
He has been fascinated and involved in the field of human potential for more
than 30 years and has spent over a decade training with Shamans and Energy
Masters from both East and West. Inspired by adventure and a passion for
learning, he has travelled extensively, engaging with the art and cosmologies of
many diverse cultures. Throughout the years he has taught a plethora of systems
including self-enquiry, yoga and sound healing - devised and facilitated creative
leadership seminars, online business innovation programs, vision quests and
retreats around the world. Central to everything is his desire to inspire and