Dynamic Love by Davide de Angelis

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Igniting the Will of Nature to Create a Radically Different


Who is this teaching for?

This teaching is specifically aimed at creative and productive

people who are feeling lost in the chaos and confusion of this fear-
based, linear-thinking culture. It is for those who long to express a
potential which they feel deep in their being, yet cannot seem to
find the way to bring it to life and express it with true power. It is
for people who long to touch the astonishing beauty of life and
feel a deep sense of meaning. This teaching is for those who desire
to live with more courage, inspiration and above all Love than
they can currently imagine possible.

If you don’t fit this description then read this anyway: you
can’t loose!

This book is my gift to Life

Copyright Free

We find ourselves living in phenomenally amazing times. The

ability to share life-transforming material with millions of people
is a living reality. Those who wish to stop such things taking place
will fail. They will fail for the simple reason that more and more
amazing people with the minds to create technology are waking up
to the possibility of something far more beautiful and creative
(spiritual technology). I believe it is the Sacred Human Right of
every single person alive to have access to the astonishingly
simple yet infinitely powerful information contained in this book.
Therefore it is given freely in this spirit.

Published by Guiding Principle Publishing 2013

ISBN 978-0-9565437-2-1

Ultra Simplicity

The Layout

Assuming a Life, Assuming a World

Your Life

The Biggest Assumption

Living Actualized



Playing With Life

Ultra Simplicity
This is a very short, simple yet phenomenally powerful teaching.
It is so short and simple because that’s exactly what it needs to be.
You will discover that it is exactly what you need right now. This
is what I promise and exactly what you will get.

This material is solely about you experiencing an amazing quality

of life. This is my interest in us working together.

I’ve discovered something that actually works to create an

amazing quality of life and keeps on working. Unlike pretty much
every practice and system it does not require constant maintenance
and monitoring. It is readily available to anyone who has the
capacity to follow the almost ridiculously easy instructions I’m
going to share with you.

This teaching is highly spiritual yet not based on any kind of

philosophy. It is open to absolutely anyone who cares to try it.
Importantly, I won’t be asking you to stop any practice that you
already do or suspend your belief in anything. Nothing you
currently do can either help or hinder what you are going to learn
and put into action.

However I will say that when you are fully present and expressed
in your life, I suspect that you won’t care what happens after you
die, or if there’s a God, or if you’re eventually going to ‘make
it’… You will be too busy enjoying your life, making it: you will
be fulfilled: you will be ready to create.

I’m claiming that what I share – the simple instruction - will bring
about a truly radical shift in how your life transpires. I claim that
you will take actions based on a fundamentally different way of
being. I claim it will ignite a deep passion for life – your life!

Big claims…

Only you can discover if this is true by doing what I suggest.

Forget all your objections: they have never actually delivered you
much in the way of joy. Take action, plain and simple!
I offer this teaching for free. Please don’t be fooled by this, or
indeed fooled by the utter simplicity of this teaching or prejudge
your time investment by the number of pages or words. What you
hold in your hands contains the most astonishing power to
transform lives. The payback for your investment in reading this
and taking the simple steps will be your entire life in a form that
you may not have expected, or be able to imagine from where you
are now.

So if you gain tremendous benefit from what I share and your life
dramatically improves then you have made a very wise investment
of your time and energy. If you do what I suggest and nothing
happens, don’t come to me with your complaints: go back and do
it again, you have still made a very wise investment.
The layout
As a small child you explored and created in the completely
natural, radiant flow of life. You didn’t need hundreds of pages of
text or long discourses to simply be fully alive and present to
whatever was occurring. There was no need or demand to
meditate or quieten your mind because your mind was actually
totally quiet and spacious with everything arising and falling back
into that quietness.

Of course you needed to be guided and taught how to be safe in

the world. Yet beyond such necessities, you effortlessly overrode
much of the so-called ‘logic’ we apply to the world and easily
discovered something new. Limitation wasn’t yet the default mode
of living.

Only later when language was established did you become heavy
with thoughts, ideas, beliefs…meanings. At some point you came
to rely on a voice in your head to mediate between existence and
you. This all just happened without any volition on your part.

Life took on a very different quality.

A different human operating system had taken over. This different

operating system didn’t possess or produce the same kind of
radiance or delight. It didn’t process reality in the same way.

But it felt like ‘YOU’, so it was never questioned or examined.

Instead of radiance and openness, its default mode is a form of
constant agitation, an undercurrent of anxiety. At times the
agitation and anxiety can rise up and overpower everything, but
for the most part, you have developed coping mechanisms to keep
it flickering away in the background.

It hasn’t fundamentally made much difference what you’ve done

to become free of this background hum of anxiety because
everything that you’ve done has been viewed through and
mediated by a system that has no capacity to be free of it. In fact
its very nature and functionality is that anxiety and restlessness.
This interloper maintains itself by limiting the infinite flow of life
that naturally seeks expression through you. It uses time – past and
future – to prevent the radiance of the ever-present moment from
revealing just how flimsy and ephemeral it really is.

From within time, a ‘constructed’ version of YOU appears to be at

the very centre of everything. This system places images of you as
a body in the past and future. It automatically removes spontaneity
from your life; everything is labelled and known. You reference
everything through its authority believing it is you. It presents
false evidence that appears real only to you. It plays god in a very
small and restrictive universe based almost entirely on false

This has been the way of things up until now.

Assuming a Life, Assuming a World
Most people will live their entire life completely unaware that an
astonishingly beautiful, alive-beyond-words and infinitely creative
way to experience life sits right at their fingertips waiting to be
expressed and delighted in.

Countless interactions come and go without consciously bringing

this Radiant Human Operating System, what I call, The Guiding
Principle in to play, yet it never diminishes or moves any distance

For the most part, our lives are played upon a stage of assumptions
that on the surface appear to be the way things are.

Looking at our culture as a whole, with all its dysfunctions,

violence (physically & mental) and obsession with trivia, It’s easy
to miss just how phenomenally creative and resourceful practically
everyone can be when gifted environments and viewpoints that are
not born from the womb of limiting assumptions.

Viewpoints and environments are keys to creating an entirely

fresh life – an entirely fresh world. This isn’t rocket science of
course, but even highly intelligent and creative people are still
largely caught in the default adult operating system and miss this
simple observation, struggling through conditions that guarantee
discomfort and failure.

In the ‘adult’ system of life we automatically grow into viewpoints

and environments (contexts) where the natural opening or
evolution of our hearts and minds is stunted.

From the common viewpoints and environments, possibilities are

small and only available to certain ‘special’ individuals. As this
plays out, we increasingly rely on just a handful of limiting
assumptions to point the way.

Seeing as relying on assumptions is what happens, we may well

ask how come the ones we actually rely on are so restrictive?
Surely we could just as easily rely on assumptions that are
amazing, energizing and loving? They could be miraculous,
magical… anything we wish.

However, the miraculous and magical doesn’t serve our current

operating system in the same way as the proliferation of fear,
threat and the worship of ideas such as money so effectively do.

In the presence of a miraculous possibility anything can be

transformed - made vital and life affirming - with the capacity to
infuse our lives with love and beauty. Money can be transformed
into a miraculous idea, threat and hate can be transformed into
compassion and forgiveness: the impossible becomes fecund and
inviting, a realm to be explored.

The default adult operating system – our cultural operating system

– can’t function effectively in these environments. It cannot
maintain the hum of agitation it needs to function.
Your Life
I invite you to consider that your life as it is right now reflects the
shape of the assumptions that have appeared on your particular
screen of consciousness. Importantly, you didn’t create them.
Strangely, considering how integral they appear to be, you merely
display their effects. Even things that you appear to have
discovered for yourself, manifested curtsey of the particular way
reality was presented to you.

You don’t create thoughts; you simply see the effects of a system
claiming thoughts and creating meanings out of them. You
experience such an intimate sense arising that they are your
thoughts and your meanings. Almost without exception, despite
countless slices of reality being fully available to be experienced,
you see what appear as your thoughts and only this.

Your ‘personality’ never sees anything but the past re-presented

and masquerading as the present moment. To put no finer point on
it, the voice in your head – the thing that’s supposed to be you -
has turned you into a kind of beggar searching for scraps of
goodness and love in an ostensibly malignant world.

Look honestly and deeply and see if this isn’t true for you. Beyond
the normal function of memory that is naturally needed for our
survival, why are countless numbers of people ashamed, regretful
and anxious about what has taken place in the past? And why are
literally billions of human beings desperately trying to avoid the
spectre of some imagined future?

Assumptions are energetic patterns that travel through minds, in

much the same way as genes travel through physical matter. The
originating patterns which grew into the assumptions your life is
currently reflecting, spiral back in endless loops to some
undefined point that would be totally alien to you linguistically,
emotionally, physically - even spiritually.

You have nothing to do with any of these energy patterns dancing

across millennia. Yet they are able to cause reactions that appear
to be your reactions. Their energy patterns pass into the operating
system that manufactures a personality and it automatically claims
ownership of them.

You can’t help but see everything as it pertains to this bastardized

version of you. Less personal you couldn’t get, and yet it appears
that the vast spectrum of reality must pass through and be judged
and categorized by you. There’s just this ‘you’ stuck in front of
everything. You as a little personality appear to be the centre of
the entire universe and yet this ‘you’ has so little influence or
impact on anything: how utterly bizarre when you start to question

In this way of experiencing reality, you are pulled – mostly

unwillingly – along a small linear tunnel, beginning as baby and
ending at some point in the future with death. Almost everyone
carries around an idea called ‘the future’ like a terrible burden,
completely unaware that only an idea is denying access to the
latent possibilities alive in each fresh moment.

Through the simple action I share, you will discover first-hand

that time as we have come to perceive it is an assumption that
doesn’t serve us well. But when you see for yourself that time can
actually be created in beautiful ways it will no longer be an enemy
or evoke trepidation.
The Biggest Assumption
If you haven’t already guessed, the biggest and most insidious
assumption is that we are these tangled personalities that appear to
sit so vividly and so solidly at the centre of the universe we
inhabit. This assumption is an invisible, yet pernicious thread that
runs through the entire fabric of our lives and everything we do or
try to become.

Our education systems, work systems and government systems all

feed and reinforce this biggest assumption. Once you start to look,
you will notice a world of assumptions channelling everything
into one tiny viewpoint: a self.

It’s important to bear in mind that those who appear to have power
and control the world systems are also helplessly caught like
suited flies in the complex web of assumptions. This isn’t the web
of the Great Goddess of Nature in all her glory; it’s a nasty, sticky
web with an unimaginably unpleasant ‘something’ lurking at its

We must accept that assumptions posing as truth are Ubiquitous.

They touch the minds and bodies of almost every single human
being and practically every living thing that falls under our human

You are about to discover through your own experience that true
power is effortless and joyful in its flow. It never needs to be
exerted because it moves naturally of its own accord. You will
possess no power, yet live and act with power.

In conclusion, we are literally slaves to a human operating system

we have mistaken to be who we are. This restrictive system
projecting a false self into a world brimming with anti-love,
suffocates by default, everything that comes under its influence. In
this Malaise you have a very limited opportunity to truly create.
Most people have no idea that given the right conditions, they are
capable of incredible creativity.

Most people have absolutely no idea that ease and lightness of

being is in fact our natural state in contrast to the life most of us
currently experience which takes constant reinforcing, constant
claiming and constant emotional maintenance. I invite you to step
into a reality where you feel at home and loved.

It is time to loose yourself in ‘inner laughter’ and inhabit a world

that is working for you.
Living Actualized
When you take the simple actions I’m about to share, it will
inevitably reinvent you as an ‘Actualized’ human being. You will
move towards realizing who you are, and yet, at the same time,
your life will remain a constant mystery unfolding.

Bruce Lee said, "The human goal: to actualize oneself".

This is not some super spiritual quantum leap: it is to be a natural

human being, at home in this world, at home in your life without
the need to constantly seek relief from the relentless and
bewildering tide of thoughts and emotions.

Instead your focus is on fully participating in your life, creating

your life.

You will naturally experience your inherent capacity for fulfilment

through the unfolding of your own unique pattern of life. This is
important: your own unique pattern of life. Fulfilment arises as a
consequence of living: it is an emergent phenomenon. It is a gift
that’s delivered through living.

You will almost certainly stop looking for approval and validation
from others because your own inner sense of direction will be
active. You may call this ‘intuition’. Whatever the case, it will
grow stronger and cease to become something that you need to
constantly monitor or question to see if it is true or false.
The switch to a fundamentally expansive operating system
happens instantaneously: it is not an ‘occurrence’ in time,
although its effects appear to us in time and play out in time.
Please don’t mistake what I’m saying here. All your problems
perceived or otherwise won’t disappear overnight. You will not
instantly be transported to a shinning realm where all the
vicissitudes of life have been wiped clean. To your surprise you
may discover that you are no longer interested in such notions.

There’s absolutely no way of telling what shape your life will take
except to know it will always be better than a life run by the
operating system of a limited self: an unreliable system. You may
discover that you no longer desire people and situations to be
different. Instead you will choose what you want to create. Your
life, as it is, becomes the raw materials from which you can create
what you want. It becomes fun to have all the wild diversity of
your life to create something with.

You will be available for whatever shows up in your life. It will

open like a flower: it will become fertile. Your actions,
interactions and the space you create – your participation in life –
will fertilize possibilities.

You literally bring life to Life. This is the miracle.

Often the first sign that the switch to a new operating system, what
I call THE GUIDING PRINCIPLE, has taken place appears as
an absence of habitual, unrewarding patterns of behaviour. You
suddenly notice that there is no longer any desire to do the same
tired old things that have never delivered anything other than
anxiety and struggle: there is a relaxation which can feel quite
strange at first – even alien.

Pauses will naturally start to appear in situations that would

normally provoke a negative reaction. A deep, inner laugh may
appear instead of anger and resentment.

Most people I share this with tend to laugh a lot more. They catch
themselves struggling for no reason, trying to get something that
they don’t actually want. Laughter bubbles up, they stop and are
gifted back their life in that instant. Some people I’ve worked with
tell me that life itself appears to be laughing.

As habitual, limiting patterns dissolve, you will increasingly be

drawn to create and invent without the need to reference
everything through a constructed, conditioned personality, the
voice in your head.

Surprisingly, for some people, the voice in their head transforms

into an ally instead of a goad.
You will rely less and less on memory to dictate what’s so. Instead
you will use memory as a tool. You will become aware of
thoughts that have value: they will take on a different quality, a
brightness perhaps, within your awareness; this is quite common.

After a while you will loose interest in the ideas and actions that
reinforced the little personality that once seemed so visceral, so
real. You will see that what you had once taken to be you, a solid,
separate identity sitting at the core of everything is a movement
that constantly claims and manufacture false meanings and stories.
There will be little interest in servicing it.

As a consequence of taking the simple actions I share, you will

soon notice a great cleansing is taking place. Your mind will be
systematically cleansed of old resentments, regrets and the
nagging misery of self-criticism and complaints about life. Your
physical body will also undergo a shift. You won’t need to go
looking for this because it is simply a by-product of switching to a
radiant operating system. You may also discover yourself drawn
to particular foods and establishing habits that are right for your
body type. You will choose health and vitality and create it
through your actions.

In the process of taking the simple actions I share, a very different

form of persona or personality will emerge and be expressed as
you, through you. Importantly, you will be able to enjoy it and
fully express it. Paradoxically, you will feel more like you than
ever, purely because something false and uncomfortable will no
longer be able to block your natural light.

This new form of you will have access to many more viewpoints
and possibilities because it will be running what I describe as a
‘radiant’ operating system (The Guiding Principle): a system of
‘being’ that constantly opens and fully embraces life instead of
closing and restricting.

Your possibilities will be created in real-time (no longer

determined by the past) and you will become aware of how they
want to manifest, unique ways in which they can be expressed
through your own mind and body.
These are just words. They can never touch the heart of what it
will mean for you to discover the wonder of The Guiding
Principle for your self. This whole thing is experiential: it can only
be verified through you own investigation and direct experience.
But words are what we have right now to work with and I believe
that the words I'm about to share convey what I have discovered
through my own investigation and direct experience.

I have now worked directly with a great many people, taking them
though the simple actions which are required to catalyze this
profound shift. Everyone who fully committed, took this on, and
actually did what I share, experienced a very tangible shift in how
they experienced their lives: a fundamental shift in the actual
‘quality’ of their life experience. They also reported that often for
the first time in their lives, they felt truly powerful and effective in
the world. They no longer operated through the old fear-based
paradigm and were able to bring things to life in creative ways:
ways that were previously impossible or completely unknown to
them. At last they could simply choose what to create and act from
that choice: there was the courage and strength to take the
important actions. I believe that once you ignite this shift, things
just continue to get better and more miraculous as time goes on.
There is what can be called a Universal Will, a Will of Nature:
the very will of things to exist, which emanates from a radiant
ever-present base of Love.

This ‘Will’ is True Power and can be viewed as the Dynamic

Quality of Love, the movement of Love. It is a single movement
from simplest recognizable particles to the most complex
universal elements. This movement gives birth to a characteristic,
an intelligence to orchestrate.

This Will of Nature is a fundamental quality of existence; it is a

fundamental quality encrypted into your own existence.

This utterly mysterious, yet totally familiar quality of existence

appears to have a directive, a power that actualizes phenomena. It
is your unconscious will to exist, the invisible will that powers
your cells, pumps your heart and fires the neurons in your brain. It
is the momentum or will towards intelligence: physical or
kinesthetic intelligence, emotional intelligence, creative non-linear
intelligence, spatial intelligence (the ability to visualize, see
through the minds eye), interpersonal intelligence (to connect with
others), intrapersonal intelligence (the ability to self reflect and
discover who you are), logical intelligence and even existential or
spiritual intelligence.

The more one wishes to look, this Will of Nature appears to seed
both the visible and invisible Universe with the capacity to
imagine anything and move to become what is imagined. In this
way, you move towards what you imagine. This movement
towards what you imagine, as you will discover for yourself, can
be either conscious or unconscious. Whatever the case, this
process is all part of just one universal movement.

I call this Will of Nature, THE GUIDING PRINCIPLE

You have the capacity to discover for yourself that Life, so

beautiful, so painful, so paradoxical and dazzling, is ultimately
motivated by Love. Every human being, no matter how outwardly
flawed and seemingly disconnected from Love they appear to be,
is actually motivated by an inner radiance of Love: on the most
fundamental level the Will of Nature compels us to express: to
weave an energetic pattern across space.

The vast majority of people, through not fault or volition of their

own, have become unaware of The Guiding Principle. They are
lost in the swarm of thoughts and feelings which form the
‘morphing shape’ of a personality. Lost in this swarm, it is
possible to experience a reality that is completely devoid of love
and goodness whist being saturated by love, impregnated by love.

With our attention transfixed on the swarm of thoughts and

feelings, we can live our lives as though we are sleepers
unawakened to the perception of who we really are and
completely oblivious to the latent potentials that our unique
patterns of life contain.

When we are lost, unaware of being moved by the Will of Nature -

The Guiding Principle - it appears that we must rely on the blind,
morphing patterns of a personality to arrange the various
components or ingredients of our lives (elements in our worldly
and mental environments). This is just what appears to be the case.
I have no idea why this is so.

When our awareness is spellbound by the swarm of thoughts and

feelings, The Guiding Principle is an almost imperceptibly faint
signal beaming from a distant galaxy. There is just the frustration
and fear of this small self constantly trying to assert its separate
'will' upon Life, upon everything. It journeys through life unaware
that the radiant Will of Nature is right there, always there.

In this way our faith resides in the failed system of a small self; a
system that by its very nature must sow and reap the agitation and
fear upon which it feeds.

However, to the astonishment of those who discover the path you

are about to walk, the most extraordinary truth is encrypted into
the very fabric of our existence: in essence, the solution to our
malaise, the malaise of our human condition, our confinement to a
tiny, restricted segment of mind, sits waiting to be activated in the
most unexpected and seemingly impossible way.
As if placed there by some benevolent creator, the solution
turns out to be found in our ability to use what appears to be
our own small human will power.

By using the power of our own small will to move our attention
inwards to touch and unite with the raw sense of our own
existence - the always present knowing that we exist, the very will
to exist that flows through the core of our being - a profound
transformation is ignited.

It is the ACT OF WILL which ignites the shift to what I call a

Radiant Operating System: in a very tangible way we fuse what
appears to be our own small will with the Will of Nature, The
Guiding Principle. Paradoxically the ‘apparent’ separate will of a
small ephemeral self can bend the Will of Nature back to its own
source, which is Love. Although we can only ever appear to leave
or loose sight of the base of Love, this willful act of turning our
attention, catalyses a journey back home to Love, our true nature.

This deliberate act of using the power of your own will to redirect
your attention away from the swarm of thoughts and feelings
towards the simple unceasing, unquestionable sense that you exist
turns your life over to The Guiding Principle. The Will of Nature
is awakened in your life and awakened to your life. You become
an instrument for Life to use in a fundamentally different way: its
Will becomes your Will, the power of your Will. There is a will to
go in, a willingness to turn back to the source for guidance.
At first you may not even notice that this shift has taken place, and
yet it will begin to show up in your life.

The Guiding Principle will begin to 'move' you, 'communicate'

with you in a way that is unique to you.

Your only job is to be ready - not tense and searching - but simply
ready to recognize it and above all take action, allow yourself to
be moved.

You may begin to notice that there is a tangible energy to take

certain actions. There may be a pause before you jump into your
normal reactions to situations and circumstances; a space for
something different to unfold.

You may begin to see certain outcomes more clearly in your

mind's eye or feel drawn to clear things that are draining your

The voice in your head may even say things that are empowering
and useful.

You will have the will power to do what is needed to create

something new and alive in your life.
You absolutely don't have to concern yourself with searching for
anything. Being ready simply means that you are present to what
shows up. This is a soft, welcoming energy.

Many have reported that they are literally gifted the energy to take
important actions and have no energy to take any actions that are
not in alignment with their highest potential and the greater good
of Life (this has been my own experience). It is very common and
when you are ‘ready’ for this to happen, when you have taken the
actions I share, this can play out in your life, it will simply feel
natural: you become a conscious participant in the evolving
movement of Love.

Ultimately, as you ease deeper and deeper into your life, you will
have the capacity to go directly to The Guiding Principle: you will
know it and move from it more intimately than you could ever
know or take action from the constructed, conditioned personality
that had previously felt so convincingly like you.

You get to really Live in your life - totally immersed in your life.

We can look at it like this...

Your life is like a set of ingredients. Ultimately there are possibly

countless ways in which those ingredients can be arranged or

Yet when those ingredients are being arranged by the compulsive,

blind energy patterns of a little, conditioned personality - just
running without anyone at the wheel - you experience a life of
limited and hard-won progress through a world of obstacles and
dangers: a world of force that relies ostensibly on fear or agitation
to take action. If seen clearly, when operating on this level, even
what appears to be inspiration is underpinned with fear. When The
Guiding Principle is alive for you, inspiration takes on an entirely
new characteristic.

In the small self modally we cannot see past the deep mistrust and
fear of life projected onto the screen of our reality by those blind
energy patterns: we literally become a slave to their effects. The
ingredients of our life simmer away forming a bland-tasting broth,
or a slightly bitter soup of discomfort with the odd bit of
sweetness. And of course for many unfortunate souls those
ingredients turn into a foul-tasting poison.
With the tangle of blind patterns creating the mix, we have no
access the higher realms where powerful meanings can be created
and lived through.

However, when exactly the same ingredients are arranged by the

The Guiding Principle, we experience something vastly different.

The same ingredients: the same life, with all the previously
perceived problems and limitations, becomes potent - fecund with
possibilities. We clearly sense that the ingredients of our lives can
be arranged with Love and there is power, a new courage, a
greater will to seek out the combinations that are nourishing to
Life - creative, beautiful, in service to Life.
We willingly bring our intelligence, our creativity and
experience fully into play. This is not about blindly trusting, it
is about working right in the thick of your life.

As Your life is moved by the unmediated power of The Guiding

Principle, you increasingly fall in love with the life that you may
well have previously felt ashamed of, resentful or hopeless about
or very possibly cynical and resigned to. You now possess the raw
materials to create something very alive and free and unexpected,
impossible from your old way of seeing things.

The act of willing your attention inwards to touch the source

of your own existence, which emanates from a radiant base of
Love, catalyses the Will of Nature - The Guiding Principle.

As time progresses and you become conscious of The Guiding

Principle as flows into more and more aspects of your life,
neurotransmitters in your brain will inevitably change as you
bathe in an increased release of endorphins, which in turn open up
millions of banks of neurons that have been dormant, as if they
have been waiting for you to touch The Guiding Principle.

No matter what scientists may say about how insignificant a single

human life is, you have the capacity to directly experience how the
Universe has been set up in an exquisitely specific way for you to
discover who you are.
Exactly as you are right now, simply notice that there is an
unquestionable sense that you exist – that you are living.

Just notice this. You don’t need to sit quietly or try to evoke this
because you totally know it. You can be walking, running, reading
these words: it doesn’t make any difference.

This sense of existence is so intimate and so natural and so

pervasive that it cannot be mistaken for anything else. To begin
with, many people are shocked that they have never actually fully
noticed it – noticed that something is always ‘on’.

It is exactly because it’s so pervasive that it is not noticed amidst

the constant flux of thoughts and sensations. Thoughts and
sensations capture your attention: they are vivid, intense and
compelling, whilst your intimate sense of existence is simply

Just notice your own existence. It is the precursor to everything.

At first the actuality of your existence appears to have no tangible

qualities. This is because your undivided attention is
unaccustomed to going there. It may never have truly gone there
apart from when you were a small child. Since then it has been
captivated by the cacophony of sentience.

To begin with there is only this noticing. You become aware of

where you need to go.
Good… Now direct you attention right into that
unquestionable sense that you exist – that you are living. Use
your willpower to direct your attention as far as you possibly can
right into your own intimate sense of existence. Go there with
your attention as if someone you love is waiting there with
outstretched arms. Go as deep into it as you can. Override any
resistance by using your willpower to direct your attention into the
unquestionable sense that you exist.

There is no need to remain there. Just the act of wilfully directing

your attention to this primary source is all that’s needed.

This isn’t meditation, forget meditation for now: forget shamanic

journeying and all the rest for now: you don’t need to be peaceful
or still, or have a silent mind. Your mind can be overflowing with

Just make that one conscious unyielding effort. Your existence is

the most obvious thing about you. Not ideas about consciousness,
just the ‘hum’ of your own sense of being alive. Find the sense of
your own unquestionable aliveness. You know that you are living,
that you exist: locate that sense and move your attention directly
to that, directly into it.

No need to call it anything. Your attention is totally flexible and it

can go anywhere.

This one action is a radical act. Up until now, your attention hasn’t
been willed directly into the pure sense that you exist.

From the perspective of a constructed self, there has never been

any direct path to aliveness, existence. The wellspring of existence
has always been analyzed, categorized, predefined.

This sense of existence never varies or diminishes. It is the

quintessence of your life. You exist: go there as an act of will on
your part, this is all that’s required. You will not get it wrong, you
cannot get it wrong.

Once you have gone there once, go back to it.

You don’t have to tread lightly; it’s not something that will
disappear unless you approach it properly: you can approach it
from any conceivable perspective. Go there again. You don’t have
to be anything other than alive. It makes no difference if you think
you are a bad person, an angry person, a peaceful person, a happy
person or a sad person, a cleaver person or a stupid person, a
spiritual person or an atheist.

The tangible sense that you have the ability to direct your attention
and to do this is all that’s needed: move your attention. No matter
what is appearing or not appearing you ‘know’ that you exist. An
unquestionable sense of existence is prior to everything. Find it

As you continue to wilfully place your attention there, at some

point, you will begin to see that this sense of existence is more
than you had first noticed. It has one characteristic or quality.
There is a radiance underpinning your entire existence. No need to
go searching for it, allow it to be revealed.

Most people who do this are not surprised to find ‘radiance’ or

light in the mix, instead they are shocked discover that they are its
source. Moreover, it is their ‘quality’, their base material. It’s not a
religious experience, or spiritual fireworks: it is just the quality of
normal, everyday life: so utterly simple and direct, yet it has
always been missed, overlooked.

Close your eyes and it is there, open them and look at something
and it is there percolating up from the depth of your being. It is
there, present in every movement and it is there in your mind at
the root of every thought. It is there in the midst of pain and
pleasure: it is the underpinning of you and everything that appears
to be separate from you – every person, every object, every sound
and every image appearing in your mind’s eye.

Notice this now. Go back to the sense of your own existence.

There is only this radiance and you are inseparable from it: it is
you. This is simply for you to see through your own direct
observation, nothing else. It’s the very nature of your life and you
are already totally aware that your life is nothing other than this

This radiance is nothing other than the movement of Love. Notice

that it is the very will of your existence. There is a Will to exist
woven into the nature of this radiance: it is your will to exist. The
dynamic quality of Love is producing your existence: everything
from thoughts, to physical sensations, everything that appears to
be separate from you, is pouring from this radiant core, a cascade
of Being.

This is The Guiding Principle, it is ubiquitous, it is everywhere

without exception. Who would have thought that this was the
case? Amidst all the doubt and all the confusion and all the
emotions, sensations – the prolific mix of life – this was always
the case.

Now you have consciously willed your attention upon The

Guiding Principle, the Will of Nature, you can naturally move
directly back to it. Suddenly there is a new reference point for
your life instead of an anxious, constructed personality. This is the
security that you have always searched for. This is who you are. It
was always there. This is deep, joyful laughter. No need for
scriptures, philosophies, practices, stillness, good deeds or
anything else.

You are here, alive and have everything you will ever need to feel
completely at home in your life. This total security is present
without any requirements other than your aliveness.

Locate your own existence: use your willpower to place your

attention there. This is all you have to do.

If the turmoil in your thoughts was real then turmoil would be

present in the actuality of your existence, but you will not find any
trace of it there.

You will increasingly find yourself wanting to move your

attention to the sense of your own existence again and again. That
one first conscious movement of your attention directly into it is
the Catalyst.

Now you will want to go directly to this instead of sifting through

streams of thoughts – 70,000 thoughts a day. Go to your own
existence and you will discover the indescribable. This is your
point of reference. There is only this wellspring of radiance – your
mind is a pattern formed from this, the image of someone you love
in your mind’s eye is a pattern from this.

The Guiding Principle – the movement of Love - weaves the

patterns that morph into brains and the unimaginable interactions
and connections of energy dancing across synapses. It moves
blood, builds stars and grows trees from seeds. Surely it makes
sense to place your faith directly in this instead of a personality
that cannot control even the grossest functions of your body, or be
sure of practically anything – what to believe, who to trust, where
to go.

It makes sense to have The Guiding Principle of life, the

radiance of your own existence, as your primary operating system.
Your ‘action’ mind – the doing aspect - will be brought into play
when needed. It will be applied to what’s needed instead of
reacting to false evidence appearing real (FEAR).

The idea that actions and entirely fresh spectrums of living

emanate from something so utterly simple will seem ludicrous to
your conditioned mind. The habit of thought gazing is so
entrenched. Never the less you will notice that the thought gazing
habit will loose its authenticity once you have taken this one
action to realign with your own existence and fuse your will with
the Will of Nature. When you are moved directly by this instead
of endlessly trying to think your way through life, actions can
finally happen with flow. The spell binding you to thoughts alone
is effectively broken.

Ultimately though, it doesn’t make the slightest difference what

you believe about this ultra simple, yet unimaginably powerful
teaching as long as you do it.

In the same way that you don’t have to believe in lifting weights
for them to build muscle, you don’t have to believe any of this for
it to revolutionize your entire life. You simply have to do it. My
guess is that you have absolutely nothing to loose.

There will come a time when your attention naturally goes there
simply because it knows to go there, your life will emanate from
the core of your own existence, The Guiding Principle.

Your fullest persona – the pattern of life that arises as you – will
open and keep opening. The anxious little personality - mostly
wrong about everything - that had previously filled the entire
screen of your consciousness will seem like a small part of an
ever-evolving rendition of life.

Doing what I have just shared will revolutionize your mind, your
body, your relationships, your work.
The Guiding Principle will take on the direction, this will be a joy
because it will be like the most intimate part of your being –
knowing what is good - moving you through life, recreating you,
realizing the patterns that flower into your human potential.

You will create with the situations and circumstances of your

life, seeing them as sacred ingredients.
Playing With Life
In a process that unfolds over time, like a healing from the
punishment of being directed by the swarm of thoughts, your
attention will naturally reference directly from The Guiding
Principle. You will feel more like you than ever before and your
natural personality – whatever shape that needs to be – will shine

You will practice the art of dissolving the past and the future.
There is just the next action. If the next action is to create a goal,
then a goal is created. Then there is the next action. There is no
long road to your destiny. There is no book of fate with your name
written across it. You are made real in your actions. In a
‘choiceless’ life you paradoxically create and experience the
appearance of personal power and choice.

The Guiding Principle moves you to a much more universal

rhythm. Everything is slowed down and because you don’t need to
endlessly think everything through, journeying into a dream past
and a dream future, all the time that was stored in these dreams
flows back to you.

As you slow down, and your attention naturally moves to The

Guiding Principle, as you become aware of it dancing through
your life, all the time and energy that was once used to maintain a
false sense of self falls at your feet. This is how we can heal and
rest in the arms of Life herself. This is the return to Love that once
appeared as just an undefined longing or an intellectual idea.

When Love moves there is no need for hope, there is no guilt, no

shame or resentment, no blessings or curses. As you go to the
radiance, The Guiding Principle, to initiate actions instead of
listening to the voice in your head, a great space opens to accept
your next action.

Time takes on a new form and meaning: it works for you instead
of relentlessly draining your life away. Whatever age you may be,
you have plenty of time. There is the active ‘Will’ to express
yourself fully: there is courage to do what you need to do in order
express the potential encrypted into your unique life.
There is no need to know, go to The Guiding Principle and then
feel the choice, make the choice. Take the next action: the very
thing that you most need to do for your life to be fully expressed.
The action that supports what you want to create. That next action
will become compelling. It is the end of being a slave to time.

Now you can see life.

What’s important will be right there: you will see it. What needs
to be done will simply get done, it will just be an action instead of
a vast story demanding huge amounts of emotional energy.

You will discover the information you need in order to bring your
actions to life. Everything that’s unnecessary will be stripped
away and forgotten, cleansed by the radiance of your own

Take some time out each day to wonder at the miracle of your life
as it becomes incredibly economical and enjoyable.

Create each day fresh regardless of what transpired on the

previous day, even if what you wish to create remains constant
over several days or weeks or years. This is the way of things from
now on.

The Secret of your new life is Full Participation

Practice Gratitude: it is an elixir.

Lastly… If you have children teach this to them. It is their

Sacred Human Right to be given full access to the power,
beauty and abundance of Life.

Challenges and problems when taken in the right way are


Never forget that you are powerful and beautiful beyond

Davide is originally from London, England. He is a Visionary Artist, Designer
and creator of the highly acclaimed Starman Tarot. He is also a Philosopher,
best-selling Author, Facilitator and Coach. In his personal life Davide is wild
percussionist, explorer of consciousness, master didgeridoo player and father.

He has worked for some of the most innovative companies and leaders in the
world, including Apple, Virgin, Sony, and for seven years with the iconic David
Bowie, creating album art, fine art and a diverse range of creative projects.

His art and graphic design are renowned for their extraordinary ways of using
language and images to powerfully communicate ideas and radical possibilities.

Bowie described Davide’s creative work as “potent visual alchemy” and

called him ‘The Visual Alchemist'.

Davide's book, The Guiding Principle became an Amazon bestseller in 2012,

and his ideas around human potential and creativity have led him to coach
CEOs of multi-million-dollar corporations, musicians, media personalities and
creative entrepreneurs.

He has been fascinated and involved in the field of human potential for more
than 30 years and has spent over a decade training with Shamans and Energy
Masters from both East and West. Inspired by adventure and a passion for
learning, he has travelled extensively, engaging with the art and cosmologies of
many diverse cultures. Throughout the years he has taught a plethora of systems
including self-enquiry, yoga and sound healing - devised and facilitated creative
leadership seminars, online business innovation programs, vision quests and
retreats around the world. Central to everything is his desire to inspire and


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