The document describes ancient counting and record keeping methods used by illiterate shepherds. Shepherds would notch sticks to represent various metrics like the number and types of animals owned, births, and dairy products. A literate person would then inscribe each stick with the owner's name. This register system allowed shepherds to intuitively count and track information over time, forming the basis for mathematical and logical thinking, even without being able to read or write.
The document describes ancient counting and record keeping methods used by illiterate shepherds. Shepherds would notch sticks to represent various metrics like the number and types of animals owned, births, and dairy products. A literate person would then inscribe each stick with the owner's name. This register system allowed shepherds to intuitively count and track information over time, forming the basis for mathematical and logical thinking, even without being able to read or write.
The document describes ancient counting and record keeping methods used by illiterate shepherds. Shepherds would notch sticks to represent various metrics like the number and types of animals owned, births, and dairy products. A literate person would then inscribe each stick with the owner's name. This register system allowed shepherds to intuitively count and track information over time, forming the basis for mathematical and logical thinking, even without being able to read or write.
The document describes ancient counting and record keeping methods used by illiterate shepherds. Shepherds would notch sticks to represent various metrics like the number and types of animals owned, births, and dairy products. A literate person would then inscribe each stick with the owner's name. This register system allowed shepherds to intuitively count and track information over time, forming the basis for mathematical and logical thinking, even without being able to read or write.
The photographs (left) show three each stick with certain sgns Munich beer mats, on which waiters indicating its owner's name and the mark each beer ordered by the type of animals he possessed customer The bill is then tallied by simply mu tiplying the price of one glass times the number of marks on the mat Such methods are ancient heads of beasts each and date back to the mythical member owned, origins of mathematics The notion of a mark II corresponding to a unit eventual y produced the natural, or counting numbers In order to simplify births counting operations a special set of symbols was gradualy devised namely what are known as ciphers, figures or numerals Natura numbers were used in barter (exchanging one artice for another) and in childrens games where males objects were classif ed, put in sequence or set out according to rules of proximity, continuity and boundary es r1 From the natural numbers and the operation of adding, man has gradually constructed the entire system of numbers (of pp. 21, 104) as wel as the other calculating w dairy products, curd, cheese, etc
operations (note that, formally, the While the number of adult
positive integers are ratios of animals was almost constant for a natural numbers to the natural year, dairy products and new births number 1, a definition that was not varied from month to month (males put forth until the 19th century) were sold, females were kept), so Opposite: A register used by the register was updated every illiterate Sicilian shepherds By month notching sticks the shepherds Although the people who used indicated the number of an ma s- this instrument could nether read sheep or goats-each owned, the nor write, they cou o count intuitive y animals' births, the dairy products and they correated signs and produced and so on This calendar, objects in a highly complex fashion valid from September 1st for one Instruments such as this form the year, was sett ed every August 31st basis of mathematical and logica As the date approached, a literate thinking.