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S. Name of Experiments CO's Page No.

No. From To

1 To study the basic of RoboAnalyzer, a 3D model based 1 5

Robotics learning system.
2 To visualize the DENAVIT‐HARTENBERG Parameters in 6 8
3 To find the end‐effector’s configuration/transformation 9 12
consisting of its position and orientation by FORWARD
KINEMATICS in RoboAnalyzer.
4 To find the end‐effector’s configuration/transformation 13 14
consisting of its position and orientation by INVERSE
KINEMATICS in RoboAnalyzer.
5 To find the joint torques or forces by INVERSE 15 17
6 To find the joint accelerations by FORWARD DYNAMICS. 18 19

7 To generate the motion planning of a robot. 20 21

8 To plots the graph of FKin, IDyn and FDyn in RoboAnalyzer 22 22

Beyond Curricula

1 Analyses of PUMA robot kinematics, dynamics, vision, and

other similar aspects in the Robotics Toolbox in MATLAB
2 Analyses of an industrial robot model (CAD Model) and
change the joint angles using a slider or using buttons in
Virtual Robot Module inside RoboAnalyzer
OBJECTIVE: To study the basic of RoboAnalyzer, a 3D model based Robotics learning

EQUIPMENT: RoboAnalyzer software.

THEORY :- RoboAnalyzer® is a 3D model based software that can be used to teach and
learn the Robotics concepts. It is an evolving product developed in Mechatronics Lab,
department of Mechanical Engineering at IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India. Virtual Robot
module, a part of RoboAnalyzer, has been developed as an application which has joint and
cartesian motion. It has also been made as a COM server, using which one can integrate
VRM with MATLAB, MS Excel and other applications that has a COM interface. It also has
been integrated with Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB by Prof. Peter Corke of QUT,
Double click on RoboAnalyzer4.exe starts RoboAnalyzer. By default, it shows a robot model
(2‐R). Users can select a robot from the options given at the left bottom corner of the
application as shown in Figure 1.1.
After selecting a robot model, users can modify the Denavit‐Hartenberg (DH) parameters
shown in the tabular form and the robot model updates automatically. A few industrial robots
are also listed, when selected shows a 3D CAD model of the robot (Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.1: Select Robot Model and Redefine DH Parameters

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Figure 1.2: 3D CAD Model of Industrial Robot


RoboAnalyzer can be used to perform kinematic and dynamic analyses of serial chain
robots/manipulators. The following are the main features of RoboAnalyzer:
 Parameter Visualization
 Forward Kinematics
 Inverse Kinematics
 Inverse Dynamics
 Forward Dynamics
 Motion Planning


RoboAnalyzer’s easy to use Graphical User Interface (GUI) consists of the following as
shown in Figures 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5.

1. Both Selection and DH Parameters section

2. Visualize DH section
3. 3D Model Browser
4. 3D Model View

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5. Graph Plot Tree View
6. Graph Plot Window
7. Inverse Kinematics Window

Figure 1.3: User Interface of 3D Model View

Figure 1.4: User Interface of Graph Plot View

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Figure 1.5: User Interface of Inverse Kinematics Window


RoboAnalyzer lets the user to zoom, rotate and pan the 3D model to have better visualization.
These can be used as explained below and shown in Figure 1.6.

 Zoom: Place the mouse cursor anywhere on 3D Model View and use the
mouse‐wheel to zoom in and zoom out. It can also be done by clicking on Zoom In
and Zoom Out buttons.

 Rotate: Click on Rotate button to make it active. Place the mouse cursor anywhere
on the 3D Model View and rotate the model by clicking on left‐mouse button and
dragging the mouse.

 Pan: Click on Pan button to make it active. Place the mouse cursor anywhere on the
3D Model View and translate the model by clicking on left‐mouse button and
dragging the mouse.

 Standard Views: Select any standard view from the dropdown and the model view

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Figure 1.6: 3D Model View Options

RESULT :- The features of ROBOANALYZER software has been studied successfully.

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OBJECTIVE: To visualize the DENAVIT‐HARTENBERG Parameters in RoboAnalyzer.
EQUIPMENT: RoboAnalyzer software.
The architecture of industrial robots is usually represented by Denavit‐Hartenberg (DH)
parameters. It forms the basis for performing kinematic and dynamic analyses of robots. A set
of four DH parameters is used to represent the position and orientation of a robot‐link with
respect to its previous link.

After selecting a robot and redefining DH parameters as explained in experiment 1, users can
visualize each DH parameter by selecting a joint and then selecting a DH parameter type as
shown in Figure 2.1. Once it is done, the corresponding DH parameter is highlighted in the
DH parameter input table and a transformation frame moves in the 3D robot model. It shows
the two co‐ordinate frames corresponding to the selected DH parameter.

Users can click on Together button and a co‐ordinate frame moves covering all the four DH
parameters corresponding to the selected joint.

Users can click on Base Frame to End‐Effector button to see a co‐ordinate frame moving
from base frame to end‐effector frame covering all the DH parameters of the robot model.

Figure 2.1: Visualize DH Parameters

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The configuration/ transformation of a co‐ordinate frame (DH frame) attached on each
robot‐link can be determined with respect to a frame attached to its previous link or base
frame by following the steps below and as shown in Figure 3.2.

 Select a joint. If Joint1 is selected, it corresponds to co‐ordinate frame attached on


 Select Previous Link Frame or Base Frame as the reference frame with respect to
which the transformation needs to be determined.

 Click on Update button and 4X4 transformation matrix is populated. A pair of

co‐ordinate frames is shown in 3D robot model to help user in visualizing the

Figure 3.2: Link Configuration

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The end‐effector configuration/transformation can be determined with respect to the base
frame directly by using the Update button as shown in Figure 3.3. The 4X4 transformation
matrix is populated and a pair of co‐ordinate frames is shown in 3D robot model to help user
in visualizing the transformation.

Figure 9: End‐Effector Configuration

RESULT :- The DENAVIT‐HARTENBERG Parameters and transformation matrix has been

successfully visualize in ROBOANALYZER software.

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OBJECTIVE: To find the end‐effector’s configuration/transformation consisting of its
position and orientation by FORWARD KINEMATICS in RoboAnalyzer.
EQUIPMENT: RoboAnalyzer software.
In the forward or direct kinematics, the joint positions, i.e. the angles of the revolute joints
and the displacements of the prismatic joints, are prescribed. The task is to find the
end‐effector’s configuration/transformation consisting of its position and orientation. After
selecting a robot and redefining DH parameters as explained in Experiment 2, forward
kinematics (FKin) is performed which updates the 3D model.

To perform animation of the robot motion between two sets of initial and final values of joint
variables, the following are the steps as shown in Figures 3.1 and 3.2. The trajectory of joint
values, joint velocities and joint accelerations follow Cycloidal trajectory.

1. Set the initial and final values of joint variables

2. Set Time Duration and Number of Steps
3. Click on FKin button
4. Click on Play button to see the animation
5. The end‐effector trace can be viewed

Figure 3.1: Initial Position of all Joints

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Figure 3.2: Final Position of all Joints and Trace of End‐Effector


To view the graph plots of a forward kinematics (animation) analysis, the following are the
steps as shown in Figures 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5.

Click on Graph tab

Click on + next to the link of which the plots are to be viewed
Click on box to plot graph of a particular node to see X, Y and Z plots
Click on + next to the joint of which the plots are to be viewed
Click on box to plot graph of a particular node to see joint value (joint angle for
revolute joint and joint offset for prismatic joints), joint velocity and joint acceleration

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Figure 3.3: Graph Plots of FKin Data

Figure 3.4: Graph Plots of Position of Coordinate Frame attached to Link3

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Figure 3.5: Graph Plots of Input Trajectory to Joint3 (Cycloidal Trajectory)


OBJECTIVE: To find the end‐effector’s configuration/transformation consisting of its
position and orientation by INVERSE KINEMATICS in RoboAnalyzer.

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EQUIPMENT: RoboAnalyzer software.

Inverse Kinematics (IKin) consists of determination of the joint variables corresponding to a
given end‐effector’s orientation and position. The solution to this problem is of fundamental
importance in order to transform the motion specifications assigned to the end‐effector in the
operational space into the corresponding joint space motions. There may be multiple or no
results possible for a given end‐effector position and orientation.

To select a robot and view the solutions of its Inverse Kinematics, the following are the steps
as shown in Figures 4.1 and 4.2. In future, an IKin solution can be selected and 3D model
will be updated accordingly.

1. Click on IKin button. It shows a separate window (Figure 4.2)

2. Select a Robot

3. Enter Input parameters

4. Click on IKin button

5. View the possible solutions

6. Click on Show button. It shows the selected solution in 3D Model window. To see
this go back to main window by minimizing IKin window

7. Select any of the obtained solution as initial and final solution

8. Click on OK. This step replaces the initial and final joint values in DH Parameter
table (Main window) by values selected in step 7

9. Click on FKin button to view animation i.e. how robot moves from one solution to
another solution selected in step 7

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Figure 15: Inverse Kinematics Button

Figure 16: Inverse Kinematics of 3R Articulated Robot

Result :

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OBJECTIVE: To find the joint torques or forces by INVERSE DYNAMICS.

EQUIPMENT: RoboAnalyzer software.

Inverse Dynamics (IDyn) is a dynamics problem, where the robot geometric, inertial
parameters, and the joint motions i.e. its positions, velocities and acceleration are given and
the corresponding joint torques or forces are calculated. In RoboAnalyzer, the dynamics
solver is based on ReDySim algorithm, which uses Decoupled Natural Orthogonal
Complement (DeNOC) Matrices based recursive formulation.

Select a robot and redefine DH parameters, to solve for IDyn of the robot between two sets of
initial and final values of joint variables, the following are the steps as shown in Figures 5.1,
5.2 and 5.3. The trajectory of input joint values, joint velocities and joint accelerations follow
Cycloidal trajectory.

1. Set the initial and final values of joint variables

2. Set Time Duration and Number of Steps

3. Set Gravity (all values should be in SI units, i.e. m/s2)

4. Select a robot‐link to enter its Center of Gravity (CG) location. It corresponds to a

vector from the CG of the robot‐link to the origin of the co‐ordinate frame attached to
that link, measured in the reference of the co‐ordinate frame attached to that link.

5. Select Mass Properties of a robot‐link. Set Mass of each robot‐link (values should be
in SI units, i.e. kg) and set Inertia tensor of each robot‐link with respect to the
co‐ordinate frame attached at the CG of the robot‐link and the co‐ordinate frame is
parallel to the one attached to the robot‐link (values should be in SI units, i.e. kgm2).
These values are to be entered manually and not calculated automatically from the
shape of the robot‐links.

6. Click on FKin button (required to populate the input joint trajectory)

7. Click on Play button to see the animation (only for visualization purpose, not
necessary for IDyn)

8. Click on IDyn button to perform Inverse Dynamics

9. Click on Graph tab to view the graph

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Figure 5.1: Inverse Dynamics Settings

Figure 5.2: Set Center of Gravity for Inverse Dynamics

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Figure 5.3: Set Mass and Inertia Properties and Perform Inverse Dynamics


1. To view the graph plots of joint torques and forces, the following are the steps as shown in Figure 5.4.
2. Click on + next to the joint of which the plots are to be viewed
3. Click on box to plot graph of joint torque/force

Figure 20: Graph Plot of Joint Torque/Force

Result :-

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OBJECTIVE: To find the joint accelerations by FORWARD DYNAMICS.

EQUIPMENT: RoboAnalyzer software.


Forward Dynamics (FDyn) is a dynamics problem, where the robot geometric, inertial
parameters, and the joint torques and forces are given and the joint accelerations are
calculated. The dynamics solver uses ReDySim as in IDyn.


Select a robot and redefine DH parameters to solve for FDyn of the robot for a given initial
values of joint variables. Perform steps 1 to 8 mentioned below.

1. Set the initial value of joint variables

2. Set Time Duration and Number of Steps

3. Set Gravity (all values should be in SI units, i.e. m/s2)

4. Select a robot‐link to enter its Center of Gravity (CG) location. It corresponds to a

vector from the CG of the robot‐link to the origin of the co‐ordinate frame attached to
that link, measured in the reference of the co‐ordinate frame attached to that link.

5. Select Mass Properties of a robot‐link.

6. Set Mass of each robot‐link (values should be in SI units, i.e. kg) and set Inertia
tensor of each robot‐link with respect to the co‐ordinate frame attached at the CG of
the robot‐link and the co‐ordinate frame is parallel to the one attached to the robot‐
link (values should be in SI units, i.e. kgm2). These values are to be entered manually
and not calculated automatically from the shape of the robot‐links.

7. Click on FDyn button to perform Forward Dynamics. The robot is simulated for
free‐fall due to the action of gravity. In future, joint torques/forces can be set as input.

8. Click on Play button to see the animation

9. Click on Graph tab to view the graph

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Figure 6.1: Forward Dynamics


To view the graph plots of joint accelerations and position of links, follow the steps as
mentioned below.

1. Click on Graph tab

2. Click on + next to the link of which the plots are to be viewed
3. Click on box to plot graph of a particular node to see X, Y and Z plots
4. Click on + next to the joint of which the plots are to be viewed.
5. Click on box to plot graph of a particular node to see joint value (joint angle for
revolute joint and joint offset for prismatic joints), joint velocity and joint acceleration


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OBJECTIVE: To generate the motion planning of a robot.

EQUIPMENT: RoboAnalyzer software.


The goal of motion planning of a robot is to generate a function according to which a robot
will move. This function generation depends on the robot tasks. A robot user typically
specifies a number of parameters to describe a point‐to‐point or continuous‐path task.
Trajectory planning algorithm then generates the reference inputs for the control system of
the manipulator, so as to be able to execute the motion.

The geometric path, the kinematic and dynamic constraints are the inputs of the trajectory
planning algorithm, whereas the trajectory of the joints (or of the end effector), expressed as a
time sequence of position, velocity and acceleration values, is the output.

Trajectory planning can be done either in the joint space, i.e., in terms of joint positions,
velocities and accelerations, or Cartesian space (also called operational space) i.e., in terms of
the end‐effector positions, orientations, and their time derivatives.


Select a robot and redefine DH parameters. For a given initial values of joint variables,
Motion planning of the selected robot can be performed by selecting particular motion
trajectory as shown in Figure 7.1 followed by steps 1 to 5 as mentioned below.

1. Click on Graph tab

2. Click on + next to the link of which the plots are to be viewed
3. Click on box to plot graph of a particular node to see X, Y and Z plots
4. Click on + next to the joint of which the plots are to be viewed.
5. Click on box to plot graph of a particular node to see joint value (joint angle for
revolute joint and joint offset for prismatic joints), joint velocity and joint acceleration

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Figure 21: Motion Planning


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OBJECTIVE: To plots the graph of FKin, IDyn and FDyn in RoboAnalyzer software.

EQUIPMENT: RoboAnalyzer software.


The analyses results for FKin, IDyn and FDyn can be viewed as graph plots. Several options for
graph plot functionalities are explained below and as shown in Figure 8.1 .

1. Select a graph plot node

2. Set the plot color, symbol and line style

3. Right click on graph to show a menu. Here you can use various options to zoom, print etc

4. Export Data as CSV: Export plot data that can be opened in a spreadsheet such as MS

5. Use Mouse wheel to zoom in and out

6. Press Mouse wheel and drag the mouse to pan around the graph

Figure 8.1: Graph Plot Options


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