Syllabus For Gradeschool
Syllabus For Gradeschool
Syllabus For Gradeschool
2nd – Belonging in God’s Family (Mt. 3:13-17 The 1st – Communicating with God through Signs and
Grade School Syllabus Baptism of Jesus) Symbols (Mt. 26:26-29 The Holy Eucharist)
3rd – Receiving God’s Forgiveness (Luke 15:11-32 - 2nd – Responding to God’s Call to be His Children
CLE Program Description The Prodigal Son) (Sacraments of Initiation) (John 3:1-7Story of
The Christian Living Education (CLE) Program is 4th – Sharing in God’s Meal (Luke 14:15-24 The Nicodemus)
designed for grade school pupils in a Catholic school to help Parable of the Great Feast) 3rd – Receiving God’s Love and Forgiveness
them grow and mature in their Christian faith and in their loving (Sacraments of Healing) (Mt. 18:21-35 The Merciless
relationship with God the Father who creates all things, Jesus Grade 3: Celebrating God’s Goodness in the Sacraments of Official) (James 5:13-20 Anointing and Prayer)
Christ who leads us to the Father, and the Holy Spirit who abides Reconciliation and Eucharist 4th – Serving God in the Community (Sacraments of
in us; and with the rest of God’s creations. This course is designed to lead the pupils in preparing Commitment) (Eph.3:1-3 Commission to Preach God’s
The lessons are designed in a progressive manner such themselves to meet Jesus in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Sin Plan)
that pupils will be properly guided in knowing the truths of the destroys their relationship with God and with others. Through the
faith, responding to God’s call in their own simple ways, and Sacrament of Reconciliation, they experience God’s mercy and Grade 6: Proclaiming God’s Salvific Love to the World
maintaining an open communication with God through prayers forgiveness. The Holy Eucharist nourishes their relationship with This course is designed to familiarize the pupils with the
and frequent reception of the Sacraments. Emphasis will be made God that leads them to love and serve others. history of our salvation as part of God’s plan for humanity. It
on the Sacrament of the Eucharist for Grade 3 and Sacrament of 1st – Becoming Members of God’s Family (Mt.19:13-15 introduces the pupils to the different people who played
Confirmation for Grade 6 in preparation for their reception of the Jesus blesses the Children) important roles in following the will of God like the patriarchs,
said Sacraments. 2nd – Accepting God’s Call to be His Friends (1Samuel judges, kings, and prophets in the Old Testament and Jesus Christ
3:2-18 The Call of Samuel) as the fulfillment of God’s promise in the New Testament.
Grade 1: Encountering God’s Love in His Creation 3rd – Celebrating God’s Presence in the Eucharist (Mark Furthermore, this course also aims to evoke in the pupils the
This course focuses on the appreciation of God’s gifts of 14:22-25 The Lord’s Supper) sense of gratitude for the gift of salvation, thereby, accepting the
life, family and creation. It narrates that God the Father created 4th – Loving God by Serving Others (Mt. 7:12 The mission to continue proclaiming God’s love to the world. This
the world because He loves us. It aims to inspire a response of Golden Rule) will also prepare the pupils for the reception of the Sacrament of
faith through appreciation of God’s gifts by seeing God in their Confirmation.
everyday encounter with His creation. Grade 4: Growing as Followers of Jesus Christ 1st – God revealing Himself through the Bible (Heb.1:1-
1st – Knowing God as our Loving Father (Luke 11:1-13 This course focuses on the basic knowledge of the 4)
The Lord’s Prayer) principles of Christian Faith on discipleship. It also envisions that 2nd – God proclaiming His Message through His Chosen
2nd – Enjoying God’s Presence in His Creation (Gen. through authentic practice of Christ’s teaching (like Leaders (Genesis 12:1-9 - The Call of Abraham)
1:1-2:4a 1st Creation Story) commandments, beatitudes) of love of God and of neighbor, the 3rd – Jesus fulfilling God’s Promise of Salvation (John
3rd – Appreciating Our Life as Human Beings (Gen 1:27 pupils are able to grow in their loving relationship with God and 3:16-18)
God created Human) neighbor through loving obedience to God and service of 4th – Church: Continuing Jesus’ Mission through the
4th – Sharing and Caring for God’s Creation (Gen. 1:26, neighbor by following Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit (Mt. 28:16-20 Commission of the Apostles)
28-30 Stewardship) 1st – Knowing and Loving Jesus Christ (Mt. 22: 34-40)
2nd – Loving God as Jesus Christ Does (Luke 15:1-7 The
Grade 2: Encountering Jesus in the Sacraments Parable of the Lost Sheep) Group Members:
This course is designed to discuss Jesus as encountered 3rd – Loving Our Neighbors as Jesus Christ Does (Mark Baja, Russel
in the Sacraments. This course is primarily aimed in teaching the 12:28-31 The Greatest Commandment) Bayaton, Corazon Dulce
Grade 2 pupils the Sacraments namely Baptism, Eucharist, and 4th – Growing Joyfully as Jesus’ Friends (Mt. 5:1-12 The Buena, Noemi Grace
Reconciliation in preparation for their First Holy Communion. 8 Beatitudes) Dominise, Leslie
Each of these Sacraments is discussed according to the Sacred Grospe, Fr. Maco
Scriptures, Tradition, and Human Experiences, the rite of each Grade 5: Celebrating Life through the Sacraments Laderas, Mae
Sacrament, and most especially the meaning and relationship of This course focuses on the Sacraments as saving Pascua, Maria Aiza Graciela Corazon
these Sacraments to the lives of the pupils. symbolic acts of God’s love. The pupils will also understand that
1st – Knowing the Sacraments through Jesus (Mark through the sacraments, we are fashioned into the likeness of Mentor:
4:26-29 Seed Grows of itself) Christ and therefore enable us to celebrate life. Mr. Raoul Roncal
Profile of Grade Four Pupils Grade 4 Unit 3: LOVING OUR NEIGHBOR AS JESUS CHRIST
The Grade Four pupils have already gained an Main Topic DOES
understanding that Jesus, the God made man, continues to love us GROWING AS FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST • Jesus Calls Us to Respect Our Parents
through the Sacraments. They also developed deeper (Exodus 20:12 The Fourth Commandment, Luke 2:41-
appreciation and understanding of the Sacrament of Baptism, the Unit 1: KNOWING AND LOVING JESUS CHRIST 52 The Boy Jesus in the Temple
Sacrament that makes us belong to God’s family, the Church; • Jesus as the Perfect Human Person “They went up according to festival custom… He
Reconciliation, the Sacrament wherein we receive Jesus’ (Jn. 15: 9-12, CFC 500-512)
was obedient to them”, CFC 1002-1027)
forgiveness; and most especially the Holy Eucharist, the • Jesus Teaches Us the Commandments as Ways of
Sacrament where we receive Jesus as the Bread of Life. In • Jesus Calls Us to Respect Life
celebrating all these Sacraments they are drawn to be Christ-like Exodus 20:13 The Fifth Commandment, John 10:10-
(John 14:15-16:21 “If you love Me, you will keep My
in thoughts, words and deeds. 11 “I came that they may have life and have it to the
commandments”, CFC 864)
full”, CFC 1028-1044)
Grade Four Course Objectives • Jesus as the Guide of our Conscience
• Jesus Calls Us to Respect our Human Body and
This course focuses on the basic knowledge of the (Luke 23: 13-25 – Jesus Again Before Pilate, CFC 701-
Sexuality: The Sixth and The Ninth
principles of Christian Faith on discipleship. It also envisions that 711,723)
through authentic practice of Christ’s teaching (like • Jesus Frees Us from Sin
(Romans 12:1-2 “Keep your body holy…” Exodus
commandment, beatitudes) of love of God and of neighbor, the (Acts 10:37-38 Peter’s Speech: “God anointed Jesus
20:14, 17, Matthew 19:3-6, CFC 1066-1115)
pupils are able to grow in their loving relationship with God and with the Holy Spirit … He went about doing good …for
• Jesus Calls Us to Respect Other’s Property: The
neighbor through loving obedience to God and service of God was with Him.”, CFC 784, 1801-1802) Seventh and The Tenth Commandments
neighbor by following Jesus Christ. The topics are specifically (Luke 16: 19-23: The Rich Man and Lazarus,
developed to lead pupils to: Unit 2: LOVING GOD AS JESUS CHRIST DOES Exodus 20:15,17 , CFC 1141-1154)
• Jesus Calls Us to Love God Above All • Jesus Calls Us to Respect and Stand for the
Morals (Exodus 20:2-6: The First Commandment, Matthew 4:1-
Act as free and responsible disciples of Christ formed by a Truth: The Eighth Commandment
11: The Temptation of Jesus “The Lord, your God, (Ephesians 4: 25 “… put away falsehood, speak the
personal and loving relationship with God and with our
neighbors. shall you worship and Him alone shall you serve”, CFC truth…”, Exodus 20:16 , CFC 1221-1246)
Doctrine • Jesus Calls Us to Honor God’s Name Unit 4: GROWING JOYFULLY AS DISCIPLES OF JESUS
Understand that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, (Ex 20:7 Second Commandment, Acts 3:1-10 Peter CHRIST
therefore we follow Him as His disciples. and John cured the cripple “in the name of Jesus • Jesus Calls Us to Follow the Ways to Happiness
Christ”, CFC 893-902) (Matthew 5:3-12 “The Sermon on the Mount”, CFC
Worship 739, 744-745)
• Jesus Calls Us to Keep God’s Day Holy
Participate actively in the Holy Eucharist as our personal • Jesus Calls Us to Reach Out to Others ( Corporal
(Exodus 20:8 Third Commandment, Mark 3:1-6 A
and communal celebration of God’s love. & Spiritual Works of Mercy)
Man with a Withered Hand, CFC 903-922) (Matthew 25:31-45 “The Last Judgment”, Matthew
9:20-22; 27-28; 35-38, CFC 972-977, 994)