Parish Mission Statement Parish Mission Statement

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Parish Mission Statement

Loved by the Father,

saved by the Son,
empowered by the Holy Spirit,
we, the faithful of
St. Edward the Confessor
and San Felipe de Jesús,
joyfully embrace
our community and the world.
Nourished by the sacraments
and inspired by the
example of Christ,
we strive to be his voice,
hands and heart.




Amados por el Padre,
salvados por el Hijo,
fortalecidos por el Espíritu Santo,
nosotros, los feligreses de
San Eduardo el Confesor
y San Felipe de Jesús,
con júbilo abrazamos nuestra
comunidad y mundo.
Alimentados por los sacramentos
e inspirados por
el ejemplo de Cristo,
nos esforzamos por ser su voz,
manos y corazón.

Meet our Parish Council’s this week, p. IV


St Edward the Confessor
Catholic Church
Phone: 496-1307 ~ Fax: 496-1557
Monday-Friday 8 am - 8 pm (949) 496-1307
Saturday 8 am - 5 pm
Sunday 8 am - 5 pm 33926 Calle La Primavera
8:15 am & 5:30 pm (Vigil)
7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 am
Dana Point, California 92629
Mon– Friday
12:30 & 5:30 pm
8:15 am & 5:30 pm
Eve of Holy Day 5:30 pm
Holy Day 8:15 am, 5:30 & 7:30 pm
Wednesday 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Sacrament of the Sick
Saturday 4:00 – 5:00 pm In the event of serious illness or medical emergency, Anointing
(and by appointment) of the Sick and Eucharist may be arranged by contacting the Par-
PASTORAL MINISTERS ish Office. Call (949) 257-8017 for a medical emergency
Rev. Steve Sallot - Pastor after 8 p.m.
Extension 2880 Sacrament of Baptism
Rev. Chris Heath—Parochial Vicar
Parents of infants requesting information about Baptism may
Extension 2109
Rev. Loc Tran - Parochial Vicar contact the Office of Religious Education. Infant Baptisms are
Extension 2206 celebrated on the first and third Sunday of each month following
Rev. Mario Juarez – Parochial Vicar catechesis for parents and godparents of candidates.
Extension 2870
Celebration of Christian Funerals
Deacon Ron Tiberi Extension 2505
At the time of death, a family member should contact the parish
Business Office—429-2874 office, as soon as possible, to arrange the date and time for the
Accounting—429-2873 Funeral Liturgy.
Christian Service—496-1572
Mary Baur, Director Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Adults requesting information about full initiation and commun-
Laurie Saine, Assistant to the Pastor ion with the Roman Catholic Church (the sacraments of Bap-
tism, Eucharist and Confirmation) may contact the Office of Reli-
Music – 496-1307, extension 2872
Rick Dellefield, Director
gious Education.
Parish School – 496-1241 Sacrament of Matrimony
Sharon Rands, Principal The Sacrament presumes active sacramental participation on the
Preschool – 240-8485 part of one or both persons. Couples must begin preparation
Cheryl Pickrel, Principal for their Sacrament at least six months prior to their proposed
Faith Formation – 496-6011 wedding date. Please call the Parish Office for more information.
Office of Religious Education Eucharistic Adoration
Donna Couch, Director
Gloria Fetta, Director of Family Ministries On the first and third Monday of each month we gather in
Neil Sampson, Confirmation Coordinator prayer and praise before the Blessed Sacrament. The Diocesan
Aimee Martinez, Coordinator Sunday intention is that of an increase of vocations to the priesthood
Children’s Ministry and religious life.
Youth Ministry – 496-9719
Gary Foote-Coordinator Please visit our website,, for more
Parish Ministries — 496-1307
Neil Sampson, Coordinator, Extension 2229
La Adoracion
al Santisimo San Felipe de Jesús Chapel
cada primer
viernes del mes,
26010 Domingo Ave
8am—7:00pm Capistrano Beach, Ca 92624
Adoration (949) 496-1307 (St. Edward)
of the Blessed
Sacrament Victor Samano, Deacon
1st Friday of every
month, (949) 493-8918 (San Felipe)
San Felipe Chapel Office Hours
San Felipe de Jesús Mon., Tues., Thurs.: 5:30—9 p.m.
CAPILLA OFFICINA Sunday: 8:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
(949) 493-8918
MISAS EN ESPAÑOL Ministries/Ministerios
Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Sábado 5:30 p.m.
Domingo 10:00 y 11:30 a.m. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Baile Folklórico Dance Javier Martinez (949) 394-3912
Dia de Obligación 7:30 p.m. AT ST. EDWARD CHURCH
Caballeros de Colon/
Primer Viernes 7:30 p.m. Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus
Juan Avila (949) 495-1359

CONFESIONES EN SN. EDUARDO Saturday 4:00 p.m. Capo Community

Rosa Ceja (949) 830-1560
Mariachi Program
Miércoles 7:00 p.m. ADORATION Cenaculo Misionero Anita Uribe (949) 728-0283
Sábado 4:00 p.m. of the Blessed Sacrament Choirs/Coros Vidal Ruelas (949) 606-6240
LA ADORACION 1st Friday of every month, Eucharistic Ministry
Jeanne Exworthy (949) 496-4115
8am—7:00pm. (English)
al Santisimo Sacramento
Ministros Eucarísticos
cada primer viernes del mes, (Spanish)
Luis Rodriguez (949) 400-0206
8am—7:00pm Faith Formation/
(949) 493-8918 Martha Samano (949) 493-8918
Educación Religiosa
BAPTISMS Jóvenes Para Cristo Osvaldo Sandoval (949) 297-4302
Lunes y Martes 5:30-8:30pm
The 2nd Saturday of each month Lectors (English) Jeanne Exworthy (949) 496-4115
BAUTISMOS at 11 a.m. The class is the 1st Lectores (Spanish) Rafael Ocampo (949) 275-6689
Pláticas: primer Martes de cada Tuesday of the month from Marriage Encounter/
Jose & Raquel Sosa (949) 249-8521
mes. Bautismo: Segundo Sábado Encuentro Matrimonial
6:30—8:30 pm.
de cada mes Mendoza Choir/Coro Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110
To arrange baptisms, Mission Hospital Health
Miguel Martinez (949) 364-7723
marriages and other events
Tercer Sábado de cada mes Osorio Choir/Coro Teresa Osorio (949) 981-6269
please contact
Raquel Mares Quinceañera Raquel Mares (949) 456-5988
San Felipe de Jesús
Tel. (949) 361.4713 R.C.I.A./R.I.C.A. Martha Rodriguez (949)842-7186
(949) 493-8918
BODAS San Felipe Choir/Cora Oralia Osorio (949)842-9512

Llamar 6 meses Registration forms are Ushers/Ujieres Alberto Sierra (949) 388-8650

de anticipación available at the church or online at Maria Dolores Padilla (949) 973-7210 Vidas en transformacion Bertha Cardenas (949) 257-9030
Rosa Ceja (949) 830-1560
Coro de Juvenil
En caso de una enfermedad se- EMERGENCY
ria, emergencia médica, un In the event of serious illness or Contribuciones Semanales
fallecimiento o por la necesidad medical emergency, Anointing of
de recibir la unción de los enfer- the Sick and Eucharist may be Meta $ 4,000
Utlimo domingo: $ 2,719
mos y la Eucaristía, contacte con arranged by contacting the St.
la oficina de Sn. Eduardo el Edward Parish Office. Call (949) 2011 PSA
St. Edward the Confessor and
Confesor. Por favor llamar a 257-8017 for a medical emer- San Felipe de Jesus
(949) 257-8017 para una emer- gency after 8:00 p.m. PSA Goal Combined $211,000
gencia después de las 8pm. San Felipe Portion $ 18,000
Parish Ministries
To assist you in discerning a ministry or for more information,
please contact Neil Sampson, Parish Ministry Coordinator at (949) 496-1307, ext 2229

Liturgical Ministries: Outreach & Support Ministries:

Altar Guild Mary Ann Connolly (949) 240-1164 Binky Patrol Mary Howe (949) 249-2066
Altar Server Deana Progar ((949) 525-7092 Blood Drive Greg Montevideo (949) 493-7605
Alter Server (scheduling) Tom Littlejohn (949) 489-5595 Support Group for Margaret Prendiville (949) 496-7312
Art & Environment Deana Progar (949) 525-7092 Chronic Illness (HELP)

Eucharist Minister Rocco Falabella (949) 240-8037 Christian Service Mary Baur (949) 496-1572
(Food Distribution)
Eucharist Minister to the
LaVerne Klopp (949) 496-1307 x2207
Sick & Homebound Detention Ministry Diane Wetherbee (949) 489-8016
Lector Maureen Walker (949) 374-0506 English & Spanish Lessons Maria Simmons (949) 661-8827
Music Ministry Rick Dellefield (949) 496-1307 Faith in Action Ellen Loretta (949) 493-5949
Usher Rob Wagner (949) 842-2277 Knight of Columbus Paul Sampson (949) 429-6461
John Di Mare (626) 824-6084 Respect Life Don Walz (949) 493-3134
Youth Music/Faith Out Social Justice Jo & Mel Mothershead (949) 487-2020
Tim Horrigan (949) 496-1307 X2501
St. Vincent de Paul Society Maria Simmons (949) 496-1307
Faith Formation:
Tijuana Ministry Suzanne Luke (949) 496-1307
Adult Formation Donna Couch (949) 496-6011
Bible Study Donna Couch (949) 496-6011
Parish Enrichment:
Children’s Sunday Liturgy Bereavement Conrad Esser (949) 361-9813
Aimee Martinez (949) 496-1307 X2500
of the Word Finance Council Randy Redwitz (949) 753-1514
Confirmation Neil Sampson (949) 496-1307 X2210 Hospitality Esmeralda Troge (949) 362-7495
Elementary Children’s Mary’s Corner Gift Shop Suzanne Luke (949) 496-1307
Gloria Fetta (949) 481-0882
Religious Education
Pastoral Council Fr. Steve Sallot (949) 496-1307 x2880
Infant Baptism Ministry Aimee Martinez (949) 496-1307 X2500
Serra Club of South OC Carol Lavigne (949) 240-7621
Insight (Grade 9-12) Gary Foote (949) 496-9719
Stephen Ministry Catherine Hallett (949) 496-1307 X2503
Outlet (Grade 6-8) Gary Foote (949) 496-9719
Dan Nichols (949) 496-1307 X2503
RCIA Donna Couch (949) 496-6011
Web Ministry Laurie Saine (949) 481-4000
Sunday Sacramental
Aimee Martinez (949) 496-1307 X2500 Welcoming Committee Neil Sampson (949) 496-1307X2229
Family, Faith & Prayer Enrichment: Community & Social
Adoration Society Deana Progar (949) 525-7092 Guess Who’s Coming to Donna Rosen (949) 661-2514
Circle of Praise Pam Conway (949) 661-0158 Dinner
Cursillo Dan Abalos (949) 366-3710 Cub Scouts Mary Litwinski (949) 240-0727
Disciples of Divine Mercy Girl Scouts Kristen Stovesand (949) 249-4968
Deana Progar (949) 525-7092
School and Preschool Ministries:
Families of Nazareth Ann Marie Eckl (949)230-0476
Consultative School Board Jackie Brady (949) 291-6152
Legion of Mary Margaret Maistrou (949) 215-9897
Campus Ministry Gloria Fetta (949) 481-0882
Marriage Enrichment Joe & Rosemary Sinacori (949) 496-3478
Bob & Mary Dausch (949) 481-1102 Family Photo Fundraiser Nicole Soltis (949)547-0993

Natural Family Planning Meredith Thomas (949) 493-5914 Fiesta with Friends Lisa Gipe (949) 248-7383
Golf Tournament Kathy & Robt. Hancock (949) 488-8323
Our Lady's Blue Army Ann Mintie (949) 496-4653
Retrouvaille Open Position Monarch Main Event Sue Buckley (949) 493-8256

Serenity Days Donna Couch (949) 496-6011 Tara Newkirk (949) 690-7136

Spiritual Direction Donna Couch (949) 496-6011 Parent Guild Org. (PGO) Linda Cook (949) 487-1395

St. Anne’s Circle Charis Williams (949) 481-6194 Consultative Preschool Christy Pagel (949) 443-1418
Surf and Scripture Kevin Perkins (949) 370-6924
Tuesday Bible Study Elizabeth Smith (949) 837-2141 School Religion Rikki Daniels (949) 388-9705
Two Hearts Prayer Group Pam Conway (949) 661-0158
School Volunteers Mary Payne (949) 581-7785
Women of Wisdom Shirley Filadelfia (949) 496-1307
Scrip Program Sara Brechbill (949) 498-2044
Young Adult Prayer Group Chris Kampmeier (949) 973-6106

For a list of descriptions, visit and click on Ministries or pick up a Ministry Directory.
March 27, 2011 † Third Sunday of Lent

Hear the Voice of Our Parish Mission Statement

Meet the Faces of Our Parish Council’s

T Dave Brown Al Degrassi Dennis Flynn Dennis Galligani Marco Guerrero

Paul Sampson Sarah Kirland Joyce Lokker Maggie Prendiville Jay Wilson

Mary Kay Wise Greg Wise

Fr. Steve Sallot, Pastor

Barbara Belavic Frank Cincotta Kate Nilsen Ray Madro

E Sharon Rands Randy Redwitz Art Fajardo Brandon LaVerne Dave Schinderle Donna Upton IV
St. Edward The Confessor Catholic Church

Ministry News
Imagine... embracing the Sacrament of Recon- The First Sorrowful Mystery
ciliation with a hunger for a loving encounter with THE AGONY IN THE GARDEN
Christ. Let us pray for Mothers and Fathers who are in agony
You are invited to participate in the Conversion because they are tempted to abort a child. May they be
of the Heart Reflection Series. The series given the good news that there are alternatives and may
meets in the church Cry Room every Wednesday they make use of the help that is available.
at 1 p.m. from now to April 20th the week before Join us in peacefully praying the Rosary in front of
Easter. For more information contact Ann Marie Planned Parenthood facility in Mission Viejo at the corner
Eckl at 230-0476. of La Paz and Chrisanta Streets.
—————–————————–—— Saturday, April 1st, 2011 at 10 a.m.
TWO HEARTS PRAYER GROUP —————–————————–——
Friday, April 1st from 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m..
We invite you to join us as we sing and pray
before the Blessed Sacrament, the Rosary and
Divine Mercy Chaplet asking Jesus and Mary to
fill us with their LOVE. Babies are being saved from abortion thanks to your
—————–————————– prayers!
ART AND ENVIRONMENT NEEDS YOUR HELP Join the 40 Days for Life campaign. In addition to 40 days
Beautifying the church environment enhances of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion, we invite
the liturgy, encourages the faithful to enter into you to pray outside of the Planned Parenthood Facility
their spiritual journey and prepares the atmos- located at 700 S. Tustin. St. Edward will host every
phere for our priests to celebrate the Mass. Tuesday 10:00 am – 12:00pm, Monday April 4th
This task takes time and many people, young, 10:00am – 7:00pm, and we will have a Youth prayer
seniors and in between. If you can offer a help- day to be announced soon.
ing hand to decorate your church for all the Walk4 Life: March 27, Rose Bowl, Pasadena, CA. Family
liturgical seasons please contact Deana Progar friendly event, great speakers, music, activities for chil-
at [email protected] or 525-7092 dren. Sign up under Birth Choice and join 40 Days for
.—————–————————–—— Life participants. Register online
Circle Thursday April 7th on your calendar for bles outside the Church. For more information contact:
an evening of “Living Catholic Marriage”, a series Alejandra Baker [email protected]
of topics to help husbands and wives communicate 949-690-7315
better and grow stronger in their faith. Why not —————–————————–—
make this Lent a time to renew the two of you?
We will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the 2nd floor Parish FEEDING THE HUNGRY
Room at St. Edward School. Come join us! For For some 20 years, a group of Christian volunteers, in-
more information call Bob & Mary Dausch at 481- cluding members of St. Edward the Confessor and San
1102. Felipe de Jesus, have been serving meals to the homeless
—————–————————– and working poor in the Capistrano Beach area. In 2006
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS the group incorporated under the name of Welcome
HANDI-KNIGHTS INN (Interfaith Needs Network), a non-profit entity un-
der Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code. If interested in
The Handi-Knights is a program to help
serving or you want more information, you can call
those in our parish and the community with Household
repairs that they are unable to do because of physical Madeline Wineberg , 212-3755 or
or financial limitations. If anyone has the need for help
call Paul Prendiville 584-4149

March 27, 2011 † Third Sunday of Lent

Parish Events
Please come and join us for Wondrous Love: A Meditation
on the Passion on the eve of Palm Sunday, April 16, at
7:30 p.m. in the church. Through music, prayer, readings
and art, we will enter and experience the depth of Christ's
passion in a new and beautiful way. The voices of the
Combined Choirs, Choristers, Cherubs and a String Octet
will be featured. All are welcome!
Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center
April 1, 2011.
St. Edward’s Retreat for women will be held at Mater
Dolorosa Retreat Center in Sierra Madre on the
weekend of April 1, 2011. Join your fellow parishion-
ers for this weekend of spiritual
enrichment and growth. The retreat which is led by
the Passionist retreat team begins Friday evening and
concludes Sunday at 11:00 am.
The theme for this year is - Come to the Well of
Living Water...Our Life of Prayer.
Please phone Liz Mojica, (949) 422-1241, our parish
retreat Captain for information or to make your res-
ervation. Requested donation: $180.00 ($50 non-
refundable deposit)

Este verano 2011… habrá un estudio de Biblia

en la Parroquia de San Eduardo el Confesor Coming this summer… St. Edward the Confessor
¡Únase a nosotros por una semana de mucha diversión! Vacation Bible School 2011
La fecha es del 11 al 15 de julio de las 9am a las 12:30 Join us for a week of Panda Mania and Bible Fun!
pm (de lunes a viernes) Happening the week of July 11th to July 15th
para los niños de “Jardín de Niños al 5ºGrado” from 8:30am – 12pm (M-F)
La hoja de inscripción puede ser adquirida el sitio For children entering Grades K – 5
Web de la iglesia en el domicilio Applications will be accepted on April 17th Before and after the following masses:
Las inscripciones serán aceptadas el 17 de abril en la 9:00am, 11:00am, 12:30 and 5:30pm.
parroquia de San Eduardo el Confesor antes y después de Download your application by going to the
las siguientes Misas: Church blog-site…
9:00am, 11:00am, 12:30pm y 5:30pm. Cost per child is $60
La donación es de $60.00 dólares por niño Spaces are limited. If VBS spaces are full, then children
Los espacios son limitados. will be put on a waitlist.
Para los estudiantes de la escuela secundaria y participan- Christian Service Hours available for Middle through
tes del Ministerio Juvenil habrá horas de servicio cristia- High School Students and Youth Ministry Participants.
no disponibles. Questions about VBS enrollment or volunteering, please
Si tiene preguntas escriba al correo electrónico email [email protected]
[email protected]

St. Edward The Confessor Catholic Church

Please Pray for ...

The Sick In Memoriam
Msgr. Tony Mc Gowan Stan Okon
Vicki Bufalino Lori Stanley
Dan Mc Ginn Hannah Huckfeldt Irene Keirnan
Mike Howard April Fisher
Mary Norman Armando Altamirano Joyce Quirk
Anne Kerbrat Brooke Hartman Joan Mastro
Ezzat Abdelmalek Dorothy Pittman Christopher Whitman
Dolores Alvey Gary Stuart
Penny Banducci Danial Pappalbido
Fionna Herringer Bob White
Josephine Rullo Ellindia Martos
Tim Conley Linda Blake
Joyce Murphy
Joseph Kim
Rose Shirey
Marni Fisher
Mass Intentions
Lyndsey Harhay Linda Blake
Jayne Ubinger Jinny Sullivan Sunday March 27
7:30 a.m. Helen Anderson
8:00 a.m. SF Daniel Berney †
Please remember in your prayers… Margaret Sullivan †
Our armed forces and their families. Florence Urban †
Pray For Peace. Chase Church †
9:00 a.m. Theodosia Alcantardo †
If you or a family member are ill and would like to 11:00 a.m. Martha Nowacki †
be included in our prayers or are in need of a 12:30 p.m. Hal Kaemerlie †
priest, please contact the parish office at 496-1307. 5:30 p.m. Carl Penninto †
Monday March 28
8:15 a.m. Thomas Walker, Jr. †
Deceased 5:30 p.m.
Christopher Tintle †
March 29
8:15 a.m. Ralph Miller †
5:30 p.m. Ann Yelich †
Mar. 27: Donald Dundas (1980), Virginia Noz (2001), Wednesday March 30
8:15 a.m. Gil Casadas †
Robert Hillis, Sr. (2005), Mickey Islas (2005),
5:30 p.m. Hung Nguyen
Heather M. Lorz (2007), Paul Sheehan (2009) Thursday March 31
Mar. 28: Nathan Adam Borthwick (1995), 8:15 a.m. Daniella Scarantino
Delia Lacson Forte (1996), 5:30 p.m. Dutch Ebert †
William Cornelius Mooney (1996), Friday April 1
Galo Grijalva (2001), Jean Freeman (2006) 8:15 a.m. John Higgins †
Mar. 29: Angelo Sgambellone (1987), Andy Dolan (2008) 5:30 p.m. Jimmy Burfisher †
Mar. 30: Donald Smith (1970), Elizabeth Nott (2002), Saturday April 2
Joe O’Sullivan (2005), 8:15 a.m. Judith Novellino †
5:30 p.m. Irene Kiernan †
Mariana Marie Campos (2007),
Sunday April 3
Mar. 31: Maurice de Rosier (1993), 7:30 a.m. Thomas L. Loftus †
Stoddard Johnson (1995), Julian Iorio (2006), 8:00 a.m. SF M/M Joseph Cheng †
Apr. 1: Rick Skeffington (2004) Marie Louise Cheng
Apr. 2: Alice St. Aubin (1982), Helen Murphy (1984), Jose Guerra †
Ann DeSilvia (1994), Irene Sanchez (1995) Frank Luchetta †
Leo Devlin (2004), Michael Zaccaro (2004) 9:00 a.m. Ralph Guido †
11:00 a.m. Nora & Pete Mc Aleer †
12:30 p.m. Yesela Bezelj †
VII 5:30 p.m. Chase Church †
March 27, 2011 † Third Sunday of Lent

Good Stewards All Daily Schedule

7:30 a.m.— Monday-Saturday Rosary, Morning Prayer
(Liturgy of the Hours)
8:15 a.m.—Mass—Monday through Saturday
In the month of February 2011 5:15 p.m.—Evening Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours, except
St. Edward and San Felipe de Jesus Sat.)
5:30 p.m.—Mass (Saturday is Sunday’s Liturgy)
ministries provided: We invite you to celebrate daily Mass with us!
Baptisms: 20 Individuals
Weddings : 3 Couples
Quinceañeras 4 Young Women Scripture Readings
Bereavement: 10 Funerals
Monday: 2 Kings 5:1-15b; Luke 4:24-30
Christian Service ... Tuesday: Daniel 3:25, 34-43; Matthew 18:21-35
Food Distribution *: 115 Families Wednesday: Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9;
(206 adults, 141 children) Matthew 5:17-19
Services provided: 55 Thursday: Jeremiah 7:23-28; Luke 11:14-23
Referrals provided: 20 Friday: Hosea 14:2-10; Mark 12:28-34
Saturday: Hosea 6:1-6; Luke 18:9-14;
* Food Distribution is sponsored by Sunday: 1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a;
St. Vincent de Paul and administered by Ephesians 5:8-14; John 9:1-41
St. Edward’s Christian Service Ministry.

Weekly Calendar
Monday March 28
Your Contributions … 8:45 a.m.
Cursillo, Cry Room
March 29
Last week/ month
8:45 a.m. Bible Study, Knight Hall
Last week ………………………. $ 21,058 6:00 p.m. Blue Army, Church
Parish Pay (monthly)—February…... $ 73,898 Wednesday March 30
8:45 a.m. Circle of Praise, Church Cry Rm.
Last year—same week/month 1:00 p.m. Families of Nazareth, Cry Room
Same week 2010. ………………….. $ 19,312 6:00 p.m. Cursillo, Copy Room
Last Year’s Parish Pay —February…. $ 68,476 Thursday March 31
6:30 p.m. Legion of Mary, Church Mtg. Rm.
Thank you for your generosity! Friday April 1
9:15 a.m. Two Hearts Prayer Group, Church
2011 Annual PSA 6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Stations of the Cross, Church
Soup—Knight Hall
St. Edward the Confessor and
San Felipe de Jesus
Combined PSA Goal $211,000 Wedding Banns
Pledges: 262
Amount pledged: $ 95,814 Peter England & Kim Buccola, April 02, 2011
Amount paid: $ 54,465
St. Edward The Confessor Catholic Church

From the Office for Parish … Faith Formation

Our office is located on the Knight Hall side of the rectory . We can be
reached by calling 496-
496-6011 or on the web:

Sunday March 27th REMEMBERING CHURCH -

9:00am– Children’s Religious Education OR HOW TO BECOME CATHOLIC EVEN
4:00pm - OUTET Middle School Ministry WHEN YOU HAPPEN TO BE ONE
7:00pm - Confirmation I
If you have recently returned to your faith, (that
Monday March 28th could mean physically, mentally or spiritually) or
4:30pm—Children’s Religious Education are just feeling a little inadequate in the adult faith
6:00pm - Lenten Reconciliation Night formation department, we invite you to come and
See below for details talk about how to become a more informed , spiri-
Tuesday March 29th tual, and mature believer. Misconceptions about
9:00am - Bible in Knight Hall. the Catholic faith abound! Join into a discussion
4:30pm - Children’s Religious Education during Lent with our priests and Faith Formation
Wednesday March 30th - staff on these and many other thought-provoking
9:00am - Women of Wisdom-Knight Hall issues. Identical morning and evening sessions
7:00pm - Insight-Knight Hall are available –
Monday, March 28th P.M. in Knight Hall. Bring a friend!
6pm Supper Pizza and Pasta with the Padres in All are welcome!
Knight Hall. 7-8 pm Reconciliation Service in the
Church. Come together as a parish family to TRY SPIRITUAL DIRECTION (also known as
share a meal, to pray & sing, and to receive the “spiritual guidance or companionship) - We have
grace of God through the holy Sacrament of a number of qualified spiritual directors in our
Reconciliation. midst who are willing to engage in a process of
SOUP AND STATIONS Come and pray the listening generously to the movement of the Holy
Stations of the Cross and then enjoy a simple Spirit in your life. Call the Faith Formation Office
soup supper after the 5:30 PM mass on all the for a referral.
AND…if you like the convenience of using your
Fridays during Lent. Our ministries take turns
hosting the event each week. Stations will be in computer, iphone or other technology….
the Church, Soup in Knight Hall. SEARCH THROUGH A LIST OF EDIFYING
WEBSITES that will help you enter into the spirit
LENTEN SOUL WALK of on-going conversion and faith formation are
Come join us for a morning SOUL WALK on the listed on our website. Go to
beach We walk every Thursday morning during and click on Faith Formation.
Lent. After a contemplative prayer experience, we OR…
walk together alongside the ocean in God’s beau-
tiful creation. We meet in the Capistrano Beach Read our weekly blog “Holy Interruptions”
end of Doheny State Park at 8:30 AM and walk about how to get more out of Lent, understanding
for about an hour. Turn right on Beach Road off the RCIA journey, and other inspiring words about
PCH and park in the metered spaces. spirituality also on the Faith Formation page.

March 27, 2011 † Third Sunday of Lent


Respect Life The Vincentian Youth Meeting and World
Youth Day 2011 will be held in Madrid,
Life! What a beautiful choice!
Spain in August. There will be 15 repre-
"The taking of innocent human life is so heinous. so sentatives from the United States in atten-
horribly evil, and so absolutely opposite to the law of dance. The International Youth Commit-
Almighty God that abortion must take precedence tee is responsible for planning this event and has pre-
over every other moral issue" pared reflections on the theme "Vincentian, A Way of
Life Today." Our young people are preparing them-
Bishop James Timlin, D.D., Bishop of Scranton, N.Y.
selves for this event by reading and reflecting on what
Stephen’s Ministry it means to be a Vincentian.
That's the motto of Stephen Minis-
try. The Stephen Minister's role is
Knights of Columbus
to bring God's love into the lives Golf Tournament
of people who are going through a difficult time or Aliso Viejo C.C. 8/29/11
experiencing a crisis. Stephen Ministers listen to you, To Play Contact: Jim Shipe at 413-7672
care for you, support and encourage you, and pray
with and for you. And in the midst of this confiden- Sponsor Opportunities Include:
tial, one-to-one, caring relationship, God's healing Putting Contest Sponsor $500 - Signage as
love comes pouring through. putting Contest Sponsor at the Putting Green,
If you or someone you know is facing a difficult or Promotional Items included in Registration
significant life event and could benefit from the caring Bags, and Special Acknowledgement.
Sponsor Contact: Mike Chapman 547-0767
presence of a Stephen Minister, call 949-496-1307 x
2503 or email us at [email protected]. Join a Cause Bigger than Yourself
Please contact Tim Kosor, Membership Director 949-378-1599 ·
—————–——————— [email protected] Visit our website at
H.E.L.P. ————–———————
Please join us April 4th from 4 p.m. to Fostering Vocations to the Priesthood
5:30 p.m. in the church meeting room to & Religious Life
pray together and discuss practical treat-
ment and issues such as nutrition, exercise, rest, and Touch a Life Forever!
stress relief. If you need information regarding refer- Named after Fr. Junipero Serra, Franciscan Friar
rals or home or hospital visits, please call Maggie and founder of the California Missions,
Prendiville, RN, MS at 496--7312. Serrans are dedicated to enhancing Vocations to the
Priesthood, Deaconate, and Religious Life,
Serrans meet the 3rd Monday of each month
after the 530pm Mass with
dinner, guest speaker and prayer at St. Edward
School in Dana Point.
“COMMITMENT TO THE NEEDS OF THE If you care to promote Vocations within our
WORLD IS A SIGN OF THE PRESENCE OF community, join our cause.
GOD IN US.” -- Sister Joan Chittister Say ‘”YES’ to the Lord. He maybe calling you.
Join us in serving the poor in Christ’s name! For More Information: Contact Carol Lavigne
Next Catholic Social Justice Ministry meeting: (949) 240-7621—carol [email protected]
4/12/11, 6:45 p.m., Church Meeting Room. WWW.SERRA.ORG

St. Edward The Confessor Catholic Church

Around the Diocese

Lenten Wednesdays Series
“A Lenten Pilgrimage of the Heart”
Wednesday Mornings 10 am – 12 pm
Join Barbara Hughes at Old Mission San Luis Rey Re-
treat Center as we begin a Lenten journey exploring
the profound spiritual paths that call to us across the
April 6 – A wisdom journey to your deepest self with
the desert mothers and fathers
April 13 – Deepening stages of interior prayer with St.
Teresa of Avila, reformer and Doctor of Prayer
April 20 – From dark night experiences to union with
God according to the teachings of St. John of the Cross
Please pre-register by calling 760-757-3659 or visit our
website at Suggestion donation: $5
per session; With lunch: $15 per session.

You are invited to support the pro-life
ministry of Mary’s Shelter on Friday,
April 8, 2011 at the Hyatt Regency
Irvine. “A Midsummer Night’s
Dream” will benefit the pregnant and
parenting teenagers and their babies cared for at
Mary’s Shelter. Put on your cocktail attire and enjoy a
delicious Lenten fish dinner, dancing, silent and live auc-
tion opportunities. Tickets are $135 per person and
are a tax-deductible gift to Mary’s Shelter. Contact
Christine at (714) 730-0930, X15, Chris-
[email protected] or visit
Through ———–————————–——
experiencing and exploring the world around them, SACRED MUSIC CONCERT
children discover the joy of learning. A Concert of sacred music will take place in the chapel
of the CSJ Motherhouse (480 S. Batavia, Orange, CA
*Emphasis on Catholic 92868) on Sat. April 2, at 7 p.m. The evening will fea-
traditions, practices & values ture Dennis Doyle and Fr. Christopher Smith, with
*Hands on learning Celtic Harp, Keyboard and vocals. With this event, the
international charity, Concern America is concluding a
*Development of the whole child–
special “In the Habit of Giving Campaign "honoring
emotional, intellectual, physical,
social & spiritual
Women Religious. Sisters from Religious Communities
are welcomed as guests, and admitted free to the con-
Preschool Registration
cert. For others, the admission cost is $20 collected at
2011-2012 School Year
the door. Space is limited. In order to guarantee seat-
Now accepting registrations for ing, RSVPs are requested by telephoning (to leave the
the 2011-2012 School Year. number attending) with Betty at Concern America,
Visit our website to apply 714 953-8575.
online: ——–————————–—— ST. MICHAEL'S SUMMER CAMP
Since 1962, the abbey has invited boys ages 7-12 from all
over Southern California to spend the week with us. At
For more information, contact the office at 240-8485. camp, they play sports, go swimming, attend daily Mass, pray
the Rosary, and take catechism classes--all while having fun!
Online Application at

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