EC8093-Digital Image Processing
EC8093-Digital Image Processing
EC8093-Digital Image Processing
Regulation – 2017
Prepared by
Mr. R. Issan Raj, Assistant Professor (Sr.G) – EIE
Mr. G. Shiva, Assistant Professor (O.G) - EIE
(An Autonomous Institution)
SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1. (i) Illustrate region based segmentation and region growing with Applying
examples. (8)
(ii) Examine how to construct dams using morphological operations. (5)
2. Apply the laplacian operator for detection of isolated points and lines in Applying
image segmentation. (13) BTL 3
3. (i) What do you mean by optimal thresholding in detail and how do you Remembering
obtain the threshold for image processing? (7)
(ii) Tabulate the different types of thresholding for segmentation. (6)
4. Evaluate the following terms: Evaluating
(i) Region merging. (3) BTL5
(ii) Erosion and dilation. (3)
(iii) Discuss about edge detection and edge linking method. (7)
5. Develop the optimum global Thresholding using Otsu’s method. (13) Creating
6. (i) Summarize the process of edge linking using Hough transform. (7) Understanding
(ii) Explain region based segmentation technique. (6) BTL 2
7. Relate region splitting and merging technique for image segmentation Understanding
with suitable examples. (13) BTL 2
8. (i) Summarize about Region merging. (3) Understanding
(ii) Describe about the Edge detection and edge linking methods. (10)
11. (i) Analyze about edge pixels through global processing. (7) Analyzing
(ii) Examine Watershed segmentation algorithm. (6) BTL 4
12. (i) Explain about the use of motion in segmentation both spatially and Analyzing
in the frequency domain with necessary equation. (9)
(ii) Analyze how Markers used for controlling over segmentation. (4)
13. Analyze about the segmentation methods by Morphological watershed Analyzing
method. (13) BTL 4
14. Describe about the Marr-Hilldreth edge detector used in image Remembering
segmentation with necessary equations. (13) BTL 1
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1. Design the canny edge detector with necessary equation and also write Evaluating
its algorithm. (15) BTL 5
2. Design Marr-Hilldreth edge detector used in image segmentation with Evaluating
necessary equations. (15) BTL 5
3. Develop the Hough transform to perform global processing of image. Creating
(15) BTL 6
4. Design the optimum global thresholding using Otsu’s method. (15) Creating
Need for data compression, Huffman, Run Length Encoding, Shift codes, Arithmetic coding, JPEG
standard, MPEG. Boundary representation, Boundary description, Fourier Descriptor, Regional
Descriptors – Topological feature, Texture - Patterns and Pattern classes - Recognition based on
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1. Short note about the term ‘entropy’. What is the relevance in image BTL 2 Understanding
2. Recall the concept of run length coding. BTL 1 Remembering
3. Define compression ratio. BTL 1 Remembering
4. What is training pattern and training set. BTL 3 Applying
5. What is meant by Erosion and dilation? BTL 1 Remembering
6. Formulate the Equation of circularity ratio of regional descriptors. BTL 6 Creating
7. Estimate the equation of third moment of statistical approach for BTL 5 Evaluating
texture descriptor.
8. Summarize convex hull and convex deficiency concepts. BTL 2 Understanding
9. Mention the various image and video compression standards BTL 1 Remembering
10. Determine the approaches used in image processing to describe the BTL 5 Evaluating
texture of a region.
11. What are the operations performed by error free compression? BTL 1 Remembering
12. How JFEG standard is useful to image processing? BTL 4 Analyzing
13. Discuss about arithmetic coding BTL 2 Understanding
14. Explain the features of Pattern classes. BTL 2 Understanding
15. Develop the steps for Shape number in image segmentation? BTL 3 Applying
16. Classify the types of image representations. BTL 4 Analyzing
17. Write the special features of Fourier descriptors. BTL 1 Remembering
18. Investigate the performance metrics used for evaluating image BTL 6 Creating
19. Identify the various topology applied in image processing. BTL 3 Applying
20. Describe Topological features? BTL 4 Analyzing
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1. Discuss in detail about run length encoding with an example. (13) BTL 2 Understanding
2. Solve and find a Huffman code and average length of the code and its BTL 3 Applying
redundancy for the source emits letters from an alphabet
A={a1,a2,a3,a4,a5} with probabilities P(a1)==0.2, P(a2)=0.4,
P(a3)=0.2, P(a4)=0.1 and P(a5)=0.1. (13)
3. (i) With a block diagram explain shift coding approach for image BTL 1 Remembering
compression. (7)
(ii) Describe the stages in MPEG image compression standard. (6)
4. Explain the different types of boundary descriptors with suitable BTL 2 Understanding
diagrams. (13)
5. What are all the object recognition method used in image processing BTL 3 Applying
for decision making methods? How that methods apply in pattern
classification. (9+4)
6. Write in detail note about the following BTL 1 Remembering
(i) Textures (4)
(ii) Shape numbers (3)
(iii) Fourier descriptors (3)
(iv) Pattern classes (3)
7. (i) Classify the Regional descriptors (5) BTL 4 Analyzing
(ii) Examine the regional descriptors with basic diagrammatic
representations. (8)
8. (i) Categorize Relational descriptors with examples. (3) BTL 4 Analyzing
(ii) Analyze the relational descriptors with basic equations, find
which method is best. (10)
9. (i) Elaborate the decision theoretic methods for recognition. (9) BTL 6 Creating
(ii) Formulate the recognition based on matching method with
equations. (4)
10. Evaluate the need for image compression. How run length encoding BTL 5 Evaluating
approach is used for compression? Is it lossy? Justify. (13)
11. Explain the structural methods of object recognition BTL 2 Understanding
(i) Matching shape numbers. (7)
(ii) String matching. (6)
12. Write short notes on: BTL 1 Remembering
(i) Arithmetic coding. (7)
(ii) JPEG standards. (6)
13. Write the concepts of following methodologies BTL 1 Remembering
(i) Shift codes (4)
(ii) MPEG standard (5)
(iii) Simple boundary descriptors. (4)
14. (i) Classify the different methods of image representation. (2) BTL 4 Analyzing
(ii) Analyze the properties of Fourier descriptors. (4)
(iii) Analyze the different approaches of pattern and pattern classes.
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1. Design the JPEG base line standard for compression and BTL 5 Evaluating
reconstruction of an 8x8subimage. (15)
2. Develop the Bayes classifier for Gaussian Pattern classes for object BTL 5 Evaluating
recognition (15)
3. Design a coder which a source emits letters from an alphabet BTL 6 Creating
A={k1,k2,k3,k4,k5} with probabilities P(k1)=p(k3)=0.2, P(k2)=0.4,
P(k4)= P(k5)=0.1, entropy = 2.122bits/symbol. Find a Huffman code
for this source and the average length of the code and its redundancy.
4. Develop the tag for the sequence 1 3 2 1 for the probabilities P(1)=0.8, BTL 6 Creating
P(2)=0.02, P(3)=0.1813. How an image is compressed using JPEG
Image compression standard? (15)