Allen: Code: A-3 Kcet - 2020 Test Paper With Answer Key (Held On Friday 31july, 2020)
Allen: Code: A-3 Kcet - 2020 Test Paper With Answer Key (Held On Friday 31july, 2020)
Allen: Code: A-3 Kcet - 2020 Test Paper With Answer Key (Held On Friday 31july, 2020)
4. Which of the following polymer has strongest
intermolecular forces of attraction?
(A) Terylene
(C) Polystyrene
(B) Polythene
(D) Neoprene
Ans. C
in the intensity of incident light
6. A food additive that acts as an anti-oxidant is 12. A gas mixture contains 25% He and 75% CH 4 by
(A) Saccharin (B) Sugar syrup volume at a given temperature and pressure. The
(C) Salt (D) BHA percentage by mass of methane in the mixture is
Ans. D approximately _____
7. Which of the following is not related to drug-enzyme (A) 25% (B) 92%
interaction? (C) 8% (D) 75%
(A) Antagonist (B) Co-enzymes Ans. B
(C) Enzyme inhibitor (D) Allosteric site 13 The percentage of s-character in the hybrid orbitals
Ans. B of nitrogen in NO+2 , NO3- and NH+4 respectively are:
8. 0.4 g of dihydrogen is made to react with 7.1 g of (A) 33.3%, 25%, 50%
dichlorine to form hydrogen chloride. The volume of
(B) 50%, 33.3%, 25%
hydrogen chloride formed at 273 K and 1 bar pressure
is (C) 25%, 50%, 33.3%
(A) 4.54 L (B) 90.8 L (D) 33.3%, 50%, 25%
(C) 45.4 L (D) 9.08 L Ans. B
Ans. A
CODE : A-3
14. The formal charge on central oxygen atom in ozone Ans. D
is 21. Identify ' X ' in the following reaction
(A) 0 (B) +2
(C) +1 (D) - 1 + 6Cl2 ¾ Anhydrous
¾dark, ¾AlCl¾®
¾ cold 3
X + 6HCl
Ans. C (excess)
Ans. A
(A) -3, + 5
(C) -3, - 3
(B) +3, - 5
(D) +5, + 5
17. A Lewis acid ‘X’ reacts with LiAlH4 in ether medium
to give a highly toxic gas. This gas when heated with
NH 3 gives a compound commonly known as
Ans. A
22. Which of the following is NOT a green house gas ?
(A) CO 2
(C) NO 2
Ans. B
(B) O 2
inorganic benzene. The gas is 23. A metal exists as an oxide with formula M 0.96 O .
Ans. D
(A) KO 2 (B) K 2 O2
24. A metal crystallises in face centred cubic structure
(C) K 2 O3 (D) K 2 O with metallic radius 2A ° . The volume of the unit
Ans. C cell (in m3 ) is
19. The metal that produces H 2 with both dil HCl and (A) 6.4 ´ 10-29 (B) 4 ´ 10-9
NaOH(aq) is
(C) 6.4 ´ 10-30 (D) 4 ´ 10-10
(A) Mg (B) Ca
Ans. A
(C) Fe (D) Zn
Ans. D
20. Which of the following is NOT a pair of functional
(A) CH3 CH 2 OH and CH 3 OCH 3
(B) CH 3 CH 2 NO2 and H 2 NCH 2 COOH
(C) CH 3 COOH and HCOOCH 3
CODE : A-3
25. Silicon doped with gallium forms
(A) Both n and p type semiconductor 31. In which of the following cases a chemical reaction
is possible ?
(B) An intrinsic semiconductor
(A) AgNO3 solution is stirred with a copper spoon.
(C) P - type semiconductor
(B) Cone. HNO3 is stored in a platinum vessel.
(D) n - type semiconductor
(C) Gold ornaments arc washed with dil HCl
Ans. C
(D) ZnSO4(aq) is placed in a copper vessel
26. The pair of electrolytes that possess same value for
the constant (A) in the Debye – Huckel – Onsagar Ans. A
equation, l m = l °m - A C is 32. The time required for 60% completion of a first order
reaction is 50 min. The time required for 93.6%
(A) NH 4 Cl, NaBr (B) NaBr, MgSO 4 completion of the same reaction will be
(A) 83.8 min (B) 50 min
(C) NaCl, CaCl 2 (D) MgSO 4 , Na 2SO 4
(C) 150 min (D) 100 min
Ans. A
Ans. C
27. Which of the following pair of solutions is isotonic ?
33. For an elementary reaction 2A + 3B ® 4C + D the
Ans. D
(A) 0.001 M Al 2 ( SO 4 ) 3 and 0.01 M BaCl2
( )
2.8 ´ 10-3 mol L-1S-1
éë K b = 0.52 K kgmol-1 ùû
(A) 52 (B) 65 (D)
( )
2.8 ´ 10-3 mol L-1S-1
(C) 26 (D) 13 Ans. A
CODE : A-3
35. A sol of Agl is prepared by mixing equal volumes of (A) BaSO 4 , H 2S (B) BaSO3 , H 2S
0.1 M AgNO3 and 0.2 M Kl, which of the following
statement is correct ? (C) BaSO 4 ,SO 2 (D) BaSO3 ,SO2
(A) Sol obtained is a positive sol with Ag+ adsorbed Ans. C
on AgI.
41. Bond angle in PH+4 is more than that of
(B) Sol obtained is a positive sol with K+ adsorbed
on AgI. PH3. This is because
(C) Sol obtained is a negative sol with I– adsorbed (A) PH+4 has square planar structure
on AgI.
(B) PH3 has planar trigonal structure
(D) Sol obtained is a negative sol with NO3- (C) hybridisation of P changes when PH3. is
adsorbed on AgI. converted to PH+4
Ans. C
(D) lonepair - bond pair repulsion exists in PH3
36. During Adsorption of a gas on a solid
Ans. D
(A) DG > 0, DH > 0, DS > 0 42. Incorrectly matched pair is :
Ans. D
(B) DG < 0, DH < 0, DS > 0
(C) DG < 0, DH > 0, DS > 0
(D) DG < 0, DH < 0, DS < 0
CODE : A-3
46. Cu2Cl2 and CuCl2 in aqueous medium 52. In the reaction
(A) Stability of Cu2Cl2 is equal to stability of CuCl2
(B) Both are unstable MgBr
+CH 3 NH 2 ¾¾¾¾
Dry ether
(C) Cu2Cl2 is more stable than CuCl2
(D) CuCl2 is more stable than Cu2Cl2 The number of possible isomers for the organic
Ans. D compound X is
47. The co-ordination number of Fe and Co in the (A) 5 (B) 3
complex ions, [Fe(C2O4)3]3– and [Co(SCN)4]2– are (C) 2 (D) 4
respectively : Ans. C
(A) 6 and 8 (B) 4 and 6 53. Which of the following on heating gives an ether as
(C) 6 and 4 (D) 3 and 4 major product ?
Ans. C P : C6H5CH2Br + CH3ONa
48. Number of stereoisomers exhibited by [Co(en)2Cl2]+ Q : C6H5ONa + CH3Br
is R : (CH3)3C – Cl + CH3ONa
(A) 2 (B) 5
(C) 3
Ans. C
(D) 4
49.Give the IUPAC name of éë Pt ( NH3 )4 ùû [ PtCl 4 ] is
(A) tetra ammine platinate (II) tetra chlorido platinum
(B) tetra ammine platinate (o) tetra chlorido platinum
S : C6H5CH = CHCl + CH3ONa
(A) Both P and R
(B) Both Q and S
(C) Both P and Q
(D) Both R and S
Ans. C
54. The steps involved in the conversion of propan - 2 - ol
(IV) to propan - 1 - ol are in the order
(C) tetra ammine platinum (II) tetra chlorido platinate (A) Heating with PCl5, heating with
(II) ale. KOH, acid catalysed addition of water
(D) tetra ammine platinum (o) tetra chlorido platinum (B) Heating with PCl5, heating with
(IV) ale. KOH, hydroboration -oxidation
Ans. C (C) Dehydration, addition of HBr in presence of
50. Prolonged exposure of chloroform in humans may peroxide, heating with ale. KOH
cause damage lo liver. It is due to the formation of (D) Dehydration, addition of HBr, heating with aq.
the following compound : KOH
(A) COCl2 (B) CH2Cl2 Ans. B
(C) Cl2 (D) CCl4 55. Which of the following is the strongest base ?
Ans. A (A) Cl– (B) OH–
51. Which of the following halide shows highest reactivity (C) CH3O– (D) CH3COO–
towards SNi reaction Ans. B
(A) CH3 – CH2Cl
(B) CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2l
(C) C6H5Cl
(D) C6H5CH2Cl
Ans. D
CODE : A-3
NO 2
56. (1)dil.NaOH
+CH 3CHO ¾¾¾¾®(2)D P
59. ¾¾¾¾
Br2 /FeBr3
® P ¾¾¾¾®
Sn /Con.HCl
The product 'P' is
CH = CH - CH 3 (i) NaNO2,273K.
( ii ) water, warm ® R
The final product R is
EN (B)
NH 2
N 2 Cl -
(D) Br
NO 2
Ans. B
57. Which of the following has the lowest boiling point ? (D)