Chapter 6: Application Layer
Chapter 6: Application Layer
Chapter 6: Application Layer
The URL of
HTTP: the home page has already been stored in the configuration area of the
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) works with the World Wide Web, Web browser and can be changed at any time. From the starting page,
which is the fastest growing and most used part of the Internet. One of click on one of the Web page hyperlinks, or type a URL in the address bar
the main reasons for the extraordinary growth of the Web is the ease of the browser. The Web browser examines the protocol to determine if
with which it allows access to information. A Web browser is a client- it needs to open another program, and then determines the IP address of
server application, which means that it requires both a client and a server the Web server using DNS. Then the transport layer, network layer, data
component in order to function. A Web browser presents data in link layer, and physical layer work together to initiate a session with the
multimedia formats on Web pages that use text, graphics, sound, and Web server. The data that is transferred to the HTTP server contains the
video. The Web pages are created with a format language called folder name of the Web page location. The data can also contain a
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). HTML directs a Web browser on a specific file name for an HTML page. If no name is given, then the default
particular Web page to produce the appearance of the page in a specific name as specified in the configuration on the server is used.
manner. In addition, HTML specifies locations for the placement of text,
files, and objects that are to be transferred from the Web server to the The server responds to the request by sending to the Web client all of the
Web browser. text, audio, video, and graphic files specified in the HTML instructions.
The client browser reassembles all the files to create a view of the Web
Hyperlinks make the World Wide Web easy to navigate. A hyperlink is an page, and then terminates the session. If another page that is located on
object, word, phrase, or picture, on a Web page. When that hyperlink is the same or a different server is clicked, the whole process begins again.
clicked, it directs the browser to a new Web page. The Web page
contains, often hidden within its HTML description, an address location FTP and TFTP:
known as a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). FTP is a reliable, connection-oriented service that uses TCP to transfer
files between systems that support FTP. The main purpose of FTP is to
In the URL, the "http://" tells the browser transfer files from one computer to another by copying and moving files
which protocol to use. The second part, "www", is the hostname or name from servers to clients, and from clients to servers. When files are copied
of a specific machine with a specific IP address. The last part, /edu/ from a server, FTP first establishes a control connection between the
identifies the specific folder location on the server that contains the client and the server. Then a second connection is established, which is a
default web page. link between the computers through which the data is transferred. Data
transfer can occur in ASCII mode or in binary mode. These modes
determine the encoding used for data file, which in the OSI model is a
presentation layer task. After the file transfer has ended, the data
connection terminates automatically. When the entire session of copying
and moving files is complete, the command link is closed when the user
logs off and ends the session.
TFTP is a connectionless service that uses User Datagram Protocol (UDP). 4. If someone was planning to be away on business for several weeks and
TFTP is used on the router to transfer configuration files and Cisco IOS wanted all incoming e-mail to be handled by his secretary, this was not
images and to transfer files between systems that support TFTP. TFTP is easy to arrange.
designed to be small and easy to implement. Therefore, it lacks most of 5. The user interface was poorly integrated with the transmission system
the features of FTP. TFTP can read or write files to or from a remote requiring users first to edit a file, then leave the editor and invoke the
server but it cannot list directories and currently has no provisions for file transfer program.
user authentication. It is useful in some LANs because it operates faster 6. It was not possible to create and send messages containing a mixture
than FTP and in a stable environment it works reliably. of text, drawings, facsimile, and voice.
Electronic Mail As experience was gained, more elaborate e-mail systems were
proposed. In 1982, the ARPANET e-mail proposals were published as RFC
E-mail, like most other forms of communication, has its own conventions 821 (transmission protocol) and RFC 822 (message format). In 1984,
and styles. In particular, it is very informal and has a low threshold of use. CCITT drafted its X.400 recommendation. After two decades of
People who would never dream of calling up or even writing a letter to a competition, e-mail systems based on RFC 822 are widely used, whereas
Very Important Person do not hesitate for a second to send a sloppily- those based on X.400 have disappeared. The reason for RFC 822's success
written e-mail. Many people use little ASCII symbols called smileys or is not that it is so good, but that X.400 was so poorly designed and so
emoticons in their e-mail. complex that nobody could implement it well.
The first e-mail systems simply consisted of file transfer protocols, with Well known protocols for email are SMTP, POP3, IMAP etc. Email servers
the convention that the first line of each message (i.e., file) contained the communicate with each other using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
recipient's address. As time went on, the limitations of this approach (SMTP) to send and receive mail. The SMTP protocol transports email
became more obvious. messages in ASCII format using TCP.
Some of the complaints were as follows: When a mail server receives a message destined for a local client, it
stores that message and waits for the client to collect the mail. There are
1. Sending a message to a group of people was inconvenient. Managers several ways for mail clients to collect their mail. They can use programs
often need this facility to send memos to all their subordinates. that access the mail server files directly or collect their mail using one of
2. Messages had no internal structure, making computer processing many network protocols. The most popular mail client protocols are POP3
difficult. For example, if a forwarded message was included in the and IMAP4, which both use TCP to transport data. Even though mail
body of another message, extracting the forwarded part from the clients use these special protocols to collect mail, they almost always use
received message was difficult. SMTP to send mail. Since two different protocols, and possibly two
3. The originator (sender) never knew if a message arrived or not. different servers, are used to send and receive mail, it is possible that
mail clients can perform one task and not the other. Therefore, it is
usually a good idea to troubleshoot e-mail sending problems separately
from e-mail receiving problems.
When checking the configuration of a mail client, verify that the SMTP
and POP or IMAP settings are correctly configured. A good way to test if a
mail server is reachable is to Telnet to the SMTP port (25) or to the POP3
port (110). The following command format is used at the Windows
command line to test the ability to reach the SMTP service on the mail
server at IP address
C:\>telnet 25
The SMTP protocol does not offer much in the way of security and does
not require any authentication. Administrators often do not allow hosts
that are not part of their network to use their SMTP server to send or
relay mail. This is to prevent unauthorized users from using their servers DNS—The Domain Name System
as mail relays.
Although programs theoretically could refer to hosts, mailboxes, and
other resources by their network (e.g., IP) addresses, these addresses are
hard for people to remember. Also, sending e-mail to
[email protected] means that if Tana's ISP or organization moves the
mail server to a different machine with a different IP address, her e-mail
address has to change. Consequently, ASCII names were introduced to
decouple machine names from machine addresses. In this way, Tana's
address might be something like [email protected]. Nevertheless, the
network itself understands only numerical addresses, so some
mechanism is required to convert the ASCII strings to network addresses.
Each domain is named by the path upward from it to the (unnamed) root.
The components are separated by periods (pronounced ''dot''). Thus, the
engineering department at Sun Microsystems might be,
rather than a UNIX-style name such as /com/sun/eng. Notice that this
hierarchical naming means that does not conflict with a
Fig.1. A portion of the Internet domain name space. potential use of eng in, which might be used by the Yale
English department.
Name Servers
Fig.7-2. . The principal DNS resource record types for IPv4. In theory at least, a single name server could contain the entire DNS
database and respond to all queries about it. In practice, this server
Finally, we have the Value field. This field can be a number, a domain would be so overloaded as to be useless. Furthermore, if it ever went
name, or an ASCII string. The semantics depend on the record type. A down, the entire Internet would be crippled.
short description of the Value fields for each of the principal record types
is given in Fig.2. To avoid the problems associated with having only a single source of
information, the DNS name space is divided into nonoverlapping zones.
For an example of the kind of information one might find in the DNS One possible way to divide the name space of Fig.1 is shown in Fig.4. Each
database of a domain, see Fig.3. This figure depicts part of a zone contains some part of the tree and also contains name servers
(semihypothetical) database for the domain shown in Fig.1. The holding the information about that zone. Normally, a zone will have one
database contains seven types of resource records. primary name server, which gets its information from a file on its disk,
and one or more secondary name servers, which get their information
from the primary name server. To improve reliability, some servers for a
zone can be located outside the zone.
SNMP Protocol
The agent is a software function embedded in most networked devices,
Network Management System/Stations (NMS) – NMS executes such as routers, switches, managed hubs, printers, and servers. It is
applications that monitor and control managed devices. The bulk of responsible for processing SNMP requests from the manager. It is also
the processing and memory resources required for network responsible for the execution of routines that maintain variables as
management are provided by NMS. One or more NMSs must exist on defined in the various supported MIBs.
any managed network. Management stations communicate with
SNMP agents issuing commands and getting response. Management Interaction between the manager and the agent is facilitated by the
stations have a graphical interface to allow the network manager to SNMP. The term simple comes from the restricted number of message
inspect the status of network and take necessary action when types that are part of the initial protocol specification. The strategy was
required. designed to make it easier for developers to build management
capabilities into network devices. The initial protocol specification is
Managed devices/nodes – Managed devices are network nodes referred to as SNMPv1 (version 1). There are three types of SNMP
that contain an SNMP agent and that reside on a managed messages issued on behalf of an NMS. They are GetRequest,
network. Managed devices collect and store management GetNextRequest and SetRequest. All three messages are acknowledged
by the agent in the form of a GetResponse message. An agent may issue a logged for later analysis, displayed using a graphing utility, or compared
Trap message in response to an event that affects the MIB and the with preconfigured values to test if a particular condition has been met.
underlying resources. Not all manager functions are based on data retrieval. There is also the
ability to issue changes of a value in the managed device. This feature
The development of SNMPv2c addressed limitations in SNMPv1. The enables an administrator to configure a managed device using SNMP.
most noticeable enhancements were the introduction of the
GetBulkRequest message type and the addition of 64-bit counters to the The interaction between the manager and the managed device does
MIB. Retrieving information with GetRequest and GetNextRequest was an introduce traffic to the network. Caution should be taken when
inefficient method of collecting information. Only one variable at a time introducing managers on to the network. Aggressive monitoring
could be solicited with SNMPv1. The GetBulkRequest addresses this strategies can negatively affect network performance. Bandwidth
weakness by receiving more information with a single request. Secondly, utilizations will go up, which may be an issue for WAN environments.
the 64-bit counters addressed the issue of counters rolling over too Also, monitoring has a performance impact on the devices being
quickly, especially with higher speed links like Gigabit Ethernet. monitored, since they are required to process the manager requests. This
processing should not take precedence over production services.