Casas - Day 1
Casas - Day 1
Casas - Day 1
Activity 1
Write down what you understand about Multi-grade class. Write your own
definition and what you know about teaching and learning in the Multi-grade
Activity 2
Read the statements that follow. Write YES if the statement is correct and NO if it
is wrong.
NO 1. Multi-grade teaching is grade level centered.
NO 2. Multi-grade class has one teacher running between two classrooms to teach
separate programs.
NO 3. Multi-grade means two classes working in isolation in the same room, seated
at each end of the classroom and being taught separate programs by one
NO 4. Multi-grade classes is opened in primary and secondary schools.
YES 5. The curriculum for the grades being combined is integrated.
1. Where did multi-grade start?
Research says about the achievement level of pupils in the multi-grade class
were found to be much better than some of their counterparts in the single grade
classes. The pupils acquire better cognitive skills and established more desirable
attitudes and behaviors die to multi-aged groupings.
Activity 3:
Compare your definition with what you have just read about Multi-grade. How was
your definition similar or different?
My Definition about the Multi-grade and the definition I read from the Module were
somehow closely similar. My definition was basically what I u understand from the word
“Multi-grade” and what I heard from those who teachers who experienced teaching
multi-grade in remote areas. The only difference is that in module it was broadly
Why is there a need for Multi-grade teaching?
There is a need for multi-grade teaching because in some places like remote areas,
education cannot be easily accessed by pupils and there is teacher storage and
somehow luck of funds. With this multi-grade teaching, education is possible for them to
accessed and continue schooling. It allows children to finish grade level than missing a
grade or being a retake.
Activity 4:
What are your opinions on Multi-grade teaching? Do you think it is only suitable
for remote schools? Do you think Multi-grade teaching will address the issues
and problems?
I can say that Multi-grade teaching is effective and efficient for far flung areas or remote
areas. This will help more students to access education and the teacher to be more
flexible and productive and creative when it comes to using strategies in teaching
different level of students. This will enhance teacher’s skills specially integrating
different curriculum to one. Yes, it is suitable for remote schools because of the low
enrollees and the teacher shortage. Yes, it will address some issues and problems. For
me it is more practicality and at the same time challenging for a teacher to become
multi-grade facilitator of learning.
Activity 5:
4 classroom 20 Grade 3
4 Teachers 35 Grade 4
15 Grade 5
50 Grade 6
Grade 3 pupils 5 5 5 5 20
Grade 4 pupils 8 9 9 9 35
Grade 5 pupils 4 3 4 4 15
Grade 6 pupils 13 13 12 13 50