Senior High School: Daily Lesson Log

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K to 12 Senior High School Department Grade Level 12 (HUMSS-1, ABM 1 & 2 and STEM 1 & 2)
Senior High School AND CITIZENSHIP (CSC)
Teaching Dates WEEK 2 (June 12 - 16, 2017) Quarter FIRST


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an
understanding of the integration of understanding of the integration of understanding of the integration of understanding of the integration of
social science perspective and social science perspective and social science perspective and social science perspective and
community action initiatives. community action initiatives. community action initiatives. community action initiatives.
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be to synthesize the The learners shall be to synthesize the The learners shall be to synthesize the The learners shall be to synthesize the
integrative experience of implementing integrative experience of implementing integrative experience of implementing integrative experience of implementing
community-action initiatives applying community-action initiatives applying community-action initiatives applying community-action initiatives applying
social sciences’ ideas and methods. social sciences’ ideas and methods. social sciences’ ideas and methods. social sciences’ ideas and methods.
C. Learning Competencies The learners develop/affirm sense of The learners develop/affirm sense of The learners recognize diversities in The learners recognize diversities in
shared identity and willingness to shared identity and willingness to communities. communities.
contribute to the attainment of the contribute to the attainment of the
common good. common good.
Specific Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners At the end of the lesson, the learners At the end of the lesson, the learners At the end of the lesson, the learners
are expected to: are expected to: are expected to: are expected to:
1. Enumerate the characteristics of 1. Analyze the nature of community 1. Describe the different dimensions 1. Define diversity and structure;
the community; according to sociological of community; 2. Discuss how diversity and structure
2. Distinguish community from perspectives; and 2. Show how these dimensions work works in the community;
society; 2. Relate it in attaining common good together to attain equilibrium; and 3. Cite examples that show diversity
3. Cite examples of community and through willingness and shared 3. Appreciate the value of equity in in the community; and
society. identity. the community. 4. Defend their opinion/ideas.
II. CONTENT Characteristics of Community Nature of Community Dimensions of Community Diversity and Community Structure
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages NA NA NA NA
2. Learners’ Guide Pages NA NA NA NA
3. Textbook Pages McCloskey, Donna J. PhD, (2011). McCloskey, Donna J. PhD, (2011). McCloskey, Donna J. PhD, (2011). McCloskey, Donna J. PhD, (2011).
Principles of Community Principles of Community Principles of Community Principles of Community
Engagement: Second Edition. NIH Engagement: Second Edition. NIH Engagement: Second Edition. NIH Engagement: Second Edition. NIH
Publication. Publication. Publication. Publication.
4. Additional Materials NA NA NA NA
B. Other Learning Resources Chalk and Chalkboard, Laptop and TV Chalk and Chalkboard, Laptop and TV Chalk and Chalkboard, Laptop and TV Chalk and Chalkboard, Laptop and TV
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A. Review of the Previous Lesson or Describe the different perspectives How community is different from How are the sociological perspectives What are the different dimensions of the
Presenting the New Lesson about community. How are these society? about community essential in attaining community? Explain each.
perspective similar/different with each common good?
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Picture Analysis. The teacher will The Rubik’s Cube. The teacher will Trailer Analysis. The teacher will
Lesson present two pictures that show present a picture of a Rubik’s Cube. The present the trailer entitled “La Luna
community and society. The learners teacher will ask the learners to describe Sangre Full Trailer - This June 19 on
will analyze it and will determine their its dimension. They will also be asked to ABS-CBN Primetime Bida!”.
similarities and differences. relate it to community.
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of What can you say about the pictures 4Pics 1Word. The teacher will present What can you say about the
the New Lesson presented? How are they set of picture which are related to the communities presented on the video?
similar/different from each other? different dimensions of community. The How are they different with each other?
Is your idea similar/different with your learner will decode each dimension Apart from fantasy, how diverse is our
classmates? Why do you say so? Pick a word and relate it to community. through the given set of pictures. community?
D. Discussing New Concepts and Match Maker. The teacher will present The teacher will discuss the following The teacher will discuss the following Act mo, Show mo. The class will be
Practicing New Skills several characteristics of community concepts to the learners: dimensions of community: divided into 4 groups. Each group will
and society, in no particular order. The a. The Nature of Community a. Technological; present a pantomime that shows
learners with match and categorize the b. Community as a Sociological b. Economic; diversity in the community. The
given characteristics as to community Construct c. Political; presentation will be evaluated based on
and society. d. Institutional; the attached rubric.
E. Developing Mastery (Leads to Guide Questions: Guide Questions: e. Aesthetic-value; and Guide Questions:
Formative Assessment) 1. What are the different 1. How does sociologists view f. Belief-conceptual. 1. How do the other groups
characteristics of community? community? portrayed diversity? Is it similar
2. What are the different sociological 2. What are the considered During the discussion, the learners will with yours?
theories associated with the boundaries of a community? also be called from time to time to share 2. What is diversity and structure?
development of community? 3. Describe the relationship of their insights and ideas about the 3. How does diversity works in the
3. How community is different from community and culture? presented ideas. community?
society? 4. What is common good? 4. Is diversity affected by the
presence of community
F. Finding Practical Applications of In relation to the discussed concepts, How are these sociological perspectives How can we say that these dimensions Cite examples that show diversity in the
Concepts in Daily Living can you give examples of community about community essential in attaining work together in order to establish community. Justify your answer.
and society? Justify your answer. common good? equilibrium in the community?
G. Making Generalization and How community is different from How common good can be attained What are the different dimensions of the How can we maintain equilibrium
Abstraction about the Lesson society? through willingness and shared identity? community? Explain each. despite of the presence of diversities?
H. Evaluating Learning Community or Society? Write C if the How community is considered as Identify the dimension of community Editorial Cartoon. The learners will be
statement describes community and S sociological construct? being describe in each statement. asked to draw a cartoon featuring the
for society. 1. It is the community’s capital, tools theme “Unity despite of Diversity”. The
1. It has heterogeneity and because and skills, and ways of dealing outputs will be rated based on the
of its wide scope and field can with the physical environment. attached rubric.
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embrace people having different 2. It focuses on the various ways and
conflicts. means of production and allocation
2. Every effort is made here to avoid of scarce and useful goods and
differences or conflicts and to services.
bring likeness as nearly as 3. It deals with power allocation in the
possible. community.
3. It cannot be self-sufficient 4. It is composed of the ways people
because of its limited scope and act and interact with each other.
nature. 5. It deals with the structure of ideas
4. It is abstract. present in the community.
5. The population here is
conditioned by a feeling of
I. Additional Activities for Application What is the nature of community? What are the dimensions of community? How does diversity works in the What are the functions of the
or Remediation community? community?

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment
B. No of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my Principal or Supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
material did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Prepared by:


Teacher II Teacher II Teacher II Teacher II
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Noted by:


Principal III Principal III Principal III Principal III

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