ASEM-51 Step-By-Step Installation On Windows XP: Application Note 0003 Rev. A March 17, 2013
ASEM-51 Step-By-Step Installation On Windows XP: Application Note 0003 Rev. A March 17, 2013
ASEM-51 Step-By-Step Installation On Windows XP: Application Note 0003 Rev. A March 17, 2013
Application Note 0003 Rev. A March 17, 2013
The following article has been written by an unknown master, probably an enthusiastic ASEM-51
Download user. He has illustrated it with screenshots and originally posted it on on April
Documentation 3, 2007. It was useful, detailed, comprehensive, and easy to find with search-engines.
In May 2009 I found that this site had completely changed, but the collected articles had been
Bug Reports moved to However, the author's real name could no longer be retrieved, and (even
Soapbox more annoying) the screenshots were lost in space.
Recently I remembered that I had saved them somewhere, years ago. So I was able to restore the
Mail whole article, update, polish, and finally republish it on my own website, supposing the author's
agreement. If he should ever read this, I'm looking forward to his mail.
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Figure 1.
Figure 2.
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Figure 3.
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Figure 4.
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Figure 5.
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