Original Paper
Marjorie Désormeaux-Moreau1,2, OT, PhD; Charlie-Maude Michel1, MOT; Mélanie Vallières1, MOT; Maryse Racine1,
MOT; Myriame Poulin-Paquet1, MOT; Delphine Lacasse1, MOT; Pascale Gionet1, MOT; Melissa Genereux3,4, MD,
Msc; Wael Lachiheb5, MA; Véronique Provencher1,5, OT, PhD
School of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada
Institut universitaire de première ligne en santé et services sociaux, Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l'Estrie, Centre
hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada
Department of Community Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada
Public Health Directory, Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l'Estrie, Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke,
QC, Canada
Research Center on Aging, Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l'Estrie, Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke,
Sherbrooke, QC, Canada
Corresponding Author:
Véronique Provencher, OT, PhD
School of Rehabilitation
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Université de Sherbrooke
3001, 12 Avenue N
Sherbrooke, QC
Phone: 1 819 791 7904 ext 70525
Email: [email protected]
Background: People with Alzheimer disease and related dementias often display disruptive behaviors (eg, aggression, wandering,
and restlessness), which increase family caregivers’ burden of care. However, there are few tools currently available to help these
caregivers manage disruptive behaviors. Mobile apps could meet this need, but to date little is known about them.
Objective: The aims of our study were to identify existing mobile apps designed to support family caregivers of people with
Alzheimer disease and related dementias in managing disruptive behaviors; explore whether family caregivers view these mobile
apps as relevant to meeting their needs and as useful in managing disruptive behaviors; and document the types of mobile apps
that are of interest and appeal to most family caregivers (with regard to format, ergonomics, and clarity).
Methods: A review of mobile apps initially conducted in February 2018 was updated in March 2019 with 2 platforms (App
Store [Apple Inc.] and Google Play [Google]). The selected apps were first analyzed independently by 3 raters (2 students and 1
researcher) for each of the platforms. A focus group discussion was then held with 4 family caregivers to explore their perceptions
of the apps according to their needs and interests. The content of the discussion was analyzed.
Results: Initially, 7 of 118 apps identified met the inclusion criteria. An eighth app, recommended by one of the knowledge
users, was added later. Four family caregivers (women aged between 58 and 78 years) participated in the discussion. Participants
expressed a preference for easy-to-understand apps that provide concrete intervention strategies. They reported being most inclined
to use two apps, Dementia Advisor and DTA Behaviours.
Conclusions: Few mobile apps on the market meet the needs of family caregivers in terms of content and usability. Our results
could help to address this gap by identifying what family caregivers deem relevant in a mobile app to help them manage disruptive
disruptive behaviors management; dementia; caregivers; mobile phone; app; scoping review; focus group; mHealth; neurocognitive
Two occupational therapy students (DL and CMM) first Recruitment and Selection of Participants
identified the mobile apps based on the titles. A minimum of Participants were recruited using a purposive nonprobability
50 applications per store was first selected to ensure a good sampling technique (29). We presented the study (objectives
diversity in the results. After reaching this threshold, searches and main stages of achievement) to caregivers (N=30) who
attended meetings held by 2 community support organizations. out independently and then corroborated by all members; if a
A brief description of the study and the contact details of the discrepancy arose, the issue was discussed to reach a consensus.
person to reach were given to family caregivers interested in
The local director of public health (MG) and the director general
participating in the research project. To be included in the study,
of the Quebec chapter of the Planetree network were consulted
participants had to be a family caregiver (eg, husband, wife,
during the process to ensure the relevance of the results and the
daughter, son) of a person with disruptive behaviors associated
selection of the most efficient knowledge transfer strategies.
with ADRD, speak French and have a good understanding of
Meetings with members of the research team were held on a
written French and English, and have concerns about disruptive
quarterly basis (2018) and then annually (2019, 2020).
behaviors exhibited by a family member with ADRD.
Ethical Considerations
Data Collection (Focus Group)
The study was approved by the ethics committee of Centre
Data were collected during a face-to-face focus group meeting
intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Estrie,
at the Research Center of Aging. The meeting began with a
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke. Participants
presentation of the selected apps to the participants, who had
completed a consent form before participating in the focus
received them a week prior to the focus group in order to allow
for some familiarization. This presentation was made by MPP
and PG to help caregivers understand the aim of the apps. The
focus group, led by a researcher trained in the qualitative
approach (MDM), allowed the participants to comment on the Selection of the Relevant Mobile Apps
perceived relevance of the apps’ content (useful information,
meets users’ needs) and their interest in future use. Participants Figure 1 shows the flowchart of the app selection process. The
were also encouraged to comment on issues or questions that searches in Google Play and App Store identified 118 apps (22
had not been addressed. Evidence from previous studies [31,32] available on both platforms, 50 available only in Google Play,
inspired the development of the focus group guide (Multimedia and 46 available only in App Store) based on title screening.
Appendix 1). The meeting lasted 94 minutes. The discussion Their descriptions were then screened based on the inclusion
was digitally audio-recorded and then fully transcribed by CMM and exclusion criteria. Apps were mainly excluded due to their
and MR. Participants were also asked to complete a aim not being in line with the research objectives, and several
sociodemographic questionnaire documenting their age and involved only disease screening, games, therapy, or even
gender, their relationship with and level of involvement in the fundraising. Others were designed to help the person with
care of the person with ADRD, and the type of mobile phone ADRD to function and were based on functionalities that were
they used. not relevant to the present study (geolocation, management of
schedules, alarm, etc). Finally, several apps did not target
Data Analysis (Focus Group) disruptive behaviors or did not provide tools to support the care
Transcription of the focus group meeting was content analyzed provided by family caregivers (detailed descriptions of dementia
[33]. MV, DL, and MDM manually and independently coded types, causes, and symptoms). The population targeted by the
the data using a grid with the predetermined themes of relevance apps was another reason for exclusion. An app could target
to participants’ needs and perceived usefulness. Participants’ several populations. Ultimately, 18 of the initially identified
comments were first associated with these themes and then 118 apps (15.3%) remained after applying the inclusion and
inductively subdivided into categories and subcategories as the exclusion criteria.
analysis progressed. The coding and categorization were carried
Following the update in March 2019, half of these 18 apps (n=9) of the 8 apps that were presented to the family caregivers during
were excluded because they were no longer free or no longer the focus group meeting.
available. In addition, 1 app no longer targeted disruptive
behaviors, and another only referred users to a website. In the
Consultation With Knowledge Users: Description of
end, 7 apps were eligible for the focus group. By adding the Participants
app suggested by the director general of the Quebec chapter of Four family caregivers of people with ADRD showed interest
the Planetree network, 8 apps were ultimately included in the in the study and took part in the focus group meeting. Table 1
analysis: 1 was only available on Google Play, 1 on App Store, presents the characteristics of the sample. Participants were all
and 6 were available on both platforms. French-speaking White women aged from 58 to 78 years. Two
daughters and two spouses acted as the main family caregivers
Description of the Relevant Mobile Apps with an active and daily involvement with the person with
Of the 8 apps selected, 7 were in English, and only 2 of these, ADRD. Participants were at different levels of caregiving, with
Dementia Advisor (English and French) and Dementia Support relatives at the beginning, the middle, and the advanced stage
(English, German, Dutch, and Portuguese) were available in of the disease. Only 1 participant had a deceased relative;
more than one language. The Dutch app, Dementiegame, was however, she had an extensive caregiving experience with her
only available in Dutch and was the only app in the form of an husband and remained active in her caregiver role by supporting
interactive game. Multimedia Appendix 2 provides a description other loved ones. The participants were evenly distributed
https://aging.jmir.org/2021/2/e21808 JMIR Aging 2021 | vol. 4 | iss. 2 | e21808 | p. 5
(page number not for citation purposes)
JMIR AGING Désormeaux-Moreau et al
between the 2 types of devices (Android or Apple) and their familiarity with the device was varied (quite to very familiar).
ADRD: Alzheimer disease and related dementias.
information provided was evidence-based and to what extent it The study also has some limitations. First, as apps were searched
met family caregivers’ needs. for on the App Store Canada and Google Play Canada databases,
the results only reflect the app market in this country. It was
According to our results, few mobile apps sufficiently met the
also not possible to cover all existing apps. Thus, an arbitrary
caregivers’ needs in managing disruptive behaviors. More
limit was placed on our search. As a result, some apps could
specifically, only Dementia Advisor and DTA Behaviors
have been omitted, even though the cutoff used suggests that
appealed to most of the participants by offering concrete
few relevant apps would have met the inclusion criteria. Third,
strategies to manage disruptive behaviors of people with ADRD.
some apps used external websites. As the information provided
Participants mentioned that these apps also have a
outside of the apps was not reviewed as thoroughly as was the
well-organized design interface, providing customized and clear
in-app content, we do not know the quality of the content
information for quick searches. As most users, including
provided to family caregivers through these external links.
caregivers, now use smartphones [34], it is important to prevent
Further studies should ensure that the applications developed
apps from being difficult to use [35]. Past studies reported that
to support caregivers of people with ADRD are based on
the small size of smartphone screens and texts in the apps were
evidence-based data (eg, theories of managing behavioral
common usability issues, especially for older caregivers [36,37].
symptoms). Furthermore, the number of family caregivers in
Hence, app usability is a key factor that needs to be addressed
our focus groups was small, and no male caregivers could
to improve caregivers’ experience [38]. Overall, our findings
participate in the study within the timeframe of recruitment.
are in line with previous results as they highlighted the
Despite the group being all women, the 4 participants were
importance of adapting health apps to the needs of users,
varied in terms of age (58 to 78 years), relationship with the
including caregivers [34].
person with ADRD (2 spouses and 2 daughters), and literacy
Regarding the Dementiegame app, most participants said that level. It is not surprising to have recruited only women, as
it did not meet their current needs, due to difficulty navigating around two-thirds of caregivers of people with dementia are
through the app and accessing information. Our results underline women [40]. Moreover, the majority of persons who attended
the importance for future studies to involve family caregivers the meetings held by key community support organizations
in designing useful, relevant, and easy-to-use apps, especially (where we recruited) were women. It is also well known that
by providing concrete strategies to help them deal with elderly women are more likely to participate in research studies
disruptive behaviors on a daily basis. In this regard, the ‘living than their male counterparts. Several studies carried out with
lab” approach might be adopted since it aims to develop caregivers of patients with dementia have mainly women as
innovative, sustainable solutions to the growing challenge of participants [41,42]. Although few in number, the participants
managing disruptive behaviors of people with ADRD [39]. had different levels of familiarity with the technology (from
quite to very familiar) and had a rich experience of caregiving.
Finally, our review of mobile apps was updated in May 2020,
Finally, the themes emerging during the focus group discussion
using the same 2 platforms (App Store and Google Play). One
triggered an emotional reaction in some participants, who were
new relevant app called CogniCare was found. This app was
not comfortable discussing the app. Therefore, providing time
updated recently in April 2020. It provides a rich source of
at the outset to address emotional issues might have allowed
useful tips and short videos to help family caregivers manage
participants to vent their emotions and then focus on the study’s
disruptive behaviors of their loved ones with ADRD. As our
objectives. Recruiting former caregivers may provide access to
study and content analysis of the focus group discussion was
rich experience while reducing the likelihood of being
completed before we found this new app, our results only apply
emotionally overloaded during the study.
to the apps previously reviewed in this paper.
Recommendations and Future Directions
Strengths and Limitations
The focus group discussion helped to identify what family
This study has several strengths. First, for the scoping review,
caregivers find relevant and useful in a mobile app, even if
we followed a rigorous, reliable approach based on Levac [28].
future studies should involve more participants. Inclusion of
Many scoping reviews do not include the last step (consultation),
concrete intervention strategies appears to be an important
but we performed it using a rigorous method to validate the
feature. These findings may guide the development of future
results with family caregivers. The diverse profiles of the family
apps for these caregivers. In addition, using mobile apps is an
caregivers who participated in the focus group discussion was
effective way to improve knowledge because they are ready at
a strength of this study (children and spouses of various ages).
hand and can be consulted quickly. Apps are therefore likely to
Second, the analysis of the selected mobile apps, exploration
reduce difficulties, such as being afraid of leaving the family
of the app once downloaded, and data validation by 4 team
member alone at home, encountered by many current training
members (2 per type of mobile app store) contributed to the
courses. On the other hand, technological difficulties can impede
study’s reliability and reduced subjectivity bias. Finally, the
their use, which underlines the importance of involving family
study included only free apps. Although this decision may limit
caregivers with different degrees of digital literacy when
the number of apps, this methodological choice was deemed
designing apps [43]. In addition, as the medical terminology
essential by the local director of public health to increase access
used in apps should be easy for target users to understand [44],
to the general public, especially to caregivers with financial
future studies should determine to what extent the apps are
comprehensible to caregivers with differing degrees of health
literacy, a factor which was not fully examined in our study.
One important public health priority is to promote access to 2 people may not find the same list of apps in Google Play due
knowledge tools for every individual, especially the most to the algorithms used to partially personalize the results [47].
vulnerable. In this regard, some of the apps reviewed require In addition, we must remain critical about the list generated, as
an internet connection, which may reduce caregivers’ access to sponsored apps top the list despite not necessarily being the
them, as not everyone can afford internet services. Moreover, most relevant.
most of the apps reviewed did not have password protection or
require login. One common concern of mobile health apps is
privacy, as users often enter their loved ones’ health information Considering the proliferation of mobile apps and their increased
[45,46]. Future attention should be paid to ways to protect users’ use by family caregivers, available mobile apps designed to
private information, without this being a barrier to using the help manage disruptive behaviors should meet their needs in
app. terms of both content and usability. However, when this study
was conducted, few apps met these criteria. Therefore, this study
Finally, with the constantly evolving market, a certain aims to reduce this deficiency by highlighting what caregivers
“volatility” of the available apps has been noted. In fact, some consider relevant and useful in existing mobile apps, while
of the apps identified might have been discontinued, while new identifying those tailored to family caregivers’ needs. These
ones may have appeared. There are also variations between the findings may help caregivers to manage disruptive behaviors
2 stores regarding available apps. It is therefore suggested that more effectively and satisfactorily, reduce their burden of care
an app search be carefully planned to ensure exhaustivity and and, ultimately, delay the institutionalization of people with
reproducibility with respect to the review of the apps. Indeed, ADRD.
The authors wish to thank the president of the Planetree Quebec network, Lucie Dumas, for her support throughout the process.
This study could not have taken place without the financial support of Fondation Vitae and the Public Health Agency of Canada.
The authors warmly thank the focus group participants, Sandra Asselin (Alzheimer Society of Estrie) and Sonia Leclerc (Support
for Family Caregivers in Estrie) for their participation, as well as Monia D’Amours for her valuable work to support the revision
and submission of the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest
None declared.
Multimedia Appendix 1
Guide for focus group discussion.
[DOCX File , 14 KB-Multimedia Appendix 1]
Multimedia Appendix 2
Description of the eight selected apps presented to participants.
[PDF File (Adobe PDF File), 117 KB-Multimedia Appendix 2]
Multimedia Appendix 3
Emerging results for the relevance theme.
[PNG File , 208 KB-Multimedia Appendix 3]
Multimedia Appendix 4
Emerging results for the perceived usefulness theme.
[PNG File , 277 KB-Multimedia Appendix 4]
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Edited by J Wang; submitted 02.07.20; peer-reviewed by K Meyer, B Inday; comments to author 27.09.20; revised version received
30.01.21; accepted 14.02.21; published 16.04.21
Please cite as:
Désormeaux-Moreau M, Michel CM, Vallières M, Racine M, Poulin-Paquet M, Lacasse D, Gionet P, Genereux M, Lachiheb W,
Provencher V
Mobile Apps to Support Family Caregivers of People With Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias in Managing Disruptive
Behaviors: Qualitative Study With Users Embedded in a Scoping Review
JMIR Aging 2021;4(2):e21808
URL: https://aging.jmir.org/2021/2/e21808
doi: 10.2196/21808
©Marjorie Désormeaux-Moreau, Charlie-Maude Michel, Mélanie Vallières, Maryse Racine, Myriame Poulin-Paquet, Delphine
Lacasse, Pascale Gionet, Melissa Genereux, Wael Lachiheb, Véronique Provencher. Originally published in JMIR Aging
(http://aging.jmir.org), 16.04.2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work, first published in JMIR Aging, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information,
a link to the original publication on http://aging.jmir.org, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.