Long Jump

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The Long Jump is a popular event in Australian. To be a
good long jumper the athlete needs skill, speed, speed
endurance, flexibility and strength. Some of these compo-
nents take many years to develop, but young athletes
can learn the correct basic technique of the event at an
early age.

Before conducting a training session or competition
check the following safety precautions:
• The pit has been dug to at least 50cm deep with
clean sand
• There are no hidden foreign objects such as glass,
cans, stick, stones etc.
• The take-off area is flat, flush with the surface of the
run-up, and able to withstand the full force of the
athlete’s foot.
• Take-off boards should be secured firmly to avoid
moving during the take-off with a surface that the
athletes’ shoes will grip and not slip.
• The run-up surface is firm and flat – free from pot-
holes, debris and other athletes.
• Rakes, shovels and other equipment are placed
face down away from the landing area so the ath-
lete cannot stand on, or trip over, them when leav-
ing the pit
• Athletes should be wearing shoes that provide pro-
tection and support, particularly in the heel.
• Ensure the athletes are well warmed up, including
flexibility exercises, before commencing any
• If an athlete is injured discontinue the activity
and seek treatment immediately.

It is important for coaches to educate the athletes on
the rules of the event so they will understand how to
avoid being fouled on their jumps. The basic rules of
long jump are as follows:
• The athletes must not take off in front of the line
of the take-off board or metre square nearest to the
pit – if the athlete takes off from behind the board or
mat it is not a foul.

• In the process of landing the athlete must not

put their hand or any part of their body outside
the pit closer to the take-off area than the mark
they made in the pit.
• On completing the jump the athlete must not
walk through the pit towards the take-off area
(they should always be encouraged to walk to-
wards the back of the pit to exit).

It should be noted that these are not only the rules

for long jump, but are considered the most important
for Little Athletes to know.
The long jump event consists of four continuous compo-
nents – the run-up; the take-off; the flight and the landing.
Each component should be practiced individually to maxi-
mize the athlete’s full potential. The fastest sprinter may not
win the long jump if the take-off action has not been prop-
erly developed.

Te main features of the run-up are accuracy, rhythm and
consistency. Efficient running form will assist the athlete to
build the required speed as well as ensuring a potentially
effective position for take-off.

The long jump run-up should be long enough to allow ath-

letes to gradually build up speed until they are at their opti-
mum controlled speed at the take-off board (this is the fast-
est speed the athlete can go without losing control when
they attempt to jump). Usually, an athlete who is a fast ac-
celerator, such as a sprinter, will require a shorter run-up
length than those who take longer to build up their speed. If
the athletes do not reach their optimum speed or
‘stutter’ (take short steps) over the last few strides the run-
up may be too short. If the athletes slow down before the
take-off board the run-up should be shortened as this is
usually caused by the athlete over-striding to the take-off
board or reaching the optimum speed too early.
• A Jumps Pentathlon consisting of 5 jumping
Athletes should have their own run-up distance bearing events can offer a mini-competition that can be
in mind that younger athletes will have shorter run-ups scored simply by the athlete landing in the pit in
than older (or even taller or faster) athletes. Once con- pre-marked zones. Events can include standing
sistency has been established, the run-up distance long jump, standing triple jump, 5 spring jumps,
should be measured with a measuring tape. If a tape is 5 hops, 5 steps ad a jump or other combina-
not available, the athletes can measure with their feet, tions.
starting from the front of the take-off board (the side
nearest to the pit) or the middle of the square, counting • Small carpet squares placed randomly over a
the number of foot lengths until they reach their start confined area can provide a challenge for ath-
mark. This distance will serve as a starting point for the letes to follow a trail by hopping, bounding or
next session or competition. It is important to be aware combinations of both, or bunny hopping.
that wind conditions, varying track surfaces such as
grass or synthetic, as well as inconsistency in running
• Flexibility exercises should be taught to athletes
can alter an athlete’s run-up distance. If the wind is be-
from an early age to assist in injury prevention.
hind the athlete the start may need to be taken back
These exercises should be specific to the event
and likewise, if there is a headwind, the start mark
and practiced correctly. Stretching for long jump
should be brought forwards. Running consistently will
should include hamstrings, quadriceps, calf,
help the athlete to be more accurate.
hips and back.

The run-up consists of three phases.

1. The first or entry phase – the athlete devel-

ops rhythm as he/she gradually builds speed.
2. The central phase – the athlete builds rhythm
and develops optimum speed. It is particularly
important during this phase that the athlete has
a good sprinting action. This can be seen
when the athlete’s head. Shoulders and hips
are aligned (Fig 1).
3. The preparation for take-off – during this
GENERAL DEVELOPMENT FOR LONG phase the athlete’s posture becomes more up-
JUMPERS right and over the last 3 – 6 strides there should
Long Jumpers need many skills to master their event. be an increase in cadence (arm and leg speed).
They need to develop speed, strength, speed endur- The last (or take-off) stride should be fast and
ance, flexibility and technical skills. There are many the foot should be flat (not stamped) on the
options for a coach to be able to provide a challeng- board.
ing and varied program that will develop these skills.
It is important to be aware that excessive training on
any one component can lead to overuse injuries.

General training activities for long jumpers include:

• Running over a variety of distances for

speed and speed endurance. Speed work is
usually run over distances between 10 – 60
metres and fast pace with full recoveries be-
tween runs. Speed endurance is run over
distances from 80 metres onwards at a sub-
maximal (not flat out) pace with short recov- Fig 1: In good sprinting action the athlete’s head,
eries. shoulders and hips are aligned.

Young athletes may tend to try to run as fast as they

• Bounding activities can be conducted in the
can from their start maker. To help teach them to
form of games, mini-competitions or just for
gradually build their run-up speed place 3 markers at
fun. Jump the River with skipping ropes laid
roughly equal distances alongside the runway or the
on the ground with one end about 1 metre
track over the run-up distance. Starting at an easy
apart and the other end about 4 metres apart
pace ask the athlete to ‘change gears’ every time they
can encourage the athletes to try to leap fur-
pass a marker building greater speed in each section
ther as the distance becomes increasingly
until they pass the take-off area or ‘finish line’. Encour-
difficult. This can be done from a standing
age the athlete to maintain their speed until well past
position or with a short run-up.
the last marker. (Fig 2.)
• The swing away – on landing the athlete relaxes the ankle,
knee and hip joints and swings the hips to the side to clear
the marks made by the feet. Inexperienced athletes will
tend to commence the swing away actions during the flight,
traveling through the flight sideways. This counteracts the
efficiency of the flight techniques as well as putting the
athlete at risk of injuring the hip area on impact. This
technique is recommended for older athletes who have a
sound skill level in long jumping

Fig 2: Gear changes can assist the young athlete to SKILL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES FOR THE
learn how to build up speed in the run-up LANDING:
• Short run-up jumps ensuring efficient take-off ac-
tion and attempting to put the chest on the thighs
during the preparation for landing (hold the take-
off position momentarily first and avoid perform-
SKILL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES FOR THE RUN-UP: ing this action too early in the flight).

• Practice sprint drills over 20 – 30m. • V-sits – the athletes try to touch their toes while
• Form runs over 40 – 60 metres – the athletes con- balancing on the point of their backside, forming
centrates on good running form then tries to main- a V position. This strengthens the lower abdomi-
tain form as speed increases. nal muscles and creates an awareness of the
• Short sprints over 20 – 40 metres either from a correct position.
standing start, a rolling start (2 – 3 walk/jog strides
before sprinting, or flying starts (the athlete builds • Jump up onto high jump mats from a short run-up
speed over 5 – 10 metres before sprinting flat out – ensuring strong take-off movements to gain
over desired distance). maximum height and landing with full extension.
• Practice running over the take-off board without It is NOT recommended to encourage the athlete
looking. Most young athletes make judgment errors to land on the backside in the pit as this can re-
as they approach the board resulting in slowing sult in serious injury.
down, stuttering or over-striding
An efficient landing is a byproduct if an efficient take-off. The take-off action converts the athlete’s speed of the
If the athlete does not get sufficient height at the take- run-up into a vertical lift off the board and will deter-
off it may be difficult to gain the best landing position. mine the flight path of the athlete’s centre of gravity
through the air.
Key points in the landing phase: Key points in the take-off phases are:
a. Landing is made with the feet together in front of
the body 1. A fast, firm flat footed plant with the foot slightly in
b. The knees bend on contact to allow the body to front of the body. The athlete should avoid stamping
move beyond the foot marks (Fig. 7). on the take-off board as it will be counter-productive
to getting lift off the board.

2. There should be a vertical alignment of the head,

upper body and hips, with full extension of the take-
off leg at the hip knee and ankle. The athlete should
avoid bending in the middle in the take-off position
as this will accelerate the forward rotation of the
body once it is in the air. (Fig.3).

3. There is a powerful drive of the free knee to hip

level. The free knee is bent with the foot under the
Fig 7: An efficient landing begins at take off. line of the knee – not leading it. If the free knee
drives higher than the hip level (or parallel) there
If the athlete has poor extension prior to landing it may will be a tendency for the hips to drop therefore
be due to forward rotational forces or poor abdominal making an effective lift off the Board more difficult. If
strength to hold the jackknife position. the foot is leading (ie. Not directly under the line of
the knees), this will result in a slower and less effi-
The most common techniques used in landing are: cient action in converting the horizontal speed the
• The scoop through – where the athlete relaxes athletes has built in the run-up. The foot should be
the knees on landing then scoops the hips dorislexed (at right angles to the shin). (Fig.4)
through to clear the feet marks.
4. Coordinated with the free knee drive is a fast, Note – in the sail technique, the take-off leg is driven for-
sharp opposite arm drive (this is the same arm ward with the foot leading. This puts the athlete’s body
as the take-off foot). The arm should be bent at a into an early landing position and accelerates the forward
90 deg angle with the hand stopping at forehead rotational effects.
level (any higher and it will be less effective)
The hitch kick is developed from the stride jump, where
5. The athlete’s eyes should be looking straight the legs complete another cycle before landing is com-
ahead as he takes off as this will ensure the pleted. The arms work in synchronization with the legs
head is in a stable position during the cycle.

6. The athlete should avoid a long last stride to the SKILL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES FOR THE FLIGHT:
take-off board as this will only serve to place the Note: Always ensure posture is tall and eyes are looking
body is a inefficient take-off position (as will a straight ahead. Once the athlete has developed the basic
stride that is too short). He last stride should be skill, a simulated arm action as in the take-off may be in-
fast and flat troduced:

• Continuous galloping over 10 metres

• Walking 3 strides and performing one gallop
• Jogging 3 strides with one gallop
• Single gallop over one low hurdle
• Gallops over two low hurdles
• 3 – 5 stride run-up with a gallop over low hurdle
or pop-up sticks into the pit.

It is quite normal for an athlete who has mastered the

take-off drills may regress back to a poor take-off position
when learning the flight actions. Continue to reinforce the
Fig.3: - There should be a vertical alignment of the correct position at take-off, but be aware of the risk of
head, upper body and hips with full exten overloading the young athlete with too much information
sion of the take-off leg at the hip and ankle at one time.
on take-off.
and the technique adopted simply prepares the athlete
for an efficient landing position. When teaching the take-off actions it is not neces-
sary to work over the full run-up distance. Empha-
One of the key points of the flight phase is, immediately sis should be only on the take-off movements.
after leaving the board, the jumper should momentarily Start off with 3 strides and as the skill becomes re-
hold the take-off position with the head, shoulders and inforced, have the athlete move back 5 – strides,
hips in line. then 7-9 strides.


The teaching sequence of the stride is as follows (Figs.
a. the athlete performs a holding take-off and adopts
a long, thin shape in the air
b. the take-off foot flicks up to the athlete’s backside
c. the take off knee drives forward and up to join the
free leg while the opposite arm is cycled over the
shoulder to join the other arm
d. arms and legs move forward to a jackknife position
and landing is completed with two feet together. Fig. 4: The free knee is bent with the dorsiflexed
foot under the line of the knee. There is a
coordinated arm drive in the take off action
and the athlete’s eyes should look straight

Young athletes are usually more interested in how far

they can jump so it is important to explain what you
are trying to teach them and make it challenging and
fun at the same time. Try to encourage them to feel
themselves performing the skill correctly and praise
Fig 6: The Stride Jump sequence them when they achieve success.

• Have the athlete try to hold the take off position

into the pit (tall posture, free thigh about parallel,
opposite arm bent with hand to forehead level,
eyes straight ahead)

• Suspend an object above the pit so athletes will

have to try to jump up and touch it with their
hand (an orange net fruit bag stuffed with plastic
bags is a safe and economical idea

• Stand at the side of the pit nearest to the ath- Fig.5: Pop-up sticks are easy to make and useful for
lete’s free knee. Ask the athlete to try to touch a take-off drills
piece of foam (or light cardboard tube) with the
knee as they hold the take-off position (when the
thigh is about parallel to the ground). Remove THE FLIGHT
the object just before impact. There are several different flight techniques in long jump.
Most untrained Little Athletes perform the sail technique.
• Ask the athlete to leap into the pit holding the This can be easily adapted to the more efficient stride
take-off position and landing on the opposite jump, which is a precursor to the hitch kick. Both the
foot. Provide a variety of objects at the start of stride jump and the hitch kick enable the athlete to adopt
the pit for the athlete to jump over emphasizing a more efficient position in the air to retard the forward ro-
correct take-off movements. Low, light hurdles, tational effects of the light. The other most common tech-
does, or pop-up sticks (a mini-high jump made of nique in the hang. This requires the athlete to arch the
3 pieces of dowel sitting on a bulldog clip on back during the flight then forcefully thrust the legs for-
each upright – Fig.5) can be used. Avoid objects ward into the landing.
that may cause injury to the athlete such as full
sized hurdles, boxes etc) It should be remembered that the height the athlete
achieves in the flight is determined by a combination of
the run-up speed and the take-off position and actions.
Once in the air, the athlete’s flight path is predetermined

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